Friday, April 13, 2018

Eve and the Bad Boy get ערום (Naked)

Genesis  2:25
Now while the couple, the Earthling and his mate,
were without costume or craft 1,
 they were not abashed 2 -- לא יתבששו LO YiT’BOSHaSHOO.

   1   ערום   [A]ROOM: naked, openly honest, naïve,  not wearing a shred of pretense; nothing up their sleeves.   בגד BeGeD means both garment and betrayal. They were the opposite of the ערום [A]ROOM “subtle” serpent in the next verse.

This is the first time in the unmatched  Hebrew Bible craft where opposites are blatantly employed with the same exact word: ערום [A]ROOM. Opposite meanings of the same word (usually just the same root)?!  Yes.  Fasten your seatbelt. You are dealing with the Creator’s language. This is no multi-redacted edited text by the puny human mind that craves clarity, and fears the creativity of ambiguity. (This annoys the linear, sometimes Torah-hating “bible scholars.”) The two sides-of-a-coin device expand the text with serious wordplay.

The English word echoing  ערום [A]ROOM is iRoNiC. [A. Ansley]   The Serpent spoke carefully plotted iRoNy, speaking with a forked tongue. Pre-fruit Adam and Eve could not imagine iRoNy.

2  This B-SH/ב-ש  root is found in לבוש   L’BHOOSH (clothes), which literally can mean “for shame.”

Genesis 3:1  
But the snaky Neanderthal1
was naked of soul
but the craftiest of beasts, ironic (from   ערום [A]ROOM)
that were evolved by the Lord God of pre and post history;
[seeing the humans openly love,]
he approached the naïve female with words:
“Just because your Lord of Laws said so,
you will not taste everything
 which can be enjoyed here?”

1   “Neanderthal” worked better in the early 1980s when this project began.  Anthropoly has better terms now,  Adam was guilty of stressing the negative of 2:17, without the overwhelming positive of 2:16. This allowed Eve to fall for the “law is death” line and the “Progressive” argument that one’s own views are as good as any authority’s. The soulless hominid and future snake, or  נחשNa[K]HaSH , is also a personification of the illusion that non-matter  doesn’t matter.  See “Evolution” in the Introduction.
While Torah has no theological room for an evil power which opposes G-d, many cultures have taken precisely that idolatrous stance against monotheism. Dualism wants a Devil, Satan or rebellious Lucifer to be behind anything “evil” that couldn’t be from their simplistic Sugar Daddy concept of a deity of only love. Many cutures have turned this tempting Serpent of Eden into a hydra of personified evil.  The Pre-Asian Ainu of Japan have a word for dragon, sikanna, which echoes snake and reverses נחש Na[K]HaSH. 

2.  The נחש Na[K]HaSH  is described as  ערום GHaROOM, translated “subtle, crafty or  cunning.”  ערום   GHaROAM means naked, exposed and transparent;   [O]WR means “skin.”  Pretending to be naïve and unsubtle requires great cunning and subltety.
On whatever level he is perceived, the  crafty נחש  Na[K]HaSH here leads mankind to mortality via the lure of esoteric wisdom.
Ayin-Resh-Mem  fits Hirmes,  the messenger deity who guides the dead to the mythical Hades.  Greek Hermes is associated with Egyptian Thoth, who also is involved with wisdom and death.  These gods sprang from the head of the נחש  Na[K]HaSH. Present-day pagans have cast the serpent as a Devil, a fallen angel Lucifer who defies God and leads sinners to hell. This pagan mis-reading of these dramatic verses drama both warps the only good or ultimate good of G*d, and His great gift to humanity: Free Will.  

The soul-less hominid, the future-Serpent, had speech, taste, limbs and animal magnetism that appealed to pre-modified Eve who confused desire and love. (We still have such Eves attracted to Bad Boys.)  From the future-serpent’s measure-for-measure punishment in 3:15 it is clear that its speech, human-like limbs, taste, sight -- his ability to be a charming lady-killer -- were removed. )