Like most of the Central and South American data, the work is by Fernando Aedo.
Editing by Isaac Mozeson.
A1. MAYAN (Amerind, Central American, now largely southern Mexico and Guatemala) . The Mayan family in the Rhulen classification is Penutian.
Major source: Alfred M. Tozzer’s A Maya Grammar, (Dover, NY, 1977). The differences between dialects are usually slight. Aprox. 1/3 of Mayan words are identical in all dialects. Many dominant Mayan words in the Mayan section that follows lacks a specified dialect.
Use Find/Search to find multiple words grouped by meaning (especially pronouns).
A second source of additions by I.M. is Bibliography at this site.
Spellings of some Mayan dialects/languages will vary.
Key to dialect abbreviations used by Fernando Aedo:
Acatec (Acat)
Achi (Achi)
Aguacatec (Agua(
Cakchiquel (Cakc)
Chicomuceltec (Chic)
Ch’ol (Chol)
Chontal (Chon)
Chorti (Chor)
Chuj (Chuj)
Huastec (Huas)
Itza (Itza)
Ixil (Ixil)
Jacaltec (Jaca)
Kanjobal (Kanj)
Kekchi/ Q'eqchi' (Kekc)
K’ICHE’/Guatamala (Kich)
Lacandon (Laca)
Mam (Mam)
Mopan (Mopa)
Motozintlec (Moto)
Pokomam (Pmam)
Pocomchi (Pchi)
Quiche/ K’iche’ (Quic)
Sacapultec (Saca)
Sipacapaca Sipa)
Teco (Teco
Tojolabal (Tojo)
Tzeltal (Tzel)
Tzotzil (Tzot)
Tzutujil (Tzut)
Uspantec (Uspa)
Yucatec (Yuca)
Pronoucing Mayan consonants: C as in KEY, CH as in church, J as in HAY, X as in shell.
Mayan has no B, D, G or Z.
Many Mayan entries have multiple words in them, so a reader seeking a word not beginning an entry, or following the entry-word alphabetically, should use the computer’s Search/Find program. If an entry only has two Mayan words, that 2nd word will probably follow the entry-word or appear alphabetically with a guide to the entry.
aata, you (Mam); ande, you (Chontal) S-D nasalized; at, you (Aguacatec, Kekchi, Pocomchi,
Quiche, Sipacapaca, Uspantec); atat, you (Tzutujil); aúet, you (Motozintlec); et, you (Chol,
Chorti); ha’at, you (Tzeltal) M312 ; ta(tá), you (Huastec) < את AhT, you (f.), אתה
ATaH, you (m.) [THOU]
aathil fast (Huas); chel fast (Ixil) < ß S-L S-D S-F רץ RahTS or RahTS, to run [RUSH]
(If chel was once like KeL) < קל , swift [ACCELERATE])
ab, steam, mist (Quiche) < עב [A]BH, thick vapor of a cloud [FOG]
abal, for (Huastec) < S-L בעבור B’[A]BHOOR, for, in order that [FOR]
a’balil, darkness; abal, abalil, night (Jacaltec) < S-B
אפל APHeL, gloomy, dark; S-L ß ערפל [A]RaPHeL , darkness, thick fog [PALL] ;
M132 S-L ערב [E]ReBH, evening [PALL] -- see aq'ab'al
aba’q, soot (Kich) ; ab^c, ashes, soot (Ch’ol) S-G < אבק ABHahQ, dust, powder [ABACUS]
-- see bic’
abir, last year < עבר [A]BHahR, time past [OVER]
ac, rattan (Tojolabal); aj, cane (Tzotzil) ; oj, cane (Chontal) < אחו AKHOO,
reeds, marsh plants, rushes… all vowel-guttural stiff plants good for wickerwork
[Genesis 41:2]
ac’al, charcoal (Tzotzil); aqal, charcoal (Chuj); aq’al, charcoal (Tzeltal); calul, charcoal
(Huastec) ; qalul charcoal (Chic) < S-G גחל GeKHeL burning coals [COAL]
‘acan, bark, groan (Mopan) < קינה QeeYNaH, complaint, wailing lament or
keening; מקוננים MiQOANiNeeYM, mourners, dirge-singers [KEEN]
acaú, younger brother; ucú, older brother (Chic) < אח AK[H], brother [EACH]
achi, man (Quic); achin, man (Cakchiquel); ichan husband (Yuca); ich’an, man (Mam);
ich'e man (Mam); iichaam, man, male (Teco) < S-F N איש EeYSH, man, husband,
male [EACH]
ah-chum, soothsayer (Kanjobal) S-G S-F; ajmes, one who consults spirits,
sorcerer (K’ich’e) M132 < קסם Qoa$aiM, a soothsayer ; קסם Qa$aM, to practice
divination, soothsaying, the reading of oracles [KISMET]
ahtzoc, turkey hen (Jacaltec); rev. cutz , turkey (Yucatec) < S-D S-G תוקי TOOKeeY, parrot, exotic bird [TOUCAN]
aíne, I (Mam); en , I (Chorti); ‘inen, I (Mopan); na(na), I (Huastec); on, I (Ch’ol) ; < אני
ANeeY, first pers. sing. pronoun: I [ME]
ai-úl, eat (Huastec); uael, eat (Tojolabal) < אכל OAKHaiL, eat [EAGLE]
aj -- see ac
ah-chum, soothsayer (Kanjobal) -- see ajmes
ajtoí, spider, web-spinner (Itza) < S-G חוט K[H]OODT, thread [ACCOUTERMENTS]
ajtzi, autum < S-G קיץ QaYiTS, summer, end of the Middle East growing season; קץ QaiTS, end [COAST]
al offspring, child, sprout (Chol) ; al, young (Kekchi); ala, young boy (Quiche); ála, child
(Tojolabal) ; ali young girl (Achi, Quiche) ; olol, child (Tzotzil); y-al, small, young of
offspring (Ch’ol) < עולל [O]aLaiL, child, infant, boy [GIRL] -- see cerem
alátz, baby (Tojol) < S-D ילד YeLeD, child ; ילד YaLahD, to bear, beget ;
לדה YaLahD, birth [LAD]
a’len, to scold, complain (Ch’ol); ‘ilin, complain (Tzotzil) < לון LOON to complain,
to murmur against (The root of תלונה TiLOONaH in Exodus 16 :7).
aluu’, mister, madam (Aguacatec); olom, lord, master (Tojolabal) < אול OOL, nobles,
princes, wealthy men; mighty person; אל EL, power, lord, Lord, mighty one [ELITE]
amaq’, tribe; nation; country < rev. עם [A]hM or GHahM, nation, country
amlu, caterpillar, worm (Aguacatec); amlú, worm (Agua); amolo’, worm (Cakc)
< rev. S-L רמה ReeMaH (worm) [WORM]
ande, you (Chontal) < N S-D אתה ATaH, you; Biblical Aramaic of Daniel 2 :29
אנתה ANTaH,
thee, you [THOU] -- see aata
ani, and, with (Huastec) S-N ; chómo, and, with (Motozintlec) < עם [E]eeM or GHeeM, with
anoja, chief (Chontal) < rev. כהן KoaHaiN, religious or political leader [KHAN]
antúch, coyote (Chic) < rev, תן TahN, jackal (wild canine) [JACKAL] -- see tz’inn
a’ón, we (Chuj) < אנו ANOO, we [NOSTRATIC]
apuunk, to blow wind (Kekc) < M213 נפח NaPHaK[H], to blow, to breathe [FAN]
aq'ab'al, night (Quic) < M132 S-L ערב GHeReBH, evening -- see a’balil
aqal, aq’al -- see ac’al
as, you (Ixil) < את Ah(S), you (f.) [THOU]
