Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Jews wear funny hats and blow strange horns or their New Year too.
But those hats are yarlmulkes, with translates to:   Fear of the King.
And the ram's horn recalls a most solemn moment: the near-sacrifice of Isaac.

So if fear or reverence, and a solemn accounting before the King on Judgement Day/ Rosh HaShanah dominates the Jewish New Year, then my title is loony.

But it is also a joyous holiday, and a sincere person should be optimistic that he will improve that  he will be forgiven and that he will be granted a sweet year.

In fact, instead of one of the heavier, weepier synagogues, I will be singing and dancing at a Carlerbach shul here in Sedad, Galilee. "Serve the Lord with joy" is their motto.

This is supposed to be an Edenics post.  I'll get back to Rosh HaShanah after this new entry, also about laughing, crying, singing and praying:.

ORN(ITHOLOGY)   ReeNaH   Resh-Noon-Hey

Reey-NaH_____ _____רנה____________[RN]

ROOTS:    ORNITHOLOGY , the study of birds, is from Greek ornis  (bird).

Neither deaf nor without an innate language program, the first Hellenic speakers leaving Shinar/Sumer/Babel named these creatures for רנה RiNaH (to sing,shout, cry).

 Just crying out is at I Kings 22:36, but verses where  רנה RiNaH  is dominated by the sense of joyful singing  begin with Leviticus 9:24.

The scholars behind Indo-European "roots" came up with or-  (large bird).


BRANCHES:  Alleged derivatives of or- , beyond ORINTHO- words and NOTORNIS, include a large bird that doesn't sing, the ERNE (eagle).

To the credit of the IE research, there is also an or- "root" meaning "to pronounce a ritual formula… linked to Latin orare, to speak, plead, pray.

 The AHD's derivatives here are only rarely associated with prayer: ADORE, INEXORABLE, ORACLE, ORATION, ORATOR and ORATORY.  These words of oratory and prayer help solve an R-N mystery: RUNE (see "RUNE"). 

Ancient RUNES in extinct Semitic scripts are found in places like Sweden.  Most agree that the inscriptions involve stylized oratory, praise, prayer and song lyrics.

Edenic roots and words often mean the thing and its opposite.  It is a short distance between laughing and crying, crying in joyful praise and the crying and wailing of רנן  RaNaN in Lamentations 2:19.

LAMENT itself is given the weak IE "root" of la (Echoic root -- with "cognates" like LOLL, LULL and GLOSSOLALIA (speaking in tounges, a relevent psycho-linguistic phenomenon).

OF the listed "cognates" of LAMENT, perhaps LOON (a bird with a distinctive, laughing cry) is correct. LOON (see "LOON") is from Old Norse romr, a nasal shift away from רנה RiNaH .


a Rosh HaShanah poem,  circa late 1980s, NYC, The Village

Although incarcerated, confessed
of sins against the sovereign,
my spirits soar with the trumpet
calls of the coronation
at the regal river bank.

It is a day for magnanimity,
free-flowing wine and amnesty
for old friends, old foes, and worse
than I have been cast pardons
like so much bread upon the waters.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson