Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Edenic Tooth + Tine bite New World words

From our 2022 project on the Americas, OLD WORDS IN THE NEW WORLD   I. Mozeson, Fernando Aedo, Dorothy C. Pionter  --

צן TSaiN or TSaiN, barb, toothlike-thorn, prickle ;שן     SHaiN, tooth [TINE]

A TINE is the individual spike or tooth of a fork

In this large entry, teeth and sharp things  share Sound and Sense.

They share a fricative-nasal sound or a T-N sound, as ש  Shin can shift to T,

The  צ  Tsadi is already designed as both fricative and dental.

Our most familiar thorn, the prickle of a rose, resembles a sharpened canine tooth.

This entry is divided by 1) teeth,  2) sharp objects and  3) biting creatures.




anhi:su, tooth (Kitsai: Northern Caddoan)  rev.

cham, molar tooth (Yucatecan: Mayan) S-N

chental, molar tooth (Chicomuceltec: Mayan)

cune, tooth (Kunza: isolate of Chile)

čǝns, tooth (Klallam: Vancouver, British Columbia, Cananda)

ʔeNt,   tooth   (Natchez: Penutian of Miss.) rev.

* innoti, tooth  (Proto-Muskogean)   rev.  צן  TSaiN

    or Shin-to-T shift  שן  SHeN, tooth  [TINE]

int, tooth (Natchez: Gulf language of Miss.) rev.

itsh-on, tooth  (Shastan: extinct, perhaps  Hokan of Calif, Oregon) 

note, noo-te, tooth (Choctaw: Muskogean)  rev.

notté,  teeth (pl.) (Muskogean: Muskokee) rev.

nutē or nutta, tooth (Muskogean: Chickasaw)  rev.

onotschia, tooth (Onondaga: Iroquois)  rev. 

sainha,  tooth of piranha (Tupi: Equatorial of Brazil)

sa'nino, toothed fish (Pacahuara: Pano-Tacanan)

semu, tooth (Mangue: Oto-Manguean  of Nicar., Hond., Costa Rica) S-N

sini, tooth (Purépecha or Tarascan: isolate of Michoacán, Mexico)

sun, tooth (Kiowa or Caigua: Uto-Aztecan or Tanoan)

'ṣ̌ɨna,  tooth (Pacahuara or Pacaguara: Panoan of Bolivia]

tahmah, tooth (Hopi: Uto-Aztecan of U.S. SW)

tahni, tooth (Comanche: Uto-Aztecan of SW USA)

tama,  tooth  (Hopi: Pueblo of SW USA) S-N

tame,  tooth  (Huichola: Uto-Aztecan of Jalisco, Mexico, etc.  S-N

tameti, tooth (Cora: Uto-Aztecan of central Mexico) S-N

tami, tooth  (Oʼodham or Pima: Uto-Aztecan of Mexico) S-N

tamus, tanus, tooth (Eudeve: Uto-Aztecan of Sonora, Mexico and SE Ariz.  S-N

tangua, tooth (Shoshone: Uto-Aztecan of Wyoming, Utah and Idaho)

tantli, tooth  (Nahuatl: Uto-Aztecan of Central America)

tatamu , tooth (Tepehuán : Piman branch of the Uto-Aztecan)  S-N

tatzan, tooth (Totonaco: Uto-Aztecan of Mexico)

temela, tooth (Tarahumara : Uto-Aztecan) Tarasco S-N

tonaugh, teeth  (Caddo/Keresiouan)

tong, tooth (Yuta: Mixtex, Uto-Aztecan of Mexico)

 tun, tooth (Yagán: Isolate of Argentina)

xinsha, tooth (Proto-Crow: Keresiouan of the Great Basin of Western USA ) rev.





acushan, needle (Chol: Mayan)

aneeto, thorn, needle  (Bora: Amazonian) rev.

antiri, horn (Shiwiar or Achuar: Chicham language of Ecuador)  rev.,  point, tip  (Kanj: Mayan) 

ch’am, arrow (Pmam: Mayan) S-N

ch’antin, arrow (Chor: Mayan)            

chinto, dart for birds (Amahuaca: Amazonian) S-F

iten, sharp, knife (Nahuatl: Aztec)

mes, arrow (Agua: Mayan) rev.

muta, thorn  (Cashibo: Panoan)  rev.    S-N

sanearin, briar (Chayahuita: Amazonian)

senet’, spear (Itza: Mayan)

tanka, hornet (Quechua or Inca of Central America)

t’ankar, bramble (Quechua or Inca of Central America)

t’int’in,  arrow (Kanj: Mayan)

to’om , needle or thorn (Itza: Mayan) S-N     

tzimáj, arrow (Keke: Mayan)  S-N




áunta, horned beetle  (Aguaruna: Chicham of Peru) rev.

chankana, bee stinger  (Quechua: Inca)

chíni, a yellow-jacket bee (Aguaruna: Chicham of Peru)

dyanááraga, horsefly (Ocaina or Uarakena: Arawakan)  S-D

haníitso, mosquito   (Resigaro: extinct Arawakan of the upper Amazon) rev.

náte, biting lice (Huitoto Murui: Witotoan of Colombia and Peru)  rev.

sani, wasp (Machiguenga: Arawakan of Peru)

-sanii, wasp   (Ashaninca: Arawakan of Peru, Brazil)

sániri, toothy alligator  (Machiguenga: Arawakan)

sénoa’, a stinging  bee (Chayahuita:  Amazon basin of Peru)

shan, shanan,  sh.en, shen, shenen,  mosquito

  (Quic /  Tzut / Kanj / Jaca / Tzot / : Mayan)

shani, wasp (Chamicuro: Arawakan)

shanita, the toothy alligator (Candoshi: Amazonian of Peru)

shánu,  a stinging  wasp (Aguaruna: Chicham of Peru)

sinan, the biting scorpion  (unspecified Maya of Mexico)      

tanka, hornet (Quechua: Inca)   

tome, small alligator (Huitoto: Witotoan family of Peru and Colombia) S-N     

tunca, horsefly  (Chayahuita:  Amazon basin of Peru)


Note: see the san fish in the “tooth” section.