Friday, December 24, 2010

Chinese from Edenic, Part VII

CHINESE  (Mandarin) – EDENIC  
[George Shen  and Kinneret Pau assisted with the Chinese, Fernando Aedo and Regina Werling with global cognates. (Key to dialect abbreviations to follow.)

Comments to project leader Isaac:]   

Introduction: The skeptic will dismiss sound and sense similarities between “unrelated languages” as coincidence. Twenty of these are allowed to exist, they say, just by mathematical chance. Therefore, much more than 20 links from Chinese to Edenic (Proto-Semitic, as documented in the Hebrew Bible) are presented below. Consider the following “coincidence,” and figure the mathematical odds: Chinese yan = eye, and yuan = water source. In Ancient Hebrew, these are both Ayin-Yod-Noon,  עין   [A]YiN.


Most Chinese words do not have two consonants, greatly reducing the size of this comparison. Letters have been dropped and transformed into tones.  Even though a Resh/R is most likely to be dropped, this list does not include, for example,  shi X588 verse from   שירהSHeeRaH, poetry. When considering the available two-consonant words, a remarkably high percentage of correspondence is seen.

Chinese pictographs and definitions are from the Xinhua dictionary (X + page number).

Page numbers will vary slightly depending on the edition.
Letter Shift Codes:  Human words have only 7 anatomic sounds, as all music is from 7 notes.  All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W]
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS, X]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN (white).

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word   
N  Nasalize the word with an added N or M 

See “XYZ” is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations, sub-roots, engineered synonyms and antonyms, and more Semitic and world cognates.

Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel   ג= G,

Dalet = ד  D, Hey   ה= H, Vav  ו = V, OO or OA, Zayin ז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט   = DT, Yod   י = Y, Kahf כ,ך  K, Khaf = KH, Lamed   ל= L, Mem מ,ם  = M, Noon נ  = N, Samekh    ס = $, Ayin   ע = bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Pey פ,ף   = P,  Phey = PH or F,
Zaddi   צ,ץ = TS (always read ST in European), Koof    ק = Q,
Raish  ר = R or WR, Shin   ש = SH, Sin = S, Tahf    ת = T, TH, or (S)

ORDER OF ENTRY:  Meaning      Chinese  pronunciation  traditional pictograph word  (simplified form when available)    page in Xinhua dictionary   guide to shifts, etc.    Edenic ultimate source in Hebrew, then transliteration    meaning of the Edenic   entry in e-word CD dictionary  and searchable wordbase.

 If no entry exists, a Biblical citation is added.
G.C. = sample of closer global cognates. 


Make, create   1 zou X883 ß עשה  GHaSaH, to make, produce, do 2. zao   X810  יצור YiTSOOR, to fashion [an end-Resh/R is always dropped]  

          -- see “STYLE” and Do above.

            G.C. Hacer is to make in Spanish.


Mama       mu  X466; ma  () X433 , ß אם  EM, mother, while  nai means          breasts, milk,  suckling and grandmother X471  <  S-N -- see “MAMA”

             G.C.: Bantu mamas include: mau (Pongoro) and umai (Bungu),

Mayan mamas include me’ (Tzotzil).  Nasal-vowel “mother” words are an

acknowledged human universal.


Man, male    nan X471 S-N אמן OaMahN, craftsman

           – see “MAN”


Material (non-spiritual), dust, dirt   chen  () X73 S-N חמר  K[H]eyMeR,   material, clay.  See “MAROON.”


Me (1st per. Pron.) in dial. I, We, My or Our is  an  X6.  Me in Cantonese is ngo         , in  Korean na, and in Basque ni.    אני  ANeeY, me;  אנו  ANOO is we.

         -- see “ME”

Middle, in the…, or halfway, partners and mix   ban 
X18  בין  BeYN, between,   among, interpolate  -- see “BONE”


Miracle, supernatural, mythic   shen X583  ß S-F  נס Nai$,

   ,sign wondrous event,  … miracle (Numbers 26:10).  

 -- see “SIGN”


Mistreat , loss, disadvantage  yuan  X 794; also  nao X473 = disturb   ß נוי ע     [E]eNOOY, affliction. עני  [A]hNeeY, poor, lowly. ענה  [A]NaH, to afflict

           --  see “ANNOY”   see Oppress below

         G.C.: Hawaiian inea means hardship and suffering


Moth  zhu   X859   ß    עש  [A]hS, moth.  Job 4:19


Motion, movement  yun  () X802  נוע NOO[A], motion, movement  -- see      “MOTION”  See Move below.


Mound,  dun X149 (60)  נד  NaiD, mound   see Raised land below

          -- see “DUNE”

          GC : The ANDES mountains derive from Quechua Indian andi (high crest)

Move, shift    nuo
X485   נע , נוע   N[A] or NOO[A], move  --  see Genesis 4:12             “NOD” or  “HAUNT”  G.C.: Spanish andar is to move or go.

                                      Indo-European roots: neu (to nod). meue (to push away).


Mouth of river     pu  X513   פה    PeH, mouth  -- see “OPEN” and Nose below

          G.C.: Ip is a Korean mouth; Paa  is an Eskimo: Inupiak doorway

Mud, mire  ni
X476 (later, cement); also  yuan  () X794, abyss, deep pool  

           ß   יון   YaVaiN, mud, mire  -- see “FENWAY”

          GC: Spanish fango is mud. Swamp is beung in Thai. The WN in         Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada), means swamp in Cree (Native American)


Mulberry    ren X556    ß   S-N  מר  MahR, bitter  -- see “MARINE”  

           G.C. : Latin amarus (bitter), the M-R of Latin morus (mulberry) shifted to    M-L in the bitter-sweet MULBERRY

Name, surname   xing 
X721 S-N    שם   SHeM, name

-- see “ASHAMED”

          and the  “reputation” entry below

          G.C.:  Bantu iziina, name  (Fipa, Hangaza and Lambya dialects)

originally yoke or collar, reverse to li(n)g () X410  neck-piece for      oxen to pull, a yoke  ß  עול  GHOAL – see  below and “Collar”

           G.C.: Kaulua is a yoke in Hawaiian. Kall is neck in Maya: Yukatan.


Neck-piece for oxen to pull, a yoke  yang  X750   1. ענק [A]NaQ, necklace

           2.  חנק [K]HeNeQ, to choke the neck    – see  “ NECK ”

          G.C: The Cantonese neck is gan  (reversed nasal-guttural).

New     xin/shin 

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson