Saturday, March 6, 2010

Building Bones

My neice was hilled up with child. הריון  HeRaYOAN = pregnant,  הר  Hahr is a HILL (liquid shift away) or  a mountain.  
You've heard Russians prounounce H as G.  GHello ?
Their hill is GORA.

In the tiny Israel,  a nation is built one family, one  בן BaiN (child) at a time.  Building is all about this  ב-ן Bet-Noon family.

BONE is linked to the Bet-Noon family of building  words by no dictionaries.
But that's why you are reading this here. 
Here's the Edenics CD Dict. entry:

BONE    BoaNeH     Bet-Nun-Hey   

BONE-eh             בנה___        [BN]

ROOTS:  No IE “root” was dug up for BONES, nothing older than Anglo Saxon ban.

 בנה  BaNaH is to build (Genesis 4:17) . אבן EBHeN is a rock or building stone (Genesis 29:10). אבן EBHeN is the stone to be fit  בין  BaYN (between -- Genesis 1:6) -- others, like a brick   לבנה LiBHaiNaH  (Genesis 11:3) in a building – בנין  BiNYaN.  BONES are the building blocks of the larger animals. A family is to be בנה  BaNaH (built up with children) in Genesis 16:2. As history lays the stone or brick walls of our families and generations, we must maintain the integrity of each בן BeN (child, son – Genesis 5:5).


BRANCHES: English coined an appropriate Edenic root, but other languages did recall the Edenic bone word –see “OSTEOMA.” In Chinese bian is completing a material, or fabricating something; ban means in the middle or halfway .  Bricks or stones, Bet-Noon words are laid  בין    BaYN (between) each other, but many grammarians did not have the   בינה BeeYNah (the intelligence involving relationships – see the next entry – to connect the Bet-Noon dots. 

Back to the body’s interconnecting skeleton, BONE  in  Yiddish is bayn, immediately from German  Bein.    Shifting nasals, N to M,  we can switch to a wooden construction BEAM and other BM builders -- see “BEMA.” Spanish albanil is a bricklayer , from לבנה LiBHaiNaH (brick).  Besides a Bet-Noon building word, לבנה LiBHaiNaH (brick) is also a Lamed-Bhet-Noon “white” word (see “ALBINO”) because bricks are whitened or baked in the sun.     In forest lands, trees and logs were the interlocking building components.  Bet-Noon endures, but with a nasal shift. Old English beam is a tree or beam.  The German tree, Baum, and Yiddish boim, appear in many surnames.

There  is no IE “root” for URBAN, no source or cognates for Latin urbanus.  The BN element may mean “built up,” from our Bet-Noon sub-root.  The “ur” element may come from עיר [E]eYR (city -- Genesis 4:17). A village in Modern Greek is horio; the Ayin to H shift is at “SEROW.”



Posted from within sight of the Sea of Galilee, the harp-shaped  Kinneret.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson