Sunday, March 7, 2010

Mom and Pop

Nearly all languages remember Mom and Pop with a form of  אמה  EeMAh and  אבא AhBAh’

There is no better way to honor the memory of a departed father and mother than by the children getting together.  Three of us four siblings met on a Safed street corner tonight.



ABBO(T)      AhBAh      Alef-Bet-Alef

AHB-bah____אבא   _______[ABA]

ROOTS: The Greek word abbas is the source for the title ABBOT, father superior of a monastery. Scholars prefer to pin paternity on the Aramaic word for father,  אבא AhBAh, rather than on the Biblical Hebrew term  אב Ah[V] or AhBH. In today’s Tel Aviv, calls for daddy are the same AhBAh.  אב A[V] is the first part of ABHRaHaM (Abraham’s) name, as “the father of many nations, but can also refer to the Heavenly Father: "Is he not your father ?"- Deuteronomy 32:6.   אב AhB, Aleph-Bhet, means“originator” in Genesis 4:20, 21.  The built-in opposite of this Aleph-Bhet father word is אב AiBH, young sprout, shoot (Songs 6:11).

For the Aleph-Bhet-Bhet extension of bearing fruit, see “VIVID.” For the wider “father” as
”originator,” see “AB-,“  ABRUPT” and “OF.”


BRANCHES:  Whether considered similar to or exactly the opposite of the .   א-ב Aleph-Bhet origin word (father), prepositions like OF and suffixes like –IVE  in English or   –OV  (locative suffix) in Russian are linked to אב  Ah[V] –   see “OF.”  

Beyond Westminster ABBEY one finds ABBA as ministerial father of the Coptic Church; ABBE is the French equi­valent.   An  ABBESS is a "female father" heading an ABBACY.  

Note that PA and PAPA (French and English) backwards is אב Ah[V] and ABBA (B or V shifts bilabial to P). The venerated papa of the Catholic Church is the POPE, from the Greek word for father: poppas.

The Ixil tribe of Guatemala call father pap.  Another  אב  ABH shifted  to PA is Sinhala (Sri Lanka) pi-yaah (dad).  From the Romans come English words like ATAVISM,   as avus means grandfather or ancestor in Latin.  Bpoo is the grandfather term in Thailand.

A sampling of "fathers" round the globe includes: abu (Arabic), baba (Persian), babe (Kurdish), babbo (Italian), baba (Javanese, Turkish, Taino and Swahili), ubaba (Zulu), ba and fu  and bàba (Chinese), apa (Hungarian), bap (Hindi), paw (Thai) and pa (Vietnamese). The five North Caucasian protoforms for “father” are aba, obu..p:u, ap:aj and aba again.    Rather than seeing all these "father words" as chips off the old Hebrew block, linguists feel that these P and B sounds (bilabials) are easy for babies to say. "Mama" is easy too, which is the official reason why M's dominate the world's words for mother. (See "MAMA.") The linguists haven't explained, however, why there  are no “gaga” parent words. Gaga is the first and easiest sounds that babies make. Scholars may be attributing too many words to the mouths of babes . . . and cavemen.

At the “MAMA” entry, we see that the Edenic mother or father both mean “origin,” “from” or “of.” 

Wierd etmological theories aside (about nasals M and N being suited for mother terms from suckling babies crying and pouting for breasts), it is perfectly reasonable for Malay to have twenty-three dialect words for father that are ama.  ( אם EM andאמא   EeMAh  are the Edenic mother and the Hebrew mama). Of the 59 Malay dialect terms for father, only seven are like bapa and baba. Since vowel-B means “from or parentage” it’s OK that Taino mother is bibi.

Some Slavic “father” words, like tata,  double T rather than B. Perhaps we have to go back to ancient Egypt to find a father word with with a vowel T and F, which can allow for the varients vowel  plus T and/or F. The following is from Jim D. Long’s The Riddle of the Exodus, (2006 edition): “ In Genesis 45:8, Joseph describes, to his family, his new status as vizier or prime minister stating, “G-d has made me a father to Pharaoh.” This odd designation actually agrees with the ancient Egyptian traditions. According to Egyptologist A.S. Yahuda, the vizier was also called Itf — which means “father.’ “

Fu in Bilau (Papue, New Guinea) means “origin,” reversing our vowel-bilabial etymon.

For a double-Bilabial relative term, rather the opposite of a father, see "BABY."  For “father” words with a double dental, rather than the double bilabial here , see “DAD.”


MAMA      EeMAh     Aleph-Mem-Aleph

EE-ma ________אמה____ __[AMà MA]

ROOTS: Whether or not she is blamed for raising Cain, Eve was the mother of all life - אם EM (Genesis 3:20).  אמה  EeMAh is the informal MOM or MOMMA.

  מMem is about origins or mothers, as the Edenic prefix Mee- or Mai-   מי means "from" or "of."  The similar meaning of “origin” is seen for PAPA words.

