Friday, May 11, 2018

GREEK-from-EDENIC, Part II of II

GREEK-from-EDENIC,  Part II of II

  ß = reverse 

Menorah of 7 interchangeable Edenics letter/groups, the color code:
 lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green),
 tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).

lýkos λύκος , wolf  <  ß  כלב KeLe(V), canine  [LOBO]

mathema (science) < S-D מדע MaD[A]h, science, knowledge, or mind;
       מד MahD, measure     [METER, MIND]

 máti  μάτι  eye  <  ß   תמונה  TMOONaH, picture; דמות DMOOT, likeness [DUMMY]

khanē, device <   מוכני MOOKHNeeY, a wheel-work or derrick was an early 
      “machine” or   MECHANICAL  preparation <מוכן    MOOKHahN, something 
      prepared <  כן KeN, a base [MACHINE]

me με , with <   ß  עם  [E]eM, with [COMMON]

megálo   μεγάλο , large < M213   גמול  GaMOOL, grown large or old (as a ripe fruit, 
     as a weaned baby…    gammal is aged in Scandinavian languages);    M213   S-L
     גמור  GaMOOR, complete  [MEGALOMANIAC]

metron, metro μέτρο, measure  < 1. מדה MeeDaH, measure, size, characteristic 
      METER];     2. משורה  MiSOORaH, measure  [MEASURE]  RW

misó μισώ, hate; misein , to hate … as a a MISOGYNIST hates women   
       < מאס  Ma’Ah(S to despise   (         [MISANTHROPE]

mitos , thread    <  מיתר MeYTaR, string, cord, sinew [DIMITY]

moró  μωρό, infant < S-N נער  Na'[A]hR, boy, (fem. form too), youth (Exodus 2:6); 
      נערות  Na’[A]hROOT is   puerility, foolishness or immaturity. [MORON] 
      (Janusz Worowski)

 móron  μόρον (the “sour” blackberry) and  mro μούρο (berry) <  מר MahR, bitter, 
       sour [MARINE]

myrmex, ant  >  M132 S-N, S-L נמל NaMaL, ant, porter  [FERRY]

mythos  μύθος myth, story <  ß   שמע SHeyM[A]h, report, verbal account, fame  

mýti μύτη , nose  <  ß    חטם [K]HoaDTeM, snout, nose [HUNT]

nearos , young, fresh < נערות   N’[A]ROO(S) (youth, vitality) < root  נ-ע-ר 
      Noon-Ayin-Resh,   נערN[O]ahR(youth) [NEW]

nektos, swimming…(pushing water) < M132 S-D  נדח   NaDaK[H], to push away 

noris  νωρίς, early (as at dawn’s early light) <  נור   NOOR, to give light;נר   NaiR, a light  

nýchta  νύχτα, night <   נחת  NaK[H]aT,  repose, rest, or "quiet" [NIGHT]

octa, eight <   S-G ח  Het (8th letter, and number 8)  [EIGHT]

okeanós  ωκεανός, ocean  <   אגן   AGahN, basin;  S-N אגם AGahM,  lake [OCEAN]

okholos. Όχλος  a mob, populace  < קהל  QaHaL, a congregated multitude  or 
     assemblage  [CULL]

olympus – see elephas above

omilia   ομιλία, speech  < 1. Aramaic מלל  MaLaL, to speak, say;
       מלה  MeeLaH, word, speech; 2. S-L   אמירה  AMeeYRaH,  speech  [ADMIRAL]

Onomázo ονομάζω, to name; onoma, a name < ß  מנה MeeNaH, to appoint; 
            מנה MaNaH, to number     [NAME]

 ónos  όνος, ass (she-donkey) < ß   or M132  of  אתון A(S)OAN, ass (she-donkey)

opto   visible, seen with the OPTIC nerve… οπτικός  optikós <  1. S-B   הביט  HeeBeeYDT, to look at [VIDEO];
      2.  ß   צפה TSaPHaH, to observe [SPY]

orkheisthai, to dance <  רקד RaQaD, to dance  [ORCHESTRA]

orthos, straight <  ß  Shin/SH to TH shift,  ישר YaSHahR, straight [SHEER]

osme or osmi οσμή , smell, scent < סם $ahM, in the plural סמים  $ahMeeYM, spices, 
    aromatics [SMELL]

ostó, οστό, bone,  has dropped the nasal seen in osteon, Latin bone <  S-N עצם  
       [E]TSeM, bone  [OSTEOMA]

para (beyond) <  S-B  עבר   [A]yBHeR, over to the other side [OVER]

papūros, papyrus reed for the earliest writing surface <  Egyptian < אבוב  ABOOBH
     pipe, tube, knotgrass [BIBLE]

pathos, suffering, passion, deep feeling or emotion  (whence PATHETIC and 
     SYMPATHY)    <    ß  S-D S-B  טבע  DTaBH[A]h ,  to immerse,   – see bathos

pelegos, sea currents <  פלג  PeLeG, stream  [ARCHIPELAGO]

pélekys , ax, is weakly thought to come from Greek  pelekan,  pelican, because the 
    back of  an ax-head can be said to resemble the bird’s beak.  Obviously the ax was 
    named long before any specific
     seabirds. The first “ax” was a plowshare. All three PLK words are from  
        פלח      PaLaKH  (plough, a plowman  
            in Arabic) and  פלג PLG  (the root of “breaking up,” here with a guttural 
            shift),     and similar Edenic bilabial-liquid-guttural words at  “BREAK.”   
   פלחן             PuLKHahN means “the plower” in Aramaic.  The pelican appears 
             to be ploughing the water as their large beak skims the surface for fish.

 pelios, dark  < אפל APHaiL , darkness or gloom  [PALL]

pente, five, … the IE “root”  penkwe, indicates a lost guttural < M312   חפן  
      K[H]aPHaN (to take a handful or fistful…   a measure of 5 fingers) [PUNCH]

peristera, a dove, clearer than Mishnaic Hebrew פרידה  PiReeYDaH, dove, pigeon
     <  M231 of  צפר
    TSeePOAR, bird  [SPARROW].

petros, stone… , (a piece of a rock)  <   M132 פרט  PRaDT, a particle                                           [PART]

phainesthai, to appear   <   פנים   PaNiM, surface…the visible plane [PANE] 
      see  emfánisi̱

phallaina, moth, the white creature < M213 metathesis of לבן La(V)aN, white 

-phas (speech), whence DYSPHASIA;  phasis (utterance) < ß ספה $aPHaH (speech)

pherein, to carry <  S-B העביר H'[E]BHeeYR, to transport  [BEAR]
philos, love  <    ß  S-B לב, LeBH, heart; לבב   LiBHaBH, “love-struck” [LOVE]

phlox or flóga φλόγα, flame < M132  S-B  S-L   בערה BGHaiRaH, a burning 
     [BURN, FIRE]

phōs,  light < S-F  פז    PahZ or PHaZ is fine gold  [PHOSPHOROUS]

phrear or  fréar φρέαρ,   spring  < S-B באר   B’AiR, spring,  well, water-source 

pίst    πίστη,  faith or belief (as in “Ye of little faith”) <  ß    צפה  TSaPHaH, (look out 
    for, anticipate with  hope and faith [HOPE]

platus, flat, broad  <  S-L פרד   PaRaD,   spread abroad;   פרץ  PaRaTS, scattered 
    widely    [BROAD, FLAT, PLAZA].

plassein , to spread out < S-L   פרש  PaRaSH), separate ;  פרז PaRahZ, level, open (and 
     un-walled country)     [PLAZA].

plekein, to plait, twine, and plektos, twisted  < M231  כפל KaPHahL , to double over 

polis,  city; the IE “root” is pel (citadel, fortified high place) < S-B  עפל  OaPHeL, 
    fortified mound, hill,  or citadel [METROPOLIS]

poly, many <   ß  S-B S-L  רב  RahBH, many, a lot  [RIFE]

potámi ποτάμι, river  < S-N  PeTeN orפתן   PeTHeN, cobra or other snake... what a 
     side-winding river  resembles from a height [PYTHON]

 poulerikó  πουλερικό, fowl  < S-B   S-L  אפרח EPHRoa[K]H, chick [PULLET]

pous πούς , foot  <  S-F  פשע PaS[A]h, to step  [PACE]

protos, first <   M132 S-D פטר  PeDTeR, the first, opener as the PeDTeR
       Re[K]HeM, the “womb opener,”     the PROTOtype [PROTO]

psyche, mind, spirit <  ß  S-G S-F S-B חשב  K[H]oaSHai(V), to think… the thinker or 
     mind;  נפש  NePHeSH,   spirit [PSYCHE]

psári  ψάρι , fish  <  פשע, פסע PeS[A]h, Pe$[A]h, step… footstep resembles the 
     common flatfish   (thus the “fish”-“foot” Word sole) [PACE]

Pyretós πυρετός, fever < S-B  בער  Ba’[A]hR, to burn [BURN]

rhaptein , to stitch together; rápto̱ ράπτω is to sew < ß  Reverse RPT to get  תפר TaPHa
      (to sew together)       [RHAPSODY, THERAPY]

Rýnchos ρύγχος , snout, muzzle, nozzle; rhinos, nose  < ß    צנור  TSeeNOAR (pipe) 
      or M312  נחיר Ni[K]HeeYR (nostril) [SNORKEL]

Rhodon,  rose < Aramaic  ורדא  VaRDa, rose;  Arabic wardiyy is rose-colored; pink is 
    وردي waradi; Mishnaic   Hebrew   ורד VeReD  or WeReD is a rose, and    ורד 
    VaRoaD is rosy red [RED]

sagma , pack saddle  <  שכם  SHeKHeM, shoulder, back, load;  שכמה SHIKHMaH, shoulder  

sákos  σάκος  , sack < שק  SahQ, sack, bag [ENCASE, SACK]

saliaikos, slug   <  S-F  M132 זחל    ZoaK[H]eL, crawler, slug     [SLUG]

sandáli  σανδάλι  ,  sandal <  S-N is a shoe/sandal in Akkadian (older than Greece), 
    Aramaic, Syriac and other  Semitic. סאון  $’OAN is a shoe, boot or sandal (Isaiah 
    9:4).  סנדל $aNDahL should mean the SN (shoe) of a
    דל DahL, poor man – see “DILUTE”  [SANDAL]

sarx  flesh   < S-F    שאר  SH'AiR, meat, flesh or near kin   [SARCASTIC] 

vvato Σάββατο, Saturday,  Sabbath < B  S-B  שבת SHaBaT, Sabbath, Saturday

seira   σειρα, rope, cord (that which binds)  <  יתר Ye(S)eR, cord; יסר  Ya$ahR, to bind 

sēmeion, sign;  simeíon   σημείων, “points” < תמונה (S)iMOONaH is a picture or 
      "image;"  "    שםSHeM, name,   signification, reputation [SEMANTIC]

sfaíra σφαίρα,  sphere, globe, orb <  ספור $iPHOAR (enumeration, boundary, heavenly
     realm)  [SPHERES]

Sitos, food  <  S-F S-D ציד  TSaYiD,  provision, food, game [SATISFY]

sk  σκιά, shadow, canopy, sunshade <  שחק 
     SHaK[H]aQ,  cloud;  the   plural        שחקים SHiK[H]aKiM , clouds,   heaven or    "skies" [SKY]

skopeîn σκοπεῖν,  to look  < שקף  SHaQahPH, to look at [SCOPE]

skoulíki   σκουλήκι, worm <  M132  תולע TOAL[A] or (S)OALaGH, worm   [SILK]

skpa σκούπα,  a broom <   S-B סחף $aK[H]aPH is to sweep away [SCOPA]

solín  σωλήν, a pipe or tube <  M132 S-L  צנור TSeeNOAR, pipe  [SNORKEL]

speirein (σπέρ) , to sow, scatter … whence DIASPORA (see above), SPORE <  M213 
    פזר PaZeR, to disperse,   scatter [SPRAY]

spílaio  σπήλαιο is a cavern or cave; spelunx, a cave<  Israel’s   שפלה SHiPHayLaH is
      her lowland;   שפלה SHiPHLaH is a low place –    Isaiah 32:19;    שפל SHePHeL, 
      low [SPELUNK]

spodos,  spit, skewer for roasting meat <  S-F Aramaic שפודא SHeePOODAh, spit, 
     skewer [SPIT]

sporā, seed < פזר  PeeZaiR, to scatter, disperse;  זרע ZeR[A]h, seed

spourgíti̱s   σπουργίτης, sparrow <  צפור   TSeePOAR, bird  [SPARROW]

 stefáni στεφάνι  a wreath; stephein is “to tie around”   < M132  צניף TSNeeYPH, 
     turban;  צנף  TSaNahPH,  “to wrap or wind around.” [SPIN] 

 streblos twisted; stréfo  στρέφω , to turn around; strephein, to turn [in 
     APOSTROPHE]; strophaligs     whirlwind  < S-D   Aramaic-Syriac 
      טרף DTaRaPH, to confuse, mix, beat (as eggs)  [DISTURB]

 styein or stino στήνω , to erect or set in place ß   נצב NeeTSai(V),  to set up, or stand up [STABLE]

styx, hateful;  stygein, to hate < ß קוץ  QOOTS, to loathe, to fear, horror or fear [HATE]

syn, with <  S-F S-N  צמד TSeMeD, a couple, pair; צמה TSaMaH, braid;
          שניSHaiNeeY, second  [SYNOD]

syspeiróno συσπειρώνω,  to coil  <  צפירה TSPHeeYRaH is both a turn and a wreath 
    (Isaiah 28:5)  [SPIRAL]

tarsos  ταρσός , ankle  <S-D  דרס DaRah$  (tread, trample in Jewish Aramaic); we 
     tread or trample underfoot  with the instep, tarsus or  sturdy back of the foot 

táv̱ros    ταύρος , bull  <  Aramaic תור  TOAR <  שור SHOAR, bull   [TAURUS]

tno   τώνω,  to extend < ß   נטה  NaDTaH extend   [NET

 telesma (payment), from telein (to complete) <  שלם SHaLaiM ( to pay).
      The Shin-Lamed-Mem (in the  Aramaic shift from TLN)  means both to pay and 
      complete.  There is שלום SHaLoaM (peace or    SOLEMNITY) only when a 
      transaction is  שלם SHaLaiM (paid up…thus complete)  [SLAM]

teras Τέρας, a monster <  ß רעד  Ra’[A]hD, to tremble in fear, and  חרדה [K]HaRaDaH, 
    a terror [TERROR]

tétarto  τέταρτο, fourth; tetra, #4; tetrás τετράς ,  tetrad (set of 4) < M132  S-D S-L 
     [DLTàTTR]   דלת  DaLeT, letter and number 4  [DELTA]

thanatos , death < 1. ß S-N   מות MOOTH or  MOOT, death; 2.   S/T shift  
     שנה  SHayNaH ,sleep  [ETHNIC]

thauma, a miracle, a wonder  <  תמה  ToaMaH or THoaMaH  is astounded or amazed 

     An Open-and-Shut Case for Trissim ... the plastic shutters or blinds on many Israeli porches and windows.  is traced to various languages meaning "shields", and to Greek
Thyrsi θυρο, window and thyra θύρα , door (source of THYROID) are the given sources of  תריס TReeY$,
     (Israeli) blinds,  shutters… also traced to words for “shield” < S-D S-L S-F    דלת   DeLeT or DeLe(S), door.
    Routine letter shifts get us from  דלת  Dalet-Lamed-Tahf/Sahf/Thaf ,  DLT to TRS  [DELTA]

Thalasa, sea  < Hellenic TH from Edenic fricative shift or TS as dental  
     צולה TSOOLaH or TSOOLaH, ocean depths  (Isaiah 44:27),  MiTSOOLoaS
    sea depths  [TEAL]

theca, a case  < TH-from-Shin shift  שק  SahQ, bag, sack, case [ENCASE, SACK]

therapy,  (θεραπεύω: to  cure, heal)   medical treatment  <  תרופה  T’ROOPHaH 
     or TH’ROOPHaH, medical treatment [THERAPY[

tónos  τόνος , tone (strength of a musical note…in DIATONIC( <  איתן AYTahN
      strength [TONE]

trekhein or trécho  τρέχω, to run ; trokhós τροχός  ,wheel < S-D  דרך  DaRahKH, to 
    tread, to trample [TRACK] ;     דרך DaReKH,  a way,  path    [DIRECTION]  

trephein or thréfoun θρέφουν, to nourish  <  טרף DTeRePH, (torn) leaf or prey to eat… 
     הטריף  HeeDT’ReeYPH,  to give to eat (Proverbs 30:8) [TROPHY]

 trs τρείς or  trias , three (3) …later shortened to  trei < Aramaic S-L    תלתTiLa(S), 
     three <   תלתא     T'La(S)Ah  is the standard post-“Babel” Aramaic version of  
       שלושהSHiLOASHaH (three) [TIRZA RIMA]

Tsakáli  τσακάλι , jackal < S-F S-G  שועל SHOO'GHahL (jackal, mistranslated "fox") 

Tsekri  τσεκούρι, axe < 1. M312   S-F S-G   גרזן GaRZeN  (ax) ; 2.  M213   
   קוצר QOATSeR, harvester…   shortener, cutter [CURT]

tūphos, fever… source of TYPHUS <   תפי TiPHeeY (hearth, to burn); תפתה 
     TiPHTeH, burning place   [TEPID]  

tursis,  tower  <   טירה  DTeeYRaH, castle, high fortification; ßצור   TSOOR, rock 
     fortress, tower [TOWER

tympanon,  drum <  N  תף ToaP(H), a hand-drum  [TAP]

város   βάρος , weight, burden < 1.  גבר  Ga(V)aR, to overpower (Genesis 7:19).  גבור  GeeBOAR  is a man of great wealth,   power and gravitas, a baron (Ruth 2:1) [BAROMETER];  2. a burden is borne, so an alternative source is העביר H'[E](V)eeYR,   to transport [BEAR, carry]

vathis   (Modern Greek),  deep < ß  S-B S-D   טבע   DTaBH[A]h, to immerse, sink 

 vótano -- see botanē

vrázo̱ βράζω (to boil)  <  בער  Ba’[E]R, to burn  [BURN]

שנאה SiN’AH  is the fricative-nasal seen at “.”  Greek xenos  ξένος , different, foreign,
    strange   <   שנה  SHaNaH is to be different [CHANGE].   שנאה SiN’AH  is
    sloppily translated and defined as “hatred.”  But the ש-נ S-N family reveals that the 
    more correct meaning is  not the visceral hatred of  מאס  Mem-Aleph-Samekh , but 
    the antipathy of  estrangement, of being  שני   SHaiNeeY (second) [XENOPHOBIA]

zōstēr,  a belt or girdle worn by men in Ancient Greece < ß   רצועה   RiTSooWO[A], 
     strap, strip; long, thin leather thong [SLAP]

zōē (life); zōo, zōion  ζων  (live being).  ZOON  means an “independantly moving
     organic unit, thus a living  being or animal < זע Z[A]h, זוז  ZOOZ or ZVZ and 
      זיעZeeY[A]h all mean  shaking or movement.    [ZOO, SHAKE]