Friday, April 23, 2010


Laugh Around the World Part 2 of 2
[with Google Translator, Kinneret Pau and Yitshak .M.]

This is only a sampling of the thousands of world words for LAUGH, but four Edenic laughter words seem popular. Here is numbers 3 and 4:

3. שמח SaMayahK[H] = happy, glad. This source of English SMIRK has a fricative-nasal-guttural or whistle-nose-throat sound.

English SMILE and SMIRK are from the theoretical Indo-European “root” smei (to laugh, smile).
The first Slavic speakers who gathered at Shinar (Sumer) after the Tower of Babel and migrated to Eastern Europe uniquely associated “laughing” and “smiling” with “happiness.”

See entries like “LAUGH,”“CHUCKLE” and “RUNE” to see that most peoples were thinking of the tone, not the emotion, of laughter.

Belarusian smiajacca Bulgarian smyakh Croatian smijeh
Czech smajati, smích
Macedonian cе-смееја
Polish śmiech
Russian smyeyatʹsya
Serbian smijali
Slovak smiech
Slovenian smeh
Ukrainian smiyatysya

. 4. לוץ LOOTS = to mock, scorn… be clownish This source of English DERISION [RS root] has a lamed (liquid or tongue letter L that shifts to R in the Latinate tongues), and a Tsadi/TS, which can become either dental or tooth letters D,T or whistling fricatives like S/

English words deRIDe, deRISion, RIDicule, and RIDiculous have no Indo-European “root,” but likely come from Edenic by way of the Latin (see below). Albanian tall (scorn), tallje (mock) [Edenic L-T reversed]
Frisian laitsje
Galician laitsje (joke)
Icelandic hlátur Italian riso (laugh), ridicolo (ridiculous)
Latin ridere [L-TS to L-D shifts; immediate source
of the Romance language RS and RD laugh words.
Portuguese (Brazilian) riso Romanian râs, râde

There is a 5th and 6th Edenic “laugh” word out there, but they don’t rate similar treatment since A) they relate to laughter, but are not real “laugh” words. For example, to laugh in Finnish is nauru. This could be a reversed רן RahN (to shout for joy, to sing out). It is close to laughing, but not as starkly clear as the matches above. Or as strong as Yoruba erin (laughter). Ancient Germanic does have a “song” word that appears in English as RUNE. But the word now evokes mystery, not laughter. --------

Posted from Sefad, where every לץ LayTS (clown) is a mystic.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson