Thursday, April 22, 2010

LAUGH Around The World

Jokes are lost in translation. But a funny thing happened on the way to the Tower of Babel. Many global words for "Laugh" are still recognizable as coming from 4 likely Edenic words. Here's two of those:

Laugh Around the World: Part 1 of II
[with Google Translator,, Kinneret Pau and Yitshak .M.]

This is only a sampling of the thousands of world words for LAUGH, but four Edenic laughter words seem popular. Roots are bolded.

1. לעג La’[A]hG or LaGHahG = laugh at, mock, jest. לגלג LiGLaiG = to deride. This source of English LAUGH has a liquid-guttural/vowel-guttural or tongue-throat sound.

Afrikaans lag
Basque algara (laughter)
Dutch lachte
English laugh
German lachen
Greek gélio [LG reverses to LG]
Hmong luag (giggle)
Irish ghair [L shifts liquids to R, + reverses]
Turkish gülmek [LG reverses to LG]
Yiddish lachin

2. צחק TSaK[H]aQ = to laugh, sport. צחוק TSi[K]HOAQ is a joke, laughter or game. This source of English CHUCKLE, JOKE and SCOFF has a dental/fricative-guttural-guttural or tooth-throat or whistle-throat sound.

Albanian qeshen [guttural precedes the
fricative-guttural, instead of following it] Arabic ضحك yadhak [Tsadi/TS shifted dentals to D]
Basque txiste (joke) [the guttural precedes the Tsadi]
Breton c'hoarzh [as above, but a liquid is added]
Catalan cudit (joke) [the guttural precedes the Tsadi]
Hindi हंसी hansī [the softer, Het guttural precedes the Tsadi,
the harsher Koof guttural drops, and it is nasalized (extra N)] Latin iocus (joke) [the guttural precedes the Tsadi/TS]
Latvian joks (joke) [the guttural precedes the Tsadi/TS]
Lithuanian juokėsi [the guttural precedes the Tsadi/TS]
Maltese tidħaq, daħaq [mild dental shifts of the Tsadi/TS]
Nahautl huetzquiztli (laughter, smile) [reverse, as usual with Amerind; the Tsadi is doubled; ignore the tl suffix]
Swahili cheka [treat C as the S the Tsadi/TS] ---------------
Posted from Safed, which is so hilly it makes San Francisco look like Daytona Beach.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson