Wednesday, April 20, 2022


  Like most of the Central and South American data, the work is by Fernando Aedo

  Editing by Isaac Mozeson.



A1.  MAYAN (Amerind,  Central American, now largely southern Mexico and Guatemala) . The Mayan family in the Rhulen classification is Penutian.

Major source:  Alfred M. Tozzer’s  A Maya Grammar,  (Dover, NY, 1977). The differences between dialects are usually slight. Aprox. 1/3 of  Mayan words are identical in all dialects. Many dominant Mayan words in the Mayan section that follows lacks a specified dialect.

Use Find/Search to find  multiple words grouped by meaning (especially pronouns).

 A second source of additions by I.M.  is   Bibliography at this site. 

Spellings of some Mayan dialects/languages will vary. 


Key to dialect abbreviations used  by Fernando Aedo:

Acatec                  (Acat)        

Achi                     (Achi)   

Aguacatec            (Agua(      

Cakchiquel          (Cakc)       

Chicomuceltec     (Chic)        

Ch’ol                    (Chol)        

Chontal               (Chon)         

Chorti                  (Chor)

Chuj                     (Chuj)

Huastec               (Huas)

Itza                       (Itza)

Ixil                       (Ixil)

Jacaltec               (Jaca)

Kanjobal              (Kanj)

Kekchi/ Q'eqchi' (Kekc)

K’ICHE’/Guatamala  (Kich)

Lacandon             (Laca)

Mam                    (Mam)

Mopan                 (Mopa)

Motozintlec        (Moto)

Pokomam             (Pmam)

Pocomchi             (Pchi)

Quiche/ K’iche’   (Quic)

Sacapultec           (Saca)

Sipacapaca           Sipa)

Teco                     (Teco

Tojolabal             (Tojo)

Tzeltal                  (Tzel)

Tzotzil                 (Tzot)

Tzutujil               (Tzut)

Uspantec             (Uspa)

Yucatec                              (Yuca)


Pronoucing Mayan consonants:    C as in KEY, CH as in church, J as in HAY, X as in shell.

Mayan has no B, D, G or Z.

Many Mayan entries have multiple words in them, so a reader seeking a word not beginning an entry, or following the entry-word alphabetically, should use the computer’s Search/Find program. If an entry only has two Mayan words, that 2nd word will probably follow the entry-word or appear alphabetically with a guide to the entry.




aata, you (Mam); ande, you (Chontal) S-D  nasalized; at, you (Aguacatec, Kekchi, Pocomchi,

    Quiche, Sipacapaca, Uspantec); atat, you (Tzutujil); aúet, you (Motozintlec); et, you (Chol,

     Chorti); ha’at, you (Tzeltal) M312 ; ta(tá), you (Huastec)  את AhT, you (f.), אתה

    ATaH,  you  (m.)  [THOU]


aathil fast (Huas);  chel fast (Ixil) < ß  S-L S-D S-F  רץ  RahTS or RahTS, to run [RUSH]

    (If chel was once like KeL) <  קל  , swift [ACCELERATE])


ab,  steam, mist (Quiche) < עב [A]BH, thick vapor of a cloud [FOG]


abal, for (Huastec) <  S-L   בעבור B’[A]BHOOR, for, in order that   [FOR]


a’balil, darkness;  abal, abalil, night  (Jacaltec) < S-B 

     אפל APHeL, gloomy, dark;  S-L ß   ערפל   [A]RaPHeL , darkness, thick fog [PALL] ;

      M132 S-L ערב   [E]ReBH, evening [PALL] -- see aq'ab'al


aba’q,  soot  (Kich) ;  ab^c, ashes, soot (Ch’ol)  S-G <   אבק  ABHahQ, dust, powder [ABACUS]

-- see bic


abir,  last year < עבר [A]BHahR, time past  [OVER]


ac, rattan (Tojolabal); aj, cane  (Tzotzil) ; oj, cane (Chontal) < אחו AKHOO,

     reeds, marsh plants, rushes… all vowel-guttural stiff plants good for wickerwork

     [Genesis 41:2]


ac’al, charcoal (Tzotzil); aqal, charcoal (Chuj);  aq’al, charcoal (Tzeltal); calul, charcoal

      (Huastec) ;  qalul charcoal  (Chic) <  S-G    גחל GeKHeL burning coals [COAL]


acan, bark, groan (Mopan) < קינה  QeeYNaH, complaint, wailing lament or

       keening;  מקוננים MiQOANiNeeYM, mourners, dirge-singers    [KEEN]


acaú, younger brother; ucú, older brother (Chic) <  אח AK[H], brother [EACH]


achi, man (Quic); achin, man (Cakchiquel);  ichan husband (Yuca); ich’an, man (Mam);

    ich'e man (Mam);  iichaam, man, male (Teco) < S-F   N איש  EeYSH,  man, husband,

    male [EACH]


ah-chum, soothsayer (Kanjobal) S-G S-F; ajmes, one who consults spirits,

      sorcerer   (K’ich’e)  M132 <  קסם  Qoa$aiM, a soothsayer ; קסם  Qa$aM, to practice

      divination,  soothsaying, the reading of oracles  [KISMET]


ahtzoc, turkey hen (Jacaltec);   rev.  cutz , turkey (Yucatec)   < S-D S-G   תוקי  TOOKeeY, parrot,      exotic bird   [TOUCAN]


ne,  I (Mam);  en , I (Chorti); ‘inen,  I (Mopan); na(na),  I (Huastec); on, I (Ch’ol) ;  < אני

     ANeeY,  first pers.  sing. pronoun:  I  [ME]


ai-úl, eat (Huastec); uael, eat (Tojolabal)  < אכל OAKHaiL, eat [EAGLE]


aj -- see ac


ah-chum, soothsayer (Kanjobal) -- see ajmes


ajt, spider, web-spinner (Itza) < S-G  חוט K[H]OODT, thread  [ACCOUTERMENTS]


ajtzi,  autum <  S-G     קיץ QaYiTS, summer, end of the Middle East growing season;    קץ QaiTS,   end [COAST]


al offspring, child, sprout (Chol) ; al, young (Kekchi);  ala, young boy (Quiche);  ála, child

     (Tojolabal) ; ali  young girl (Achi, Quiche) ; olol, child (Tzotzil); y-al, small, young of

     offspring  (Ch’ol) <  עולל  [O]aLaiL, child, infant, boy [GIRL]  -- see cerem


alátz, baby (Tojol) < S-D    ילד YeLeD, child ;  ילד YaLahD, to bear,  beget ;

       לדה YaLahD,  birth [LAD] 


a’len, to scold, complain (Ch’ol); ilin, complain (Tzotzil) < לון LOON to complain,

       to murmur against (The root of  תלונה  TiLOONaH in Exodus 16 :7).


 aluu’, mister, madam (Aguacatec); olom, lord, master (Tojolabal)   < אול OOL, nobles,

      princes, wealthy men; mighty person; אל EL, power, lord, Lord, mighty one [ELITE]


amaq, tribe; nation; country <  rev.  עם [A]hM or GHahM, nation, country


amlu, caterpillar, worm (Aguacatec);  amlú, worm (Agua); amolo’, worm (Cakc)

     <   rev.   S-L    רמה    ReeMaH  (worm)  [WORM]


ande, you (Chontal) < N S-D    אתה ATaH, you; Biblical Aramaic of Daniel 2 :29

   אנתה ANTaH,

      thee, you  [THOU] -- see aata


ani, and, with (Huastec) S-N ; chómo, and, with (Motozintlec) < עם  [E]eeM or GHeeM, with



anoja, chief (Chontal) < rev.  כהן  KoaHaiN, religious or political leader [KHAN]


antúch, coyote (Chic) < rev,  תן TahN, jackal (wild canine) [JACKAL] -- see  tz’inn


a’ón, we (Chuj) < אנו ANOO, we [NOSTRATIC]


apuunk, to blow wind (Kekc)  <  M213  נפח  NaPHaK[H], to blow, to breathe [FAN]


aq'ab'al, night (Quic)  < M132  S-L  ערב  GHeReBH, evening -- see a’balil


aqal, aq’al -- see  ac’al


as, you (Ixil)  < את Ah(S), you (f.)  [THOU]


asampa, to swell (Chorti) S-F  N  S-B ;  sipa’an, swollen (Mopan) S-F  S-B  ; sipc’, to swell (Ixil) S-F  ;  thopel, to swell    (Huastec)  S-B   < צב TSahBH or  TSahBH, swelling  [PROTUBERANCE]


-asin, to harm by neglect (Chol) < אסון A$OAN,  mishap, harm, hurt [Genesis 42:4]


asun, rain (Chuj) < S-N  גשם GeSHeM, rain ;   גשם  GaSHahM, to shower [COSMOS]


asún, n. wind (Jacaltec) < rev.  נשב  NaSHa(V), to blow;  נשף  NeSHePH, breezy time;

     נשם  NaSHahM, to blow, breathe   [ANIMUS]


at -- see aata


a’tam, early <  S-D קדם QoaDeM, early [HEAD]


atat -- see at, aata


atob, good (Pocomchi); butz, good (Chorti)  rev. ; tibil, good (Yucatecan) <   טב DToaBH,

     good   [DIVINE]


atz’eem, wet (Huastec); tzoman, tz’oom, wet (Yucatecan)  < 1.  rev.   מיץ MeeYTS, fruit juice ;

       2. Aramaic fricative-from- ד  Dalet shift   דם DahM, blood, juice ;  דמע DaMa[A]h,

       teardrop [MOIST, MEAD]


aúet  -- see  aata


awat, shout  (Yucatecan) < S-B  בטא BeeDTAy, proclaim, articulate, speak rashly  [BID]


bala,  to twist, as in entwining two fibers (Teco) <  בלל  BaLaL, to mix different things together, to ball up  [BALL]


bála, jaguar, puma (Cakchiquel); balam, jaguar (Yucatecan) <  rev.  לביא LaBHeeYE, lion



bl-el, to darken (Ch’ol) <   S-B   אפל OAPHeL, dark, gloomy  [PALL]


baakal (a diety)  <  S-G   בעלBa’GHaL (master, major deity name) [BULLY]


baanu, to make, do (Kekchi);  ban, to make (Quiche)  <   בנה  BaNaH, to build,

      construct, manufacture [BONE]


 baq, meat   < בקר  BaQaR, cattle  [BUCKAROO]]


bála, jaguar or puma  (Cakchiquel)  <   rev.    לביא   LaBHeeYE, lion  [LEOPARD]


baleb, many, much (Kekchi) < S-L רב RahBH, much [RIFE]


ban, pretty (Aguacatec)  < S-B  rev. נאוה  Na'AVaH or Na'WaH, comely

    (Songs 1:5)   [BONNY]


bat, leave (Tzotzil);  bot, leave  (Tzotzil);  p’at, leave (Yucatecan)  S-B  < בדל BaDaL, to divide,

     separate, come apart;  sub-root: בד BahD, alone … as a separated limb of a tree, as the

     exclusive conj. BUT [BAT, DIVIDED]


batan, bad (Mtozintlec) <   בדד BHaDaD, isolate, the source of BAD [DIVIDED];

     בדא BaDAh, to deceive [BAD]


batau, armadillo  (Huastec);  bosh, armadillo (Mam) ;  ibach or ibats, armadillo (Yucatecan)

     <   ß  צב TSahBH or TSaBH, turtle, hard-shelled lizard  (Lev. 11:29)  [TOP]

     -- see tzabal


bätz, to tie up, to bandage, to wrap up a wound (Quiche) <   S-F  חבש  [K]HaBHahSH,

     to bind  around, to dress or bandage a wound [HASP]


bic, fine powder, as ground corn (Mopan); pojo, dust (Ixil) S-B S-G; pooq, dust

   (Pocomchi) S-B ; pucuc, dust (Chol) S-B S-G; puuj, dust (Mam) S-B S-G

    < אבק  ABHahQ, dust [ABACUS] 


bichim, deer (Huastec) < rev.  צבי  TSiBeeY, roebuck, gazelle      [BEAST]


biil-o, to swallow, engulf, eat up (Teco)  <  בלה  BaLaH, swallow, wear away, eat away

    [DEVOUR] ;   חבל ]K[HaBaL, to hurt, destroy [BALEFUL]


bin, they say (Yucatecan); binic, speak (Uspantec) <  rev.     ניב  NeeYBH is an expression or

      speech; נבא NaBHAh is to utter or  proclaim; נביא NahBHeeYE is a prophet 



biis-u, think about (Teco); bashbol, intelligent (Tzotzil) < rev.  חשב K[H]aSHahBH, to think,

    figure, reason [GUESS]


bis, sad (Uspantec); bisoj, to be sad, to mourn or lament (Quiche) < rev.   עצב [E]TSeBH, grief,

     sorrow; עצוב,   [A]TSOOBH, sad  [SOB]


bish, reed, cane (Tzotzil) < S-B  S-F  rev.  סוף $OOPH, reed, rushes, bulrushes

     [SURF, SWAMP]


bitz, eye, ( Mam);  c^-púut, eye (Chontal)  <   S-B   הביט HeeBeeYDT, to look   [VIDEO];  

         rev.   צפה TSaPHaH, to look out at, anticipate [SPY]


boor, bee (Lacandon) < דבורה D’BHOARaH, bee  [GOSPEL]


boron,  food for the gods, ambrosia (Quiche) < ברה    BaRaH, to feed, to eat ;

      בריה BiRiYahH, food;  בריא BaReeYE, fed, fattened  [DEVOUR]


bot, to split (Ch’ol) < בדל BaDaL, to divide, separate ; בדד BaDaD, isolate [BIT]


botz, to pull out (Ch’ol) < rev.  חטף K[H]aDTaPH, to catch, snatch;   rev.  קטף QaDTaPH

    pluck    [HUNT]


boy, fatigue  (Ch’ol) <  rev.  S-B   עיף [A]YePH, tired  [IOWA]


buchul, work (Ixil) < M213 סבל $eyBHeL, burden (as in slavery, forced labor -- Exodus 1 :11



buj, divide in two (Yuca) < בקע BaQ[A]h, is to split open [PICK]


buk, to strike (in a fit) (Quiche); puk’ij, to strike something <  בעט Ba’GHahDT, to strike out

      at something [BOOT]; rev.   כף  KahF, to compel, to cuff by hand  [CUFF]; שפק SaPHaQ,

      to strike, slap, clap [SPANK]


bul, beans (Mayan:Yucatecan) ;  bu'ul,  bean (Chol) <  S-B   פול   POAL, bean  [FALAFEL[]


buliq, pretty (Chic) <  S-L   פאר P’ER, beauty [FAIR]


bus, fold (Uspantec) < rev. סבך $aBaKH, to interweave, to fold together [BUSH]


bush,  bowl (Chontal, Tzotzil) <  rev. סף $aPH, goblet, bowl, basin; ספל $eFeL, bowl,

      mug   [SUPPER]   -- see  p’is          


butz, good  (Chorti) <  rev.   טב DToaBH, good -- see atob    [DIVINE]


butz , kiss (Tzotzil) <   rev.    S-F S-B   שפה SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]

    Spanish beso, a kiss    -- see tzub       


bu'ul,  bean (Chol) -- see  bul


buunin, son (Chuj) < בן BeN a son [BONE]


buur, beans (Chorti)   < S-B S-L    פול  POAL, beans  ; בר   BaR,

     corn, grain,  storable food     [BARLEY, FALAFEL]]


c’aa’inchal, to desire (Huastec) < N  rev.  שקק SHaQahQ, to thirst greedily;  חשק

      [K]HeSHeQ,  to desire, desire, the desired object [SEEK]


caar, neck (Lacandon) <  S-G  S-L על  GHoaL, yoke [COLLAR];  S-G   גרון GaROAN,

    throat    [GROAN]


c’ab, hand (Yucatecan); q’ab, hand (Tzel); c'^b, c'ob is a  hand, handful or numerical classifier

    in all Mayan dialects <  S-B   כף KahF, palm of hand    [CUFF];  S-B  חפן    [K]HoaFahN, closed hand, handful [FIN]



cabech, silver (Moto) < M132  S-B S-F  כסף K$ePH, silver [ASPIRIN]


c’ach , net for carrying things < כיס KiY$, purse, bag [ENCASE] ;   rev.  שק

      SahQ, bag-like container [SACK]


cach -- see  cos


c’al, close, shut (Yucatecan); c’al, lid (Mopan);  c’^l^,   to close, shut (Itza) < S-G  S-L 

    סגר   $’GaR, to shut;  S-L   סכר $aKaR, to shut up, stop up [SECURE]


cal, house (Aguacatec) < היכל HaYKHahL, palace or temple [HALL]


cal, throat (Yucatecan); ca<al, neck <  S-G S-L   גרון GaROAN, throat 

     [GROAN]; S-G   עול GHOAL, yoke [COLLAR]]


cal, cul locust (Maya: Jaca) < S-L כרע KaR[A]h, to crouch… thus the creature with stooped,

      bowed legs,  (as the Tarahumara grasshopper) [CROUCH]


caláb, many, much (Ixil); baleb, many, much (Kekchi) <   S-L  רב  RaBH, abundant [RIFE]


calul -- see ac’al


cam, take, accept (Teco); c’ambe, to accept  (Yucatecan);  c’am-ic, to catch, receive

       (Yucatecan) < קמץ QaMaTS, to grasp by hand, take a handful  [HAND]


camsaa, cans, kill (Pokomchi) <  rev.   מכה  MaKaY, a striking , a “slaughter” in I Sam 4:10;

      נכה NaKaH, to smite, beat, slay, kill  [KNOCK] --  see kans


c'^aná, marsh, swamp (Kanj) <  M213 S-G S-N אגם AGahM, pond  [OCEAN]


can-, look around (Ch’ol) < עין  GHaYeN, look! ; S-G  הנה HiNeH, behold


can, to sell (Lacandon); conic, to sell it (Itza) < קנא QeNAh to buy, purchase [COIN]


can, snake (Itza, Mam)  <  1. Aramaic עכן  [E]KHeN, snake; 2.  rev.   נחש 

      NaK[H]aSH, snake  -- see can, chon, kumatz


can, to remain, stay (Tojolabal); c’an(ic), remain, stay (Uspantec) <   חנה K[H]aNeH,

     to encamp, settle down;  מחנה MaK[H]aNeH, a camp, settlement [HAUNT]


c’an, want, desire (Tzotzil); can-a’, want, desire (Jacaltec); com-cú, I desire (Ch’ol);  < S-N

    חם   K[H]aM warmth, passion; חמד K[H]aMahD, to desire [AMITY]


c’an, ripe (Yucatecan); c^n, ripe, (Ch’ol); q’an, ripe (Teco)

      <  S-G S-N  גמל GaMaL, to wean, ripen ; גמר GaMaR, to complete  [MEGALOMANIAC]


c'^aná, marsh, swamp (Kanjobal) <   S-G S-N אגם AGahM, pond, lake, bulrushes;  אגן  

     AGaN,  basin  [OCEAN]


canche, stool  (Yucatecan) < N  S-F   כסא  Kee$Ay, a chair [CHAISE ][


can-o, yes (Ixil) < כן  KaiN, yes, agree, firm and confirmed  [CANE]


c’ap, hand (Chorti) <  כף KahPH, palm of hand   [CUFF];  חפן    [K]HoaPHahN, closed hand, handful [FIN]


cap’el,  two (Itza) < כפל KePHeL, to doublé,  to fold over  [COUPLE]


c'as , trash, dirty (Mopan); cush dirty (Tojolabal); qas ugly (Itza) <    שקץ  SHeQeTS ,

       a disgusting thing [DISGUST]


cat, large earthenware pot  (Yucatecan) <   S-D כד  KahD, vessel, “pitcher”  [CADDY]


c’at -- see  k’atik


catz(el)   -- see  chuc


catzij, cut (Achi) -- see q’at


ceem, two (Pokomam) <  S-G  גם GahM, also, both  [GAM1]


ceel, cold (Yucatecan) <  S-L קר  QahR, cool, cold [COOL]  -- see below


ce’er, cold (Lacandon);   joron, cold (Quiche) <  S-L קר  QahR, cool,

      cold    [CRYOGENICS]; חרף  K[H]oaReF, winter [HIBERNATE] -- see above


celém, young  (Chuj, Tojolabal) <  S-G   עלם  GHeLeM, young man;  עלמה GHaLMaH or

      [A]LMaH, young girl  [ALUMNUS]  -- see  cerem


cerem, young male (Motozintlec) <  S-L  עלם  GHeLeM, young man  [ALUMNUS] 

      -- see al, celém


c’esh, exchange, trade (Ch’ol) < S-G  S-F  rev.   סחר $aKHaR, to circulate in commerce,

      to trade or traffic [SCURRILOUS]


c’euel,  animal skin  (Yucatecan); cul, skin  <  S-G  S-L עור GHoWR, skin   [CORIUM]


chaac, rain (Yucatecan) ; chac’, wet (Maya: Jacaltec); chacán, wet (Kanj);   chace, wet

    (Kuche); chacán, wet (Kanj); chucán, drink (Jaca);

     tz’aj(el), to soak  (Tzot); tz’aj, soak, dip (Chol); tz’aqic, wet (Pchi); tza’c’in,

      immerse (Chol)  <  יצק   YaTSoaQ, to pour liquid; סך  $aKH is to drench (Ruth 3:3);

      שקה S(H)aQaH is to water or irrigate (Genesis 21:19)    [SOAK]  


chaac2 (thunder) -- see chaak, sik’ij


cha’-ac, give back, return (Ch’ol) <  S-G  S-F   סוג $OOG, to go back, to draw back,

    retreat [SAG]


ch’a<’ab -- see  chap<o>


ch’a<’ab, to be gotten (Yucatecan);  S-B chap<o>, to take hold of, to grasp, to grab (Quiche) ;

     chapon, capture (Uspantec  <  תפש (S)aPHaS or TaPHaS, to catch, handle, lay hold,

     take hold of, seize, wield [CAPTURE]; CH as guttural:  כף  KaPH, palm of hand; חפן   

     K[H]aPHaN (handful) ;  קפץ  QaPHaTS (to shut the hand, to draw together). [COP]


chaak, to roar, thunder (Ch’ol); chaac, thunder (Mopan); chauc, thunder (Tzotzil) ;

      ch’e’j, noisy (Lacandon); tzokokem, noise (Quiche)   < S-G שאג  SHA’ahG, to roar    



chabej, to speak (Uspantec) <  S-F S-B  שפה SaPHaH, speech; ספר $aPHaR, to recount,

     relate    [SPEECH]  --  see sup



ch’ac, to cut by striking (Yucatecan); sec, cut down (trees) (Ch’ol) < סעף  $aGHaPH, to 

      lop off;  rev.   כסח  Ka$aKH, to  cut ;   rev.  קצץ QaTSaTS , to  chop down  [SCIZZORS]


chail,  cold (Chico); chal, ice (Jacaltec)  <  שלג SHeLeG

     snow  [SLEIGH]; if ch formerly a guttural:   S-L קר  QahR, cold;קרח   QeRaK[H],

     ice  [COOL] 


chakuyik, to support (Quiche) <   S-F S-G Aramaic סעד $aGHaD, to support, make firm, assist [SCADS];    rev.   עזר   [A]ZahR, to aid [SUCCOR]


chal, small (Aguacatec) <  S-F S-L   זעיר Z’[A]YR and צעיר TSa[E]ehR, little, small



chal2,  ice (Jaca) < שלג  SHeLeG , snow [SLEIGH]


chalam -- see  tzalam


ch’am, arrow (Pokoman) < rev.   מסע Ma$’[A]h,  dart, arrow, missile (Job 41:18); shooting

   straighter with an MS arrow is the Aguacatec: Mayan arrow:  mes. [MISS]] -- see mes


cham, die <  rev.  מות MOO(S), to die;  מוש MOOSH, to depart



cham2, molar tooth (Yucatecan);  chental, molar tooth (Maya: Chic)  <  S-N שן SHaiN, tooth



cham3, nose (Chuj)  < dental drop S-G  חטם [K]HoaDTaM, snout ]HUNT[


chamac  -- see  ch.’ian        


chamta, as good as dead (Tojolabal) < תמותה (S)’MOOTaH, marked for death

    (Psalms 79:11)   [CHECKMATE, MEAT]


chan, spring, fountain (Chontal)  <  rev.  נזה NaZaH, spurt, spatter, sprinkle; rev.   נזל NaZahL,

      to flow, gush out [NOZZLE]; CH as guttural:   עין GHaYiN, GHaiN, a fountain, spring,

      water source  [ORIGIN]


chap, bad (Jaca) <  rev.   באש BAh’aSH   loathsome, stinking, evil [BISON]


chap<o>,  chapon  -- see  ch’a<’ab


tuq , leg (Maya: Pchi)  <  שוק SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK]


chaqi  -- see  tzaqa


chauc  -- see   chaak  


che' , thus, so, yes (Chol) < זה  ZeH, this [SO];   rev.   ישYeSH, there is [YES]


che' ,  tree, wood (K’iche’, Q’eqchi, Yuca)  <    rev. S-F  עץ [E]TS, tree, wood

      [ASH TREE, STICK]  -- see tZe'


cheej, laugh  (Lacandon, Yucatecan); tzeej, laugh  (Tojolabal ) <  צחק TSa[K]HahQ, to laugh;  

      צחוק TS[K]HOAQ, a laugh, a joke   [CHUCKLE]


ch’e’j  -- see   chaak   


 ch’ek  to guess (Quiche) < rev.  S-F  חוש K[H]OOSH, to act on impulse or emotion



ch’ek, to earn wages, to attain gain (Quiche) < שכר SaKHahR, to hire;  השתכר

           HiSTaKHeR, to earn wages, a reward  [HIRE]


chel1 , fast -- see aathil (Huas) 


chel2,  cold (Tojo); chiri cold, frozen, frigid   < if CH from a guttural :   קר QahR, cold [COOL] -    see ce’e; like chiriqlla adj. cold  in Quechua


chen, water jug (Ixil); shun, pot (Pmam); tanaashah, pitcher (Pmam) < צנצנת

     TSiNTSeNeT or TSiNTSeNeT, jar, vessel [STEIN]  


chep, cut (Ch’ol) ;  ספר $aPahR to cut; Aramaic,  to cut hair, (Middle Hebrew)  [GOSPEL]


ch.’ian, chian, dog (Mam); chamac, female fox (Yucatecan),  ch’omac, fox, coyote (Yuca)

     <תן   (S)ahN or TahN, jackal , any wild canine    [DINGO] -- see chamac


ch’ic, sit (Pokoman) < rev.  כסא Ki$E, seat, throne, stool  [CHAISE]


chicat, pillow, bed (Uspantec) < M213 כסת Ke$eT, cushion, pillow Ezek. 13:18 [CUSHION]


chich’im, grease (Chorti) < שמן SHeMeN, fat, oil [MONSOON]


chiic, sweet (Chico); tzic, sweet (Huastec) < שכר SHeYKHaR, fermented drink

    (natural  sugar)   [SUGAR]


chiin, sweet potato (Tzel) <   rev.  S-F S-N מתוק  Ma(S)oaQ, sweet [MUSK]


chij, deer (Tzotzil); chej, deer (Chuj) <  rev.   עז GHaiZ  or [A]iZ ,  goat, a ruminant (no goats 

    native to the Americas [GAZA]


chijl, net, bag (Chorti) < שק SahQ,  bag-like container [SACK]


ch’il, fry (Ch’ol); t’a’iil, burn (Huastec) ; til(el) burn (Tzotzil); tiil-u, burn (Teco) < burning

      words include   צלהTSaLaH or TSaLaH , to grill,   צלי TSaLeeY or TSaLeeY, roast and

      S-F S-L שרף  SaRaF, to burn [ROAST, SAFFRON]


chil, basket (Mam) < S-F   סל $aL, basket (Genesis 40:16)


chil2 , a loose-fitting, shirt-like dress < שול SHOOL,  skirt, train, garment that hangs

     down  < שול SHOOL, to hang down  [SHAWL]


chil3, cricket (Ch’ol);, criCket (Kanjobal) ; shi’l, cricket (Quiche) ; tz’ili’ , grasshopper,

     cricket (Huastec) < S-F  סלעם  $iL’[A]M, a  locust  (Lev. 11:22);  חסיל  [K]Ha$eeYL,

     grasshopper, locust;  צלצל  TSiLaTSaiL, cricket, grasshopper, Deut. 28:42 ;  צלצל

     TSiLaTSaiL in Isaiah 18:1 refers to whirring wings;  The loud cicada insect was formerly

      spelled  CICALA  [LOCUST, SALSA]


chilab, n. commission, charge, task (Quiche) < S-F  M132 סבל $ayBHeL, burden, load [SUFFER]


chim or  chin, two (Tzotzil) ;  ch^n,  constantly, repeatedly, again (Chol) <

          S-F  S-N שני SHeYNeeY, second; שנה   SHaNaH, to repeat  [CHANGE] 


chinan, alligator (Yuca) < S-F   תנין   (S)ahNeeYN, crocodile [TUNA]


ch’ip, bird (Moto)  <  S-F  צפר TSiPOR bird [SPARROW]  liquid drop


ch’ip, grow (Jacaltec) <  S-F  ספיח $aPiYaKH,  spontaneous, wild growth; יסף YiaSaPH, to

   add, increase;  rev.   פסה  Pa$aH  and  פשה  PaSHaH, to spead out, to extend   ]PATIO]


ch'ip', open slightly  Ch’ol) < S-F   rev.   פת Poa(S), opening;   פתה Pa(S)aH, to open;

     פתח Pa(S)a[K]H, to open,   פתח Pa(S)ah[K]H, an opening, passageway  



chiri  -- see  chel 


chirja, rain (Chorti)  < M132   סערה  $ah’GHahRaH, rainstorm (Isaiah 40 :24) ;

   סגריד $aGRiD, heavy rain (Prov. 27:15) [SQUALL]; S-L  שלג  SHeLeG, snow [SLEIGH]


chiuel, fear (Tojolabal) <  CH as guttural  S-L  חרד K[H]aRaiD, to fear, to tremble ;

    חיל K[H]eeYL, trembling  [ILL]


ch^n, constantly, repeatedly, again (Ch’ol) <  שנה  SHaNaH, to repeat [CHANGE]


ch’obonic, to divine, to understand (Quiche) <   שבר  SaBHahR,  to think, understand;   בינה BeeYNaH, understanding, insight    [BONE UP]


choc, water jar (Jacaltec); shoq, jug, pitcher (Mam);  chojón, long-necked jug without handle

     (Aguatec) <   אסוך A$OOKH, flask, small jug  II Kings 4:2 ;   שקת SHoaQeT,

     watering  trough  for animals to drink;  S-F  rev.  כוס KOA$, cup [SOAK]


ch’o’j -- see saac  


ch’ok,  hook (to hang clothes, meat); fish hook (K’ich’e) < חכה   [K]HaKaH, hook for fishing,

      hook. So common a global word that it’s likely the CH was a guttural here, not a fricative.



ch’ol  -- see tsol


cholich, thorn (Huastec) < סלון  $aLON, thorn, prickle ; S-L  סרב $aRaB, thorn,

     thistle -- both in Ezekiel 2:6


ch’omac -- see  ch.ian


chómo -- see  ani


 ch’one, to be sick (Ixil); ch’on, ill (Aguatec) <  rev.   נסס Na$a$, to be consumed, sick ill

      (Isaiah 10:18)


chong-o, to trade (Jacaltec);  chonjel, sell (Tojolabal)   < S-F S-G   N סחר $aK[H]aR,

     to circulate in trading, trafficking, marketing ; שער SHaGHaR, market place,

     the frenetic selling place beside the city gates (II Kings 7:1(    [SCURRY]


chop, family (Tzotzil) <  S-F  S-B  rev.  בית BaYi(S) or BaYiT, family, household, 

    house [BOOTH]


choqí, storm (Chico) <  S-F S-G  סער $aGHahR, a  storm, tempest, hurricane [SQUALL]


 ch’osh, species of worm (Lacandon, Ch’ol);   sunsúy, caterpillar, worm (Quiche)

< סס $a$, moth, worm larva, grub (Isaiah 51:8)


chuaan, give (Jacaltec)  < תן (S)aiN, give! (imper.);  תנה (S)aNaH, to bestow;  the formal

      3-letter root is  נתן   NOA(S)aiN or NoTaiN, to give   [TENDER]


chuc, capture, grab (Ch’ol)   <   rev.   אחז A[K]HaZ, to grasp, hold  [HAS]


chuc, move, shake (Tojolabal) <  S-F S-G   זוע ZOOaGH, to tremble, shake [SHAKE];

       סוג $OOG, to backslide,  and שוג SOOG, to move, turn back or away; to recede [SAG]


chucán, drink (Jacaltec)  <  S-F S-G    צקTSoaQ , to pour (imper.) ;     שכרSHaKHahR,

   to be drunk;        שכר SHayKHahR,  intoxicating drink;  שקת SHoaQeT, watering-

   trough ;  שקה S(H)aQaH is to water or irrigate (Genesis 21:19).      [SAKI, SOAK]


chucel, jail (Tzotzil) <  S-F S-G  S-L  סהר $oHaR,  prison, lock-down;  סוגר $OOGaR,

       prison,  cage; סגר $aGahR, locked, closed shut [SECURE]


chuclaji , to get down on all fours (Mopan);  shactal, to go on all fours, like an animal

      (Yuca)  <  זחל ZaKHaL to crawl, creep  [SLUG]


chup -- see tzahab


chumbali, to think, consider (Ixil) N  <  S-F S-L  שבר SaBHahR, to think, be sapient,

     to anticipate  [ASPIRE]


chumuc, middle (Lacandon) <   rev.    Aramaic-Syriac מצע   MaTS[A]h, middle;  Post Biblical:

    אמצע    EMTS[A], middle ;   עצם [E]TSeM, essence  [MEZZANINE]


chun, snow (Uspantec) <  S-F צנה TSeeNaH, the cold of snow [SNOW]


chupul   -- see   sipoj


ch’uq<u>, to cover (Quiche)  <  סכך  $aKHahKH, to cover; סך $oaKH, hut, tent,  protective

     cover;  סכה $ooKaH, booth, shelter;   שכך SaKHa, to hedge, fence about, cover

     by screening, to shut in;  rev.  כסה Ka$aH, to cover, conceal      [ENCASE, SHACK] 


ch’ek,  to guess (Quiche) < rev.   חוש K[H]OOSH, by feeling, by a sense [GUESS]


c’iin, sun, day  (Lacandon); c’in, sun, day, heat, light, sunshine (Ch’ol);  q’in, day

      (Yucatecan) < S-G  S-N  1. חם [K]HaM, heat  [CALM] ; 2.  rev.   נגה  NoaGaH, shine



c’il, pot  (Mam) <  כלי KLeeY, vessel;   S-L כיור KeeYOAR,  basin, laver,

    pan   [SCULLERY]     


cilba, heartbeat (Itza) < Arabic qalb, heart; לב LeBH, the heart. [LOVE]


cilwey, food (Cakchikel) < אכל OaKHeL, food   [EAGLE]


c'in, sun, day, to heat up, to celebrate (Ch’ol); cincin, hot (Ch’ol)  < S-G   S-N  חם [K]HaM,

     warmth (emotional too) [CHIMNEY]


cinong, rich (Mam); q’inóm, rich (Quiche) < S-G  הון HOAN, wealth, riches, capital ,

    to earn   [HONORARIUM];  קונה QOANeH, to own, purchase [COIN]


cis, sweep (Ixil) < rev.     סחה  $eeK[H]aH, to sweep away (Ezekiel 26:4); rev.  סחף $aK[H]aPH,

        to sweep away (Jeremiah 46:15)  [SHOVE] -- see shoc


cis, finish  (Uspantec); k’is<o>, to finish something,  to end something  (Quiche)

    <  קץ QaiTS, the end, limit, finish [COAST]


c’ish, thorn (Itza); cishíl, thorn (Pocomchi) <  S-F קץ QoaTS, thorn  [ACACIA]

        (See  c’ith  below, remembering that  ץ  Tsadi can be a fricative or dental.)


citam, peccary, wild pig   (Mopan) <  חטם  K[H]oaDTeM, snout  [COATI, HUNT]


cith, thorn (Huastec) <  S-D  קץ QoaTS, thorn;  חד K[H]ahD, sharp   [ACUTE]

     (See  c’ish above, remembering that  ץ  Tsadi can be a fricative or dental.)   


c^n^n, to guard (Lacandon); c’^n, guard (Ch’ol)  < S-G   הגן  HaGaiN, to defend, protect



cob, coba, to bow (Ixil) < S-B כפף  KaPHaPH to bend, to bow down;  כפל  KaPHahL, to fold,

     double over [FLEX];  כפן  KaPHahN, to bend  [COUPLE]


c’obe’en, oven (Itza) <  S-B   כוה KaVaH, to burn, scorch ; a burn (wound) in Exodus 21:25;

        « roasting »  in  Akkadian ;  rev.  אפה APHaH, to bake or cook [OVEN]


c’ol -- see jul

c’ol, dig out (Ch’ol) <  S-L   כרה  KaRaH, to dig  [HOLLOW] -- see jul


col, to recover , cure (Tzotzil) < חיל K[H]aYiL, vigor  [HEALTH], rev.    ארוכה AROOKHaH,

     cure  [CURE]


colob, rope (Quiche) <  M132 חבל K[H]eBHeL, rope, cord ;  M132 כבל KeBHeL, a strong

     rope, fetter [CABLE]    Reuven Wopschall


c'om, hand (Tzotzil);  q’a’m, hand (Pokoman); q’om, hand (Tzotzil) < קמץ QaMaTS,

       a handful, a grasp  [MITT]


com- -- see c’an



cop to knock (Yucatecan); c^p hit (with fist) (Mopan); juub-i hit, beat (Teco)  

       < כף KauPH, hand  [CUFF] ;  חפן K[H]aPHahN, hollow of hand, fist [PUGNACIOUS] ;

       חבט K]H[aBahDT to beat  [BEAT];  נגף NaGahF, נקף  NaQahF, to strike or hit



copaat, anatomical back (Chontal) < S-G S-B גב GaBH, anatomical back  [GIBBON]


copic -- see qohp


cople'n, dig (Aguacatec)  < S-L   חפר  K[H]aPHahR, to dig [GOPHER]


copo’ fig tree (Mopan); c'opój, young girl (Kanjobal);  q’apoj, a female virgin (Quiche) <

               rev.  S-G  פג PHahG, green fig, immature fig, used for immature children and premature  

               babies;  post Biblical פגה  PaGaH went from meaning immature figs and grapes to mean

               « young  girl » ; a PUG nose appears to be unformed [FIG]

 c’os, to cut with scissors (Yucatecan); c’oos, to trim  (Mopan);  cach, break apart

      (Yucatecan); c’^s, break (Ch’ol) <  כסח Ka$a[K]H, to cut off ; קסס  Qa$a$,

       to strip off, cut off; S-G  גז GaiZ , to shear, clip;  גזז GaZahZ, to cut or shear off ;

       גזר GaZaR, to cut, divide, cut down, cut off [SCISSORS]


cot, fence (Itza, Mopan)  < S-G S-D  גדר GeDeR, a fence [GRID]


cot, beautiful (Chol) <  S-G S-D  עדי GHaDeeY, ornament ;  עדה GHaDaH, to adorn



cotoyal, harvest (Huastec) < S-L  קצר QaTSeeR, (cutting short, harvesting) [CURT]


crem,  young  person (Tzotzil) < S-G S-L עלם GHaLMaH or [A]LMaH, youth, young man;

      עלמה GHaLMaH or [A]LMaH, young woman [ALUMNUS]


cshey, shirt (Aguatec) <   כתנת  Ki(S)oaNeT, shirt  [COTTON];   כסה Ka$eH, to cover

     [ENCASE]; כסות  K$OOT, covering, clothing   [SUIT]


cualal, knee (Huastec) <  S-L  כרע KeR[A]h, knee [CROUCH]


c’uch, cotton thread (Yucatecan); c’uch, thread (Mopan) < כתנה  Koo(S)NaH or KooTNaH ,

       cotton  (from Biblical and Semitic words for flax and linen); חוט K[H]OODT, thread



cuch, roof (Mam) < S-F   כסה Ka$eH, to cover  [ENCASE];    rev.   סכך $iKHaK[H], to thatch

  or cover over  the roof of a sukah a (tabernacle,  ritual booth) [SHACK]


cul, skin -- see  c’euel


cul, belly (Jacaltec) < S-L  כרש  K’RaiS, belly, paunch  [CRASS, PANCREAS] 


culán, speak (Tojolabal) < קול   KOAL, voice [CALL]; S-L  קרא QaRAh, to read aloud, cry

     or call out [CRY]


culuul -- see  gororoj


cumatz, snake (Uspantec) < S-N  S-F    M213   נחש  NaK[H]aSH, serpent  [SNAKE]


cunía -- see q’uq’um


c’upil, a craving (Chol) <  חפץ K[H]aPHaiTS, to desire, covet [CAPITALISM]


c’u’sh,  chest (Cakc, Pmam)  < חזה K[H]aZeH chest, breast (of animals) [CHEST]]


 cush, leg (Mam); cush, thigh  (Agua)  <  שוק SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK]  -- see  casi


cushcush, owl (Tzotzil) <  S-F   כוס KOA$,  owl (kāsu is the Akkadian owl, while the

   unclean bird  of   Leviticus 11:17 is uncertain)  


cuta’án, seat (Lacandon) < first dental drops or rev.     תחת  TaK[H]ahT, beneath,  as Greek and

     Hittite kata, downwards… underside  anatomical seat [CADENCE, SOUTH]


cutz --  see ahtzoc


cuum -- see john


c’úushi, angry (Yucatecan) < כעס Ka’[A]$ andכעש   Ka’[A]S, anger, vexation [HAIL]


c’u’utz, cloth (Tojolabal); suit, cloth (Aguatec) <   כתנה KooTNaH, cotton;  כתנת

      KiToaNeT, shirt  [COTTON]


ebaal, over, above (Huastec) < S-Lעבר   [A]iBHeR,  over, beyond, across [FERRY, OVER]


echbu, drink or eat (Ixil) < S-F   סבא $aBHAh,  to drink, to quaff, to tipple, to be drunk; סבא

     $aBHAh,  is a drunkard.  [SIPHON] ;  rev.    אבוס EBOO$, to fatten with feeding [OBESE]


ehc’en, wife (Pocomchi)  <  rev.  נקבה  NiQay[V]aH  (female), NiQeeYQ (crevice) [NOOK] 

    -- see ijnab


ejar, tomorrow (Chorti) < S-G   מחר   MaK[H]aR, tomorrow, later; אחר  AKHaR, after;

   אחרית AK[H]aReeYT, an adj. For   future time     [MORROW]]


en -- see  ne


eqiniq  -- see q’uq’um


et, you (Chol, Chor) <אתה  ATaH, you  [THOU]   -- see aata, at, tata


etal, sign, symbol (Uspantec) < אות OWT, sign (as the rainbow in Genesis 9:13), mark 

     …letter  [OATH]


etam learn  (Uspantec); etam(anel), a  knowledgeable person; knower; sage (Maya: Quic);

     et’an know (Cakchiquel) ;  nya'tan know, understand, realize, think  (Maya: Chol)

     < rev.    מדד MaDaD, to mete out, measure;   מדה   MeeDaH, a measure; מדוע MaDOO[A]h,

     (the reason) why?, wherefore? (Josh. 17:14) ; מדע  MaD[A]H, knowledge, understanding,

      thought intelligence (II Chron. 1:10); mind (Koren Bible,   (Eccles. 10:20);   New Hebrew

      מדע MaD[A]h,   science …    to know  [MATH, MENTAL, MODE]



ete’, with (Itza) ;  itoc, with, and (Ch’ol) <  את  ET, with (Gen. 14:24) ; עוד  [O[AD,

     furthermore, in addition [ADD]


etz’ey, always (Huastec) < עתי  [E]eTeeY, on the ready ; עת  [E]T, period of time, season 



etzel, bad, corrupt (Uspantec) <  S-F S-L  rev.    רשע RaSH[A]h, wicked, injust [WRONG]


etzelaj, to damage  something (Quiche) <  liquidization S-G נזק  HeeZeeYQ,  damage » 

  (Esther 7:4 in the Jerusalem Bible/Koren) ;  S-F  L -from- נ Noon זנק   ZaNahQ, to leap

   out in attack (Deut.33:22)   [SNEAK]        


gororoj, round  S-L  (Chorti) ; culuul, round S-G  (Mopan) < עגל [A]GoaL, round;   עגלה     

     [A]GaLaH, was a wagon before Latin had a carrus (wagon) round. The region of rolling

      hills is the גליל Galil or Galilee.   [GEAR]    


hat   -- see  aati


ho’ob -- see joop


hot, leather (Huastec) <  חוץ [K]HOOTS, hide, animal skin, our natural COAT and

     OUTside layer of protection [HIDE]


hul, cave (Chico) -- see jul


hul, brook (Aguacatec); jol, brook (Mam) < נחל Na[K]HahL, stream  [INERT]


hulul, flute (Ch’ol) < חליל [K]HaLeeYL, flute, recorder (a reed with HOLES) [HOLLOW]


hunak, big  (9 dialects) <  ענק [A]NahQ, giant [OGRE]


hunin child (Jaca); maam grandchild (Teco);  mam grandson, granddaughter (Yuca) S-N;

     unen  son (Chor); unín  child (Kanj); unin, father’s son (Tojo); unin, son or daughter

    (Tojolabal)   <  ניןNeeYN grandchild, descendant   [EL NIÑO]   -- see unen


ibach -- see  batau


icham, old (Jacaltec); shnihep, old (Chol); shniosh, old (Chol); tzm, old (Huastec)

    rev.    < ישן   YaSHaN, old [SENILE] -- see nosh


ichik, a dream (Quic) < rev.   חזה  K[H]aZeH to dream;  חזון  [K]HaZOAN,  a visión [HAZE]


ich’an,  man (Mam) rev.    and  shinuc, man (Tojo) 

  <  rev.     אנוש ENoaSH, Man [MAN]


icta or ‘icta, to leave (Tzotzil)  < 1.  צאת TSaiT, departure; formal root  יצא   YaTSAh, to go out;  2.  חוץ  K[H]OOTS, the outside     [EXIT]


 ijnab, wife (Ch’ol)  M213 <  rev.  נקבה  NiQay[V]aH  (female), NiQeeYQ (crevice) [NOOK]

   -- see  ehc’en


ilah, see (Itza) <  S-L ראה Ra’AH, to see [LO]


ilbal, the clear vision of lenses, mirrors, etc. (Quiche) <   S-L ברור BaROOR, clear;

    Assyrian  BaRu, to see  [PURE, VERIFY]


ili, demonstrative:  this (Ch’ol); ala’, this (Itza) < אלה ELeH,  אלו  EeLOO, these  [LO]


in, I (Chorti); on, I (Ch’ol) < אני ANeeY, I  [ME]  -- see aine


inen-- see  ne


 ino’on, we (Mopan) < אנו ANOO, we [NOSTRATIC]  


inté, one (Chorti) < אחת  A[K]HaT, no. 1 (f.) [EACH]


isaq', sweet potato (Jacaltec) < מתוק  Ma(S)OAQ, sweet [MUSK];   שכר   SHeYKHaR, fermented drink (natural sugar) [SUGAR]


'ishoq, shoq,woman (Moto)  <  S-G  אשה  EeSHaH, woman [EACH]


ish t’up, little finger (Mopan)  M213 S-B ; tu>uch’ub, index finger (Yucatecan); tuch’ub,

      to point with index finger (Yucatecan) < אצבע ETSB[A]h, finger ;  New Hebrew   הצביע

      HeeTSBeeY[A]h, to point    [STAB[


itoc, with, and (Ch’ol); ete’, with (Itza) < את  ET, with (Genesis 14:24) ;  S-D עוד

    ]O[AD, furthermore, in addition [ADD]  -- see  ete’ 


itzbej, hit (Uspantec) < ספק $aPaQ, to strike, slap,  clap the hands in anger  [SPANK]


itzel, bad (Tzutujil) < rev.   רשע RaSH[A]h, wicked, criminal [WRONG]


jaatz -- see tZe


ja’eni, they  )Mtozintlec) <  S-G הן HaiN, they (f.);  הם HaiM, they (m.) [THEM]


jal^l,  flute (Ch’ol);  j^l^l, reed, cane  (Itza)  < S-G   חליל  [K]HaLeeYL, flute ;  חלל 

    [K]HaLahL, perforated  (as a hollow reed is pierced to make a flute) [HOLLOW]


jala, time  (Chol) < גיל  GeeYL, age, number of years (Daniel 1:10); S-L קרה QaRaH, to

    occur (a time as an occurance) [OCCUR]; see hour at the [HURRY]  entry


jalom, bald  Pokomam) <  גלה GaLaH,uncovered;   גלח GaLa[K]H, shaven one (said of priests);  S-L  קרח QaRa[K]H, bald    [GALYAK]


ja, how many, how much?  (Cakc) <  S-G  S-N  כמה KaMaH, how much? [COMMON]


jaatZ, tree (Chol) < עץ   GHayTS or [A]iTS, tree, wood  [ASH TREE, STICK]


jel, relatives, significant kin (Ch’ol) < גואל GOA’AiL,  kinsman, blood relative;  S-L

     קרוב   QaROA(V), near relative (Leviticus 10:3)


jelanlan, thunder  (Pokomam) < קלת  QoaL(oaT), thunderclaps (Exodus 19:16); the -an

 suffix may echo the Aramaic plural suffix, a S-N of the Hebrew plural suffix ים - eeYM  [CALL]


jelem, whole (Itza) < כל KoL, all, whole  [ALL] -- see jilel


jibia’r, lightning (Chorti) < M312  ברק BaRaQ, a bolt, flash of lightning [FLICKER]


jichún , thin (Mam) < צנום TSaNooM, thin ]THIN[[ -- see tzem

jilel, to totally finish off, destroy all (Chol) >   כלה KaLaH, to fully destroy an enemy

   [All, KILL][

jilil, very ill (Tzotzil) < חלה    K[H]oaLaH, to be sick  [ILL]


jil-jil, long (Tzotzil) <   rev.  ארך  ARoaKH, long;  אורך   OReKH, length [REACH]


jin(i), this, that, so (Ch’ol) < הנה HaiNaH, these, those; here and there ;  כן KeN, thus,

    so [THAT]


j^l^l   -- see jal^l,  jol


joc'an, to hang (Tzotzil) < M132 חנק  K[H]eNeQ, to strangle  [HANG]


john, jar (Pokomam); cuum, pot (Lacandon) S-G S-N < אגן AGaN,  bowl, basin [OCEAN]


joilá, far (Aguacatec) < הלאה HaL’AH, onward, farther, beyond -- Genesis 19:9


jol, hole, cave (Huastec); jol, hole (Yucatecan); jore, cave (Uspantec);   jul, hole, cave

    (Cakchiquel);  jul cave (Pocomchi);  jul, cave, hole, perforation, grave (Quiche)

    < חור [K]HOAR or חר [K]HoaR, hole, opening;   חלל K[H]aLahL, hollow   [HOLLOW]

    -- see  c’ol


jo’mol, finish (Itza) <  גמל  GaMahL, to bring a process to its end, as in obtaining ripe

   fruit  or weaning a child;  S-L  גמור  GaMOOR, complete [MEGALOMANIAC]


jp, five (Chon); S-B job, five (Quiche);  jop, gather by hand (Ch’ol); jop, handful

    (Ch’ol);  jopel, gather, pick up (Tzotzil) ; q’ab <aj> n. hand, group of five, handle (Quiche);

    ho’ob, five  (Pocomchi)  < S-G  חפן  K[H]oaPHaN, (hand measurement) ;  כף  KahPH,

    palm of the hand;  קוה QahVahH, to gather together; קבץ QahBahTS, to collect

    [CUFF, PUGNACIOUS] see qap


jore -- see jol


joroch, cooked balls of dough (Itza) < עריסה GHaReeY$aH,  dough of one’s

     kneading trough (Numbers 15:20)


joron  - see ceel


jos, peel with a knife (Teco) < חסף K[H]a$aF, to peel or flake off (Ex. 16:14);  חשף K[H]aSaF,

   to  strip, lay bare (Psalms 29:9)


joyp’in, to turn (Tzotzil)  < הפך HaPHaKH, to turn, overturn [HAVOC]


ju, this (Mam) < S-G  הוא HOO, he, she, it]    HE[


jub, destroy, knock over (Yucatecan) ;  juub-i hit, beat (Teco)  <  חבל K[H]aBHahL, damage,

     spoil, destroy [GOBLIN] -- see  cop


jul -- see jol   


jumuj,  noise (Quiche); jomomik, the sound of rushing water or wind (Quiche) < הום HOOM,

      a distracting noise, tumult, roar;  הם  HaiM is the bustling hum of a noisy crowd  



juub-i -- see c’op


jyib, hill  (Sipacapaca);  jyub, hill (Sacapultec)  < S-G, S-B גבה    GoaBH , a height;   גבעה

    GiBH[A]H, a hill, a height [GIBBON]



k’al<o>, to gather (firewood); k’ale’n,  a bundle of firewood (Quiche) <  קהל QaHahL,

     a gathering of people;  אגר AGaR, to gather [AUGUR, CULL, ELECT]


kan, snake (Yucatec) <  1. Aramaic עכן  [E]KHeN, snake; 2.  rev.   נחש 

      NaK[H]aSH, snake  [SNAKE] -- see can, chon, kumatz


kans, to mortally strike (Pokoman) <  rev.  S-G  נגח NaGa[K]H, to gore;   נגע NaG[A]h,

      to strike;   נגף NaGaF,  to smite, defeat militarily  [KNOCK]


k’anti, snake’ (K’ekchi)  <  1. Aramaic עכן  [E]KHeN, snake ; 2.   M312  נחש 

      NaK[H]aSH, snake [SNAKE]   -- see kumatz


kapii,  thatch (Chiriguano: Tupian) < כפר  KoPHahR, to waterproof with a sealant

   (Gen. 6:14);  כפרת   KAPORET,  a covering  [COVER]


k’atik, fire, and the act of burning;  c’at, to burn (Quiche) < S-D   קדח  QaDaK[H] or

     QaDa[K]H, to slow-burn;  קטר QeeDTaiR, to burn incense [CAUTERIZE]


k’el,  green colored (Quiche) < rev.   S-L   ירק YaRahQ, to be green  [GREEN]


ket<o>, to cut something thin;  ketom, to cut off (Quiche) <  קטע   QaDT[A], to cut off;

      קטב QaDT[A]hBH, to cut off ; S-D   קדד QaDahD, to split    [CUT][


k'iin, sun (most dialects) <  S-N  חמה    K[H]AMaH, sun  [CHIMNEY]


k’ol<o>, to roll up, as sleeves (Quiche) < S-G  גלל   GaLaL, to roll, roll away, roll down,

    or roll together  [GYRE]


kolob is a rope, cord (Quiche) < M132  חבל K[H]eBHeL , rope, district, region [CABLE]


komon, large group of people (Quiche) < S-G המון HaMOAN, a multitude (Genesis 17:4) ;

      עם GHahM, a nation, a large unit of kindred people [MANY]


kot, eagle (Mayan: Quiche) rev.   < עיט GHaYiDT or  [A]hYiDT, a vulture, bird of prey [KITE] 

     -- see  oot ,  tihu


k'ulbat , a border, a boundary marker ; q'olbat,  a boundary stone  (Quiche) <  S-G M132

   גבול GBHOOL, a border (Deut. 19:14) ; חבל K[H]eBHeL, rope, district, region  [CABLE]


kumatz , snake (K’che’)  <  M312   rev.   נחש  NaK[H]aSH, snake  [SNAKE] -- see chon, kan


kuruk, to cut  (Kekc) <  S-G  קרע  QaRaGH, to rend, tear;חרך  K[H]aRaKH (notch, incision,

     crevice   [CRACK] -- see raqij


la, not, no (Mam) < לא LO, not, no (Genesis 2:18);   rev.  אל AhL, nothing, not; Arabic laa, no



lab,  used up, past its prime  (Yucatecan) < rev.   בלה BaLaH, to wear out, to become old



laboshli, to cook, to boil < בשל  BaSHahL, to cook, boil or roast [BOLSHEVIK]


lac, spouse; raac, wife (Lacandon) < S-L  rev.    כלה KaLaH, bride, spouse [COLLEEN]


lah, all; laj, all (Ch’ol); l^j, all (Lacandon); la<j, all (Yucatecan) <  rev.  כל KoL, all



latz, heap, pile (Tzotzil)  rev.  < תל TeL, mound, heap [TALL]


latz, crowded, narrow (Quiche); lus, narrow, small (Motozintlec);  t’u’r-a’n, narrow

    (Lacandon)   < S-L  רזה RaZeH, thin,  lean,  scant;   rev.  צר TSahR, narrow  [STRAIT] —

    see  silic , t’ililiil,


leba, fruit (Aguacatec) <  rev.   S-L S-B פרי PReeY, fruit [FRUIT]


lec, to lap (Ch’ol); lec(el), lick (Tzotzil); leeq-u, lick (Teco); lec’oyal, lick  (Huastec)

     < לחך  LaKHaK, to lick, lick up; לקק LaQaQ, to lap, lick [LANGUAGE, LICK]


lec(el), to separate (Tzotzil) < חלק [K]HaLahQ, to divide, allot, apportion  [LUCK]


lembal, to swallow (Ch’ol) < nasalized בלע BaL[A]h, to swallow  [BALEEN]


letzel, letz-el, climb, ascend, raise (Ch’ol) <  S-F M312 סלל $aLaL, to lift or raise up,

    (especially the surface level of a roadway or rampart)  [SLALOM]


l^m^l, quiet (Ch’ol);  lilonik, to be placid, silent (Quiche) S-N  < אלם EeLaiM, mute, silent,

       not speaking (Exodus 4:11)


loch, burn (Kekchi) < rev.    דלק DaLahQ, to burn, to set or light on fire [LIGHT]


loob, lo<ob,   n. harm (Yucatecan)  < rev.    בלע   BaL[A]h, destroyed, ruined, devoured 

      [BALEFUL, WEAR]    


lot, to store (Ch’ol) < rev.   אצר ATSaR, to store up, save  [STORE]


lo'uson, music (Jacaltec) <  S-L S-N  M312  זמרה ZiMRaH, music, song; שאון SHAoWN,

     noise,  sound  (Isaiah 24:8)  [SOUND]


l^p, dress, wear (Ch’ol) < S-B  לפף  LaFahF, to wrap [WRAP];  לבש LaBHaSH, to clothe; 

     לבוש   LBHOOSH, clothes [ABASH]


l^^t, to weigh (Ch’ol) < rev.    תלה   TaLaH, to suspend, thus to weigh as in a toll [DOLLAR, TOLL]


l^tz, vertical stack, a botanical stalk  (Ch’ol) <  rev.   תל TeL, a raised mound or heap ; 

    תלל TaLaL, heaped up, high [TALL]


luc, to swallow (Yucatecan) < rev.   אכל AKaL, to eat, devour, swallow up, burn up [EAGLE]


luk to bend, twist (Quiche)  <  rev.     עקל  [A]QahL, to twist (a key bending, twisting joint is the

    ANKLE); עקלקל  [A]QahLQahL, crooked, winding; S-L קער Qa’[A]hR, convex; קרסל

    Q[A]hR$oaL, knuckle;  קרן QeReN, corner, the angular horn  [ACHILLES, ENGLISH,



lum, earth, land, country (Ch’ol); balumil, earth, world (Tzotzil) <  עולם  [O]ALahM,

     world, worliness  (Ecclesiastes 3:11) [REALM]


lus — see latz


lut, close, shut (Tojolabal) < לוט LOODT, to cover or conceal; לוט LOADT, a covering or

    veil; לטים LaDTeeYM, secret arts or sorcery (Exodus 7:22)    . [LID]   


lutz, lazy animal (Itza); lutzul, sitting, squatting (Ch’ol)  < rev.    אצל  [A]TSeL, sluggard 



ma, not, no (Mam); ma'an, there isn't, none, nothing, no (Itza, Chol); ma', not, no (Yucatecan)

       < S-N   rev.   אין AiN, no


maa, who (Ch’ol) < מי MeeY, who? (Genesis 24:65)


maac, hit (Tojolabal) mac’a, hit (Chuj); maj,  hit (Tzotzil)  <  מכה MaKaH, a beating, blow,

       stroke, plague… from   נכה NaKHaH; מחץ MaKHaTS to smite,  severely wound

       (Isaiah 30:26) [KNOCK]


maaq, snake (Pmam) < S-N  נחש Na[K]HaSH snake [SNAKE]


maam,  mam  -- see hunin


mac’a -- see maac


maj  -- see maac


maq'an, warm, hot (Sacapultec) <  rev.  or S-Nחם   K[H]ahM, heat [AMITY]


 mas,  man (Pokomam)  <  מתי  MiSay, people, men MASCULINE]


matanal, gift (Tzotzil); moton, gift (Tzotzil) <   מתן  MaTahN,  מתנה MaTahNaH,  gift; נתן

      NaTaN, to give, to grant     [DONATE]]


maus, bad (Kekchi) <  מאוס Ma’OO(S), repugnant  [MISANTROPE];  חמס [K]HaMa$,

      wrong, violence, cruel and lawless oppression [HAMSTER]


me, mother (Tzotzil);  mim, mother (Huastec) < rev.   אם AiM, mother  [MAMA] -- see na


mem, dumb, mute (Ixil, Kanj, K’ich’e); memarik, unable to speak, mute  < דמם DaMaM,

        to be silent, be MUM, to be dumb (mute) [DUMB]


mes, arrow (Agua) < מסע Ma$a[A], missile, dart (Job 41:18); נצא NaTSAh and נצה

       NaTSaH is to fly away;  נס Nai$, to flee.  [MISS] -- see ch’am


metz, forehead (Quiche) < מצח MeyTSa[K]H, forehead [ANTECEDENT]


mich', angry, heated (Ch’ol) < rev.   חמה K[H]aiMaH, hot wrath; חם K[H]ahM, hot [AMITY]


mim  -- see   me


moj, friend, a  charming  chum (Tojolabal) < rev.    חם [K]HaM , warm (emotional warmth too);  חמוד  [K]HaMOOD, dear [AMITY]


moton -- see matanal


mul, mountain, hill (Yucatecan) <  S-L ß   רמה  RahMaH, a height, an eminent place; 

      רום , ROAM and ROOM, high, exalted  [RAM]


mus ic’, to breathe (Yucatecan) <  S-F נשם NaSHahM, to breathe ;  נשף NaSHahF, to blow,

       breathe [ANIMUS]


mutz, close the eyes (Ch’ol) <   rev.   עצם [E]eTSaiM, to shut the eyes (Isaiah 29:10) ; אטם

      ADTaM, to shut, dam up, close [DAM]


na, mother (Yucatecan);  nai  (CH’ol)   breasts, milk, and grandmother  < S-N  Aramaic אמא

     EeMAh, mommy;   rev.   אם AiM, mother  [MAMA] -- see me


nac', to hide (Tzotzil) <  נס  Nah$, to flee, escape a calamity; rev.     גנזGaNaZ,  to hide

      and secure [NOSTALGIA]


nai  -- see  na


nen -- see  ne


ne’t, (sing.) you (Chorti) < Biblical Aramaic אנתה ANTaH, you;  אתה ATaH, you



niim-a, believe (Teco) <  rev.    האמין h’eMeeYN, to believe;  נאמן  N’EMahN,  faithful ;   [AMENABLE]


ni'ma or nim'a, river (Mam);  nima (Uspantec) <  Most early people got their

   drinking water,  מים MaYiM , from a nearby river [MIAMI]


nit, count (Tzotzil)  <  S-N   S-D  מד  MahD, a measure;  מדה  MeeDaH, size, measure



nojá, river (Ch’ol) < נהר NaHaR, river, stream [INERT]


no’n, we (Chorti) < אנו ANOO, we  [NOSTRATIC]


nosh, old, old man (Ch’ol); nyosh’an, grow old (Ch’ol); nushi’, great, old (Yucatecan) <  rev.

      ישן YaSHahN, old, aged, senior; נושן NOASHahN,  old, ancient  [SENILE] -- see ichun 


noshi-vinic, chief (Chontal) [vinic is man] <  S-F 1)  נשיא NaSeeYE, prince, president,

      leader ;   2) the tribal elder as chief, see nosh  (Exodus 22:27)


nuc, answer (Yucatecan) <  S-G  rev.   ענה GHaNaH or  [A]NaH, to respond, answer, reply



nuc, neck, throat (Huastec); jnuc, neck, throat (Tojolabal)  < ענק  [A]NaQ or GHaNaQ

       necklace, choker;  חנק  [K]HeNeQ or  K[H]eNeQ, to strangle by the neck [NECK]


nutí, small net (Tojolabal) <  נטה  NaDTaH,  to extend or stretch out  [NET]


nutz, light, fire, ignite (Ch’ol) < נצת NaTSahT, kindled, burned  (Nehem. 1:3);    

     נצוץ NeeYTSOATS, a spark, the fire-starter (Ezek.1:7);  הנץ HaNeTS,

     shining, as  the crimson  “shining of the  sun” of dawn [DAWN]


nyet, to tie (Ch’ol) < dental drop and S-N or   rev. צמד TSaMaD, to attach , bind,

     fasten    [SEAM] 


ocoob -- see qap            


ogel, cry  (Tojolabal) < S-G S-L  קרא QaRAh, to loudly voice, as a town crier;  קול

     QOAL, a voice     [CALL, CRY]


oHtaj, know (Jacaltec); ootaj , know (Jacaltec)  < rev.   ידע YaDaGH or YaD[A]h, to know 



olo, stab, pierce (Chuj) < 1) S-L,  the GORE of a wound,  חר [K]HoaR, a hole [HOLLOW];

      or 2) S-L,  being GORED by a   חרב  K[H]eREBH, sword, blade  [HARPOON] 


olol, child (Tzotzil) < עולל  [O]ALaiL, child [GIRL] -- see al


olom -- see aluu’


on -- see  ne


'oop', to toast (Lacandon); op, to toast (Yucatecan) < אפה  APHaH, to bake [BAKE]


oot, eagle    < עיט  [A]hYeeDT, a vulture, large bird of prey [KITE]  -- see  kot


ootaj, know (Acatec, Jacatec); otzaj, know (Ixil)  < S-D    ידע YaDaGH or YaD[A]h,

     to know, understand, perceive [EDUCATE]  --  also [IDEA, ORTHODOX]


oqíl, coyote (Tzotzil) < כלב bilabial drop  KeLe(V), canine  [LOBO]]


oshib, three (Pocomchi) <  S-F S-B  סיון  $iYVaN, month THREE of the Hebrew year, as

      several Asian and Amerind “three” words [TERZA RIMA]


otlab, peel (Huastec)  < M231  פצל  PaTSeL, to peel off, strip off (tree bark)

      [BASIL, PEEL]


otzaj -- see  ootaj


otz-an, put, place (Ch’ol) < S-F S-N שים SeeYM, to put, place, lay, set [SUMMIT]


pa, in, for (Uspantec) <  S-B - ב B’ (prefix), in, by, at, with [WITH]


paal son (Itza); pal, child (Yucatecan)  < aplu : heir, son (Akkadian);  S-B S-L  buru,

     descendant (Assyrian);  S-B S-L Aramaic בר  BaR,  a son < S-B S-L  פרי PRiY,

     fruit,  offspring [FRUIT]


pa'al, descend (Huastec);  pul, fall (Jacaltec) <   נפלNaPHahL, to fall, spill, fail,

    decline   [FALL] 


paat, thread, string (Huastec) < end-liquid drops   פתיל  PTeeYL, string , cord   [FUSE]


pach'aya’, grass  (Q'eqchi' ) < S-B S-F rev.   עשב   [A]ySeBH, grass [ASSASSIN]

   -- see siib


p’ajt, jump (Tojolabal);  p’it, jump (Tzotzil)  guttural drops < M213 קפץ QaPHaiTS, jump,

      hop  [KIBITZ] -- see  pahtza , qopopo



pacat, to see (Yucatecan) < rev.   T-from  שShin shift שקף   SHaQahPH, to look over [SCOPE]

pahar, fox (Pokoman) < all shift  M312 כלב KeLeBH, canine  [LOBO]

pahtza, frog; pajtza, toad (Jacaltec); poqtzá, toad (Ch’ol)< M213  קפץ  QaPHaiTS,

      jump, hop  [KIBITZ] -- see p’ajt,  patz’a, qopopo


paj(o), measure (Uspantec) <  dental drop טפח DTaPHa[K]H, (hand breath)  [PENTAGON]


palau, sea, ocean (Kekchi); paló, sea, ocean  (Quiche) < פלג PeLeG, oceanic currents

    or channels, once crucial navigational information for all waterways and streams

    (before mechanized boats);   S-B  יבל  YaBHahL, stream;  S-B מבול   MaBOOL , flood, and many flow words in IE, like French fleuve, river, stream  [ARCHIPELAGO]


pap, father (Huastec) < S-B  אב ABH, father; Aramaic  אבא ABBaH, daddy, papa [ABBOT]


paqaj, split, cleave (Uspantec) < S-B בקע BaQ[A]h, to split open; liquid drop פלח PaL[K[H],

      to cleave [PICK]


 pares, dove  (Lacandon)  < M231  צפור  TSiPOAR, (generic) bird  [SPARROW] 

      -- see tZ-bu’l


pasel, grow, come up (Ch’ol); pashc’ul,  boil (Huastec)   <    S-B  בשל  BaSHahL, to

    grow,  ripe, to boil or cook [BOLSHEVIK]


pasha, belt, girdle  (Tojo) < חבש [K]HaBHaSH, to bind [HASP]


pat, house (Chuj, Kanjobal); pati, house (Pokomam);  <  בית BaYiT, house


p’at, leave -- see bat


patz’a, toad (Jacaltec); petzpetz, frog (Huastec)  < guttural drop  קפץ QaPHahTS, jump, hop,

     spring  [KIBITZ] -- see pahtza , qopopo


pauilté, leaf (Tojolabal)  > rev.  S-L  טרף DTeReF, nutrition, prey, leaf  (Genesis 8:11 orEzek. 17:9)    [TROPHY]


pe, come (Cakchiquel) < S-B  בא  BO, come, arrive. Imperative in Exodus10:1. [VIA]


p’el, to cut, split (Ch’ol);  piilmeel, separate (Huastec); pilan, separated (Tojolabal)  < פלג 

     PeeLaiG, to divide  [PLOUGH]; S-L  פרס  P’Re$, to break in two, split,  slice; other  P-R

    words of división include פרוד PeyROOD, to Split; פרם PaRahM, to rend, tear  [FORK]


péniel, son (Ch’ol) <  S-B banu, child (Assyrian) < בן  BeN, son, child  [VAN DYKE]


peq, dog (all Mayan) <  rev.   S-B  liquid drop כלב  KeLeBH, canine. [LOBO] How can

    we be sure?

   -qaas, is Mayan for coyote,  (dog of the grasslands). By itself, it is S-B M312


 pes, snake (Ch’ol) <  rev.   צפע TSePH[A]h, poisonous snake [ASP]


pet, to come, to come back (Tzutujil); to complete a circle (Yucatecan)   < S-B

      ש  Shin-to-T shift  rev.   שוב  SHOOBH, to return, turn back[ESCHEW, SABBATICAL]


petic, return (Uspantec: Mayan)    rev. <  T from ש Shin  shift , S-B      השיב     HeySHeeY(V), to return, recover, restore [ESCHEW]


pichíl, clothes (Kanjobal) < M231 S-B   לבוש LBOOSH, clothes [ABASH]


piilmeel -- see p’el


pi’^l, friend, companion, countryman, relative, spouse, fellow  (Ch’ol) <  S-B S-L חבר

     [K]HaBHeR, friend; pal, companion, fellow [ALGEBRA, BROTHER]


pilan  -- see p’el


pir<o>, to break by hand, as food (Quiche) < פרד PaRahD, to separate;  פרס  PaRa$,

     to divide, break bread;  פרר PaRahR, to crumble < [PART]


p’is, cup (Ch’ol) < rev.    סף $aPH, cup, goblet, bowl, basin; ספל $eFeL, bowl, cup, mug

        [SUPPER]   -- see  bush


pis, to wrap up, to bandage (Quiche);  pish, to cover with a blanket (Yucatecan); pish, to tie

     up (Ixil); p’ish, to wrap (Ch’ol);  pis(o), to  wrap (Uspantec) <  rev.   צפה TSeePaH,   to

     cover; צפוי TSeePOOY, a cover  [TOP]; rev.     ספן $aPHaN, to hide, cover, to roof 

     (Deut. 33:21); < rev.   ספח $aPHa[K]H, to attach, to associate [SUFFIX]


p’it  -- see  p’ajt


pi’usun, daughter (Pokomam) < S-B   בת Ba(S), daughter  [PEDIATRIC]


pojo -- see bic


p’ol, make (Ch’ol) <  פעל Pa’[A]hL or Fa’GHahL, to do, make [FACULTY]


pooq -- see  bic


poj, hill (Quiche);  puuc, hill  (Yucatecan) < rev.    S-G, S-B גבעה   GiBH[A]h, a hill, a height



pojo, pooq,  pucuc, puuj, dust,  -- see bic


pol, unripe maize (Ch’ol) < S-B S-L  בר   BaR corn, grain  [BARLEY]


poloc, adj. fat thing (Yucatecan) <  rev.      חלב K[H]eLeBH, n. fat [LIVER]


poq, dust (Quiche,  Uspantec); pooq, dust  < S-B   אבק  ABaQ, powder;   rev.   עפר

     GHaPHahR, dust,  [FRIABLE]  -- see  bic


poqtzá -- see pajtza


poroj, to burn something (Quiche) <  M132 S-B  S-G בער   Ba’[A]hR, burn  [BURN] -- see pul


poshi, shaman (Tzel) <  guttural drop  rev.     כשף KaSHahPH, enchanter, sorcerer [PISHOGUE]


pot^, leaf  thatching (Ch’ol) <  rev.     צפה  TSeePaH, covering  [TOP]


potz<o>, to strike, as swinging a club (Chol) <  rev.    ספק $aPHahQ, to strike, forcefully slap  by hand     [SPANK] 


potzó, beam, rafter (Mam) < guttural drop S-F  כפיס KaPHeeY$, rafter (Hab. 2:11)


poyté, boat, canoe (Kekchi) <  rev.    S-B  תיבה TeYBHaH, the floating ark or boat of Noah



p’^t stop, leave off (Mopan) <  S-B   בטל BaDTeL, to stop, suspend, cancel;  also Biblical Aramaic and Akkadian  [VETO]; שבת  SHaBHahT, to cease, rest, have a work stoppage


pucuc -- see bic


pul --  see  pa'al    


pul-ib, measles, pimples, any skin condition with swellings or growths (Ch’ol) <  S-B

      עפל [O]PHeL, a topopgraphical mound or hill;  עפלים [O]PHaLeeYM are hemorrhoids

      (Deut. 28:27) …  any bodily tumors or swellings [PILES]


pulil, dig (Jacaltec) <  S-L  חפר   [K]HoaPHeR, to dig  [GOPHER];  S-B S-L בור BOAR, to bore or dig;   בור BOAR, a pit, grave, dungeon [BORE]]


pul, burn (Ch’ol); pulu’, burn (Chontal);  pur, burn  (Chorti) < S-B S-L  בער Ba’[A]hR,   

     to burn [BURN] -- see poroj


pur, to fly (Jacaltec, Pokomam) <  פרח PeRa]K[H, to go airborn as a disease;  אפרח

     EPHROAKH, chick [FLIGHT]; אבר AyBHeR, a wing,  אבר to wing (Job 39:26) 

     [SPARROW] - see   pares


p’u’s, stinking (Lacandon)  < S-B S-F באש B’AhSH, to stink  [BISON]


putzpuj, smooth (Aguacatec)  <  rev.    שוף SHOOPH, to smooth, rub off,  scrape; (later Pilpel

     form)   שפשף  SHiPHSHaiPH, to rub, polish [CHAFE]


puuc -- see  poj


puuj -- see  bic


q’aayis, grass (Cakchiquel) < bilabial drop  עשב GHaiSe(V), grass [ASSASSIN]  -- see siib


q’ab  -- see qap


qalul  -- see ac’al


q’am, branch (Pokoman) < S-N קנה QaNeH, branch [CANE]


qap, hand (Mam, and most Mayan dialects); S-B q’ab, hand, arm (Yucatecan);  ocoob , wing

    (Huastec) <  S-B  כף KahPH, palm of hand; hand in Akkadian, Assyrian  [CUFF]   -- see jp


      q’at, cut, harvest (Quiche, Uspantec) ;  q’atoj, harvest (wheat) (Quiche); other  guttural-dental“cutters” include  catzij, cut (Achi)  <   קצר QaTSeeR, cutting  short, harvesting ; 

  חתך K[H]aTahKH. To cut, decree     [CUT]


q’amuhil, warm, hot (Chico) ;  q’in, sun (Mopan) <  חם K[H]ahM, warm, hot ;  חמה

   K[H]aMaH sun, heat of the sun, any heat  [CHIMNEY]


qe, only (Uspantec) <  rev.      אך AhKH, but, only  ]EACH[


qawik, to burn to ashes (Quiche); qohp, burn (Pokoman); copic, burn (Pocomchi) < כוה

      KahVahH, to burn, scorch [KIBOSH]


qopopo, toad (Kekchi) < dental drop  קפץ QeePaiTS, jump, hop, leap  [KIBITZ] 

     -- see pahtza, patz’a,


qotón, shirt (Mopan) <  כתנת KaToaNeT, (cotton) tuniuc, shirt     [COTTON, TUNIC]


qul, forest, woods (Tojolabal) < S-G S-L יער Y[A]’aR or YaGH’aR a wood, forest [JUNGLE]


qul, neck, throat (Quiche) <  על GHoaL, yoke [COLLAR]; גרון GaROAN, throat [ CRANE, EGRET, GROAN]


qul<aj> voice, singing voice (Quiche) < קול QOAL, voice, sound, noise;  S-L  קרא QaRA, call       [CALL]


q’umar, wood that is worm infested; moth-eaten (Quiche) < S-G   rev.   רמה  ReeMaH (worm) 



q’unac, sea, ocean (Aguacatec) < S-G S-N   אגם AGahM, body of water, lake ;  S-G אגן

      AGahN, basin  [OCEAN]


q’uq’um, dark (Uspantec); eqiniq, black (Chico);   cunía, night (Mam) S-N < 

       חום K[H]OOM,  blackened, burnt, swarthy, dark brown; חם  K[H]ahM, Ham son of Noah

       is the Genesis 10 ancestor of dark Africans [CHEMISTRY]]


raac -- see lac


rapaj, to whip, to afflict (Quic) < S-L  Aramaic  (in Tanach) צלף  TSaLaPH, to beat with

      the hand, whip  [SLAP]


raqij, to break, split, burst open or crack  (Quic)  <  M213  קרע  QaRaGH, to tear, rend

     -- see  kuruk


recha’, n. pasture (Quiche) < מגרש M’GRaSH, a pasture, open land  [GRASS]. If ch were a

     guttural, there’s  מרעה  MiRGHeH, pasture (Isaiah 32:14)


reuj, moon, month (Chorti) <  ירח  YaReyaK[H], moon; YeRaK[H], month [YEAR] HI


roob-ir, waste (Lacandon) < חרבה [K]HaRBaH, a place laid waste, desolation [GOBLIN]


roq yuuq’, road, path (Pocomchi) < דרך DeReKH, road, way, journey  [DIRECTION]


rupur, to fly (Pokomam) <   1.  רחף  Ra[K]HePH, to hover [HOVER]; 2. פרח   PaRah[K]H,

     to fly, flutter [FLIGHT]; 3.  פרפר PiRPaiR,  to twitch, flutter, whence New Hebrew פרפר

    PaRPahR, butterfly  [PYRALID]


ruushee’, root (Tzutujil) < fricative drop   שרש SHoReSH, root [SOURCE]


saac  -- see t’ok


saac2, surly (Itza); ch’oj, very angry (Quiche)  <  rev.    כעס Ka’[A]$ andכעש   Ka’[A]S,

     anger, vexationn To CUSS is also at  [HAIL]


saam-o, mix (Teco) < rev.     מסך Ma$aKH, to mix, mingle, (as in making wine) [MIX]


sac , white  (Yucatec ); s^c- , clean, white  (Ch’ol);  <   צח TSahK[H], pure, clean, bright;

      זך ZahKH and  זכך ZaKHahKH, clear, pure… bright, transparent [DRY SACK]


sacti, wall (Ch’ol) <  שך SoahKH, an enclosure to fence off or section off an area (Lament. 2 :6


säj, scrubby weeds and undergrowth, only good for animal feed (Quiche) < שיח 

    SeeY’ahK[H], shrubs  (Genesis 2:5 [SAGEBRUSH]


sak, grasshopper  (Quiche) <  rev.     חםיל K[H]a$eeYL, locust [LOCUST] 


salkäm, an itching disease; to scrape, scratch (Quiche) < S-L  rev.    חרסה K[H]aR$aH,

     a scabies or mange-like skin itchy condition (Deut. 28 :27(, with skin as hard as חרס

    K[H]eRe$, clay  [RAZE]


sapup, rope (Chico, Yucatecan) <  rev.     פתיל  P’TeeYL or P’(S)eeYL, string, cord;

     and its metathesis  תפל  TaPHahL or (S)aPHahL (II Samuel 22 :27), twisting (of fibers)

     that make cords and ropes .פתלתל P(S)aLToaL, twisted, perverse (DT. 32 :5).  

     [PLAIT, FUSE]


sarum, wall (Chorti) <  rev.   S-L  סללה $oLLaH, mound, rampart, defensive wall [SLALOM] ;

    כתל  Koa(S)eL,  wall. [DIKE


satz, stretch (Yucatecan) < שטח SHaDTa[K]H, to spread, spread out [DESK]


s^c see sac


sec’ -- see ch’ac


secíj  -- see tzaqa


seeb, fast (Lacandon); seb, fast (Yucatecan) < rev.     S-B פזז PaZahZ, quick ; חפזון

     [K]HeePaZoaN, haste; חפז  [K]HaPahZ, hasty [HASTE]


selel -- see sirisic


seq, arrow (Chol) <   rev.    חץ   K[H]aiTS, arrow  [HASTATE]


se’ra’,  root (Quiche) < 1fricative shifted, 1 dropped  שרש SHoReSH, a root [SOURCE]


ses-ic, to cut off  ( Lacandon) < ß קסס Qa$a$, to cut off, as fruit  [SCISSORS]


shactal,  see  chuclaji


shac, basket (Yucatec) < S-F שק SaQ, sack [ENCASE, SACK]


shac, ravine, valley (Mam) <  שקע SHeQ[A]h,  a depression, sunken place; 


       שקע  SHaQ[A]h, to sink, decline; שח SahK[H], to sink [SINK]


sham, sandals (Kekchi) S-N ;  shana', shanab, sandals (Itza); shanab, shoe (Mopan) <  S-F

       סאן  $’ON, sandal, boot; senu, shoe (Assyrian)  [SANDAL] -- see sh^no


shaq, black (Cakchiquel); tyeq, black (Mam) -- Shin/ש-to-T shift <  liquid drop

      שחר  SHaKHoaR, black  [SWARTHY]


shar, pot (Kekchi) <   S-F  סיר $eeYR, pot, kettle (Exodus 16:3) [MISSOURI]


she -- see shel


shecba sit (Yucatecan) típa; tzbula, tz’ubuli, situated (Tzutujil) tzube, sit (Tzutujil)

    < ישב   YaSHaBH to sit, dwell or settle [CIVILIZATION]


shec’aal -- see toq


shel, to go (Mam) <  S-F   Biblical Aramaic אזל AZaL,  to  leave, to go away [SALLY]


shet, broken pieces (Lacandon); shet, to break in pieces (Ch’ol); shet, break off

     (Yucatecan); shet, piece (Itza); shetel, a fragment (Mopan) <  S-F S-D guttural drop 

     סדק $aDahQ , to crack, split  [SHATTER] ;  שריד  SaReeYD,  a remnant [SHRED]

     matches   shetel with a metathethis and S-D.


shi>iw, grass (Yucatec)  <  S-F S-B עשב [A]ySeBH, grass [ASSASSIN] -- see siib


shibilcej, deer (Yucatecan) < S-F  צבי  TSiBHeeY, deer  [BEAST]


shihl, hair (Kanj); shi-íl, hair (Huastec) < S-F  S-L  שער S’[A]yahR or SGHayahR, hair



shijin, bad odor (Chol) < S-F S-G   צחן  TSaK[H]aN, stink   [SKUNK]


shinuc, male (Tojolabal) < 1. M321  אנוש ENoaSH, Man [MAN];  2.    rev.    

   מת     MahS, men, warriors (Deut. 2:34) [MASCULINE];


sh.jaal, people (Tzutujil) < S-F S-G  סך  SahKH, throng, multitude, a thick mass,

   as in a “shock” of hair (Psalms 42:5) [SHOCK2]]


shnan, woman (Aguacatec) < S-F  זון ZooN, nourisher, nurse, feeder    [NOURISH]]  

     (Ipai: Hokan siny is a woman. All Slavic “woman” words resemble Slovac zena.)


shnihep, old (Chol); shniosh, old (Chol)  -- see icham


sh^no, sandals (Ch’ol); sh^n^b, shoe (Laca) <  S-F סאן  $’ON,

      sandal, boot;  senu, shoe (Assyrian) [SANDAL] -- see sham


shobtí’, breathe (Kanj)  < S-Bנשף    NaSHaF, breathe; נשיפה NiSHeeYFaH, exhalation



shoc, mud, dirt (Mam); suj, mud, dirt (Ixil) < סוחה $OOK[H]aH, dung, filth (Isaiah

    5:25);  סחי     $KHeeY, filth, dirt (Lament. 3:45) …both what is swept away [SHOVEL]

    -- see cis


shoj, coyote (Mam); shojb, coyote (Pokomam) < 1. שועל SHOO’]A[L or SHOO’GHahL,

     fox, jackal, any wild canine. The coyote’s yelp (as for help) is its most unique

     feature.  שוע SHOO’[A]h or SHOO’GHah is a cry for help  [JACKAL]

 --The Choctaw fox is a chula.


shpeq, toad (Quiche);  shpeq, frog (Tzutujil)   <  rev.  קפץ  QaPHaiTS, jump, hop  [KIBITZ]


shpulet, flaming (Tzeltal) < S-F S-B S-L   M132 שרף $oaRaiPH, burning [SAFFRON]


shq’ab, branch (Motozintlec) < S-F S-B   סעיף $aGHiYPH, bough, branch (Isaiah 17:6);

      סעפה  $GHaPHaH, bough, branch [SCEPTER]


shseluch, lizard (Yuca) and tzalich, lizard (Huas);  < S-F or  rev.   S-L שרץ SHeReTS, reptile,

    various scampering varmints [RACE]  -- see  tzalich


shuch, stealing, steal (Ch’ol); shujch’ thief, steal (Ch’ol) <  S-F  שסה SHa$aH, to rob,

     plunder,  take spoil; שסים  SHoa$eeYM, spoilers (Judges 2:14); משסה MiSHee$aH, loot,

     booty (II Kings 21:14) [SEIZE]


shuclaji, to get down on all fours (Mopan) ;  soc, worm (Chol); tzajan, caterpillar, worm

     (Moto)   chaqänik, to crawl on hands and knees (Quiche)  < S-F  S-G   זחל ZaK[H]ahL,

     to creep,   crawl; a crawler [SLUG]


shul, remain, stay (Lacandon) <  שאר SHa’AR, to remain  [SURPLUS]


shul2, to whistle (Pocomchi); shul, to blow (Ixil) < S-L  שרק  SHaRaQ, to hiss, whistle



shum, flower (Ixil) <  S-F   סם  $ahM, perfume, aromatics, spices; סמדר $MaDaR =  blossom:

    as    סם $ahM, fragrance +  דרור  DROAR, release [SMELL]


shum2, twins (Ixil) < S-F צמד TSeMeD, a yoke or team of identical animals coupled as a

     team;    תאום  T’OAM or (S)’OAM, twin [TEAM, TWIN]


shupul, finish (Itza) <  S-F S-B   סוף $OOPH, to end, to cease; סוף $OAPH, an end,

    a close     [PHASE OUT]


si, fire (Chico) <  rev.   S-F   אש AiSH, fire [ASIA]


si2 wood (Chico) <  rev.  S-F  עץ [E]TS, tree, wood, timber [ASH tree]


sl, rain (Chico) <  S-L שערה  S[A]aRaH  or SGHaRaH. storm ; סערה

      $ah’[A]hRaH or $ah’GHahRaH, storm [SQUALL]


sib -- see  sib


sicij  -- see sik’ij


si<ip  -- see sipoj


sipoj, to swell (Quiche); si<ip, ripe or swollen (Yucatecan);  chupul, to swell (Itza)

   < S-F  S-B  צבה    TSahBHaH, to swell [PROTUBERANCE] 


siba and tziba, write (Ch’ol) <  כתב  K’a(S)ahBH or K’aTahBH, to write; כתב  K’(S)ahBH,

     writing, script [CUT]; S-B סופר   $OAPHaiR, writer, scribe; ספר   $ayPHeR, letter, book



sibak, reeds to weave mats (Quiche) < S-B   סוף $OOPH, reeds, bulrushes [SWAMP]


sibil-keh, deer,(generic Maya) <   צבי  TSIBHeeY, deer  [BEAST]


siib, grass, straw (Lacandon); sib, forage, fodder (Lacandon)  < עשב [E]SeBH, grass, any

    herbage or generic green plants  -- see pach'aya’, q’aayis and shi>iw


sik’ij, to call out, to shout (Quiche); sicij, cry out (Uspantec); sic’in-e, cry out

    (Ixil);  sik’inik, to groan (Quiche);  thajnal , cry out (Huastec); ticin,  to cry (Chol)  

    <    צעק TS[A]ahQ, shout; (Genesis 27:34), a cry of wrong or pain;

      שוע SHOOGHah, a cry for help   [SHREIK]  -- see chaak  


sik’inik -- see sik’ij


 silíc  or  silís, thin (Mam) < S-F  S-L צר TSahR, narrow; or reverse   S-L רזה

      RaZeH, thin, lean   [STRAIT] -- see  latz’,  t’ililiil,  t’u’r-a’n . 


sina  -- see smach 


siplaj, many, much (Tzutujil); sibalaj, many, much, a lot (Quiche); sibil^j,  many, much

    (Cakchiquel)  S-B;  tz’ebej, sufficient input (Quiche)  < S-B  שבעSaBHay[A]h, satisfied;

     שבע  SaBH’[A]h, plenty;  S-F S-G    liquidization שפע  SHePHGHah, abundance;

     שפעה SHiPHGHah, multitude; שפק    SHaPHaQ  and   ספק  $ePHeQ, sufffciency



sipa’an, swollen (Mopan); sipc’, to swell (Ixil) -- see asampa


sirisic  -- see sursu


slug, slú’uc, bird (Agua) < שלך SHaLaKC, a diving bird (Leviticus 11:17)


smach, lizard (Mam); sina  sina, lizard (Aguacatec) <   S-N   שממית  SiMaMeeYT,

   a kind of  venomous lizard; שמם SaMeM, poisonous; Arabic samm, poison  [BALSAM] 


soc, to injure oneself (Uspantec); sok<o>, to wound, to injure (Quiche) < S-F S-G פצע

     PeTSaGH,  to wound; נזק NeZeQ, injury, damage (Ezra 4:13)  [PUTSCH]


soc --  see


soq<o>, to spread or smear, to anoint (Quiche) < סוך $OOKH, to anoint, pour on [SOAK]


soc, fool (Kanjobal); soc confused, crazy (Ch’ol);  tzooc, insane (Ch’ol)  < סכל $aKaL,

    to be foolish, be a fool;  סכל $eaKHaL folly [SILLY, SKILL[


sqeej -- see tzaqa


sub, sub-en  -- see  sup         


suc, a stopper, plug, cork (Tzotzil);  suc, cover (Tzotzil)  < סכר $aKaR, to shut up, stop up;

      סגר $GaR, to shut  [SECURE];   rev.    כסח   Ka$aH, to cover [ENCASE]


sucilna, hut (Yucatecan) < סכה $ooKaH, thicket, covert, booth  [SHACK]; rev.    כסח   Ka$aH,

     to cover [ENCASE];  rev.    חסוי K[H]ee$ooY, a shelter [HOUSE]


sucun, older brother  (Yucatecan) <  S-F  זקן ZaQeN, elder [SAGAMORE]


sujtel, return  (Ch’ol); tzajni, return from (Ch’ol) < S-F  סוג $OOG, to go back, to draw back,

    to displace [SAG]


sunsúy, caterpillar or moth larvae (Quiche) < N  סס $ah$, moth (Isaiah 51:8)


sup, pot (Motozintlec); pach, pot (Huastec)  <   rev.   סף $aPH a bowl, basin (Exodus 12:22);

     ספה  $aPHaH, basin, bowl (II Samuel 17:28);   ספל  $ePHeL, bowl, cup

      (Judges 6:38)  [SUPPER]


sup2, talk (Ch’ol); sub, speak, give information (Ch’ol); sub-en, tell, say (Ch’ol);  chabej,

       speak (Uspantec); chawic, speak (Uspantec) S-B; che’ob, they say (Ch’ol) <  S-F S-B 

       שפה SaPHaH, speech;  ספר  $aPeR, to tell, give an accounting  [GOSPELL]


sirisic, round (Cakchiquel);  sursu, round (Kekchi);  surusic, round (Quiche);  selel, round (Ch’ol) 

   S-L   < סהר $aHaR, round, roundness (Songs 7:3);   סהר   $oaHaR, (round) full moon, (round)

   dungeon; סחר $aK[HaR, to circulate in business;  סע $aGHaR,  the circular winds of a cyclone

   or whirlwind; תור (S)ooR or TOOR,  touring around, the circling turtle-dove (pigeon) CYCLE]


sutij, to turn (Quiche) <  סוט $OODT, turn aside, swerve, fall away (Ps. 101:3);   שוט

    SOADT and  שטה SoaDTaH, to turn aside, go astray; שט SahDT, he turned aside

    (Ps. 40:5);   שטה  SoaDTaH the straying wife  (Numbers 5:12);  S-F צדד TSaDahD,

     to turn aside;  צד TSahD, side  [SIDE]


suuc, straw (Yucatecan) < rev.   קש QahSH, straw; עשב GHaiSe(V), grass  [ASSASSIN]


s^yaab,  a stream that never dries (Laca) <  M312   יבש YaBHeySH, dry [BEACH]


taab, burn (Mopan) < S-B   תפת  ToPHeTH, place of fire [TEPID]


taal cheu, dew (Aguacatec) `< טל DTahL dew [DISTILL]


taan,  witan, sleep (Teco)  wtan, wután, sleep (Mam) < T-from- ש Shin shift   שנה SHayNaH,

   sleep [INSOMNIA]


 tab, grass, straw (Lacandon) < תבן TeBHeN straw (Exodus 5:7)


tabá, snake (Jaca) <  S-B צפע   TSePH[A]h, poisonous snake [ASP]


tabatatik, to tell on, gossip, tattle (K’iche) < S-D דבה    DeeBaH, defamatory report

   (Genesis 37:2);  דבר   DaBeR, speech  [TAB]


tac, to bow (Uspantec) < rev.  S-D   קדד QaDaD, to bow down [DUCK, THANK]


tahumá, dumb, mute (Chic, Huastec) < S-D דומיה DOOMaM, silent, in silence [DUMB]


t’a’iil,  til(el); tiil-u  -- see ch’il


taj, nothing (Pocomam) < S-G תהו ToaHOO, formlessness, nothingness, emptiness [HASTE]


taj 2 -- see tzaqa


tapi, to steal (Huas) <  תפש  TaPHah$, to seize [THIEF]


t(ah), hear (Quiche) <  rev.    הט HahDT, to bend an ear to hear [HEED]


tanat, spark, ember (Itza) < M213    ניצוץ    NeeYTSOOTS spark;

      נצץ  NeeTSaTS, to sparkle  [TINDER]


ta’nik, to listen (Quiche) < 1.T-from- ש Shin shift; S-N S-G  שמע SHaM[A]h, to hear, listen to,

   obey [SOUND]; 2. rev.   N.   of  הטה   HeeDTaH, to bend the ear, to listen (Jer. 7:24), a  hiphil of נטה NaDTaH, to bend  ( an M213 S-G of  ta’nik  [HEED]


ta(tá), you (Huastec)  < אתה  ATaH, you (masc.);  את  AhT, you (fem.) [THOU]

     -- see aata, at,  tech


tat, father (Yucatecan); tata father (Huas, Yuca); tata, uncle (Moto);  tet, father (Lacandon); 

    tz’etz’jun, father’s brother (Yucatecan);  tz’uutz, uncle  (Huastec)  < S-D  דוד DOAD

    uncle, lover, doting  male relative; ידיד  YiDeeYD, friend,   lover  [DAD]


tc’ayl, market (Aguatec) <  T-from- ש Shin shift  S-G S-L שער  SHa[A]aR  or

    SHaGHaR, market    [MARKET]


te,  tree, wood, pole (Maya: Huas)  < rev.    עץ [A]iTS, tree, wood  [ASH TREE]


tech, you (Itza)  < S-G   אתה  AhTaH, you (masc.) [THOU] -- see ta(tá)


 telam, mountain; t’i’aal, to heap or pile up;  t’i'eel,  a heap or pile  (Huastec);  toyol, high (Tzotzil) < תל TeL, mound, heap; תלל TaLahL, to heap up. [TALL]



t’ele’, baby (Huastec); tzula, baby (Jacaltec) <  rev.  S-D  לדהLeyDaH, birth;

   ילד  YeLED, boy,   young man [LAD]

t’eleleel, tremble (Huastec) < rev.   S-D  רעד Ra’[A]D, trembling [TERROR]

telhuy, small (Aguacatec) <  M132  צער TSahGHaR, means “was small” in Aramaic and Hebrew, Arabic similar. [SURPASS] 

tem, bed (Tzot)  <  rev.   מטה  MeeDTaH, bed [MAT]


t’i’aal -- see  telam   

tom, lowlands, a spill-way plain (Chic)  < rev.   מטה  MaDTaH,  below [MAT, NETHER]]

tep’ to wrap (Yuca); t’ep, wrapping (Chol) <  עטף [A]DTaPH to envelop or wrap oneself;

    צפה   TSeePaH, covering   [TOP]


t'e’pith, he is sad (Huastec) < all shift   rev.    עצוב  [A]TSOOBH, sad   [SOB]  - see bis


tet -- see tat


thajnal  -- see sik’ij


thopel, to swell  (Huastec) -- see  asampa 


thuubal, to whistle (Huastec); shub, to whistle (Pocomchi); xubal, n. whistle (Quiche)

     S-D S-B S-L < Aramaic, etc. צפר TSaPHaR, to whistle, chirp, twitter like a bird, who’s

     communication seems to be whispering a ספור   $eePoaR, spiel or story [SPARROW]


tiaeb, sky, heaven  (Huastec) < S-B  צפה TSaPHaH, top; צפוי TSeePOOY, cover   [TOP]


tibil -- see atob


tic, trouble, oppression (Ch’ol) < צוקה TSOOQaH, distress, illness  [SICK]


tich, extend, stretch along an edge (Ch’ol) <  rev.    ישט  YaSHeDT, to extend; שטח

   SHaDTa[K]H, to spread, spread abroad, stretch out; שטח SHeDTa[K]H, an extent,

   suface area  [DESK]


ticin2, dry (Mopan) -- see tzaqa


tihu, hawk (Mayan: Huas)  < rev.    עיט  GHaYiDT or  [A]hYiDT, a vulture, bird of prey [KITE] 

     -- see  kot


tino’y, small (Tzutujil) <   guttural-drop   קטן QaDTahN, small; צאן TSOaN small cattle  



t’int’ín, arrow (Kanjobal);   tzimáj, arrow (Kekchi) S-N  < צן TSaiN, barb, thorn, briar



*tïsa ,‘order, command’ (Proto-Mayan) < צו TSahV, an order, command (Isaiah 28:10);

    צוה  TSeeVaH , to command (Genesis 6:22) ; PBH צוא  TSaVAh, one’s command, army



*to’ay, ‘emerge, come up/out (Proto-Mayan) < צא    TSAy, to emerge, come out  [EXIT]


t’ok, a blow with elbow or fist; punch (K’ich’e); ting, hit (Jaca);  tzaq’<o>,

    to hit someone (K’ich’e); tz’oj, hit (Chorti);  saac, hit (Kekchi); sac, hit (Uspa)

     < תקע TaQ[A]h[A] or (S)aQ[A]h to strike; תקף TaQahF or  (S)aQahF,  to overpower …

     later to assail or attack [ATTACK]


tom, field (Chico) < S-D אדמה  ADaMaH, ground, land


toon, man (Lacandon) <  S-D S-N  אדם ADAM man, mankind, person(s) [DEMOCRAT]


toq, stab, pierce (Mam); shec’aal, stick, prick, stab (Huastec); tz’uc, penetratingly, sharply

   (Ch’ol); teq’un, stab, pierce (Cakchiquel); chuq, stab, pierce (Pchi) <  תקע  ToQ[A]h or

   (S)oQ[A]h, to drive a sword, nail or pin  [TACK]; דקר DaQaR, to pierce, thrust

   through, pierce through  [DAGGER]


t'ort’o, round (Keck) < תור TOOR,  touring around, the circling turtle-dove (pigeon)

    -- see sirisic


toyol, high (Tzotzil)   -- see   telam 


tshek, to laugh < צחק TSaK[H]ahQ, to laugh, sport [CHUCKLE]


ts'om, buzzard (Mayan) <  rev.  S-N   נץ  NayTS, falcon (Jer. 48:9); fricative-nasal

    birds of prey from Amerind and Chinese at [BUZZARD]


tuc, dry (Ch’ol) -- see tzaqa


tuc2 , only, to separate (Tzotzil) <  rev.   S-D יחיד  YaK[H]eeYD, unique, only, alone

     (Gen. 22:2);  אחד  EK[H]aD, one, each, every, only  [EACH]


tuq,  leg  (Pchi) <   T-from-ש Shin shift   שוק  SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK]  --  see  cush


tukuj, to crush clots (as in milk) < טחן  DTaKHaN, to grind, crush; S-D דקק DaQahQ,

       to crush, be crushed; הדק HaDaiQ, to pound into powder [TALCUM]


tunic, suck (Uspantec) < the later תינוק TeeYNoaQ, baby, is from the Biblical יונק  YoaNaiQ,

     a suckling, child; ינק YaNahQ, to suck, to suckle, is widespread in Semitic. [YOUNG]


tup, thunderous sound of a percussion instrument;  tup’al, thunder  (Yucatecan) < תף ToaPH,

    drum , timbrel (Exodus 15:20);    תפף TaPHaPH, to beat a drum [TAP]


t’u’r-a’n, narrow (Lacandon); t’ililiil, thin, narrow (Huastec)  S-L < צר TSahR, narrow      [STRAIT]      – see  latz


*tus  learn, know <  S-D   דעת  D[A]’aS,  knowing [DATA]


tu>uch’ub  -- see  ish t’up


t’uul, drip, drop  (Ch’ol)  <  S-L  דליפה  DiLeeYPHaH, drip; טל DTahL, dew,

   a condensation of gas to liquid   [DRIP]


tyeq, black (Mam) <  T-from-  שחור  ש  SHaK[H]OAR  (black) ; חשך    [K]HoaSHeKH,

    darkness .. after another  T-from- ש shift (a standard in Aramaic)    [OBSCURE]


tz’aale, king (Huastec); tz’ul, sir, gentleman (Lacandon);  tz'u<ul  sir, nobleman (Yucatecan) 

     < S-F S-L שר  SahR, official,  high officer, prince, czar, sir  (Genesis 40:2); סרן $eReN is

     a Philisine lord, ruler or tyrant  (Judges 3:3); rev.  ראש  RoaSH, head, chief    [SIRE]  


tzabal, lizard (Huastec); shp’ach lizard (Cakc); tza>apsib, lizard (Uspantec)  < צב TSahB,

     a lizard, Leviticus 11:29, becoming the Arabic dabb (lizard) [TOP]  -- see  batau


tz’acatc’e, calm, quiet, tranquil (Huastec) < S-F  שקט SHeQeDT,  at peace, undisturbed;

    סכת $eKeT, to be silent [QUIET]


tzahab, large water jar (Jacaltec)  S-B ; chup, jug, pitcher (Tojolabal)

    < S-F  סף $aPH,  basin, bowl [SUPPER]


tz’aj, wash (Pocomchi) < S-D S-G  דוח DOOaKH, to rinse, cleanse, wash off [DOUCHE]


tzabaal, earth, land; chabál, earth, land (Huastec) < תבל TeBHeL or (S)eBHeL,

     the (habitable) world  [WORLD]


tz’aj(el), to soak  (Tzot); tz’aj, soak, dip (Chol); tz’aqic, wet (Pchi); tza’c’in,  immerse (Chol)

     <  יצק   YaTSoaQ, to pour liquid [SOAK]       -- see chaac


tzajni --  see sujtel


tzal, in a row (Ch’ol); tzol, line up, follow (Ch’ol) < S-D S-L טור DTOOR, a set row [TIER]


tzalam, shade, shadow (Huastec); chalam, shade, shadow (Chico) S-F < צל [T]SaiL a

    shadow;    צלם TSeLeM, likeness (shadows shadow the original form) [SILHOUETTE]


tzal(el), stop (Tzotzil)  < S-L   עצור [A]TSOOR, restrained [ARREST]


tzalich -- see shseluch


tza’m<aj>,  nose, (a dog’s) muzzle or (a bird’s) beak (Quiche) < M231 חטם [K]HoaDTeM,

    snout, animal  nose or muzzle (noun); also the verb of muzzling). The most important nose

    for the hunter-gatherer is the snout of their hound or hund (Germanic dog) [HUNT]


tz’aq, wall (Kekchi) < S-D  דיק DaYeQ bulwark, siege-wall; rev.  כתל KoaTeL, wall [DIKE]


tzaqa, dry (Ixil);  chaqi, dry (Kekchi), secíj dry (Mam); sqeej, dry (Aguacatec), taj dry

    (Jacaltec);  tic, heat, dry (Ch’ol);  ticin dry (Yucatecan);   ticin2, dry (Mopan); tuc, dry

    (Ch’ol); tzaj dry (Ixil); tzaqa, dry (Ixil)  < צחה   TSeeK[H]eH or TSeeK[H]eH ,  dry,

    thirsty, parched  (Isaiah 5:13) [SACK (dry)] -- see chaac


tzat, bed (Tojolabal); chat, bed (Jacaltec) < תחת Ta[K]HahT  or (S)a[K]HahT, below,

     beneath. [SOUTH] Similar sense development has the MAT and MATRESS from that

     which is placed beneath, מטה MaDTaH, the sleeper.


tZ-bu’l, blackbird  (Chol) < S-B S-L  צפור  TSiPOAR, (generic)  smaller bird  [SPARROW] 

            -- see pares


tZe’ , stick (Maya: Ixil)  < rev.    עץ  [A]iTS a stick of wood [STICK]


tZe', tree (Agua, Mam); tzee’, wood (Teco) <  rev.     עץ  [A]iTS, tree, wood  [ASH TREE]

     -- see Che’


tzeb, to injure (Ch’ol) <  עצב [E]eTSaiBH, to inflict pain or hurt  [STAB]


tz’ebej -- see sipla


tzeec, a little (Mopan) <  rev.    קצת  QTSahT, a little [CURT];  דק  DahQ, thin, small, fine

    [ACUTE];  צעיר TSaGHeeYR, little, small [ZERO]


tze>el side (Yucatecan); tzel, lie on one’s side  (Mopan); tz’el, side

    (Tzotzil); tzooyiil, rib (Huastec); t’ejl side (Ch’ol);  < צלע TSeL[A] or TSeL[A], side,

    “rib,”  [LIST (lean to one side)]  Even at noon, the   צל TSeL  (shadow) slants to a side.


tz’ejet, leg from hip to knee, thigh (Huas); tzelec, front part of leg (Yucatecan)< S-F  שוק

     SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK]  --  see  cush


tzem, thin (Chontal) < צנום  TSaNOOM ,  lean, THIN or meager (Genesis 41:23) [THIN]

     -- see jichún   


tzen, mountain, hill (Huastec); chen mountain, hill (Chico) <  rev.   נשא NeeSAh, elevated,

    to lift up  [ASCENSION]. Also rev. , and S-N,  is Massa, the  “great” or “sacred”  first

    element in Massachusett. A prominent hill or mountain, from   עצום [A]TSooM, mighty,

    (similar to tzen)   is often deified, as were the pagan “high places” of the Bible.


tzen2, bed (Chontal) < S-D S-N  rev.    מטה MeeDTaH, bed, couch ;  מצע MaTS[A]h, couch,

    bed (Isaiah 28:20), also a planting bed; מטה  MaDTaH,  beneath  [MAT]


tzep, cutting (Ch’ol) < S-B  קצב QaTSahPH, is to cut off (also in Arabic), and קצב

   QaTSaBH is a fragment or splinter of wood that has been CHIPPED off (Hosea 10:7).

     קצב   QaTSahBH, the verb to cut off; as a noun  became a butcher (a professional



tzp, ashes )Mam) <  כסף Ke$ePH, silver colored [FISCAL]


tz’ib, to write (Yucatecan); tz’ib, n. letter, hand-writing (Quiche)  <  כתב  KoaTaiBH, to write;

     כתב   K’TahBH, manuscript, a hand-written script [CUT]      


tziba  -- see  siba


tzibibith, quiet (Huastec); ch’abal, quiet, calm (Tzotzil); chap’an, quiet (Tojolabal)

     >    שבתSHaBaT, work stoppage,  day of rest, Sabbath [SABBATICAL]


tzic -- see chiic  chiic, sweet (Chico); tzic,


tzic, sweet (Huastec) < מתוק  MaTOAQ, (sweet)  [MUSK]


tz’icaal, stab, pierce (Huastec) S-L ; toc(aj) or tocy’aj stab, pierce (Yucatecan); tzuc,

    penetratingly, sharply (Tzotzil); toq, stab, pierce (Jacaltec); tequn, stab, pierce

   (Cakchiquel) < S-D   דקר DaQaR to pierce, thrust through, pierce through [DAGGER]


tzer<o>, to tear, as paper or cloth (Quiche) <  טרף DTaRaPH, to tear, rip [TROPHY]


tz’ili’ -- see  chil


tz’im, si’m, n. smoke (Pokomam) < תמר TaMahR or  (S)aMahR (as in all Slavic “smoke”) ,

    a straight, rising column of smoke  (Joel 3:3) [THYME] The straight, rising botanical

    column of the Middle East is the  תמר TaMahR, date palm. Such a root seems planted

    in the brain before walking from Sumer to the future Western Hemisphere.


tzim, n. plant (Ch’ol) < צמח TSeMa[K]H, any sprouting vegetation or plant (Genesis 19:5)

    [SUMAC]  -- TOMATO is from Nahautl tomatl.


tzimáj  -- see  t’int’ín 


tzincaal, to hide (Huastec) S-G  tzinat, clandestine (Huastec) <  צנה  TSaN[A]h, to hide;

     צנעה   TSiN[A]h or TSiNGHah, secrecy, modesty  [NUTS]       


 tz’ininik  or tz’ininik, to be peaceful, to be silent  (Quiche) ;  tzinonik  or  tzinonik, to be

     calm, placid (Quiche)   <  S-F שאנן  SHa’aNahN or Ta’aNahN after ש Shin-T shift;

     S-N  S-D דממה   DMaMaH,  stillness, whisper, calm;  דמי DMeeY, quiet, rest, silence

     [DUMB, SOUND]


 tz’inn, dog (Uspa) < תן  TaN, jackal, any wild canine [DINGO] -- see antúch, ch.ian


tzm  -- see icham          


tz^n, n. cold (Ch’ol);  tz^n’an, to cool (Ch’ol); tzuan cold (Ch’ol); cham ice (Huastec);

    chun snow, hail (Uspantec) < צנה TSiNaH, the cold (of snow) [SNOW]


tzobel  or tzobel,  congregate (Tzotzil);  tzob or tzob, join together (Tzotzil)  <  S-Lצבור

    TSeeBOOR or TSeeBOOR, congregation (post Biblical) < צב   TSaBahR or TSaBahR,

     to heap up   (II Kings 10 :8)   [PROTUBERANCE, SWELL];

     S-B אסף O$ePH , to  gather, collect  people or things  


tzoci, finish (Itza); tzuc, finished, old, passed (Ch’ol) < rev.   קץ QaiTS, the end

    (Genesis 6:13),   the finishing off of something, the edge  [COAST]


tz’oj -- see t’ok


tzol , to line up, follow (Ch’ol); chol, to line up, to put in order (Quiche)

    < S-L אשר ASHeR, to  go straight, to advance ethically; ישר YaSHahR, straight ; 

  שורה     SHOORah, straight line [SHEER]     -- see tzal  


tzooc -- see suc


tz’oo>s  -- see ch’osh


tzoqou tzij, lie, fib (Uspantec); tz’aj tzi, lie, fib (Ixil) <  S-G שקר SHeQeR, lie, deception, 

    falsehood  [CATHARTIC]


tzotz, tzatz, and  satz, strong (Tojolabal) < עזוז [A]ZOOZ, strength, fierceness    [GAUZE]


tz’^p, to drive in the ground, to fasten (Ch’ol) <   הציב  HeeTSeeYBH,  to erect, to fix;

     NeeTSahBH, to set up, to stand up [STABLE]


tzub, saliva (Chuj) < זב ZahBH, a flow, discharge (in Lev. 15:25  a  seminal discharge);  זאב

    Z’EBH, wolf, source of many global “dog” words, as canines seep saliva to sweat [SEEP]


tz’ub, suck (Quiche); tz’ubu, suck (Chuj);  tz’ububej, to drink thirstly (animal), to absorb

     liquid (Quiche) < S-F שאב SHa’ABH, absorb; סבא $aBaA, to imbibe, to drink to

     intoxication   [SIPHON]


tz ub, kiss  (Tzotzil);  tz’uub-I, kiss (Teco)  <  S-F S-B   שפה SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]

    Spanish beso, a kiss    -- see  butz   


tzube sit (Tzutujil); shecba sit (Yucatecan)  <  S-F S-B    ישב  YaSHaBH, to dwell,

    remain, sit, abide     [CIVILIZATION]


tzuc-úl,  to make right, correct (Ch’ol)  < תקן TaQeN, to repair, correct [TINKER]


tz’u’pac’, frog (Lacandon) <  rev.   קפץ QaPHaiTS, jump, hop  [KIBITZ]


tz’u<ul -- see tz’aale


tzuan  --   see  tz^n


tzutzua, mud, dirt (Huastec); tz’otzeo, mud, dirt (Jacaltec) < S-D   טיט DTeeYDT, clay, mire

     (Isaiah 41:25)


tzuhl, tzul, or tzuul, hill,  mountain, (Kekchi)  <   תלל TaLaL,   heaped up, high; תל TeL,

   mound [TALL]  -- see telam


tzun,  abdomen (Mam) ; tzo’n, belly (Uspantec); itz’uum, navel (Pokomam) S-N

    < בטן BeDTeN , belly, tummy, womb [ABDOMEN]


tzuyul, fastened (Ch’ol) < S-L צרר TSaRahR, to bind or wrap up; אסר A$ahR, to tie, bind;

   אזר AZahR, to gird   [SARI]


uala’eión, ascend (Tojolabal) < עלה [A]hLaH, to go up  [ALLEY]


uaytan, shaman (Yucatecan); nya’tan to know, understand (Ch’ol); et’an know (Cakchiquel)

    < ידעוני YeD[O]ANeeY, a wizard, soothsayer, one who channels familiar spirits 

    (Leviticus 20:27)  [IDEA]


ubenic, to blow (Uspantec) < M213 S-B   נפח NaPHaK]H], to blow;  S-G נפה NaFaH,

     to fan  (F-N reversed)   [FAN, PNEUMATIC]


ub-i, wanted (Ch’ol) < אבה ABHaH, to want, desire, consent; אוה AVaH, to desire,

     long for [TABOO]


ucú, ucucú, older brother (Chic) <  אח AK[H], brother  [EACH] -- see acaú, younger brother


u-cum, dried river (Lacandon); ucum, brook ( Tzeltal) <  אגן AGaN, bowl;  אגם  AGaM,

    pool, pond, body of water [OCEAN]


uk'iabal, n. cup, glass (Quiche) <  S-G  גביע GaBiY[A], cup, bowl [GOBLET]


unen, adj. little, a baby (Tzot); unín, child (Chuj); unin, father’s son or daughter

    (Tojolabal)  <   ניןNeeYN grandchild, descendant   [EL NIÑO]     -  see hunin


utzj, to blow a horn (Chuj) < S-G  תקע TaQah[A],  to sound a trumpet or ram’s horn,

     a strike or hit      [TOKE]


watan, wife   (Yucatecan)   <  S-B  בטן [V]eDTeN, womb  (the English « woman » is a

     womb-person) [VENTRICLE]]


witz  or  witz, eye (Mam) <   S-B   הביט HeeBeeYDT, to look   [VIDEO];  rev.   צפה  TSaFaH

    or  TSaFaH,  to look out at  [SPY]


woael, eat (Tojolabal)  < S-B   בלע  BaL[A]h, to devour, swallow, eat away, wear away ;  

      S-B  S-L   ברה BHaRaH,  to eat.   [DEVOUR]   


woro,  pierce, penetrate (Achi) <  S-B  בור BaRaH, to bore, to dig or research;  S-B  חפר

     [K]HoaPHaiR,  to dig  [BORE]]


xuminik, to bud (as potato) (Quiche) < N  צמח TSaMah[K]H, to grow, sprout forth [SUMAC]


yaj, pain, painful (Yucatecan) < rev.   S-G  כאב  KAh’ay(V),  to feel pain, suffering [ACHE]


yajin, ill (Uspantec) < rev.     נגעNaG[A]h, stricken ill, as with a  plague [NOXIOUS]


yalel ti, saliva (Tojolabal) <  M213 or M231  S-L  ריר ReeYR, spittle, slime (I Samuel 21:14)


yalush, small (Chuj) < M231  S-L  צעיר  TSah’[E]eYR, small [ZERO] 


yaqúsh, dark ( Chico) <  חשך  [K]HoaSHeKH, darkness;   rev.  שחר  SHaK[H]OAR, black, 

     dark   [OBSCURE]


yeb, fog (Yucatecan); yeeb, ground fog (Mopan) <  עב [A]hBH, condensation of cloud



yenél, shadow (Kanjobal) < M132  אילן EeYLahN, shade tree [ELM]


yopor, leaf (Chorti) <  rev.  טרף  DTeRePH, leaf, any sought-after nutrician [TROPHY]


-yorajlel, time, season (Ch’ol) < ירח  YeRa[K]H, month, season [YEAR]


yuc, kid, young goat (Mopan)  <  עגל [A]yGeL,  calf ; אכו  AQOA, wild goat  [YAK]  


yumbil, master (Itza) <  בעל  B’[A]hL, master   [BULLY]


yuntzil, lord, master (Yucatecan) < M312  נשיא NaSeeYE, prince, lit. the exalted one

      (Exodus  22:27)