The IE “root” for MA, MAMA, MAMMAL(IA), and MOM(MY) is ma- (mother). MA reverses  א-מ Aleph-Mem (mother) just as PA reverses   א-בAleph-Bet (father – with an added Bilabial shift – see “ABBOT”).

The American Heritage Dictionary declares, when presenting the Indo-European root, that MA is "an imitative root derived from the child's cry for the breast.” This innacuracy is forced because a mother term as a variant of Nasal-Vowel is nearly a linguistic universal.   This imitative theory would not allow ama to mean “father.”  But it does in Tagalog and in 18 Malay dialects (including one mama and two mams).  Since Edenic מ   Mem words of origin could well signify a father in some cultures,  the facts again favor Edenics rather  than all manner of naturally evolved theories for words.  In Proto- Japanese the word for "mother" was papa.  

 אמה OoMaH, tribe, race, people (Genesis 25:16)  is like עם  [A]hM, people, nation (Exodus 15:13) ,  as   א Aleph and   ע  Ayin can sound and mean alike.  An    א-מ Aleph-Mem tribe shares a common MA or matriarch. A people with the same motherland share a togetherness that recalls the Edenic vowel-nasal word  עם  [E]eM, with (Genesis 18:25).

There is no bond like that of mother and child; it is no accident that “mother” is Aleph-Mem, while “with” is Ayin-Mem.


BRANCHES: Pre-verbal children cry "ma" far less than they cry “ga.”  No "mother" terms are named for the "wa" or "ba" of a baby crying to press lips (with a B or W pout) to a breast. More importantly, all the usual non-"imitative" changes occur to the "ma" root, becoming "am," "an" and "na."

To emphasize the differences of pronunciation, even within the U.K., British babies say “mum” while the MOM of Irish children is ‘mam.” 

There is nothing wrong with Hebrew, Arabic, Korean or Basque infants who call out for their EeMAh, oum, oma or ama. The Estonian mother is ema. The Sinhala (Sri Lanka) “mother” is ahm-maah.  Even Chinese has an equivalent of MA and MAMA : māma,, but the only European M-Vowel as the formal mother term is Portuguese mae and Rumanian mama.  The Navajo mother is . The Zulu child doubles MA to emama, much like an English, Quechua or Swahili MAMA. O-ma is the Latvian grandmother, while in  ian ama is mother and ume means an older woman.

Portuguese mae eems to be a reversal of Edenic EM. Others do too, reversing EeMAh,  while the nasal has shifted from M to N. Consider Turkish anne  and Hungarian anya.

A cry should end in a vowel, not begin with one. No one cries with an N sound, but vowel-N or N-vowel "mother" terms constitute about 40% of the total. North Caucasian protoforms favor  vowel-N . A scientific linguist should conclude that Eskimo (ananak), Hungarian (anya) and Turkish (ana) are "mama" terms reflecting a non-echoic or non-imitative original "mother" word (in this case  EM) which underwent many permutations.     

IE “root” nana is similarly dismissed as a "child's word for a nurse or female adult other than its mother." Don't tell an Aztec child that his dear nan (mom) is other than his mother. Nanna is also the Algonquian mother; nana, in Fijian. AMaH is a domestic woman servant (Exodus 2:5).  A wet nurse in German is amme, while NANNA, NANNY and NUN are listed at IE nana. Polish niana is a children’s nurse.   A NANNY GOAT is a goat’s mother, not an au pair. AUNT is also listed at IE amma, along with AMAH (amma meant mother in Medieval Latin) and AMOUR. See  "AMITY."

Anglo-Indian AMAH (maidservant) is from Spanish and Portugese ama. In the Orient, including China, a woman servant, nurse, nursemaid or MAMMY is an AMAH. AMaH means maidservant (Genesis 30:3).

Continuing to document the interchangability of Nasals here, nin is a Babylonian woman, while eme is a Basque female. Among the 59 dialects of Malay for the word “mother,” five are like MA, while twenty-four have an N + vowel.

MAY, MATER(IAL), METRO-, MOTHER, MATERNAL, MATRIX, MATTER, etc. are all attributed to the IE “root” ma (mother).

Why is Edenic Vowel-Mem the mother of all mothers?  אם  AiM also means womb or origin.  OoMaH is a nation or "mother country."  AhMNaH means education or nursing;  EeMaiTS is to adopt. The Mem dominates the words for “from” and “water” (where life is from).  Mai also means “from” in Hawaiian. Besides the Edenic prefix Mee- or Mai- (from, of), a more biological M word of origins is MahYAh (water - Aramaic). In Sumerian, ma means both water and origin. Meh is a womb in Hungarian.  Just as Mem-  - מ , as the prefix May, means “from” in Edenic, mai means “from” in Fijian and Hawaiian.

Im(m) means “with” in Old Irish. In Hawaiian “with” is me; in Tahitian and Samoan it is ma.

Preferring the guttural Ayin/GH, there is cooma (together) in Australian Aborigine..



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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson