Friday, December 24, 2010


Be a Mahatmah, a great NeSHaMaH and add to the small new list below.
Sanskrit, like Quechua (Inca) and Italic (source of Latin) is one of the original neuro-spinoffs of Edenic at Shinar (Sumer... referenced as the later Babel.)

Contrary to the belief of linguists, with time and corruption, languages get simpler...and CLOSER to the original Edenic. Its easier to work with Hindi than Sanskrit or English rather than Old High German.








1. <   indicates ultimate origin in Edenic, the source of other given roots  

2.  Upper Case letters are root letters; lower case letters are are to aid pronunciation; bolding for focus.

3.  a [bracketed] English word at the end points to an appropriate entry  in the e-word CD dictionary. At entries are full etymologies, other global cognates, and a Biblical citation (unless the Edenic word is Semitic, but not in the Bible.]


Letter Shift Codes  A menorah of only 7 sounds, as all music is from 7 notes

שנוי בצליל האותיות


S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]

S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],

S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,TS]  

S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]

S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]

S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]

S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]


N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).

M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that the Slavic word takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root then 2nd consonant letter of the Edenic root.

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word

B  = a borrowing from another modern language



Key to Romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:

Vowels are in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.


Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL; Betב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V); Gimel  ג= G; Dalet = ד D; Hey  ה= H;

 Vav  ו= V, OO or OA ; Zayinז  = Z;  Het   ח= [K]H or K[H]; Tetט  = DT; Yod  י= Y; Kahf כ,ך = K, Khaf = KH; Lamed  ל= L; Memמ,ם  = M;  Noon  נ,ן  = N; Samekh  ס= $; Ayin  ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH;

Peyפ,ף  = P, Phey = PH or F;  Zaddi  צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European); Koof  ק= Q;

Raish  ר= R or WR; Shin  ש= SH, Sin = S; Tahf   ת= T, TH, or (S)


An-  (negative prefix)  < אין AYN (negative prefix, here is none) [INSOMNIA]

Ajras (field  < S-G   איכר EeYKahR, farmer  [AGRICULTURALIST]

Atman, soul (mahatma, great soul)  <  M231, Shin-to-T shift common with

  Aramaic, נשמה     NiSHaMaH     (breath of life, soul)  [ANIMUS]

Bhasah (language)  <  ß   S-B   שפהSaPHaH, lip, is SaPhaH, language (Genesis 11:1).

                           Reverse S-PH, shifting bilabial Phey/ PH to BH. [BUSS, SIPHON]

Brahma (creator) < 1. ברא BoaRAy (creator) --  Genesis 1:1; 2. BRM root of

    India’s most ancient, pre-Hindu spiritual,   Brahmin traditions (karma, 

    reincarnation, etc.) derive from     אברהם Abraham  - Genesis

Daru (wood)  <  S-D  תרזה TiRZaH  (tree)  [TREE]

Gayal  (cow)  <  M213  עגל[A]yGeL (calf)   [YAK]

Insan (human) <  S-F   אנוש ENOASH (mankind)  --  Psalms 8:5


Kala (a god of time) <  S-L קרה QaRaH, to occur  [OCCUR]

kan.d (to pound)  <  M231 S-D  טחן  DTaK[H]ahN, to grind  [CHIN]

Kama (desire, love, god of love) < S-G   חם K[H]aM, warmth;

     K[H]aMahD (to lust, desire)          [AMITY]

Kapi (ape)  <  קוף KOAPH (monkey)  [APE]

Karma (what goes around comes around)  <  גרםGaRaM (to cause);

     Aramaic, Syriac: to determine

Krmi (worm)  < רמה ReeMaH  (worm)  [WORM]

Krshna (dark, black.. as in the deity Krishna)  < M231  שחור  SHaK[H]OAR

    (black)   [OBSCURE]

Lila  (divine activities among Man; a play)  <  עלילה [A]LeeLaH, deed, action (Jeremiah 32:19); EDK adds “scene”, as in a play,

     and the meanings to insert or thrust in;  עלילה [A]LeeLaH (Psalms 66:5

     is specifically divine plots) and in  Medrash Tanhuma 4  the term clearly

    refers to covert, divine interaction in human affairs      (Ezra Harris)

Madana (delightful)  < מעדן M[A]’aDahN, delicacy (Genesis 49:20), delight

      (Proverbs 29:17)     [HEDONISM]

Mahira (the sun) <   מאורMA’OAR, luminary [ORIOLE]

Malaya (mountain… source of Malay, Malayan) <  ß , S-Lרמה   RaMaH

   (high place, height) [RUM]

Madha  (sweet)  , S-D, S-G  מתוק  MaTOAQ (sweet)  [MUSK]

Marya  (youth)  < S-N  נער Na’[A]R (youth)  [MORON]

Gna (wife) <  ß S-G    נקבה NiQay[V]aH  (female), NiQeeYQ (crevice)


Pancu  (five)  <   M231 חופן   K[H]oaPHaN (hand measurement)


Pippali (pepper) <  ?B.  פלפל PeeLPaiL (pepper) is a talmudic word, but the

   Aramaic       פלפלתא    PeeLPaLTAh is even older  [PEPPER]

Pur (city, in Singapor) < 1. S-L אפל    OPHeL (fortified mound) or

  2.  בירה  BeeYRaH (capital city)  [METROPOLIS]

Putra (son), Rajput (royal family) < S-B 1.   בת BahT (daughter),

    2.בית   BaYiT (family, house)     [PEDIATRICIAN]

                    Raja, rajah (ruler)  < רועה  RoaGHah (shepherd, ruler or king)  [RAJAH]

Rama (exalted Hindu deity)  < רם RaM (exalted)  [RUM]

Sabta (seven)  <  1. S-F שבת SHaBaT (week of seven days),

     2. שבע   SHeBH[A]h (7)  [SEPTEMBER]

Shash (six)  <  שש SHaiSH (six)  [SIX]

Sku (to cover) <  שכך $aKHaKH  (to cover)   [OBSCURE]

Smrt (to remember, be mindful)  < S-F  שמרSHoaMeR (to keep, guard,

    watch)    [SAMURAI]

Sri (resplendent, in Sri Lanka)  < S-F  זהר ZoHaR, resplendent, radiant

   [OSCURE]  (Ezra Harris)

Sutra (thread)  <  S-D  סדר $eDeR (arrangement)

Svasti (living in good condition)  <  שבע Sa[V]ay[A]h (satisfied)


Ushas  (dawn)  <  אש AiSH (fire, the time of fiery red skies)  [ASIA]

Tikki (peacock)  < תוכי TOOKeeY (parrot, exotic bird)   [TOUCAN]

Tri (three)  <  S-L  תלתT’LaT (three) in Aramaic  >   שלוש   SHaLOASH,


Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson