Saturday, April 24, 2010

Late post

It's late for me to post, but then the Sabbath is getting out late.
More LATEness comes later:

LATE Lih’AhDT Lamed-Alef-Tet
Lih-UTT___ _ ___לאט___________[LAT]

ROOTS: Webster's cities Anglo-Saxon laet (slow, sluggish, tardy). Dutch lant and German lass (slow, lazy) are related; the Indo-European base is leid. The AHD reduces the IE “root” for LATE down to Ie. The nasalized Italian lento (slow) is a musical direction used in English as LENTO.
לאט Lih’AhDT is slow or sluggish (Isaiah 8:6). A liquid + ט Tet/DT antonym of the captioned term is רהוט RaHOODT (quick), from Aramaic RiHaDT, to run, akin to רץ RaTS (run – seen at “ROTATE”)

BRANCHES: להות LAhOOT or LAhOO(S) is weariness or exhaustion; LASSITUDE (weariness) is from Latin lassus (faint) LAZY is ultimately related. Cognates of LASSITUDE and LATE at IE Ie (to let go, slacken) include: ALAS, LAST-, LATTER, LENIENT, LET- and LIEGE.

A nasalization (extra N) of לאט Lih’AhDT (slow, slowly) gives us Spanish, lento Rumanian lent (slowly) and French lentement (slowly). "Slowly" in Hungarian is lassan. Hungarian lusta is lazy, a reversal of עצל [A]TSeL (lazy – see “LAZY”).

The ל-צ Lamed-Tsadi/L-S/T is a secondary etymon for LATE. For LS words of LOOSE LASSITUDE see "LOOSE." עצל [A]hTSaiL ("lazy," "idle"- Judges 18:9, Proverbs 6:6) is a reversed LS or LT term.
LOITER is from Middle English loitren, to idle away time. LATENESS is an obvious result of LOITERING.

Posted from Safed at 10:28 P.M., but Sabbath observers back in
the New World "old Country" won't see it for 5 more hours,
People console me with, "You're ahead of your time."
But we Edenicists will drag the rest you, kicking and screaming, to a New Word Order.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson