Monday, May 11, 2015

FINNISH - Edenic , Part 1 of 2

FINNISH from EDENIC:   with Mikko Nuuttila

Symbol Key:
   <  is “ultimately from the Edenic word ___.”
The [bracketed] word at end of an entry indicates an English cognate, and what to look up for more info in the E-Word CD Dictionary. The bracketed word, CAPITALIZED, indicates an entry name to see. Entries provide Biblical citations and/or Semitic cognates as further source words, relevant roots and cognates from other languages.
Bold indicates the core root being traced to Edenic (the Bible's Proto-Earth).
S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters:
B, F,P,PH, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,SH,TS,Z]  
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters:
Hard C,G,K,Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]

N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132
means that merk (to mark in German) takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root consonant (no vowels) of נכר, to recognize (shift from
Noon/N to M) and מכיר  MaKeeYR (acquaintance)
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B  = a borrowing from another modern language
An unbolded part of the Finnish word is treated as nonhistoric,
 or unrelated to the Edenic source word
Entry Key:

1. Finnish word    2.meaning    3. required shift (if any) 4. ultimate Edenic source___5.meaning of the Edenic word in English  6.  [  ] the e-word CD Dictionary entry to find cognates,
 Biblical citations, etc.            

alue or ala, area, confines < S-L Aramaic ארעא AR[A]’Ah, land, region, earth
     and country   [AREA]
alussa  at first; alustava, preliminary; alusvaattet, underwear… the first clothes
   worn  (see vaatteet) may be from   בד(V)ahD, linen clothes) <  S-L ראשית
   RAiSHeeT, first (as “in the beginning”) <ראש   ROaSH,
   head, beginning   [FIRST
ankerias, eel  < liquidized (extra R) נחש NaK[H]aSH, snake [SNAKE]
antaa, give  <  ß  תן TaiN, give! (imperative, sub-root of “to give” נתן NaTaN)
        ;  אתנה  ETNaH, the “hire” given a harlot
arkki, sheet (of paper, etc) <  ארך OwReKH, length  [REACH]
armo, mercy  < ß  רחם   Ra[K]HeM, have mercy  [MERCY]
arpa, lot, lottery ticket  <  ß  פור POOR, lot [FRIABLE]
arvoaste (rank), arvonanto (esteem, respect) and especially arvokas (dignified)
   < ß  reflect the gravitas of גבר Ga(V)aR (outweigh) and  גביר G(V)eeYR
    (master, man of high rank).
asettaa, set, put, place <  S-F  שת SHahT, to put, place, set [SET]
asia, cause, affair, business; asiakas, customer <  עסק [A]y$eQ, business, concern
aurinko, sun  <    אור  OWR, light   [AURA]
avara, wide, vast, extensive     < ß   רב Ra(V), many, vast, extensive; רחב
     Ra[K]Ha(V), wide  [RIFE]
avata, open, undo, unlock  <  S-B   פתח PoTaya[K]H, open  [PATIO

dyyni, dune <  נד NaiD, heap  [DUNE]
ehkäistä, restrain  <  עצר GHeTSeR, restraint  [ARREST]
enkeli,  angel  < S-N  M132 מלאך   MaLaKH, angel [ANGEL]
ensiksi, at first <  N M132 אחת  AhK[H]ah$, (F.) # one [EACH
etelä, south <  ß  S-L  S-D רד RaiD, to go down; דרום  DaROAM, south
hammas, tooth; syoksyhammas, tusk <  ß   S-N     שן SHaiN  [TINE]
hauska, amusing, delightful, entertaining, fun, funny, jolly <  M213  צחק
     TSa[K]HaQ, to laugh, sport [CHUCKLE]
hauskuus, jollity –note the suffix <  -ות –OO(S), as turns מלך  MeLeKH, king,
   into  מלכות  MaLKHOO(S), kingdom, reign (I Chronicles 11:17)   [-ITY]
havaita, perceive, observe < S-B   הביט HeeBeeYDT,    [VIDEO]
he, (pro.) them <  הוא HOOE, he;   הם HaiM, them  [THEM]
heimo, a tribe or clan <  S-G עם  GHahM, nation, people  [COMMON]

 heitto, cast, fling, toss; heittää is to throw; (as Italian getto) <  S-D  ידה YaDaH
      or  JaDaH (to cast, shoot) [JET]
hell, cherish, dote on; hellä, affectionate, fond < S-G   S-L  יקר   YaQaR ,
      precious, dear [CHERISH]
hellittää, ease;  helposti, easily, readily; helppo, easy, smooth <  S-G קל QahL,
      fast, light, easy     [ACCELERATE]
helottaa, shine  < הלל  HaLaL, shine, praise  [HALO]
hekottaa, to cackle  <  M231 צחק  TSa[K]HaQ,
     laugh  [CHUCKLE
hereillä, awake; herätys, wake-up call, awakening; herä, wake  < S-G  ער GHeR
          awake  [ORIENTATION]
hihitys, to giggle  <  (1. TYS + 2. HIS) <  M312 צחק  TSa[K]HaQ,
     laugh  [CHUCKLE]
hiljaisuus , silence < S-L   חרישי    [K]HaReeYSHeeY,  silent or quiet  [HUSH]
himoita, lust, covet, desire; himoitseva, covetous; himottava, desireable; himo, lust
     < S-D חמד  [K]HaMahD, to covet, desire, lust for [AMITY]
hiatus, slowness   <  לאט  L’AhDT, slow   [LATE]
hillitӓ, to curb, restrain < M132   חדל   [K]HaDahL, to cease [HALT]
hius, hair   <   1. ß  S-G  שער  S’GHayahR, hair;
       2. S-G   עשב AySeV, grass   [CIRRUS]
huilu, flute, pipe  <  חליל [K]HaLeeYL, flute  [HOLLOW]
hunaja, honey  < S-G  עונג  GHoaWNeG, delight  [HONEY] as German hoenig
hurme, (archaic, poetic) bloodshed from war <  חרים לפי חרב [K]HeReeYM...     
     (I Samuel 15:8)   "DESTROY  with the edge of the sword"  [GUERRILLA]

ilves lynx (wildcat)  <  לביא La(V)eeYE, lion [LEOPARD]
ilma ,  air or weather; ilmanala and ilmasto  mean ”climate;” ilmakehä,
    atmosphere;  ilmeinen, apparent, manifest; ilmetä, appear <
    עולם   [O]aLaM (the visible world)  [CLIMATE, LAM]
johtaja,    director, the one with the ability to handle things < S-D
       יד YahD, hand, power, handle [DIRIGIBLE]
jokirapu, crayfish < עקרב   [A]Q’RahBH, scorpion, crustacean  [CRAB]

kallio , a rock or crag  < ß S-L    רגם RoGaM, to stone, throw rocks; millstone terms: רכב REK[H]eBh
     and  רחיים RayK[H]aYiM    [ROCK]    See kari

kallis, expensive   <  S-L  יקר  YaQahR, dear, costly [CHERISH]
kallo, skull < עגול  [E]GoaL, round; גלגל GaLGahL, wheel [GYRE]
kalpa, sword < S-G S-L S-B  חרב K[H]eReBH, sword  [HARPOON]
kana, hen  <   קן QaiN is an animal “compartment” as on Noah’s ark; 
    קן QahN is a bird’s nest and chickens are the roosting animals [HEN]
kansa, people, folk, nation; kansan- national, popular; kansanedustaja, Member of
   Parliment < כנוס  KeeNOO$,  the gathering or assembly (of people);
   נסת  Kinesset (the Israeli) parliament     [ECCLESIASTIC]
Kansi, cover, lid, deck < N.  כסוי  Ka$OOY, covering, lid  [ENCASE]
kanta, base < כן KahN is a base [MACHINE]
käpälä, paw <  כף KahPH, palm of hand [CUFF
kari, the layer of rock  <  ß  רגם RoGaM,  to stone, throw rocks ;
    millstone terms: רכב REK[H]eBh  and  רחיים RayK[H]aYiM  [ROCK]
                       See kallio
Ka R ja, cattle < בקר  BaQahR, cattle  [BUCKAROO]
Karjua, bark, bellow, roar < קרא QaRAh , to cry out  [CRY]
käsi, a hand; …  käsitys, notion, idea, view (grasp); käsittää, "to make into a hand,"
    to grasp, means "to comprehend"   <   אחז OwK[H]ayZ, grasp   [HAS]
katkarapu, shrimp, prawn – see rapu below
kauppis, merchant  <  חפץ  K[H]aPHaiTS desirable object … merchandise
kaveri, chap, pal <  חבר  KHa(V)eR, friend
kavio, hoof  < עקב  [A]Qai(V), heel  [HOOF]
kavula, scramble <  M132  S-G, S-L  ערב  GHaRaBH, mixed [SCRAMBLE]
keihäs, spear, a different sharp projectile, < חץ   [K]HaiTS, arrow  [HASTATE]
keilailu, bowling (sport)  <  S-G  גלל GaLaL, to roll   [GYRE]

kieli, tongue; kielikurssi is a language course  <  ß   לקק   LaQaQ, lick [LICK]
kieriä, roll; kiero, crooked; kierous, twisted;  kierre, spiral; kierrellä, circle; kierros, circuit, tour; kiertyä,  turn, revolve; kiertää, wind, wrap; kierukka, spiral.  Then, somewhere between a bend and a circle, is  kihara (CURL) <  1. קער  Qa[E]R, curve;  2. S-G, S-L  עגול   [E]GOAL, round;    גלגל GaLGahL, wheel         [CURVE, GEAR, GYRE]
   kesä, summer <  S-F  קיץ   QaYiTS, summer  [COAST]
kipu, ache, pain <   S-B    כאב  K’AiBH, pain  [ACHE]
kirahvi, giraffe  < B S-G  S-B  עורף  GHOAReF, neck  [GIRAFFE
kivistä, ache; kivulias, painful < כאב     K’Ai(V), ache, pain [ACHE
kirjoittaa, write, kirjoitus, script (+ 50 writing words) < חרוט K[H]ahROODT, inscription;  חרט K[H]eReDT, pen;   חרטםK[H]aRDToaM, scribe [CHARACTER, CULTURE]
kiroilla, swear, curse  < קלל QeeLaiL, to revile, to curse [CALL]
kirpeä means sharp, piquant < חריף  K[H]aReeYPH, sharp, pungent  [CHAR]
kirppu, flea  <  ß S-G  פרעוש PaRGHOASH, flea [FLEA] The Swahili flea is

kirsikka , cherry <  B German Kirsch <  ß  שרק   SahRahQ means sorrel,
      reddish …    a red grape in Isaiah 16:8   [SORREL] 
kirves, axe, hatchet < חרב   K[H]eRe(V), sword  [HARPOON]
kisa, game, sport <  ß  צחוק TSK[H]OAQ, laughter, play, game
kitti, cement, putty < ß  טיח DTeeYa[K]H, plaster [DECORATE]
kone, machine < כן  preparation, base of a device [MACHINE]  see kanta and  kunnostettu
 kotka, eagle  <  S-G  עיט   GHaYiDT, hawk, bird of prey  [KITE
kova, hard, heavy, tough, intense; kovasti, hard, strongly <  כבד  Ka(V)aiD, heavy, severe, serious  (Genesis 47:13 a severe famine) [HEFT
kuilu, chasm, ravine, abyss, gap  < S-L  K[H]oaR, hole  [HOLE, HOLLOW
kuitti, recept, sales slip < 1. B German or Slavic, 2.  M132   כתב KiTaBH (letters,
    writing, script); a כתבה KiTooBaH is a marriage conrtact  [CUT]
kuiva , dry; kuivata, to dry, wipe <  N drops, S-G  נגב NeGe(V), the arid South of
    Israel; נגב   NeeGai(V), to wipe, dry
kukkula, hill, height   < S-G    גל  GahL,   heap, mound; S-G  S-L  הר HahR,
    mountain [OROLOGY
kulho, bowl, dish  <  קערה Q’[A]RaH, bowl; קער Q[E]e’aiR, to curve  [CURVE
kulma, angle, corner; kulmakivi, cornerstone; kulmikas, angular  <  S-L
    S-Nקרן      QeReN, corner [CORNER
kulua, elapse, go past; kulunut, past <  עבר GHa(V)aR
kuluva, current, present <   S-G, liquidization  הבה  Hoa(V)eH, present
kyllä, yes  <   יכול YaKHoaL, able… as in “yes, I can”  [YES]
kunnostettu,  fixed  < נכון NaKHOAN means ready, prepared, fixed… thus “correct”
      in Modern Hebrew [MACHINE]
köyttä, cord      <  חוט  K[H]OODT, thread
käryristyä, bend, curve; käyrä, bent, curved <  קער Q[E]e’aiR, to curve 

lehmä, cow <   לחם   Le[K]HeM originally meant "food," as in the meat of       sacrifices (Numbers 28:2). It is "flesh" or "body" in Zephaniah 1:17,  and Arabic lahm exclusively means meat or flesh.
liukas, slick, slippery; liukaste, lubricant; liukastua, to slip  < M213  S-G גלש    GaLaSH, to slide  [GLISSADE]
leveä, wide, broad  <  S-L  רוח Ra(V)ah[K]H, to become wide, to spread, and  רחב Ra[K]Hah(V), breadth, width [ROVE]
leivos, cake  <   לביבה  Le(V)ee(V)aH, flat  cake, cake, pancake I Samuel 13:6
levittää,  to spread <  רבד    RaBHahD, to spread abroad  [RIFE]
loitsu,  spell, incantation  <  ß  לט  LahDT (secret arts of magicians)  [LID]  
loppu, end, finish; loppua, to finish; loputon, endless <  ß S-B S-L  עבר [A]BHahR, past  [OVER
lukea, read; lukija, reader;  lukulamppu,  reading lamp;  lukusali, a reading room  < ß S-L  הקריא HiQReeYE , read ;   קורא  QOARAy, reader  [CRY]
lumi (snow) <  S-N  לבן La(V)aN  [ALBINO]
lӓjӓ, a heap  <  גל GahL, a heap [OROLOGY
lӓhetin, transmitter; lӓhettӓӓ, send, broadcast, transmit; lӓhtӧ , departure < ß
       טול      DTOOL,    to move forward  ,    יטיל  YaDTeeyL, to cast