Thursday, April 29, 2010


EVE(NING) (Hey)[E]eY[V] Hey-Ayin-Yod-Bhet
ROOTS: Middle English eve meant EVENING, and may or may not have been shortened from EVEN (evening) or EVENING (twilight until fully dark).

The given etymology of EVENING is in the dark, groping with an Anglo-Saxon verb aefnian (to grow toward evening) and citing Indo-European bases epi and opi which mean "after" and "later."
(from עבר [A](V)ahR ,see "OVER").

Let's clear away the racist clouds of academic dinosaurs who are Semitically-challenged.

העיב Hey[E]e[V] is to darken or become cloudy, יעיב Ya[E]eY[V] in Lamentations 2:1 means "covered with a cloud." The infinitive of this verb, עוב GHoWBH, is a match for the Indo-European “root” kwep (to smoke, etc.) and Greek kapnos (cloud, smoke) —the sources of VAPOR. עב [A]h[V] or GHah[V] means thick, "thicket" (Jeremiah 4:29), or "cloud" as in: "the sky grew black with clouds" - I Kings 18:45.
For more than atmospheric coverings with equivalent sounds of Ayin-Bhet (guttural-bilabial or throat-lip) – see the “COVER” entry.

The proposed root kwep (to smoke, etc.) resembles another Ayin + bilabial cloud word: ערפל GHaRaPHeL (darkness, thick cloud – Deuteronomy 4:11). ערוב [E]Roo(V) is mixed, for the mixed light and dark of evening.
EVENING occurs in the West. On the western horizon. The ע Ayin as voiceless vowel that you learned is not wrong. It is one of two variants. The ע Ayin as harsher, guttural GH is clear in the Arabic word for it’s North African illegal settlements which were illegally gotten after invading the Berbers. Countries like Morocco and Tunisia are the MAGHREB, the West, as ערב [A]RahBH or GHaReBH means west M’[A]RahBH in Isaiah 43:5

ערב [A]RahBH with the European, vowell Ayin is behind EUROPE, – see the “EUROPE” entry. BRANCHES: The Ayin-Resh- Phey term above, like GHaReeYPH (cloud, darkness of clouds (Isaiah 5:30), is not far from Latvian kupuli (steam, smoke -- M132, S-L). ע-ב Ayin-Bhet has merely added an R from one Ayin-bilabial smoke word to the other. Now we’ll add just a Resh/R to ע-ב Ayin-Bhet. The darkening skies of twilight and its mixed light are also seen in Hebrew's principal word for EVE (the night before) or EVENING , from ERe[V] (Genesis 1:5).

Reverse ע-ב Ayin-Bhet/G[V] (cloud) to see your way to FOG.

Cognates of VAPOR at IE kwep include VAPID and EVAPORATE. Cloud words that hear עב [A]h[V] as a vowel with a bilabial (two-lip) consonant include awan (cloud in Indonesian) and opun (cloud in Hawaiian). There's ufi (to smoke) in Tongan. ע-ב Ayin-Bhet is reduced to o (cloud in Fijian); it reverses to wu (fog in Chinese). ע-ב Ayin-Bhet clouds are obscured by a reversal and nasalization of the guttural Ayin in Swahili wingu.

ערפל GHaRaPHeL (darkness, thick cloud) is the likely source of alapay, sky, for the Chumash Indians (California). Arwaw means afternoon in Bilau New Guinea, the language that linguists consider isolated. Arvo is late afternoon in Australian slang,
Posted just before a Sefad twilight.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson