Sunday, September 12, 2010

Black Holes in the Deep Space of Language


Super-Edenicist Fernando Aedo saw a film about the immense yet unseen Black Holes in  the Universe.  The researcher-translator-webmaster saw an analogy with  Edenics and the hobbled telescopic vision of the language cosmos.  

The Black Holes in the Universe

(of language)  -- Fernando Aedo :  

Geneva , Switzerland .

We have never seen them directly, yet we know they are there. Working with intense star clusters, or wandering the dust lanes of the galaxy. Where they prey on stars or swallow planets whole.

Our milky way may harbour millions of these black holes, the ultra dense remnants of dead stars.

It has taken a new era in astronomy to find them. High-tech instruments in space tuned to sense high-energy forms of light, x-rays and gamma rays that are invisible to our eyes.

  New precision telescopes equipped with technologies that allow them to cancel out the blurring effects of the atmosphere and see to the far reaches of the universe. Peering into distant galaxies, astronomers are now finding evidence that space and time can be shattered by eruptions so vast they boggle the mind. We are just beginning to understand the impact these outbursts have had on the universe around us. (Thomas Lucas, Dave Brody)

But here we are focused more on languages than in astronomy. We have never seen the Edenic roots, however they have always been present in the words of the many different languages.

Working with roots, sounds and senses of intense resemblance, or wandering in the deepest lanes of the brain mass and throat. Where they are tickling the Keyboard of Creation to emit the sounds that allow speech.

Our language harbours thousands of these words, the continuity of the neurolinguistic disturbance that created this diversity of languages which allowed the emergence of new cultures in our vast world.

It has taken thousands of years for the old Tower of Babel theory to be revived ,  giving us the ability to find what scholars could not or would not see

We do not need high-tech instruments to detect the forms, metathesis, letter changes, nasalization and reversed roots that are invisible to our eyes.

With the new Edenics science we are equipped with instructions that allow us to cancel out the blurring effects of the neurolinguistic disturbance, allowing us to see the dark, remote corners in he universe of words. When looking at the roots of words researchers are now finding evidence   of new worlds of words and new galaxies of roots that are so vast that they boggle the mind.

 We are just beginning to understand the impact that the old Tower-of-Babel theory has  on the galaxies of  our languages.

The entry that addresses HOLES:



HOLLOW    [K]HaLaL    Het-Lamed-Lamed

HOLL-OL____ _____חלל____________[HLL]

ROOTS: Old English holh is HOLLOW; hol is a HOLE. The  Indo-European (IE) “root” sounds fine, kel, but its meaning ("to cover, conceal, save") leaves a gaping logical rift


. חור [K]HOAR or חר [K]HoaR is a hole – II Kings 12:10.  Shift liquids Resh/R to L.


 [K]HaLOOL and חלל [K]HaLAL mean "hollow." The latter term means "space" and "vacuum" as well.  חלל    KHoLahL is "pierced through" (Ezekiel 32:26), חלון  [K]HaLOAN is that hole in the wall we call a window (Genesis 26:8),  ללח [K]HaLeeL is a flute (I Kings 1:40) and חלחל   [K]HeeL[K]HaiL is to perforate.


 Another cavity, reversing our guttural-liquid, is  לע LoGHah (crater, throat – Proverbs 23:2… so good for words like LAKE or GULLeT).   For other hollow aspects of geology,  מחלה  Mi[K]HeeLaH is a cave (Isaiah 2:19);   the  ה-ר Hey-Resh opposite, a       הרHaR or mountain, may be seen at “OROLOGY.”  A body empty of soul is a     חלל   [K]HaLaL (corpse); a mind empty of spirituality is     חלוני[K]HiLOANeeY (secular).


BRANCHES:   For HOLLOW, the German adjective is hohl, the noun is Hohle.    Hawaiian  kaele (empty, hollow) is unusual for retaining Edenic ח-ל  Het-Lamed.חור   [K]HOAR or [K]HoaR (hole) is one of several guttural-liquid “hole” words.  L and R are interchangeable liquids, so HOLE may be as much from חור     [K]HoaR as from  חלל K[H]aLaL.


 כרה KaRaH is to dig (Genesis 26:25).    ח-רHet-Resh plowing and scratching terms are at “HEARSE.”  French carie (cavity) prefers the Het-Resh. The Latin translation of  חור Het-Vav-Resh is caverna. A gap in Igbo ( Nigeria ) is an ohere.  The Japanese cave is horaana.  Other Japanese H-R hole words include horeru (to be hollowed) and horu (dig}.


Het-Resh emptiness is seen at “CRACK.” A physical hole or vacuum isחרות   [K]HayROOT (engraved—Exodus 32:16 -- carved out, “freed” of its sculptor’s block) in spatial terms. This is why חרות   [K]HayROOT also means freedom. Uhuru is freedom in Swahilli (as Trekkies know), while Japanese hiraita means open.  Not linked to HOLLOW is Greek koilos (hollow), the given  source of CEILING, -CELE, -COEL, and

-COELE.  (See a liquid-guttural source for CEILING at “RACK.”)


The forms of “open” in Bengali, khul/ kholo/ khulun resemble Edenic ח-ל    Het-Lamed, even  חלון  [K]HaLOAN (window).  [ Ava Miedzinski].

Of the many cognates of HOLLOW at IE kel, only CELL, CELLAR, COLEUS, HALL, HELL, HOLE (see above), HOLSTER, HULL and (VAL)HALLA might be relevant. Add the suffix -COELE, from Greek koilos (hollow).  KL reversals like LAG(OON), LAKE and LOCH are large cavities in the earth that recall Hebrew words such as לע  LoaGH (crater) and  ריק  RaiYQ (empty).

The HULL of a ship is the  חלל [K]HaLaL, empty space on the bottom. Hull means “hole” in Norwegian. In Danish hal  is a hole; the Swedish is hal.

Noting the (typical) reversal of our ח-ל   Het-Lamed (guttural-liquid) root with the synonymous  ל-ע Lamed-Ayin of  לע LoaGH (crater – see above), explains why both Loch or Hohle  (L-guttural or guttural-L) are words for hole, hollow or burrow in German, and that CELL, HOLE and LACUNA (any gap, pit or lake) and LAKE are actually related.  

The Finnish "hole", reika, similarly reverses KR. The CHEROKEE Indians are "cave people," so this Muskhogean word may be related too. Japanese horeru is to be hollowed. An IE “root” that does mean "hole" and "cavity" is aulo. It gives us ALVEOLUS, CAROL and (HYDR)AULIC.


Another man-made HOLLOW, like HALL (large, covered room of a palace, etc.), is GALLERY (portico). Late Latin galena has no known origin and may be related to היכל   HaYKHahL (hall, "temple" in Hosea 8:14). The Temple in Jerusalem included just such a colonnade. Kuil is a temple in Indonesian. JACAL, from Nahuatl or Aztec, is also a large room of upright poles filled in with wicker. The Khaf in היכל HaYKHal may habe been softened or dropped – see “HALL.”


Perhaps the IGLOO is the HALL that an Eskimo builds with snow. Baruch Cohen from Rehovot adds that its roundless indicates the input of  עגול [E]GOOL (round).


The Assyro-Babylonian cognate for Hebrew היכל   HaYKHal   is ekallu.   A related HOLLOW home is the אהל  OaHeL (tent – Genesis 18:1).  A Hawaiian house or building is a hale. LEE and LEEWARD are from Old English hleo (shelter).  Other holes are in entries like “cavity.”

An inversion of the hollowחליל   [K]HaLiYL (flute) might be Ukrainian lulka (a smoking pipe).


Posted from Sefad, Galilee , where stars are still visible.  Just after the 5, 771 st birthday of the first human (Edenic) speakers, Adam and Eve.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson