Friday, May 11, 2018

GREEK-from-EDENIC Part I of 2

GREEK from EDENIC (Pre-Hebrew)  -- Part I of II  

 Several score Greek-from-Edenic matches are within the E-Word Digital Dict. and not yet listed below.
 The leading contributor here was Regina Werling [RW]
 Note: Greek TH may come from Shin/SH or Tet/DT, not simply a ת Thaf.

1. <   indicates origin in Edenic, the ultimate source of other given roots 
2.  Upper Case letters are root letters; lower case letters aid pronunciation; bolding for focus.
3.  a [bracketed] English word at the end points to an appropriate entry  in the E-WORD: Edenics Digital dictionary.
 At entries are full etymologies, other global cognates, and a Biblical citation (unless the Edenic word is Semitic, but not in the Bible.]

Letter Shift Codes  A menorah of only 7 sounds, as all music is from 7 notes  שנוי בצליל האותיות

S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,TS]  
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]

N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that the Greek word takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root then 2nd consonant letter of the Edenic root.
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B  = a borrowing from another modern language

Key to Romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels are in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL; Betב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V); Gimel  ג= G; Dalet = ד D; Hey  ה= H;
 Vav  ו= V, OO or OA ; Zayinז  = Z;  Het   ח= [K]H or K[H]; Tetט  = DT; Yod  י= Y; Kahf כ,ך = K, Khaf = KH;
 Lamed  ל= L; Memמ,ם  = M;  Noon  נ,ן  = N; Samekh  ס= $; Ayin  ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH;
Peyפ,ף  = P, Phey = PH or F;  Zaddi  צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European), T or S; Koof  ק= Q;
Raish  ר= R or WR; Shin  ש= SH, Sin = S; Tahf   ת= T, TH, or (S)

abak, counting board; abakos, dust (as used in a drawing board of sand or dust for mathematical figuring)
    < S-B אבק AhBHahQ, dust; S-G  א-ב-ג Aleph-Bet-Gimel, the Hebrew “A,B,C" is also 1,2,3 [ABACUS]

agein, to lead  < ß  נהג NaHaG means to lead ; הגה HeGeH, rudder, helm, steering wheel.
    Syriac  אוגי OaGeeY means “he drove away”  [SYNAGOGUE]  

aerktos  --    not fenced  <  M312  S-G S-D  גדר   GeDeR  [GRID]   negative prefix from  א Eey- [A-]     RW

aetós    αετός , kite, bird of prey <  עיט  GHaYiDT, bird of prey  [KITE] 
agállomai αγάλλομαι, to jubilate, be joyful; gélio γέλιο, laugh < גל GahL,  to rejoice  [GALA]  RW

agape, love <  S-G  S-B    חבה  [K]HeeBaH, love, esteem [AVARICE], אחוה  A[K]HaVaH   (fraternity)  JW

agnós αγνός , innocent, pure < ß S-G  נקי NaQeeY [INNOCENT]

ageláda    αγελάδα , cow  <  עגל [E]yGeL, calf  (Genesis 15:9)

agrios, wild, “of the field” (as in onager) <  seen in guttural-liquid “farmer” words like  אכר EeKahR and Aramaic
      (later Hebrew) חקלאי K[H]aQLAeY  [AGRICULTURALIST]

Agora αγορά    a coin, and verb of purchasing <  כרהKaRaH, to hire;מכר MeKHeR, price;  שכר   SoaKHeR ,  “he who hires” [HIRE]  

aifnídia  αιφνίδια, suddenly < M132  S-B S-N S-D   פתאם   PiTOaM, suddenly  (Proverbs 6:15)

aix  αίξ or aigós αιγός he-goat ,   he-goat  <   עז [A]iZ or GHaiZ, she-goat  [GAUZE]

akantha αγκάθι and ankáthi,   thorn  < N.  קוץ QOATS (thorn)   [ACUTE]

alfa, beta, gamma, delta….  <  B.    א  , ב  , ג ,ד     Alef, Bet, Gimel, Dalet  [ALPHABET]

afstirós αυστηρός  (strict, stringent, austere) < צר  TSahR, narrow, restrictive  [STRAIT[

alké  strength;  alkimos, brave >  ß   חיל    K[H]aYiL, strength, ability [ILL]

almyrós αλμυρός,  salty  < מר MahR, bitter, briny  [MARINE]

aloi  αλοή, aloe  <  אהל AHahL (Numbers 24:6)   ]ALOE] 

analkimos  weak  < Greek prefix an, not, lacking  < אין  AiN (without)  [INSOMNIA]
   for the alk element, see  alké above

anakaleo, to call out;   anaklaíō  ἀνακλάω , to weep loudly < קול QOAL, a voice or cry;
     S-L  קרא   QaRaH, to cry out [CRY]

andros , man, masculine  < ß S-D S-N  1.  מתי   MiTaY , men  [MASCULINE]
         2. ß S-D S-N     אדם  ADaM (man),      [ETHNIC]

ánemos άνεμος wind   <  M132  S-F  נשימה   N’SHeeYMaH, breath;  נשמה NiS(H)aMaH means breath and soul [ANIMUS]

angelos, messenger <  מלאך MaLAhKH, angel, messenger. The messenger is told to לך LaiKH, go, rather than
          the  go-maker, the מלך MeLeKH, king.  [ANGEL]

ankáthi αγκάθι, thorn <  N.   S-G S-D 1. קוץ   QOATS, thorn; 2. N. S-G  S-D חד  K[H]ahD, sharp [DART]

ankhonē, a strangling <  M231 חנק  K[H]eNeQ, strangulation [HANG, NECK]

anthos, flower  < S-D  נץ  NaiTS, flower, blossom [ANTHOLOGY]

Anthropos, ánthro̱poi  άνθρωποι ,  human being, mankind <  1 . Shin/S-to-TH shift אנוש   ENOASH, people,
      mankind;   2. ß S-D S-N    מתי   MiTaY , men; 3.  ß S-D S-N     אדם  ADaM (man),      [ETHNIC]

Antika  αντίκα  ,  antique   < traced by folk (with PhDs) etymology to  Attica,  Greece.  The extra N (nasalization) is of
    עתיק  ATeeYQ, ancient [ANTIQUE]   

Aráchni αράχνη, (web-building) spider; arche, rule; Archos, ruler; arkhein, to rule <   ערך [A]iReKH, order,
     arrangement ; thus עורך [O]WRaiKH became  the word for an arranger… like an editor [ARCHITECT]

arktikos,  "of the bear” whence ARCTIC. The bear is  nature’s “dancer.”   <  רקד RaQaD, to dance  [ORCHESTRA]

argos, white; arguros, silver  <  ß    S-G  חור  K[H]OOR, the white linen in (Isaiah 19:9), and the silvery hair
    of elders in   I Samuel 21:8  [HOARY]

arōma, aromatic herb <  ß  מר   MoaR, spice in the Temple incense [AROMA]

asilla (yoke) , re-borrowed in PBH as  אסל Ay$eL (yoke) <  S-L אסר A$ahR, to tie, harness, and the binding
    fricative-liquid family [ARREST, SARI].

Asmodeus , demon of destruction <  S-F  השמיד HeeSHMeeYD, to destroy, exterminate [SMITE]

āthelein, to contend <   Sin/S to TH shift, S-L  שרה SaRaH, to struggle, persevere
       [source of “athlete,”  “athletic/s,” etc. at ARITHMETIC]
átomo   Άτομο,  ATOM, person, individual <  אדם ADaM,  man; Adam, the sole, first man   [DEMOCRAT]
            Janusz Woroski

axine, axe B < Aramaicחצינא   [K]HaTSeeYNAh, Akkadian hasinnu or  חצין [K]HaTSeeYN, axe [CUT]

bathos, depth; and the nasalized benthos, depths <   ß  S-D  טבע  DTaBH[A]h ,  to immerse,  sink [DIP]
      -- (thus the emotional depth of PATHOS, Greek suffering, passion – see pathos)

Bema, stage, platform  <  במה BaMaH, elevated area for rituals (in Tanach, inferring sacrifices at improper places…
       Middle Hebrew borrowed the Greek word for the platform in mid synagogue… New Hebrew uses BaMaH
       for a stage ) [BEMA]

Biblos, papyrus reed for a writing surface… later a book <  Egyptian < אבוב  ABOOBH, pipe, tube, knotgrass

Blastēma βλαστ(άρι)  (offspring, sprout) and blastos, bud< S-B S-L   פרץ  PaRaST  to spread out and grow
   forth [BLAST]

 botanē, a plant or herb; vótano  βότανο, herb <  M231 נבט   NahBHaDT (sprout), noun and a verb of
    germinating and sprouting. Arabic Nabat is a plant.  [BOTANY]    

Boukol  βουκόλος, herdsman  (source of BUCOLIC) <  S-L בקר  BoaQeR, cattleman  [BUCKAROO]

bursa, purse; byrsa (hide, leather) < M132 בשר BaSahR,  "flesh," skin (money holders were made
    of leather) [BURSAR]

chir or chéri  χέρι, hand    < ß  האריך  [H’E]ReeYKH,  to extend  [REACH]

chitónas   χιτώνας,  tunic   <  כתנת KiToNeT,  long shirt, coat, garment  [COTTON]

chó̱ma   Χώμα,  soil, earth  <  חמר K[H]oaMeR, clay [CERAMIC]

cyt , a cell and a cyst (biological sac) <  S-D כד  KahD, container, water pitcher [CADDY]

daktylos δακτυλος, finger <  דקל DeQeL (palm tree) is palm or hand-like, of palmate design both from
   the large branches or "fingers" of the palm tree, and the palm or hand of its many fronds or "fingers."
   The extra T in daktylos may be an attempt to link it to Latin digitus (finger, toe). [DULCET]

demos  people <  אדם ADaM, earthling; human, person;  בני אדם B’NaY ADaM, children of Adam, people [DEMOCRAT]

di- as in diploō (to double); dis (twice)  < Aramaic דו DOO, two [DUO]

diáfragma διάφραγμα, diaphragm <  S-B  S-G  a family of  פרק PeReQ words meaning a break, division
     or section, including  פרכת PaRoaKHeT, curtain, the space-breaker [BREAK, PARK]

diasporā,  dispersion  <  dia + speirein (σπέρ) , to sow, scatter  <  M213  פזר PaZeR, to disperse,
     scatter [SPRAY]

didymo  δίδυμο, twin  <   S-D תאום   TOWM, twin  [TEAM]

 díkaios  δίκαιος (fair, right, just) ; dikaiōsis, justification;  diké , justice, right, court case <  M231   צדק
    TSeDeQ, righteousness, justice;   צדק  TSeeDaiQ, to justify  [SYNDICATE]   Strong’s 1343-1349

dínoun δίνουν, to give <   תן TaiN (give!);  אתנן  ETNaN, מתנה  MahTahNaH, and (reversing D-N)  נדב
    NaDa(V) means a gift or donation    [DONATE]

ekhis, adder or viper <  ( נ Noon dropped )    נחשNaK[H]aSH, snake  [SNAKE] 

eliphas or the nasalized eléfantas  ελέφαντας  , elephant  < אלף  ELePH, ox and the verb of training
    (familiar from an Ulpan  to learn Hebrew). Besides being a trainable ox-like creature, this largest land
    mammal is the champion or  אלוף  ALooPH.   This “champion” word, once nasalized, is the non-mythic
    source of Mt. Olympus, where Olympic champions were crowned.        [ELEPHANT, OLYMPIC]

ellipein, to fall short, a fallen, reversed form of the פ-ל P-L  core-root of  נפל NaPHahL, to fall [FALL]

emfánisi̱  εμφάνιση, appearance; phainesthai , to appear… whence FANTASY  <   פנים   PaNiM, surface…the visible plane  [PANE] 

epi- a. (over, above < עף  [A]hPH, to fly, and extensions meaning high points  [UP];  
           b.  (besides) <   אף AhPH, even if, all the more so, though [IF]

epilēptikos,  epilepsy… from a root meaning seizure <  M231 S-L    טרף  DTeRePH, to seize [TROPHY]

epistanai , to stop, check;  stamatí̱sei, to stop  < סתם   $aTahM is to stop up, shut, fill or clog;  עצם [A]TSaM is
   to shut (the eye)   [STEM]

erebus  ρεβος, Erebus or Erebos is the deity thus personification  of  darkness.  Darkness and shadow
   is associated with  the Greek twilight zone for the departed soul, and a deity of dark death in mythology
    <     ערב   [E]ReBH, evening [EUROPE]

eschala , hearth, fireplace < אש AiSH, fire [ASH]

 eschatos, of the end …as in ESCHATOLOGY <  The es-, like Latin ex-  (out), is from חוץ  [K]HOOTS, out.
      [EXIT]  The chat element (ending) is from a close guttural-dental relative:  קץ QaiTS, end.  [COAST] 

ethos, character < Shin/S-to-TH shift, from אישיות EeYSHeeYOO(S), personality, an extension of   איש  EeYSH, man [ETHNIC]

etmos, truth <  M132  אמת   EMeT (truth)… so that a true etymology is an EMeTology  [ETYMOLOGY]

etos, year  <   עת   [A]iT , time, season  [ETERNAL]

Evrópi Ευρώπη, Europe < מערב   M’[A]hRahYBH is “west;” ערב [E]Re(V) is evening (direction of sundown). The name for the West, Europe, came from the Near East, not from a Greek myth of Europa [EUROPE]

floudi φλουδί, paring, peeling < S-L   פרד  PaRahD, to separate [PARTITION]

foní  φωνή, speech;  áfonos, speechless < ß S-B ניב NeeYBH, idiom, dialect, speech; נבא  NaBHAh is to utter, call, proclaim,
       announce;  נביא Na(V)eeYE, spokesperson or prophet  [PHONETICS, TELEPHONE]

frákti̱s   φράκτης , fence … also a divider,    < פרכת  PaRoaKHeT, curtain;
       a family of  פרק PeReQ words means a break, division or section [BREAK, FRACTION]

llo φύλλ , sheet,  like a FOLIO (page) in a book < פלח FeLa[K]H, flat piece, cut section [FLAKE]

gala  γάλα, milk < S-G  חלב  K[H]aLa(V), milk  [GALAXY… as in The Milky Way] 

géfrya  γέφυρα  (bridge)  < S-G  S-B חבר  K[H]aBHahR, to join together [ALGEBRA]

geneiáda  γενειάδα, beard <  M231 S-G D-Z shift via Aramaic  זקן  ZaQahN, beard
       [SAGAMORE]  RW

geranos, crane, derrick and the long-throated bird ( like the heron)  <  גרון  GaROAN,  Gimel-Resh-Vav-Noon  (throat, neck) [CRANE]

gida γίδα, goat  < גדי  GiDeeY, kid of goat [GOAT]

  glossa γλώσσα, tongue < גלש GaLaS(H),   to slide, glide … as when a mammal’s tongue makes fur GLOSSY
gnátho γνάθο , jaw; Γνάθου gnáthou is a jawbone <  M231 טחן  DTaK[H]ahN, to grind  [CHIN]

gomphos,  a tooth or peg  < S-N S-B   ניב   NeeYB, canine tooth in Aramaic [NIB]

graphein  to scratch, draw, write < a. the large family of guttural-liquid-bilabial “scratching” words include
      S-L גלב  GaLa(V),  the kind of scraping as a barber shaves;  b. for writing, M132 עפרון    GHeePaROAN,
       a  lead pencil  ]CARVE, GRAPHITE]

grūps (as the claws of the griffin), grupos, hooked < the clenched אגרף  EGRoaPH  (fist) [GRAPPLE]

gýros  γύρος,   round <  עגל   [A]hGoaL, round [GEAR]

gunē, woman < ß נקבה   NiQai(V)aH, female. The Edenic “woman” is the feminine form of “man.” 
    [CAVITY]       Old English cognate of QUEEN, cwene (woman, prostitute, wife) is related. Make your own
    conclusions about women in Western “Culture.”

