FARSI/Persian (Indo-European, Iran)
HEBREW FROM AVESTAN, the Old Persian of the 1st millennium BCE, the language of
Mordecai and Queen Esther, King Ahasuerus and Haman
Sources include: Kashani, Manoochehr Aryanpur, The Aryanapur Progressive Persian Learner’s English-Persian Dictionary, Computer World Co, 2009. Colloquial Persian, Abdi Rafiee. Routledge, New York 2001
Links added by: Kamy Eliassi, Fernando Aedo, Regina Werling and Rabbi Dr. Leonard Book
Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the
derivative language. 5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.
Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Betב = B, Bhet = BH or (V),
Gimel ג= G, Dalet = ד D, Hey ה= H, Vav ו= V, OO or OA, Zayinז = Z, Het ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט = DT, Yod י= Y, Kahf כ,ך K, Khaf = KH, Lamed ל= L, Memמ,ם = M, Noonנ ,ן = N, Samekh ס= $, Ayin ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Peyפ,ף = P,
Phey = PH or F, Zaddi צ,ץ= T or S (always read ST in European),
Koof ק= Q, Raish ר= R or WR, Shin ש= SH, Sin = S,
Tahf ת= T, TH, or (S)
Symbol Key:
< is “ultimately from the Edenic word ___.”
The [bracketed] word at end of an entry indicates an English cognate, and what to look up for more info in the E-Word CD Dictionary. The bracketed word, CAPITALIZED, indicates an entry name to see. Entries provide Biblical citations and/or Semitic cognates as further source words, relevant roots and cognates from other languages.
S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,TS]
(Farsi ST is from Shin/SH, a fricative, not a dental)
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]
S-N = nasal shift [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]
N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that merk (to mark) takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root consonant (no vowels) of נכר, to recognize (shift from Noon/N to M) and מכיר MaKeeYR (acquaintance)
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B = a borrowing from another language, usually Arabic (if not modern)
An unbolded part of the native word is nonhistoric, or unrelated to the
Edenic source word. An unbolded part of an Edenic word might mean that
a prefix or suffix is not in the equation.
Entry Key:
1. English meaning, 2. Farsi word 3. required shift (if any) or other Babel-babble effect 4. ultimate Edenic source
__5.meaning of the Edenic word in English
6. [X] -- the E-Word Digital Dictionary entry to find cognates, Biblical citations, etc.
< = ultimately from. (Especially culture-laden words used in Moslem Iran will come from Arabic. Modern Persian or Farsi is now spelled in Arabic. To check if a word is borrowed (B), consult a dictionary.)
absolute kamel < S-G, S-L גמור GaMOOR , complete [MEGALOMANIAC]
absorb jazb < S-F שאב SHa’ABH, absorb, draw in liquid [SIPHON]
active fa’al < ?B פעל Pa’[A]hL or Fa’[A]hL , to do, make…
Pah’[E]eYL, active [FACULTY]
add afzúdan < ß הוסיף HOASeeYF, to add [PHASE] FA
adultery zenầ < זנה ZaNaH, to go astray, fornicate [SIN]
advice toseye < M231 עצה [A]yTSaH (II Samuel 16:20)
affection mahabbat < B אהבה AHaBHaH, love ; חבה [K]HeeBaH,
affection [HUBBY]
affidavit eghrar < ?B אגרת EeyGeReT, document
again báz < S-F ß שוב SHOOBH, to return, turn back, again [SABBATICAL] FA
aged senn; mosen elderly < ישן YaSHaN, old; [SENILE]
agreement – see Oath
ago qabl < עבר GHaBHahR, over in time [OVER]
alike – see Equal
alms -- see Charity
also, too ham < גם GahM, also; עם GHeeM or [E]eeM, with
ancestor bab < אב AhBH, father, forefathers [ABBOT]
and va B < ו V’, and [BOBBY PIN]
angel parí > S-L פלי PeLeeY (marvelous; an angel’s name in
Judges 13:18) [FAIRY]
anger ghazb; angry ghazúb < S-G, S-B קצף QaTSaPH to be
displeased, angry, wroth (Genesis 14:10) [CUT] FA
angle zel’ <צלע TSeL[A]h, a side…leaning to a side [LIST]
anger – 2 khashm < S-F 1. כעס K’[A]’a$, anger, 2. (if kh not in
root) M213 זעם ZaGHaM, anger, indignation [CUSS]
another qeyr אחיר
approval razá < רצה RaTSaH, to accept, desire, be pleased with FA
army sepâh < S-F S-B צבא TSaBHAh, army, (the hosts under command);
הצביא HeeTSBeeYE, to command; מצוה MiTSVaH, a command. [SEPOY]
arrow tir < S-D דרדר DaRDaR, thorn [DART]
assembly halkah < M231 קהל QaHaL, assembly, company, congregation
approximately taqqriban קרוב QaRoaBH, close [CRAB]
atom zarre < S-F צער TSa[A]hR means “was small” in Aramaic and
Hebrew, Arabic similar. [ZERO]
baby, nini < נין NeeYN, descendant, grandchild [EL NINO]
( a Spanish little one, child, and miniaturized nanotechnology)
back aqab > עקב [A]QaiBH rear, following at the heel [BACK]
bad shar < ß רשע RaSH[A]h, wicked, criminal [WRONG] FA
bag kise < כיס KeeY$, pocket [CASE]
bald kal < קרח QaReya[K]H, bald [CALLOW]
banna is builder; building is bana < בנה BaNaH, to build; בנין BiNYahN,
a building [BONE]]
barbequed beryan < בער Bo[E]R, burn [BURN]
beauty, elegance zibayi < צבי TSiVBHeeY, deerlike grace and beauty
ball, bullet goli, golah < עגל [A]aGoL, round, גלגל GiLGaiL, to roll, revolve [EGG, GEAR] F.A.
bear dab < S-B דב DoaBH, bear [PANDA]
beard rish < ß שער S’[A]yahR or S’GHayahR, hair [CIRRUS]
See Pubis
bed, bedding takht < תחת TaK[H]aT, below [SOUTH], just as a MAT(TRESS) and
מיטה MeeYTaH (bed) is related to מטה MaDTaH, below, beneath. [MAT, NETHER]
beauty زیبا zibā < צבי TSiBHeeY, deer, beauty [BEAUTY]
bee, wasp zanbur < Z-from-Dalet/D, N. דבורה D’BHOARaH, bee
beer -- see Barm
bird, perandeh < 1. N פרידה PiReeYDaH, pigeon, dove;
2. M231 S-D צפור TSeePOAR, bird [SPARROW].
birth veladat < לדה LayDaH, birth [LAD[
blade tiq < ß חד K[H]ahD, sharp [ACUTE]
boar (wild pig) goraz < M132 metathesis S-G חזיר K[H]aZeeYR, pig
bodies – see Materials
bone ostekhan < M213 S-G S-N עצם GHeTSeM, bone [OSTEOMA]
boss -- see cheif
breath nafas < נפש NeFeSH, breath (Genesis 1:20), NaFahSH, to breathe;
M132 נשף NaSHaF and נשב NaSHahBH, to breathe, to blow; נשיפה
NiSHeeYFaH, exhalation [SOUFFLE]
bring avardan < העביר H’EBHeeYR, to bring [FERRY]
brook juybar < S-L יובל YOOBHahL, stream, canal, course, river
brother dâdâsh < ידיד yiDeeYD, friend [DAD, DUDE]
bulgur or bulghur (cracked wheat grains) barghūl (by way of Turkish
and Arabic -- S-L) < בר BaR, grain or corn [BARLEY]
but vali < אבל A(V)ahL, but [BALL]
butterfly parvaneh < פרפר PaRPaR, butterfly; פרפור PiRPOOR, twitch
captive, prisoner asir > אסיר A$eeYR, prisoner [SARI]
cart gari < S-G גל GahL, wave (1/2 circle); גלגל GaLGahL, wheel;
עגלה[A]GahLaH, cart, wagon [GEAR]]
castle, fort baru < בירה BeeYRaH (capital city, castle, fort) [BOROUGH]
cat gorbe < M132 S-G S-B כפיר K’PHeeYR, lion cub [CAPRICORN]
center markaz B Arabic markaz, center < Akkadian markāsu (place to
bind) and rakāsu, to bind < רכס RaKHah$ to bind, fasten (Exodus 28:28 --
“held in place” or centered), also borrowed from Arabic by the Turkish
merkaz and Modern Hebrew מרכז MeRKahZ, center [CENTER]
chalk gach < Old Engl. cealk < L. calx, calc, lime < סלע $eL’GHah, rock
chamber bayt < B Arabic < בית BaYiT, house; interior [BOOTH] FA
champion – see hero
charity, alms zakat < M132 Arabic sadaqa, alms or צדיק TSeDaQaH,
charity < צדק TSeDaeQ, righteousness, what is deserved [SYNDICATE]
chief, boss ra’is < ראש ROASH, chief, head [SIR]
chief of a tribe khan < כהן KoaHaiN, religious or political leader [KHAN]
child, kid tefl < טף DTahF, young children [PEDIATRICIAN]
circle dayere < דור DOOR, rim of wheel [TIRE]
city council shardâri < the location of public legal proceedings has been the
שער SHa’[A]R, the city gate, as first recorded in Genesis 23:10. There is
also the tie-in to ישרYoSHeR, just judification, whence Arabic
SHARI’YA (Islamic law) and Farsi SHaR’e (lawful) and SHaRi’at
(religious law). [JURISDICTION]
claw panje < M231 חפן [K]HoaFahN (handful) [PUGNACIOUS]
clothes lebas < S-B S-F לבוש L’BHOOSH, clothes [ABASH]
code ramz < B Arabic remez رمز code; ramaza, he winked with the eyes
< M132 רזם RaZAM, winking, flashing a secret sign (Job 15:12)
complete -- see absolute
country diyâr < ß S-D ארץ AReTS, country, land [EARTH]
cow gav < ß בקר BaQaR, cattle. ( Like COW and gav, a Thai buffalo
is kwy.) [BUCKAROO]
crib gahvare < M132 S-G S-L כלוב KLOO(V) or KLOOBH, crib
crown, crest tâj < Aramaic תגא TaGAh, crown; תג TahG, ornamental crownlet in calligraphy [TAJ MAHAL]
crumble, tear into pieces pâre is torn, ragged, and parepure is to tear into small fragments < פור POOR , to break into pieces [FRIABLE]
cure châre < ß ארוכה AROOKHaH, cure [CURE]
curtain, screen parde < הפרדה HaPH’RaDaH, separation (root: פרד PRD)
damage naksán < M132 נזק NeZeQ, injury, damage (Ezra 4:13)
Deity allah B Arabic < Aleph-Lamed, as in דניאל DANIEL, divine power
dark (weather) târik; darkness târiki < M231 קדר QeDahR, dark, gloomy;
קדרות QaDROOT, darkness [DARK]
dart, spear nize < ß צן TSeeN, thorn [TINE]; צינה TSeeYNaH, fishing
hook or spear (Amos 4:2)
day ruz < ß זהר ZoHaR (shining) and שחר SHaK[H]aR
(dawn) [RISE] see zar at “gold”
denial takzib; untrue, lie kâzeb < כזב KoaZaiBH, deceive
Devil div < reflecting Zoroastrian dualism, where a god of evil or bad is
separate from a god of good or טוב, DTOA(V) or < ß בדד BHaDaD
(isolate), a cognate of BAD (not good or godly) [DIVIDED, DIVINE,
difference farq < פרק PeReQ, crossroads, joint, (area of divergence)
difficulty, hardness, eshkâl< ß קשה QaSHeH, difficult, hard (also a hard
texture) [CASEFY]
dig hafr < חפר [K]HoaFeR, to dig [GOPHER]
dog sag < 1. השיג HeeSeeYG, to overtake, reach, obtain, fetch [SHAG];
2. 2. שחל SHaKHaL, lion (brave hunting companion)
dream royâ < ראיה R’EeYaH, a seeing, ראי R’EeY, mirror (Job 37:18)
dowry mahr, mahriye < מהר MOAHahR, dowry, bride price [MARRIAGE]
drum tabl < S-B תף ToaF, hand-drum [TAP]
dusk qorub < ערב GHeReBH, evening, onset of mixed light + dark
dust ghabar or qobâr < S-B עפר GHaPHahR, dust, powder [FRIABLE] FA
dwarf kutule < S-L קצר QaTSahR, short [CURT]
ear gush; corner, angle gushe < S-G S-F קצה QaTSeH, edge, extreme end
earth, ground, land zamin < Z-from-Dalet/D shift (see-“weak” below)
אדמה ADaMaH, earth, ground, land [MUD] (Old Russian earth is zemi)
east sharq B Arabic < מזרח MiZRahK[H], east, direction of the rising
(זרח ZaRahKh) sun [RISE]
elderly mosen < B. Arabic ישן YaSHahN, old, aged, senile [SENILE]
electrity برق barq < ברק BaRaQ, a bolt, flash of lightening [FLICKER]
expression, bayan >ß ניב NeeYBH, expression, speech [PHONETIC]
equal, even, the same mosâvi < B. Arabic שוה SHaVeH, level, equal
father baba < אבא Aramaic ABAh, father, daddy < אב AhBH, father
fan, a bellows to blow wind fânus < נפה NeePaH to winnow, cast in the
wind, wave [FAN]
fat (oil), charbi ; fatty, oily, greasy charb < S-L חלב K[H]ayLeBH fat,
milk, lard, or fatty oils; חלבי K[H]aLaBHeeY, dairy
fence, hedge parchin < פרכת PaRoKHeT (curtain( [BREAK]
fig tín < תאנה Te’ENaH fig, fig tree [FIG]
finished tamām < תמם TaMahM, finished [TIME]
five panj < M231 חפן K[H]aPHahN, handful [PUGNACIOUS]
fog meh < ß S-N ענן GHaNaN, cloud [FOG]
fort baru < בירה BeeYRaH (capital city, castle, fort) [BOROUGH]
fox rubâh < M231 כלב KeLeBH, canine [LOBO]
friend rafiq, friend, mate, buddy < ß S-B חבר K[H]aBHeR (partner,
friend [ALGEBRA]
full -- see absolute
funny (person) shukh < S-F צחק TSa[K]HeQ, laugh, make mirth
gift, donation, endowment hebbe, mohebat < S-B הב HaBH, give ]GIVE]
give, to dâdan <S-D תת TaiT (Genesis 29:19) [DATA]
gold zar < B? זר ZaiR, golden edging or trim; זהר ZoHaR (shining);
crown [RISE] see ruz at “Day,” and “Noon”
good fayde < ß S-B טוב DTOABH (good) [GOOD]
ground – see earth
hallucination, delirium hazyân < חזון [K]HaZOAN, vision [HAZE]
hard -- see difficulty
head, top, end sar < ß ראש ROaSH, head [SIRE]
heart ghalb < לב LaiBH, heart [LOVE]
hero pahlavan (as in Shah Riza Pahlavi) < ß S-B S-G S-L גבור
GiBHoaR, hero, mighty one. The 2 syllables are reversed:
1. HP from Gimel-Bhet, 2. VL from Bhet-Resh.
hook changak < N S-G חכה [K]HaKHaH or K[H]eeKHaH, fishhook
honesty amânat < האמין H’EMeeYN, to believe [OMEN]
hot dâq, the Indo-European evidence that HOT is from a reversed Semitic קדח QaDa[K]H (burning, feverish) or קטר QaDTaR (slow-burning) source [CAUTERIZE]
hunt seyd;sayyâd hunter; tazi hunting dog < צוד TSOOD, to hunt [SHOOT]]
hurry ajale< S-G קל QahL, quick [ACCELERATE]
I man < אני ANeeY, I (1st person pronoun) [ME
into be < ‘ ב B’ with, in, by (Genesis 1:1, 1st letter) [BY]
interpret tafsir, interpretation, is an M213 scrambling of פטר PaDTahR,
to solve, interpret. [INTERPRET]
irrigation âbyâri (ab = water) < יאר Y’OwR, canal [RIO]
joke, fun, humour shukhi < צחק TS’oaK[H], laugh, sport; shukh, funny,
joker [CHUCKLE]
kindness – see “mercy”
kiss boose بوسه ; busidan, to kiss < S-B ß שפה SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]
land – see earth
lament, elegy nohe < נהי NiHeeY, lament, wailing; נהה NiHeyH, to wail
(Ezek. 32:18)
leg saq < שוק SHOAQ, leg, foreleg [SHANK]
like -- see Similar
lion shir < S-L שחל SHaK[H]aL (lion -- Hosea 5:14) [SLUG]
little, tiny, detail riz < ß צער TS[O]aR, tiny, insignificant [ZERO]
See Atom
loan, credit transaction nesye < נשי NiSeeY, loan, debt (II Kings 4:7)
loneliness tanhayi; alone, sole tanha < ß יחיד Ya[K]HeeYD, alone;
E]K[HaD, one [EACH]
look negah < ß עין GHaYeN, to look [EYE]
loose, soft, lenient shol < של SHahL, loosen! [LOSE]
love – see Affection above
materials, bodies, substances ajsâm < S-F גשמי GaSHMeeY, physical,
corporeal, worldly [MUNDANE]
memory yād < יד YahD, memorial, monument (II Samuel 18:18;
יד ושם is in Isaiah 56:5) [JET]
mimicry meymun, monkey, suggests that the simian is nature’s great
imitator, who did not have to study to be a MIME to perfect “monkey
see, monkey do” < אמן AMN, proven to be true (Genesis 42:20), and
נאמן N’EMahN, firm, faithful, as representational) [MAN]
mercy marhamat رحمت , rahm < B רחם Ra[K]HeM, have mercy; רחמנות
Ra[K]HMaNooT, mercy. < רחם, Re[K]HeM, womb, the womb is the
source of “woman” (womb-man, person with the body and spirit to
mercifully nurture. Mercy does beat within the Persian heart, and,
with the help of Edenics, they will see that, we are ALL ONE FAMILY) .
message paydâm; messenger, prophet paydâmbar < ß S-B S-N
ניב NeeYBH is an expression or speech; נבא NaBHAh is to utter
or proclaim; נביא NaBHeeYE is a prophet [PHONETIC]
metal felezz > S-B S-L ברזל BaRZeL, iron [BRASS]
minus menhâ < מן MeeN, from the larger whole [MINUS]
minute daqiqe B Arabic daqiqa < דקה DaQaH, minute < דק DahQ,
precise, thin, minute (adj.) [TACTICITIAN]
monkey maimon < מנה MaNaH, to count, done with the hand
(mana in Spanish, where monkey is mono…as this animal
has a human-like hand. [MONEY]
mother mādar (“dar” like “ther” in English is the suffix for family members
like father and brother) < ß אם EM, mother [MAMA]
name esm < S-F שם SHaiM, name ]SAME[
nation mellat; qom < מולדת MOALeDeT, homeland, birthplace [LAD];
S-G עם GHahM, nation, people [COMMON]
noon, mid-day zohr; bright Venus is zohre < צהר ZoHaR, bright, צהרים
ZaHaRaYiM, afternoon [LIGHT, RISE]
narrow tang < ß חד K[H]ahD, sharp [ACUTE]
needle suzan < ß נעצוץ N'[A]TSOOTS, thornbush [NETTLE]
no na < ß אין AiN, not, no [NO]
nobovvat prophecy < נבואה Ne(V)OOAH, prophecy [II Chron. 9:29]
north shomal < B Arabic SHaMaaL شمال , north < שמאל SMOAL,
left side (Genesis 3:9). This orientation no longer makes sense. True,
Biblical north, צפון TSaPHOAN is exquisitely designed. A) The
צ-פ Tsadi-Pey sub-root means “top,” floating above -- see “TOP.”
B) פ-נ Pey-Noon, as in פנה PoaNeH, means “to point,” turn towards.
See “POINT.” Combined, this makes צפון TSaPHOAN
the “ top pointer” or north.
oath, agreement ahd. < S-D אות OWT, covenant [OATH]
old qadimi < קדמון QaDMOAN, of old times; קדם QeDeM, former,
eastward – see Elderly
olfactory shâmme < בשם BoSeM, spice [SMELL]
on, top, face ru < S-L על [A]hL, on, upon, height [SCALE]
outset shoru’ < ß ראש ROaSH, the beginning, as in the first word of
the Hebrew Bible [ARCHAIC, CZAR]
overseer, observer názar < נצרNaTSaR, to guard, watch [NOTARY]]
passer-by âber; passing, passage, transit obur < B? עבר [A]BHahR ,
passing over, and עברה [A]BHaRaH, the passing over or transit of goods.
passion, love, eshq; eshqbâzi, < חשק [K]HaSHahQ, to love, to desire
(Genesis 34:8) [SEEK]
patience sabr < S-L סבל $aBHaL, to suffer, endure or bear [SUFFER]
(see Tolerance)
pig chook < 1. S-G חוג [K]HOOG, circle [HOG]; 2. chook < ß חזיר
poison, venom zahr < ß S-F ארס ERe$, poison, venom [ARSENIC]
poor, abject (very poor), weak zalil < Z-from-Tsadi shift also seen in
Spanish… דלל DaLaL, weak, thin, poor [DILUTE] see Earth/Zamin
price, nerkh < M132 S-N מכר MeKHeR, price [MARKET]
prisoner -- see captive
pubis zehâr < S-F שער S’[A]yahR or S’GHayahR, hair [CIRRUS]
See Beard
quarrel, to neza’ < נצה NaTZaH, quarrel (Exodus 2:13) [RIFT]
quick, agile, fast ferz < פרץ PaReTS, sudden burst [BURST]
quiet saket > שקט SHeQeDT
rebel shureshi; riot, revolt, uprising shuresh < S-F סורר $OAReR,
rebellious; שרש SHeyRahSH, to uproot [SOURCE
region diyâr < ß S-D ארץ AReTS, country, land [EARTH]
reward kabat < עקב [E]yQeBH, result, reward [CAVEAT[
rice berenj < בר BahR, grain [BARLEY]
river rood < ירד YaRaD, descend, as Jordan named for flowing
down [KE]
same – see Equal
seven-day period sanbe < N 1. שבוע SHaBHOO[A]h, week (7 days), which
is why Sunday is yekshanbe, same for all weekdays ; 2. SHaBahT, Sabbath [SABBATICAL]
safety and security amân < האמין H’EMeeYN, to believe [OMEN]
senile mosen < נושן NoSHahN, to remain long (Deut.4:25); ישן YaSHaN, old, elderly [SENILE]
shower doosh < ß אשד ESHeD, falling water [DOUCE, SHED]
side, angle zel’ < צל TSeL, side, “rib” [LIST, leaning to a side]
similar to, like mesl-e < משל MaSHahL, parable, resemblance
single, as in single room tecki < ß אחת AK[H]aT, one [EACH] [RW]
singular, unmixed, uniform yekdast; unique yekta S-D < יחיד
YaK[H]eeYD, singular, unique, isolate [EACH]
slaughter zebh (not borrowed by Arabic corruption: dhubih) < זבח
ZeBHa[K]H, slaughter
smell, sense of shamme < סם $ahM, spices, aromatics [SMELL]
song tarâne < ש Shin-to-Tahf Aramaic shift שיר SHeeyR, song [SIREN
sorrow, gloom, grief qosse < ß S-F צוק TSOOQ, distress;
צוקה TSOOQaH, afliction [SICK]
south janub < B Arabic JaNuB جنوب, south < M213 נגב NeGe(V), dry (adj. and
the verb to dry).The south of Israel is dry and arid (Genesis 13:14).
Syriac maintains the NGB sequence [(dry) SACK] Languages adopting
the Arabic post-Babel-babble corruption, include the Farsi, allowing
Darwinian scholars to assume that words are meaningless evolved grunts.
speed, hurry, velocity, shetâb <S-B שטף SHeDTePH, torrential,
streaming quickness; a sweeping flood….later fluency.[SPEED]
From SPEED to שטף SHeDTePH requires M132 S-D
spider, ankabut < N T-from ש Shin עכבישAKaBHeeYSH, spider, who
traps, wraps and devours his helpless prey at leisure [QUASH]
stingy khasis < חוס K[H]oo$, spare; sparing resources too much is
stinginess. Acknowledging the positive side of restraint, as in
CHASTITY, Farsi khasiiyat is virtue. [CHASTE]
straight, true, upright, right râst; râst guyi – truthfulness; straight;
râsti, direction; râste, row; râste, class, rank; râsti, truth, honesty
< ישר YaSHaR, straight, honest, right; ישר YoaSHeR, honesty, uprightness;
IM: If Farsi ST comes from Shin (normally a dental more than a fricative)
star, setâre (from a Persian word about constellations, rather than planets)
< S-Dשדרה S’DayRaH, row, alignment;סדר $eDeR, order [SIDEREAL]
sugar, shekar < if an ancient Elamite did not get this from the natural, sugar-
making fermentation of שכר SHayKHaR (alcoholic beverage), then
Turkish sheker (sugar) is a more likely source than Arabic sakkar
syntax, nahv < ניב NeeYBH (speech, expression) [PHONETICS]
substances – see materials
Sunday – see “Seven day period”
swallowing bal’ < בלע BaL[A]h, to swallow, devour [BALEEN]
tambourine, hand-drum daf < S-D תף ToaF, drum [TAP]]
third, sâles < S-F שלוש SHaLOASH, three [TERZA (RIMA]
(most Farsi numbers do not seem borrowed from Arabic)
to, up to tā. < ß S-D עד [A]hD, up to [TO]
tolerant, sabur (as Turkish sabir means patience, forbearance) < S-L
סבלנות $aBHLaNOOT, forbearance, LONG-SUFFERING [SUFFER]
tomb boq’e < ß קבר QeBHeR, grave [GRAVE]
too – see Also
top, end – see Head
treasure (Old Persian) ganza; treasury khazínah < גנז GaNaZ is to hide and secure, גנז GayNeZ are storage chests (Ezekiel 27:24), and the
word came to mean a king’s treasury (Esther 3:9). [MAGAZINE]
- The Persian M132 metathesis is confirmed by the Japanese Ginza (the financial district named for the emperor’s treasury).
trinity taslis < M132 תלתTiLa(S), the Aramaic # three, with its standard
T-from-ש Shin shift from שלש SHaLOASH, three [TIRZA RIMA]
nation, tribe, sect qom < Arabic ‘umma, nation, people עם [A]hM or
GHahM, nation, people [COMMON]
true – see Straight
tune âhang < נגון NiGOON, melody < נגן NaGahN, to play a musical
instrument [KNOCK]
two do < Aramaic דו DOO, two [DUO]
uncovered, unveiled bihejâb . The bi- prefix (without) is a designed
opposite of ב B’ (with, source of WITH) or בלי B’LeeY (without)
without the L. The stem in Arabic hijab الحجاب (the customary covering
or veiling of Muslim omen); hajaba is to cover < M132 S-G S-B חבא
[K]HaBHAh and חבה [K]HaBHeyH, to hide, withdraw…
cover up [HABIT]
useless, vain abbas < ß שוא SHahVE, vanity, nothingness [SCHWA]
valley darre < ß רד RaiD, to go down (a natural Edenic word to choice
for a valley, a dell, where the land “goes down” ) [DRIP]
warm garm; garmi emotional warmth, affection, passion < liquidized,
added R S-G חם K[H]ahM, warm; חמד K[H]eMeD, desire, lust
way rah < Dalet/D dropped from דרך DeReKH, way
we mā < ß S-N אנו ANOO, we (subj. 3rd per. pro.). [NOSTRATIC]
weak shol < של SHahL! Loose! [LOOSE, SLACK]
see “Loose” and “Poor” above
west qarb < מערב M’GHaRaBH, west…the direction of ערב evening
wick fetile < פתיל P’TeeYL or F’TeeYL, twisted cord, thread [FUSE]
wing bâl < S-L אבר AyBHeR, wing [OVER] FA
woman, wife zan; womanly, feminie zanane < זן ZahN, to nurture RW
see Slavic
world donyā < M231 S-N אדמה ADaMaH, earth, land [MUNDANE]
worm, kerm < M312 < רמה ReeMaH, worm, vermin [WORM]
yell, loud cry, roar na’re < ß רנן RaNeN, cry out [ORNITHOLOGY]
you tu < אתה ATaH, you [THEE]
yeast khamir < חמר K[H]eyMahR, to ferment, boil [CALM]
Conclusion: When they chant “Death to Israel” in Iran, they are stabbing their own Grandmother Tongue. Enemies should not be glad when Israel runs out of Conventional weapons. They have the Edenic bomb.