Thursday, March 4, 2010

Arts and Crafts

I made an unplanned detour through the Tsfat Old City quarter full of crafts and art.
Unlike  ברה BaRaH (creation from nothing, like  בר BahR, pure),  יצירה YeTSeeYRaH is fashioning a shape or  צורה  TSOORaH  from previous material.
 The EMeTology of CRAFT gives the crafts people the aura of mighty heroes

From our Edenics CD Dictionary:

ART                YoTSeR               Yod-Tsadi-Resh

Yay-TSeR            יצר             [(Y)-T(S)-R à R-T]

ROOTS:    ART is  traced to IE (Indo-European) “root” at (to fit together); Latin ars means art, skill or craft. 


 A  צ Tsadi/TS can be the source of both S and T, so a Resh-Tsadi  or  צ-ר Tsadi-Resh etymon is a prime suspect. יצר YoaTSeR is to fashion (Genesis 2:19). יצר YayTSeR (imagination, inclined nature – Genesis 6:5). צורה  TSOORaH is a shape, form or arrangement (Ezekiel 43:11). 


ART and STYLE ought to be related;  only with Edenics is this evident. Tsadi/TS  צ 

always becomes ST in Indo-European; and the Resh/R can shift liquids to give us the L of STYLE.


צור  TSOOR is to form, shape or fashion (Exodus 32:4). The sharp flint or stylus for designing is the צר   TSoaR  (Exodus 4:25 – see “STYLE”).  Shifting liquids (L,R) toצ-ל   Tsadi-Lamed,צלם   TSeLeM is a likeness (Genesis 1:26).  There are similar cognates in Aramaic, Akkadian and Syriac


BRANCHES:   As usual, most of the “cognates” cited by the American Heritage Dictionary are problemmatic. These include:  ADORN (see “ADORE”), ARITHMETIC (see “ARITHMETIC”), INERT (see
 and REASON  (see “ROTATE”).  The correct cognates include ARTEL, ARTISAN and ARTIST. 



 World words for art (same in French)  include arte in Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, while the Rumainian is arta.  Far from these Latinate words is a word for “art” that made the   י-צ Yod-Tsadi/ Y or J-TS  of our Edenic etymon visible.  In Japanese, which normally drops an end-liquidl, art is geijutsu.



CRAFT       GiBHOORaH       Gimel-Bhet-Vav-Resh-Hey

Give-OOR-ah_____ ___גבורה_________[G-BH-R à KRF]

ROOTS:  Strange that there is no IE “root” for such a strong German word like kraft (power).  CRAFT is merely traced to Anglo-Saxon  craft, with the powerful meaning shifting to the cunning to perform an art.



גבורה  GiBHOORaH means power, strength, might (Exodus 32:18),  גבור  GiBoaR is a mighty one (Genesis10:9),  גבר  GeBHeR is a man or mighty man  (see  “BARON” and  “VIRILE”).



BRANCHES:  The ability and power is best seen in words like STATESCRAFT,  WARCRAFT  and WITCHCRAFT .  The modern usage of CRAFTY  (clever) has changed much from the German kraftig (powerful, strong).



 Irish brig ( an easier M231 metathesis to follow) means force. BRIGADE and BRIGADIER are traced to a Celtic word which is thought to mean “strife.”   The power, strength and might of a BRIGADE as a force in warcraft seems more relevant than a description of the atmosphere in which a BRIGADE might be called upon to act.

 See “FORCE” and “GRAVITY.”



Posted from the misty, mystical city of Sefad,  (It was clear enough to see the Sea of Galilee.)  


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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson