GREEK from EDENIC (Pre-Hebrew) -- Part I of II
Several score Greek-from-Edenic matches are
within the E-Word Digital Dict. and not yet listed below.
The leading contributor here was Regina
Werling [RW]
Note: Greek TH may come from Shin/SH or
Tet/DT, not simply a ת Thaf.
< indicates origin in Edenic, the ultimate
source of other given roots
2. Upper Case letters are root letters; lower
case letters aid pronunciation; bolding for focus.
3. a [bracketed]
English word at the end points to an appropriate entry in the E-WORD: Edenics Digital
At entries are
full etymologies, other global cognates, and a Biblical citation (unless the
Edenic word is Semitic, but not in the Bible.]
Letter Shift Codes A menorah of
only 7 sounds, as all music is from 7 notes
שנוי בצליל האותיות
S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable,
no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,TS]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]
S-N = nasal shift
[interchangeable nose letters: M,N]
N = nasalization
(extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis
(root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that the Greek word takes the 1st,
3rd, then 2nd root then 2nd consonant letter
of the Edenic root.
ß = reverse
the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B =
a borrowing from
another modern language
to Romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
are in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around
unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language. 5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.
Aleph א = A or
any Upper Case VOWEL; Betב = B, Bhet = BH or (V); Gimel ג= G; Dalet = ד D;
Hey ה= H;
Vav ו= V, OO or OA ; Zayinז = Z; Het ח= [K]H or K[H]; Tetט = DT; Yod י= Y; Kahf כ,ך = K,
Khaf = KH;
Lamed ל= L; Memמ,ם = M;
Noon נ,ן = N; Samekh ס= $; Ayin ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH;
Peyפ,ף = P, Phey = PH or F; Zaddi צ,ץ= TS (always
read ST in European), T or S; Koof ק= Q;
ר= R or WR; Shin ש= SH, Sin = S; Tahf ת= T, TH, or (S)
abak, counting board; abakos, dust (as
used in a drawing board of sand or dust for mathematical figuring)
< S-B אבק AhBHahQ, dust; S-G א-ב-ג Aleph-Bet-Gimel, the Hebrew “A,B,C" is also
1,2,3 [ABACUS]
agein, to lead < ß נהג
NaHaG means to lead ; הגה HeGeH, rudder, helm,
steering wheel.
אוגי OaGeeY means “he drove away” [SYNAGOGUE]
aerktos -- not fenced < M312 S-G S-D גדר GeDeR
[GRID] negative prefix from א Eey- [A-] RW
aetós αετός , kite, bird of prey < עיט GHaYiDT,
bird of prey [KITE]
agállomai αγάλλομαι, to jubilate, be joyful; gélio γέλιο, laugh < גל GahL,
to rejoice [GALA] RW
agape, love < S-G S-B חבה [K]HeeBaH, love, esteem [AVARICE], אחוה A[K]HaVaH (fraternity) JW
agnós αγνός ,
innocent, pure < ß S-G נקי NaQeeY [INNOCENT]
ageláda αγελάδα , cow < עגל [E]yGeL, calf (Genesis 15:9)
agrios, wild, “of the
field” (as in onager) < seen
in guttural-liquid
“farmer” words like אכר EeKahR and Aramaic
(later Hebrew) חקלאי K[H]aQ’LAeY [AGRICULTURALIST]
Agora αγορά a coin, and verb of purchasing < כרהKaRaH,
to hire;מכר MeKHeR, price; שכר SoaKHeR ,
“he who hires” [HIRE]
aifnídia αιφνίδια, suddenly < M132 S-B S-N S-D פתאם PiTOaM, suddenly (Proverbs 6:15)
aix αίξ or aigós αιγός he-goat , he-goat
< עז [A]iZ or GHaiZ,
she-goat [GAUZE]
akantha αγκάθι and ankáthi, thorn
< N. קוץ QOATS
(thorn) [ACUTE]
alfa, beta,
gamma, delta…. < B. א
, ב , ג ,ד … Alef, Bet, Gimel, Dalet [ALPHABET]
afstirós αυστηρός (strict, stringent, austere)
< צר TSahR, narrow,
restrictive [STRAIT[
alké strength; alkimos, brave > ß חיל K[H]aYiL, strength, ability [ILL]
almyrós αλμυρός, salty < מר MahR, bitter, briny
aloi αλοή, aloe < אהל AHahL (Numbers 24:6) ]ALOE]
analkimos weak < Greek prefix an, not, lacking < אין AiN (without) [INSOMNIA]
for the alk element, see alké above
anakaleo, to call out; anaklaíō ἀνακλάω , to weep loudly < קול QOAL, a voice
or cry;
S-L קרא QaRaH,
to cry out [CRY]
andros , man, masculine < ß S-D S-N 1. מתי MiTaY , men [MASCULINE]
2. ß S-D S-N אדם ADaM (man), [ETHNIC]
άνεμος wind < M132 S-F נשימה N’SHeeYMaH,
breath; נשמה NiS(H)aMaH means breath and
soul [ANIMUS]
angelos, messenger < מלאך MaLAhKH, angel, messenger. The messenger is told to לך LaiKH, go, rather than
the go-maker, the מלך MeLeKH, king. [ANGEL]
ankáthi αγκάθι, thorn
< N. S-G S-D 1. קוץ QOATS, thorn; 2. N. S-G S-D חד K[H]ahD, sharp [DART]
ankhonē, a strangling < M231 חנק K[H]eNeQ, strangulation [HANG, NECK]
anthos, flower < S-D נץ NaiTS, flower, blossom [ANTHOLOGY]
Anthropos, ánthro̱poi άνθρωποι
, human being, mankind < 1 . Shin/S-to-TH shift
אנוש ENOASH, people,
mankind; 2. ß S-D S-N מתי MiTaY , men; 3. ß S-D S-N אדם ADaM (man), [ETHNIC]
Antika αντίκα , antique < traced by folk (with PhDs) etymology
to Attica, Greece. The extra N (nasalization) is of
עתיק ATeeYQ, ancient [ANTIQUE]
Aráchni αράχνη, (web-building) spider; arche, rule; Archos, ruler; arkhein, to rule < ערך [A]iReKH, order,
arrangement ; thus עורך [O]WRaiKH became the word for an arranger… like an editor [ARCHITECT]
"of the bear” whence ARCTIC. The bear is nature’s “dancer.” < רקד RaQaD, to
white; arguros, silver < ß S-G חור K[H]OOR,
the white linen in (Isaiah 19:9),
and the silvery hair
of elders in I Samuel 21:8 [HOARY]
arōma, aromatic
herb < ß מר
MoaR, spice in the Temple incense [AROMA]
asilla (yoke) , re-borrowed in PBH as אסל Ay$eL
(yoke) < S-L
אסר A$ahR,
to tie, harness, and the binding
family [ARREST, SARI].
Asmodeus , demon of
destruction < S-F השמיד HeeSHMeeYD, to
destroy, exterminate [SMITE]
āthelein, to contend < Sin/S to TH shift,
S-L שרה SaRaH, to struggle, persevere
of “athlete,” “athletic/s,” etc. at ARITHMETIC]
átomo Άτομο, ATOM, person, individual < אדם
ADaM, man; Adam, the sole, first man [DEMOCRAT]
Janusz Woroski
axine, axe B < Aramaicחצינא [K]HaTSeeYNAh, Akkadian hasinnu or חצין [K]HaTSeeYN, axe [CUT]
bathos, depth; and the nasalized benthos, depths
< ß S-D טבע DTaBH[A]h , to immerse, sink [DIP]
-- (thus the emotional depth of PATHOS, Greek suffering, passion – see pathos)
Bema, stage, platform < במה BaMaH, elevated area for rituals (in Tanach, inferring
sacrifices at improper places…
Middle Hebrew borrowed the Greek word for the platform in mid synagogue…
New Hebrew uses BaMaH
for a stage ) [BEMA]
Biblos, papyrus reed for a
writing surface… later a book <
Egyptian < אבוב ABOOBH, pipe, tube, knotgrass
Blastēma βλαστ(άρι) (offspring, sprout) and blastos, bud< S-B S-L
פרץ PaRaST to spread out and grow
forth [BLAST]
botanē, a plant or herb; vótano
βότανο, herb < M231 נבט NahBHaDT
(sprout), noun and a verb of
germinating and
sprouting. Arabic Nabat is a
plant. [BOTANY]
Boukol βουκόλος, herdsman (source of BUCOLIC) < S-L בקר BoaQeR, cattleman
bursa, purse; byrsa (hide, leather) < M132 בשר BaSahR, "flesh,"
skin (money holders were made
of leather) [BURSAR]
chir or chéri χέρι, hand < ß
האריך [H’E]ReeYKH,
to extend
chitónas χιτώνας,
tunic < כתנת KiToNeT, long shirt, coat,
garment [COTTON]
Χώμα, soil, earth < חמר K[H]oaMeR, clay [CERAMIC]
cyt , a cell and a cyst (biological sac) < S-D כד KahD, container, water pitcher [CADDY]
daktylos δακτυλος, finger <
דקל DeQeL (palm tree) is palm or
hand-like, of palmate design both from
the large branches or "fingers" of
the palm tree, and the palm or hand of its many fronds or "fingers."
The extra T in daktylos may be an
attempt to link it to Latin digitus (finger, toe). [DULCET]
demos people <
אדם ADaM, earthling; human, person;
בני אדם B’NaY ADaM, children of Adam, people [DEMOCRAT]
di- as in diploō
(to double); dis (twice) <
Aramaic דו DOO, two [DUO]
diaphragm < S-B S-G a family of פרק PeReQ words meaning
a break, division
or section, including פרכת PaRoaKHeT,
curtain, the space-breaker [BREAK, PARK]
diasporā, dispersion < dia
+ speirein (σπέρ) , to sow, scatter < M213 פזר PaZeR, to
scatter [SPRAY]
didymo δίδυμο, twin < S-D תאום T’OWM,
twin [TEAM]
díkaios δίκαιος (fair, right, just) ; dikaiōsis, justification; diké , justice, right,
court case < M231 צדק
righteousness, justice; צדק TSeeDaiQ, to
justify [SYNDICATE] Strong’s 1343-1349
dínoun δίνουν, to give < תן TaiN
(give!); אתנן ET’NaN, מתנה MahTahNaH, and (reversing D-N)
means a gift or donation [DONATE]
ekhis, adder or viper
< ( נ Noon dropped ) נחשNaK[H]aSH,
snake [SNAKE]
eliphas or the nasalized eléfantas ελέφαντας , elephant < אלף ELePH, ox and the verb of training
(familiar from an Ulpan to learn Hebrew).
Besides being a trainable ox-like creature, this largest land
mammal is the champion or אלוף ALooPH. This “champion” word, once nasalized, is the non-mythic
source of Mt. Olympus,
where Olympic champions were crowned. [ELEPHANT, OLYMPIC]
ellipein, to fall short, a fallen, reversed form of the פ-ל P-L core-root of
נפל NaPHahL, to fall [FALL]
emfánisi̱ εμφάνιση,
appearance; phainesthai , to appear… whence FANTASY < פנים PaNiM, surface…the visible plane
epi- a. (over, above < עף [A]hPH, to fly, and
extensions meaning high points [UP];
b. (besides) < אף AhPH, even if, all
the more so, though [IF]
epilēptikos, epilepsy… from a root meaning seizure < M231 S-L טרף DTeRePH, to seize
epistanai , to stop,
check; stamatí̱sei, to stop < סתם $aTahM is
to stop up, shut, fill or clog; עצם [A]TSaM is
to shut (the eye) [STEM]
ρεβος, Erebus or Erebos is the deity thus
personification of darkness. Darkness and shadow
is associated with the Greek twilight zone for the departed soul,
and a deity of dark death in mythology
ערב [E]ReBH, evening
eschala , hearth,
fireplace < אש AiSH, fire [ASH]
eschatos, of the end …as in ESCHATOLOGY
< The es-, like Latin ex- (out), is from חוץ [K]HOOTS, out.
[EXIT] The chat
element (ending) is from a close guttural-dental relative:
קץ QaiTS, end.
ethos, character < Shin/S-to-TH shift,
from אישיות EeYSHeeYOO(S), personality, an extension of איש EeYSH, man
etmos, truth < M132 אמת EMeT (truth)… so
that a true etymology is an EMeTology
etos, year < עת [A]iT ,
time, season [ETERNAL]
Evrópi Ευρώπη, Europe < מערב M’[A]hRahYBH is “west;” ערב [E]Re(V) is evening (direction of sundown). The name for the
West, Europe, came from the Near East, not from a Greek myth of Europa [EUROPE]
floudi φλουδί, paring, peeling < S-L פרד PaRahD, to
separate [PARTITION]
foní φωνή, speech; áfonos, speechless < ß S-B ניב NeeYBH, idiom, dialect, speech; נבא NaBHAh
is to utter, call, proclaim,
announce; נביא Na(V)eeYE, spokesperson or prophet [PHONETICS, TELEPHONE]
frákti̱s φράκτης , fence
… also a divider, < פרכת PaRoaKHeT,
family of פרק PeReQ words means a break, division or
fýllo φύλλ , sheet, like a FOLIO (page) in a book < פלח FeLa[K]H,
flat piece, cut section [FLAKE]
γάλα, milk < S-G חלב K[H]aLa(V), milk [GALAXY… as in The Milky Way]
géfrya γέφυρα (bridge) < S-G S-B חבר K[H]aBHahR, to join
together [ALGEBRA]
geneiáda γενειάδα, beard < M231 S-G D-Z shift via
Aramaic זקן ZaQahN, beard
geranos, crane, derrick and the long-throated bird ( like the heron)
< גרון GaROAN, Gimel-Resh-Vav-Noon (throat, neck) [CRANE]
gida γίδα, goat
< גדי
GiDeeY, kid of goat [GOAT]
γλώσσα, tongue < גלש GaLaS(H), to slide, glide … as when a mammal’s tongue
makes fur GLOSSY
gnátho γνάθο , jaw; Γνάθου
gnáthou is a jawbone <
M231 טחן DTaK[H]ahN, to grind
gomphos, a tooth or peg < S-N S-B ניב NeeYB, canine tooth in Aramaic [NIB]
graphein to
scratch, draw, write < a. the large family of guttural-liquid-bilabial
“scratching” words include
S-L גלב GaLa(V), the kind of scraping as a barber shaves; b. for writing, M132
עפרון GHeePaROAN,
a lead pencil ]CARVE, GRAPHITE]
(as the claws of the griffin),
grupos, hooked < the
clenched אגרף EGRoaPH (fist) [GRAPPLE]
gýros γύρος, round
< עגל [A]hGoaL, round
gunē, woman < ß נקבה NiQai(V)aH,
female. The Edenic “woman” is the feminine form of “man.”
English cognate of QUEEN, cwene (woman, prostitute, wife) is related. Make
your own
about women in Western “Culture.”
hēdonē, delight, pleasure ; idonismós ηδονισμός,
hedonism < עדנה [E]DNaH or GHeDNaH
(delight –
18:12… meaning of Eden). [HEDONISM]
hepat, liver < S-G S-D כבד KaBHaiD, liver, in
Leviticus 3:4. כבד KaBHaiD means
weighty, as this organ is
quite dense. [HEPATITIS]
Hera, goddess of childbirth < הרה HaRaH, pregnant (Genesis 16:11) [OROLOGY]
hex έξι ,
six <
ß S-G or S-drop ששה SHeeSHaH, six (noun) [SIX]
holos , wholly, fully… as in HOLOCAUST (wholly
< S-G
כל KahL, all. The Indo-Europoean “root”
kailo is whole.
hoplon όπλο , weapon < M132 חלף
K[H]aLahF is the large (butcher's) knife; S-L חרב K[H]eReBH (sword)
huper over < S-B עבר GHaiBHeR,
over, beyond [HYPER]
hupsos, height, top < S-B עפל GHoaPHeL,
eminence, hill, tower and Ayin-Phey family of “height” words
husterā , womb,
uterus < (Edenic TS is always ST in European) יוצרYOATSeR, (the) fashioner
life is formed) [ART]
hylē, forest, and xýlo ξύλο, wood < M2 13 S-G S-L יער Y[A]h’R or Y’GHaR,
forest [XYLOPHONE]
ikhthūs, fish < ß S-G S-D דג DahG, fish
[HADDOCK] -- see kētos
Ionia, the Pre-Greek Hellenics (the ancient names of Taphetic peoples in Genesis
10:2 includes יון YaVaN,
son of Japeth.
Ionia may be an Akkadian, Ugaritic or Hellenic rendition of יון YaVaN [FENWAY]
iSCHío ισχίο, haunch,
and iSKHion
, hip < שוק SHOAQ, thigh, foreleg [SHANK]
kádos κάδος is
a bucket, cask or jar; all CYTO- and -CYTE words are from
kutos (a hollow vessel)
< כד KahD, “pitcher”or leather bag as a bucket or pail for
drawing well water [CADDY, CANTEEN, KIT]
kalein, to call < קול QOAL, a voice or call; S-L
קרא QaRAh is to cry out, announce or read aloud
karabos, (S)CARAB beetles (the correct 4th plague of Egypt)
< S-G ערב GHaRoaBH, these swarming,
biting yet deified beetles [SCARAB]
kardiá καρδιά, heart
< S-G
חרד K[H]aRahD, to tremble (the heart is the trembler)
karóto καρότο,
carrot < קרן QeReN, horn (see “UNICORN”) and מקור MaQOAR (root) [CORE]
καρπός fruit (cognate
of CROP, HARVEST) < S-G חרף
to pluck leaves or fruit [CARP]
kastōr, kástoras κάστορας , beaver < קוצר QOATSoaR,
harvester (the animal that cuts down
small trees)
kata, down -- see kato
kathar(os) καθαρός (pure) <
(Hellenic Shin-to-TH shift) כשר KaSHeR
(kosher, ritually fit) [CATHARTIC]
kathisantos καθίσαντος sitting < כִּסֵא Kee$Ay, chair
kato κάτω,
below, down < ß תחת TaK[H]aT, under, below [CATACOMB]
kavoúri καβούρι, crab < M132 עקרב [A]QRahBH , any crustacean (but translated “scorpion”) [CRAB]
keras, horn < קרן QeReN, horn [UNICORN]
kerasos or kerási κεράσι,
cherry < ß זרח ZaRaK[H], the rising, (shining) cherry-red sun [RISE]
kélyfos κέλυφος , shell, hull, husk < קלפה Q’LeePaH, rind,
husk,shell [CALIBER]
kētos κήτος,
whale < ß דגה DaGaH, whale
[HADDOCK] -- see ikhthūs
khiton, χιτώνας
tunic < כתנת KiToNeT, shirt,
coat, garment [COTTON]
khordé, a
string or gut < S-G גיד GeeYD,
sinew (strong, flexible string was from dried catgut, or
other animal intestines) see kithara [CORD, GUT]
khroma, skin … hence
complexion and color < קרם QaRahM,
to cover with skin,
crust or overlay [CHROME]
kithara, stringed
lyre < גיד GeeYD,
sinew (musical cords of guitars, etc. were from dried catgut, or other
animal intestines) [GUT]
klepto, to steal
< S-G S-B
Noon-to-L shift, גנב GaNaBH, to steal [KNAVE]
kleros, a lot (CLERICS were chosen by lot) < M132, S-G גרל GoRahL Gimel-Resh-Lamed, lot
koinós κοινός , common < S-G S-N כמו K’MOA
(as, in common with); גם GahM (also); עם GeeM (with); עם GHahM (nation, people)
Kolossós, Κολοσσός ,
colossus < S-G גלית Golyus, name of
the Philistine giant who fought David,
probably a generic name for Titans, as גל GahL is a Semitic root for “mountain,” and a giant is
“mountain man” [COLOSSUS]
Kōpē κουπί , oar, handle <
כף KahPH, palm of hand (Man’s first
oar and handle) [SCOOP]
< Syriac and Jewish Aramaic קרקפתא KaRKaPHTAh, skull,
crown of head, scalp [CHEER]
kósmos κόσμος
, world, cosmos
< S-G
גשמי GaSHMeeY, physical,
cosmopolitan [MUNDANE]
krános κράνος,
helmet < קרן QeReN, horn (hard, protective headpiece) [CROWN]
kouvaláo κουβαλάω, carry, transport < S-G S-L 1.
העביר H’GHe(V)eeYR, to bring over [FERRY] ;
2. S-G הוביל
to bring [ARCHIPELAGO]
krassi , wine < M231 S-F שכר SHaYKHaR, alcoholic
drink [SAKI
kreas, flesh < S-G
עור GHoWR, skin, hide [CORIUM
kronos, curved <
1. קרן QeReN, animal horn
[CROWN]; 2. קער Qah’[E]R, curve [CURVE]
kurtos κυρτή, convex < קער Qah’[E]R,
curve [CURVE]
krypt, a burial vault < M132 S-B קבר, QeBHeR, grave [GRAVE
kydos , glory < S-G הוד HOAD, majesty, glory, splendor, praiseworthiness [ADORE]
kýklos κύκλος , circle < S-G עגול GHeeGOOL, circle [CYCLE]
láspi mud < M312 S-F S-B שפלהSHiPHeyLaH,
lowlands…muddy, sloppy area [SLOOP]
leopardus or leopárdali λεοπάρδαλη leopard < S-L
ארי AReeY,
lion + S-B ברד BaRoaD, spotted,
lipos λίπος , fat < S-B חלב [K]HeLeBH, fat [LABIAL]