Wednesday, April 4, 2018


ROBOT           [E]BHeD          Ayin-Bhet-Dalet 
EH-bhed________עבד_______[ BH-D à RBT]
ROOTS:  1. The badly-guessed IE “root” of ROBOT  is  orbh (to put asunder). These  RB or RP roots are taken up at “ORPHAN.”
Robota in Czech means “work,” and is the immediate source of ROBOT.  The AHD adds  “drudgery… servitude and forced labor” for the meaning of  robota.   German Arbeit is also an RBT meaning "work."  Someone reenactting Egyptian slavery at a Passover seder can translate,    הינו  עבדים   [A]BHaDeeYM HaYeeNOO as “We were robots.”

Of course, there were no mechanized ROBOTS in the Bible.  The Hebrews were   עבדים [A]BHaDeeYM,  slaves.  Slaves did all the Arbeit or  עבודה   [A]BHOADaH (work) in antiquity.  It took Exodus for true Bible-readers, and many centuries for everyone else, to accept the revolutionary idea that humans can’t own humans, and that slaves must be redefined as servants, employees with rights. Tyrants are still assuring us that Arbeit macht  frei (work makes one free), to quote the motto of Auschwitz (and that forced labor camp that we call Western Civilization).

“But ROBOT is an R-word?! “ you might protest.  Please be patient, and read on. Don’t be an automaton, programmed by highly-educated historical linguists who never studied Semitic, whose circuitry has been wired with a visceral hatred for anything challenging their ultra-orthodox devotion to Darwinism, the Cult of Meaninglessness.
The German Arbeit  retains the A from the  ע Ayin (the soft, Germanic  ע  Ayin, naturally) of   עבד [E]BHeD (servant --  Genesis 24:18. עבדות   [A]BHDOOT, servitude, is  the term for the slavery in Egypt.  With  Arbeit an R was added  after theע   Ayin of       עבד    Ayin-Bhet-Dalet.  

 The   ד Dalet/D shifted dentals to T.  As happens to non-historic Ms and Ns (nasalizations), the added letter stayed, and the original first letter dropped away.  While nowhere as common as nasalizations,  liquids L and R can spill into and out of roots like water, see the examples below. While nasalizations  help pronunciation, and are probably strictly human linguistic corruptions, liquidization (adding R or L to the Edenic root) could be more of a result of the neuro-linguistic effects on our brain’s language center at Babel-babble (Genesis 11).
There is a  ו Vav in עבודה ABHOADaH, work (Leviticus 23:7), which may have shifted from V,W to WR then R.  This is an alternative to accepting liquidization (added Ls and Rs to roots to aid pronunciation, and/or to help a word be more distinct).

 1. So, perhaps only an added R separates ROBOT from  godly “servant” names like Hebrew   עבדיה Obadiah or Arabic Abdullah.  See “OBEDIENT.”
2.  A second approach to RBT involves  ר-ד  Resh-Dalet  (decline) – see “ROOT.”   Sumerian  arad is a slave or servant.  The Akkadian equivalent is ardu. The extension   הוריד  HOAReeYD (to bring down) often means lowering status, as in Psalms 144.2 where the meaning is “subdue,” "enslave" or “made subject.”   So, the elusive root of ROBOT may involve a phantom B, not a phantom R. [SW]

BRANCHES:  The consistency of RBT  "work" words in Germanic and Slavic is almost ROBOTIC.  Like the German (and Yiddish)  Arbeit is Danish arbejde, Norwegian arbeid and Swedish arbete (notice the retention of the end-Dalet).  Hungarian borrowed robot (duty, toil) from Slavic. The living relative of extinct Gothic is Old Gutnish (Gotland, Sweden), where “work” is  arfudi.  It's a fine    עבודה   [A]BHOADaH (work) with the added liquid.  Along with the Russian   form of    עבד [A]BHoaD ( to work)  with the extra R, there are exact duplicates of Работа rabota  in several Slavic languages. In Eastern Europe the word can be traced back to Old Church Slavonic rabotya (servitude, even closer to    עבד [A]BHoaD).  Beyond the region are variants like Albanian robtis (to work hard) and Lithuanian darbas (with the Dalet/dental moving to the front in an M321 metathesis or reversal of  עבד   [A]BHoaD

Versions of   עבודה  GHa(V)OADaH include Romanian corvoadă, drudgery. The above examples suggest that an original D was lost when ע-ב-ד Ayin-Bhet-Dalet was liquidized into strange new words like LABOR.
Fernando Aedo found a liquidized (+ R)  Ayin-Bhet-Dalet “work” word in the Kuna language of Panama and Colombia:  arbaed (to work, toil, till).  Irish "work," obair, allows one to hear a ROBOT in reverse, but it has dropped any end-dental.
Latin labor, toil (whence COLLABORATE, ELABORATE and LABOR), along with Italian lavoro (work)  suggest a liquid-bilabial "work" word with no end-dental that is unrelated to עבד  [A]BHoaD. That Edenic etymon could be a reversed, shifted  פעל Pa'[A]hL (do, make, act -- see "FACULTY").  Latin work, opus, is close to our ע-ב-ד Ayin-Bhet-Dalet. 

Some  Slavic languages did not think ע-ב-ד  Ayin-Bhet-Dalet at all.  Polish praca and Czech prace (work) appear to be from פלח  PaLaK[H] (to labor—Daniel 3:18). This is a mere liquid shift away. The AHD's IE "root" for PRACTICE (PRACTICAL, PRAGMATIC and PRAXIX) is prak (to make, do).  This meaning points to  פעל Pa'GHahL (do, make, act), with an M132 and a liquid shift.

 The ongoing diversification of language begun at Babel did not have descendant offshoots of a proto-language all choose close variations like robots.  More than mere migration issues are involved.  An innate Edenic language program allows a breakaway clan to think of a different way to say things according to their cultural slant.  Other varieties of "work"  words are seen at "AMERICA" and "FACILTY."
The third definition of ARBITRARY is “tyrannical, despotic.”  This has nothing to do with arbitration.  This RBT word may be echoing ע-ב-ד Ayin-Bhet-Dalet slavery, and not AHD’s given "root" of "pulling asunder."  Such a "root" may be an M231 of   טרף DTeRePH (ripping apart) -- see "TROPHY."
Examples of hidden slaves from  ע-ב-ד Ayin-Bhet-Dalet include  Curaçoleño (Netherlands Antilles and Aruba) where katibu is a bondwoman, female slave, slave. KTB is an ע with guttural shift, a shifted dental of ד /D , then the  ב  /B or M132 S-G, S-D

Examples of added Liquids (R, L)  besides  עבד [E]BHeD to aRbeit (work in German) include:
CHARM < חם K[H]ahM, warmth (see "AMITY"), חמד  K[H]eMeD, delight;  חמוד  K[H]aMOOD, charming; COARSE  )rough, harsh, … no IE "root", "of unknown origin." If  an unhistoric R was added,   it is a perfect קשה    QaSHeH (hard).  See “KASHA.”
 ONSLAUGHT or SLAUGHTER from  שחט  SHaK[H]aDT (to slaughter – Genesis 37:31);
 ORDER from עדר [A]DahR (see “ORDER”);
 SLIVER from  שבר SHe(V)eR (a sliver or splinter – see “SHIVER”) 
 SLOUCH fromשוח   SOOaK[H] (to sink, bow – see “SAG”).
 German  SpRech, speech ; Old English "speech" words have no R.  [SPEECH]

 Added R’s are not common in Indo-European, but consider the chances of Arbeit and ע-ב-ד
Ayin-Bhet-Dalet meaning “work” by sheer coincidence.  When considering odds one has to consider what percentage of a total vocabulary can mean the same thing.   At the  “CAP” and "CALM" entries are more examples of both added Ls and Rs.   See “OBEDIENCE.”