Monday, March 5, 2018


Intro  to  Edenics.
 8 lessons in the Uncovering Hidden Hebrew series

 HOW TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW  with the  Sound-based Letter Shifts.  The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:  lip-made (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
 Lesson 1:  The LIP-MADE  or  BILABIAL (B, F, P, V, W)  SHIFT   ב,ו,פ,ף) )  [ ] = entry name in E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary     over 1900  pages,  $15 download at
BeRRY  a small, fleshy fruit
traced to the fake “Indo European (IE) root” bhā (to shine).

 Genesis 1:11PeReeY, fruit         פרי  
BURST   to suddenly open
  פרץ   PaReTS, to burst a breach
Genesis 38:29
FERRY (noun and verb) a boat or act of traversing a body of water
העברה לעביר  , [A]BHaRaH  L['A](V)eeYR
 “there went over a ferry boat to carry over (the river)…
 -- The Jerusalem Bible
II Samuel 19.19
FLUTT(ER), to tremble or quiver (thought to come from floating back and forth)

פלץ    PaLaTS, to shake, shudder, vibrate
Isaiah 21:4
FOG   the foggy bottom of invented “Indo European (IE) roots” suggests a source of  pu2 (to rot, decay)
עב [A]h(V) or GHa(V), the obscuring thickness of clouds -- reverses to BH-G or V-G
 עבב  GHaBHaBH is to cover with clouds. 
(Exodus 19:9 )
 Latin videre and the IE “root” weid  both mean "to see"

 הביט HeeBeeYDT is to look or look at;
 the formal three-letter root is  נבט  Noon-Bhet-Tet, requiring no sound shift from V.
(Genesis 15:5)
VINE   where grapes grow
Latin vinea (vine) is weakly related to Greek oine (vine)
 ןגפ GeFeN is the Biblical Hebrew VINE  . 
(Deut. 8:8)

HOW  TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW  with the  Sound-based Letter Shifts:        
Lesson 2:  The  TOOTH-MADE  or  DENTAL  SHIFT  (S-D)
The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
[ ] = entry name in E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary (1900 pages for $15 at our website)
BAT     Norwegian wood is VeD,
בד BahD, tree limb
Exodus 25:13 [BAT]
BOOTH  reverse the Sioux TiPi
  בית    BaYiT,  house
Genesis 33:17 [BOOTH]
EARTH Dutch aard, rev. TERRA
ארץ   AhReTS     land, earth
Genesis 1:1  [EARTH]
EXIT   all  EX-  and OUT  words
חוץ   [K]HOOTS  the outside   
Genesis 24:31  [EXIT]
VIDEO  Old French waitier, watch
    הביט  HeeBeeDT, to watch
  Genesis 15:5   [VIDEO]
DTaB[A]h, to immerse, sink
Exodus 15:4
גרד GeyRAID    to scrape    
Job 2:8  [GRADE]
TREK, TRACK    <  דרך  DeR’eKH , a  way, path, journey.  Genesis 16:7;  הדריך HeeDReeYKH  is to direct, while a    מדריך  MaDReeYKH means a director.   All roads lead to Babel.  Doroga is a Russian highway. 60 more related foreign words,  entry : [DIRECTION ]

HOW  TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW  with the  Sound-based Letter Shifts:        
Lesson 3:  The  TOUNGE-MADE  or  LIQUID (L/R)  SHIFT  (S-L)
The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
[ ] = entry name in E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary (1900 pages,  $15 at our website)
 פרי  P’ReeY, fruit
Genesis 2:29  [FRUIT]
 הר HahR, hill, mountain
Genesis 8:4  [OROLOGY]
Licit (permitted),
License (official permit)
 רשות ReSHooT, permission
רשיון  RiSHaYoaN, license

Ezekiel 3:7  [ILLICIT]
abeR,  but  (German, Yiddish)
peRo, but (Spanish)
אבל ABHahL, but 
 Daniel 10:7    [BALL]
aRuku , walking
הלך HaLaGH, to go, walk
I Samuel 10:26  [WALK]
muRus , wall (Latin, whence MURAL)
לואמ  MiLoWE,  wall as fortification
II Samuel 5:9 [MOLE (wall) ]

HOW TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW  with the  Sound-based Letter Shifts:        
Lesson 4:  The  THROAT-MADE  or  GUTTURAL (G,H,K,Q)  SHIFT  < ( ג,ה,ח,כ,ע,ק)
The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:  lip-made (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
[ ] = entry name in E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary (1900 pages,  $15 at our website)
GiRaFFE  (what Adam would call a walking neck)  
ערף GHoaReF (back of the neck, or sCRUFF --  harsh ע Ayin)
Leviticus 5:8   [GIRAFFE]
(Orpah, the correct Oprah, turns her back on Ruth and Naomi)
קדקד QaDQoaD (head crown)
Genesis 49:26   [HEAD]
HULA (Hawaiian dance, writhing in place, telling a story)
ילח  [K]HeeYL (to writhe; the Ma[K]HoaL dance led by Miriam)
Exodus 15:20
 HORSE  (the plow animal for ox-challenged Brits and Yanks)
חרש  [K]HoaRaiSH (the plower)
Micah 3:12
KID (young goat or human)
גדי   GiDeeY (kid of goat)
Genesis 38:17   [GOAT]
KNAVE  “unprincipled fellow” -- later, a boy servant
 גנב   GaNaV, ( a theif, as many boys with a bossy boss)
      weird spelling explained
Exodus 22:1
QUANT  (boat pole for propulsion, origin unknown)
חנית  K[H]aNeeYT (a spear)
II Samuel 23:7 [QUANT]
1001 English near-identical word pairs,  not borrowed from Biblical Hebrew, $2

with the  Sound-based Letter Shifts:   (Vowels are interchangeable). 
Lesson 5 :  The  whistling sibilants or fricative shift  (S-F)
The menorah of 7 interchangeable letters/sounds:  lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange). [ ] = entry in E-Word: Edeni
cs Digital Dictionary (1900 page download, $15)
SHINING examples, like SOLAR (Latin SOL is the sun).

Edenics family of fricative roots:
זהר  ZoaHaR, brightness  (Daniel 12:3);
הזהיר HeeZHeeYR,  to shine, warn (nature warns us that red  plants, snakes, etc. are deadly); זהיר, bright
 זר   ZaiR golden, crown-like border or edge  (Exodus 25:11)    זרח   ZaRaK[H], the rise + shine of the sun, whence
מזרח  MiZRaK[H], the east…direction of the sunrise (Deut. 4:47)
 צהל  TSoHaL, shine in (Psalms 104:15)
צהר   TSoaHahR,  skylight (Genesis 6:16)
צהרים  TSaHaRaYiM, sunny midday or noon time 
שחר   SHA[K]HaR, (the rosy red) light of dawn (Gen. 19:15) .
ROSINESS, ROS  wine, ROSACEA acne, the ROSEATE glow of dawn, all from this root via Latin rosa, red . Illuminating, shedding light on something, is teaching -- as the ZHR of Exodus 18:20, the  book of kabbalah is titled  זהר  ZoaHahR.  [entry: ROSY]

Sample of global derivatives:
Basque  zuri, white; Bengali sūryô,  sun;  Bilau (Papua, New Guinea) asur, blood (red) ; Bilau sūr, sun ; Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian ZRačiti, to shine, radiate;   Czech zaře,  shine or light; Macedonian ZoRa, dawn; Polish wiecZORna, evening glow;  Russian розовый RoZovyy, rosy pink <-- font="">;  Tibetan shahr, ཤར east (the direction of sunrise); Turkish  ark (shark) , the east; Turkish/Arabic Zühre, Venus (the bright Morning Star)  Lights o on in our neural paths with memory: זכר  ZaKHahR.
HOW  TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW  with the Sound-based Letter Shifts:        
Lesson 6 :  The  NOSE-MADE  or  NASAL  SHIFT  (S-N)    The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
[ ] = entry name in E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary (1900 pages -- $15)
 עין    [A]YeN, to direct attention
 עין     [A]YiN, an eye
 Jeremiah 24:6
Genesis 23:18  [EYE ]
ELM, a shade tree
   אילן   EeYLahN, a shade tree
Genesis 35:4    [ELM]
ME ( over 200 1st person pronouns with a nasal and vowel appear in E-Word)
אני      ANeeY, I
Genesis 27:34   [ME] 
NEIN, no (German)
מאן    M’EyN, refuse
Exodus 9:2   [AMENABLE]
MichIGAN, igan is a lake in Chippewa
  אגם  AGahM , lake, pond
 Exodus 7: 19     [OCEAN]
  מטה  MaDTaH, beneath
Deut. 28:43   [NETHER, MAT]

METATHESIS. M132 is the easiest to follow, with a derivative root’s sequence of consonants (vowels never count) taking the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root consonant of
the Edenic root.
Example: MARKet from   מכרMaKHahR, to sell. ]MARKET[ This common corruption IS NOT a natural, human change like nasalization.  Metathesis is a neuro-linguistic “confounding” of  Babel-babble.
 [  ] = entry in E-Word: The Edenics Digital Dictionary (over 1900 pages)

The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).
Araona (Bolivian jungle) pacala, fork in a tree, river, or path from פרק    PeReQ, a joint, crossroad  [FORK]
Irish aramarch, tomorrowfrom   מחר Ma[K]HaR, tomorrow [MORROW]
Latin clēmēns, gentle is allegedly behind CLEMENCY, mercy from חמלה  K[H]eMLaH, compassion [MERCY]
Luyia (Bantu)  ikubulii,  a milk curd from  חלב  K[H]aLaBH  [MILK]  
Mon-Khmer (Cambodia)  plsi, string  from פתיל  P(S)eeYL (thread, string… literally a twisted cord)  [FUSE]
Arabic sharif, شريف, lofty, noble from  S-B M132   שפיר      SHaPeeYR, goodly, elegant, adorned  [SUPER]
   The bilabial shift from פ  Pey to F doesn’t bother you; you mastered that in lesson five. Beneath the Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem is the hidden foundation of the Temple. As with etymology, so with archeology.
   Semitic languages were also spun off from Edenic with Babel-babble.  Sure, the acadummies teach otherwise.
 Note our new facts, not just the published, clueless and too-often hateful
 opinions. You might conclude that Western etymology is much like  UNESCO.
HOW  TO  UNCOVER  HIDDEN  HEBREW,  Lesson 8: Other METATHESIS  (scrambled sequence of root consonants) [  ] = entry in E-Word: The Edenics Digital Dictionary (over 1900 pages) 
The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange). 
For example: M213 is the derivative root’s sequence of consonants taking the 2nd, 1st then 3rd root consonant of the Edenic root. In the ever-present Divine Design of the Language of Eden (Edenic)בשר    BeeSaiR, to announce, bring tidings, is related to  ספר $ahPeR, to tell, (count) or recount
(Genesis 24:66) by M213 metathesis:  BSR from  ספר $aPeR . Hebrew numbers/letters, counting/recounting, an account or narrative spells out a spiel (German), a play or story, as the phrasing of the gospel.
MONSOON  Arabic mausim (time, season) from  M231 זמן  ZMahN, a period of time (Eccl. 3:1).
SHEEP, Old English scēap from  כבש   KeBHeS, sheep  -- M312
LEWD  (obscene) is somehow traced to Middle English leued, unlearned, Like the obscenity of giving PhDs in historical linguistics to those unlearned in Semitic. תבל  Te(V)eL,“perversión”  (Leviticus 18:23) is read backwards, with minor letter shifts is lewd. M321  metathesis
The external, Babel-babble effects in these 8 introductory lessons are crucial in the internal, unique Divine Design of  similar and opposite words using the same letter-groups.  Of course, the language “experts” cannot imagine this, since words are “meaningless, evolved animal signals.” The first eBook chapter documenting this appears in the  “A Garden of Edenics” (541 pgs, $5 at
There is a chapter on metathesis in The Origin of Speeches (Amazon or Lightcatcher Books, AR).

NASALIZATIONS: Hebrew Roots Hidden by extra nose-made Ns or Ms  [This common corruption of roots makes a word easier to pronounce, so is likely a natural, human change, NOT an effect of Babel-babble.]
[  ] = entry in E-Word: The Edenics Digital Dictionary  (1900+ pages) 
The menorah of 7 interchangeable world letters/sounds:   lip-made  (red); throat-made (brown), tooth-made (blue), nose-made  (green), tongue-made  (pink), whistling  letters (orange).

The most common word in English, French or Latin is the conjunction AND
 or ET. Et is just a S-N (nasal shift)  of  עוד OaD, in addition. But English AND is a NASALIZATION of  עוד OaD, in addition  [ADD]

Afrikaans   tante  aunt    from   N  S-D  דודה DOADaH, aunt  [DAD]  -- as Dutch, French, Yiddish .    (English AUNT lost an initial T

Albanian  cant, handbag, sac from N כד KahD, leather bag [CADDY]  --
as English CANTEEN

Armenian  ynker (friend) from N יקר  YaQahR, dear one  [CHERISH]
Bengali āa    ষাঁড় , bull from  N  שור  SHOAR , bull, ox     [TAURUS]
Dutch embryo,  embryo or fetus  from  N עבר    [O]oBahR, fetus  [BEAR (carry)]
English BUMP and PIMPLE can be traced to the plague of Egypt called Boils, which features painful warts or skin BUBBLES called a  בעבוע  B[A]hBOO[A]H
 in Exodus 9:9.   Here you combine your knowledge of bilabial shifts with nasalization of extra Ms or Ns.
Hungarian szombat (Saturday) from  N שבת  SHaBaT, [SABBATICAL] -- Borrowed but nasalized.

Malay bamboo (hollow bamboo reed) from  אבוב AhBooBH, hollow reed...pipe  --
as a Spanish bambero (fireman) wields a pipe-like water hose.

For entire chapters on these 8 brief lessons, see
THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES : From the Language of Eden to our
Babble After Babel   by Isaac Mozeson  (Lightcatcher Books or Amazon).
