Friday, April 30, 2010

Go With the Flow

FLOW and BL or FL bilabial-liquid (lip-tongue) words are from Edenic words like אובל OoWBHaL (a flowing stream or channel). To better go with this flow, here's an entry from our E-Word CD Dictionary:

(ARCHI)PELAGO PeLeG Pey-Lamed-Gimel
PELEG______ _____פלג______________[PLG]
ROOTS: An ARCHIPELAGO is an area at sea with many islands; PELAGIC means of the sea. Greek pelagos is the open sea (currents), away from the calmer coastal waters. The once-again erroneous Indo-European (IE) “root” offered by the AHD is plak (to be flat). A child looking at the Malay archipelago, for example, would see that this is about fragmentation, not flatness.

פלג PeLeG is a stream, channel, rivulet or current (Psalms 1:3 or 65:10). This is not originally a river or sea word, but a break-off from a larger river.

The sound and sense is reinforced by פלג PeLeG’s S-G (guttural shift) relative, Pey-Lamed-Het פלח (slice – see “FLAKE” and “PLOUGH”). The KJV exaggerates by translating Psalms 119:136 as “rivers of waters run down mine eyes.” פלג PeLeG there should be translated as the more accurate rivulets, broken streams. KJV slightly mistransates the Pey-Lamed-Gimel verb in Psalms 140:7. “cutteth” (wood), when, again, it should be about fragmenting into smaller flakes. The more serious limitation with the KJV rendering פלג PeLeG as “river” is in Psalms 1:3.
“He (the righteous man) is like a tree planted by the rivers of water.” The KJV translation doesn’t merely infer too much water. The references to Abraham breaking away from the wicked of his day, and surviving the generation of הפלגה HaPHLaGaH (fragmenation) is lost. The Psalmist, on a higher level (missed by one-dimensional Bible scholars) refers to Abraham’s regained Hebrew (from Noah’s Shem and Ever) thriving while the world population, once all at Shinar, have their Edenic language fragmented during the Creator’s neuro-linguistic Big Bang of language dispersión at The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11).

Genesis 10 lists the 70 initial nation al groups spun off from Edenic, some of these would now be called “language superfamilies.’ The continent-forming as well as the linguistic ARCHIPELAGO of this time is seen at a crucial, if overlooked, פלג / PLG line in Genesis 10:25: Eber’s son was “פלג / PeLeG, for in his days was the Earth divided.”

Follow the פ-ל Phey-Lamed sub-root at “PLEA.” Another bilabial-liquid (lip-tongue) word for a FLOWING canal or river is אובל OoWBHaL (Daniel 8:2).

BRANCHES: Both the pelagos (stork in Greek) and the PELICAN (from Greek pelekan) ought to relate to Pey-Lamed-Gimel פלג PLG or (with a guttural shift) PLK as either water birds or as water ploughers (to honor the given etymon). These birds seem to plough (see "PLOUGH") rivulets and ocean channels, but not the open sea.

HiPHLeeYG is to sail or embark; בל י YaBHahL is to stream or flow ( Jeremiah 31:8) יובל YOOBHaL is a stream (Jeremiah 17:8); מבול MaBOOL is a flood (Genesis 6:17). אבל OoBHahL is a river or canal (Daniel 8:2). The two-letter root for flowing from Bet-Lamed or Bhet-Lamed, then, is P-L or BH-L. The corresponding IE so-called “root” is pleu (to flow). It includes all manner of flotsam such as , FLECHE, FLEDGE, FLETCHER, FLEET (see “FLEET”), FLIGHT (see “FLIGHT”), FLIT, FLOAT, FLOOD, FLOTILLA, FLOTSAM, FLOW, FLUCTUATE,FLUE, FLUSTER, FLUTTER, FLY, FOWL (see “FOWL”), FLUGELHORN, FUGELMAN, PLEUSYON, PLOVER, PLUTO, PLUTOCRACY, PLUVIAL, PNEUMONIA, PNEUMONIC, PULMONARY and PYELITIS. This flooded entry from the American Heritage Dictionaryt didn’t include B-L flowing words like BLEED and BLOOD.

World bilabial-liquid flowing “river” words include:
Danish and Swedish flod; French fleuve ; German Fluss; Hungarian folyo ( a fine M231 metathesis of יובל YOOBHaL (stream) ; Icelandic flojot (see Hungarian); Norwegian elv, (reverses that essential ב-ל Bhet-Lamed) Rumanian fluviu.

Another IE “root” just downstream is bhleu (overflow, etc.). Polish plukae is to rinse or wash.
Only Pey-Lamed-Gimel, P(F)-L(R)-G(K), could link the F-L river words of French (fleuve), German (fluss), or Scandinavian (flood) with the R-K river terms in Basque erreka and Slavic (like Russian reka).
If R-K are not from from (P)-L-G turned to R-K, then it could be from ריקה HeyReeYQ (to empty, pour out). For more BL or VL flowing terms, see "WELT." For BRK relatives see "BROOK."
There is no IE “root” for BLOOD, which will flow or BLEED, so they are likely from this Edenc ב-ל Bhet-Lamed/B-L or bilabial-liquid root of flowing. More Pey-Lamed-Gimel breakeups, and the few correct cognates of ARCHIPELAGO are at “FLAGSTONE” and “FLAKE.” The larger set of bilabial-liquid-gutturals breakers are at “BREAK.”
A word like MOBIL has the bilabial-liquid flowing element, preceded by the nasal-vowel movement of N[A]h, wander (Genesis 4:12).

Posted from Sfat, where the rivers and currents are about air.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson