Sunday, October 6, 2013

Edenic "Evolution"

Here's a preview of my Genesis interpretive rendition, with occasional Edenics, called "From the Beginning (perhaps out in 2014):

 Genesis 1:23  (the real transition system of the scroll-- 5:4)
[Corresponding to this fifth period of prehistory,]  there were dark ages before the golden age of emerging naval powers in the Fifth Millennium.

1:24  (6:1)
Next, the Lord willed the evolution of more complex animal species, both domesticated and wild, adapted to their habitat -- [just as sixth Millennium humans would form states, from agrarian to predatory nations]: so it had to be.

1:25 (6:2)
[Just as] the Lord developed1 the carnivorous and herbivorous, all species that roam the land: Then the Lord saw them fit2 to survive their habitats.

[1. The verb is notברא   BaRah, create from nothing, as in 1:1, 1:21 and 1:27, but עשה GHaSaH, made from existing matter, like Spanish hacer, manufactured.

2. APT and FIT reverse the bilabial and dental  to perfectly fit aspects of  טוב DTOABH (good, a dental-bilabial).  The created creatures here were blessed with a state of  טוב DTOABH, in other words with the ability to ADAPT to environmental challenges.  Being FIT to survive with ADAPTATION was not about mutation as dumb luck.]
2013  E-Word Digital Dict. (1200 pgs of data); The Origin of Speeches( Edenics theory) :
Previous musical slideshow: German-from-Edenic. 1000 + links to the Semitic Proto-Earth language.:   2nd ed. of THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES  lightcatcherbooks   Archived posts; Edenics searches, web games, short posts from Twiiter::  Following isaac mozeson on Facebook presents an interactive forum.
Edenics DVDs. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program, see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger. youtube: v=glWG3coAtEg