hēdonē,  delight, pleasure ; idonismós ηδονισμός, hedonism   <  עדנה  [E]DNaH or GHeDNaH (delight –
    Genesis 18:12… meaning of Eden).     [HEDONISM] 

hepat, liver <  S-G  S-D כבד  KaBHaiD, liver, in Leviticus 3:4.   כבד KaBHaiD  means  weighty, as this organ is
     quite dense.        [HEPATITIS]

Hera, goddess of childbirth < הרה HaRaH, pregnant (Genesis 16:11) [OROLOGY]

hex  έξι , six  <  ß S-G  or S-drop   ששה  SHeeSHaH, six (noun) [SIX]

holos , wholly, fully… as in  HOLOCAUST (wholly burnt) <  S-G כל KahL, all.  The Indo-Europoean “root”
     kailo is whole.  [ALL]

hoplon όπλο , weapon <  M132   חלף   K[H]aLahF is the large (butcher's) knife;  S-L  חרב K[H]eReBH (sword)

 huper  over   <  S-B   עבר      GHaiBHeR, over, beyond  [HYPER]

hupsos, height, top <   S-B     עפל GHoaPHeL, eminence, hill, tower and Ayin-Phey family of “height” words

husterā , womb, uterus  <  (Edenic TS is always ST in European)  יוצרYOATSeR,   (the) fashioner
   (where life is formed)  [ART]

hylē,  forest, and xýlo ξύλο, wood <   M2 13 S-G S-L  יער Y[A]h’R or Y’GHaR, forest    [XYLOPHONE]

ikhthūs, fish  < ß  S-G  S-D  דג DahG, fish [HADDOCK]  -- see kētos

Ionia, the Pre-Greek Hellenics (the ancient names of Taphetic peoples in Genesis 10:2 includes יון YaVaN,
   son of Japeth. Ionia may be an Akkadian, Ugaritic or Hellenic rendition of  יון YaVaN    [FENWAY]

iSCHío  ισχίο, haunch, and iSKHion , hip < שוק  SHOAQ, thigh, foreleg [SHANK]

kádos κάδος  is a bucket, cask or jar; all CYTO- and -CYTE words are from  kutos (a hollow vessel)
    <  כד  KahD, “pitcher”or leather bag as a bucket or pail for drawing well water [CADDY, CANTEEN, KIT]

kalein, to call < קול QOAL, a voice or call; S-L  קרא QaRAh is to cry out, announce or read aloud
   [CALL, CRY]

karabos, (S)CARAB beetles (the correct 4th plague of Egypt)  <  S-G  ערב   GHaRoaBH, these swarming,
    biting yet deified beetles   [SCARAB]

kardiá καρδιά,  heart  < S-G   חרד   K[H]aRahD, to tremble (the heart is the trembler) [CARDIO]

karóton or karóto καρότο, carrot <  קרן QeReN, horn (see “UNICORN”) and מקור MaQOAR (root) [CORE]

karpos καρπός fruit (cognate of CROP, HARVEST) <  S-G   חרף K[H]aRaPh, to pluck leaves or fruit [CARP]

 kastōr, kástoras  κάστορας , beaver <  קוצר  QOATSoaR, harvester  (the animal that cuts down plants,
       small trees) [CASTRATE]

kata, down -- see kato

 kathar(os) καθαρός   (pure)  <  (Hellenic Shin-to-TH shift) כשר KaSHeR (kosher, ritually fit) [CATHARTIC]

kathisantos  καθίσαντος  sitting  <   כִּסֵא  Kee$Ay, chair  [CHAISE]  [RW]

kato  κάτω, below, down < ß  תחת  TaK[H]aT, under, below [CATACOMB]

kavri καβούρι, crab   <  M132  עקרב [A]QRahBH , any crustacean (but translated “scorpion”) [CRAB]

keras, horn < קרן QeReN, horn [UNICORN]

kerasos or kerási   κεράσι, cherry  <  ß    זרח ZaRaK[H], the rising, (shining) cherry-red sun [RISE]

kélyfos  κέλυφος  , shell, hull, husk <  קלפה QLeePaH, rind, husk,shell [CALIBER]

kētos  κήτος, whale   < ß  דגה DaGaH, whale  [HADDOCK]  -- see ikhthūs

khiton,  χιτώνας   tunic < כתנת KiToNeT, shirt, coat, garment [COTTON]

khordé, a string or gut < S-G  גיד   GeeYD, sinew (strong, flexible string was from dried catgut, or
      other animal intestines)  see kithara  [CORD, GUT]

khroma, skin … hence complexion and color < קרם QaRahM, to cover with skin,
           crust or overlay      [CHROME]

kithara, stringed lyre  < גיד  GeeYD, sinew (musical cords of guitars, etc. were from dried catgut, or other
     animal intestines)   [GUT]

klepto, to steal < S-G S-B Noon-to-L shift, גנב  GaNaBH, to steal  [KNAVE]

kleros, a lot (CLERICS  were chosen by lot) < M132, S-G  גרל      GoRahL  Gimel-Resh-Lamed,  lot  [CORAL]

 koinós  κοινός , common < S-G  S-N   כמו KMOA (as, in common with);  גם GahM (also);  עם GeeM (with); עם GHahM (nation, people)  [COMMON]
Kolossós,   Κολοσσός , giant, colossus   < S-G  גלית Golyus, name of the Philistine giant who fought David,
      probably a generic  name for Titans,  as  גל GahL is a Semitic root for “mountain,” and a giant is a
      “mountain man” [COLOSSUS]

pē  κουπί , oar, handle  <  כף KahPH, palm of hand (Man’s first oar and handle) [SCOOP]

 koruphē, head  <  Syriac and Jewish Aramaic קרקפתא  KaRKaPHTAh, skull, crown of head, scalp [CHEER]

 kósmos  κόσμος , world, cosmos  < S-G   גשמי   GaSHMeeY, physical, cosmopolitan [MUNDANE]

krános κράνος, helmet  < קרן  QeReN,  horn (hard, protective headpiece) [CROWN]

kouvaláo κουβαλάω, carry, transport <  S-G  S-L 1. העביר  H’GHe(V)eeYR, to bring over [FERRY] ;
      2.  S-G  הוביל   HOA(V)eeYL, to bring [ARCHIPELAGO]

krassi , wine < M231   S-F  שכר  SHaYKHaR, alcoholic drink  [SAKI

kreas, flesh < S-G עור   GHoWR, skin, hide   [CORIUM

kronos, curved < 1.  קרן  QeReN, animal horn [CROWN]; 2. קער Qah’[E]R, curve [CURVE]

kurtos κυρτή,  convex <  קער Qah’[E]R, curve [CURVE]

krypt, a burial vault  < M132 S-B   קבר, QeBHeR, grave [GRAVE

kydos , glory  <  S-G  הוד HOAD,  majesty, glory, splendor,    praiseworthiness  [ADORE]

kýklos  κύκλος , circle <    S-G  עגול GHeeGOOL, circle [CYCLE]

láspi  mud    <  M312 S-F S-B   שפלהSHiPHeyLaH, lowlands…muddy, sloppy area  [SLOOP]

leopardus or  leopárdali  λεοπάρδαλη   leopard < S-L ארי  AReeY, lion + S-B ברד  BaRoaD, spotted, mottled

lipos λίπος  , fat  < S-B  חלב [K]HeLeBH, fat  [LABIAL]