asampa, to swell (Chorti) S-F N S-B ; sipa’an, swollen (Mopan) S-F S-B ; sipc’, to swell (Ixil) S-F ; thopel, to swell (Huastec) S-B < צב TSahBH or TSahBH, swelling [PROTUBERANCE]
-asin, to harm by neglect (Chol) < אסון A$OAN, mishap, harm, hurt [Genesis 42:4]
asun, rain (Chuj) < S-N גשם GeSHeM, rain ; גשם GaSHahM, to shower [COSMOS]
asún, n. wind (Jacaltec) < rev. נשב NaSHa(V), to blow; נשף NeSHePH, breezy time;
נשם NaSHahM, to blow, breathe [ANIMUS]
at -- see aata
a’tam, early < S-D קדם QoaDeM, early [HEAD]
atat -- see at, aata
atob, good (Pocomchi); butz, good (Chorti) rev. ; tibil, good (Yucatecan) < טב DToaBH,
good [DIVINE]
atz’eem, wet (Huastec); tzoman, tz’oom, wet (Yucatecan) < 1. rev. מיץ MeeYTS, fruit juice ;
2. Aramaic fricative-from- ד Dalet shift דם DahM, blood, juice ; דמע DaMa[A]h,
teardrop [MOIST, MEAD]
aúet -- see aata
‘awat, shout (Yucatecan) < S-B בטא BeeDTAy, proclaim, articulate, speak rashly [BID]
bala, to twist, as in entwining two fibers (Teco) < בלל BaLaL, to mix different things together, to ball up [BALL]
bála, jaguar, puma (Cakchiquel); balam, jaguar (Yucatecan) < rev. לביא LaBHeeYE, lion
bl-el, to darken (Ch’ol) < S-B אפל OAPHeL, dark, gloomy [PALL]
baakal (a diety) < S-G בעלBa’GHaL (master, major deity name) [BULLY]
baanu, to make, do (Kekchi); ban, to make (Quiche) < בנה BaNaH, to build,
construct, manufacture [BONE]
baq, meat < בקר BaQaR, cattle [BUCKAROO]]
bála, jaguar or puma (Cakchiquel) < rev. לביא LaBHeeYE, lion [LEOPARD]
baleb, many, much (Kekchi) < S-L רב RahBH, much [RIFE]
ban, pretty (Aguacatec) < S-B rev. נאוה Na'AVaH or Na'WaH, comely
(Songs 1:5) [BONNY]
bat, leave (Tzotzil); bot’, leave (Tzotzil); p’at, leave (Yucatecan) S-B < בדל BaDaL, to divide,
separate, come apart; sub-root: בד BahD, alone … as a separated limb of a tree, as the
exclusive conj. BUT [BAT, DIVIDED]
batan, bad (Mtozintlec) < בדד BHaDaD, isolate, the source of BAD [DIVIDED];
בדא BaDAh, to deceive [BAD]
batau, armadillo (Huastec); bosh, armadillo (Mam) ; ibach or ibats, armadillo (Yucatecan)
< ß צב TSahBH or TSaBH, turtle, hard-shelled lizard (Lev. 11:29) [TOP]
-- see tzabal
bätz’, to tie up, to bandage, to wrap up a wound (Quiche) < S-F חבש [K]HaBHahSH,
to bind around, to dress or bandage a wound [HASP]
bic’, fine powder, as ground corn (Mopan); pojo, dust (Ixil) S-B S-G; pooq, dust
(Pocomchi) S-B ; pucuc, dust (Chol) S-B S-G; puuj, dust (Mam) S-B S-G
< אבק ABHahQ, dust [ABACUS]
bichim, deer (Huastec) < rev. צבי TSiBeeY, roebuck, gazelle [BEAST]
biil-o, to swallow, engulf, eat up (Teco) < בלה BaLaH, swallow, wear away, eat away
[DEVOUR] ; חבל ]K[HaBaL, to hurt, destroy [BALEFUL]
bin, they say (Yucatecan); binic, speak (Uspantec) < rev. ניב NeeYBH is an expression or
speech; נבא NaBHAh is to utter or proclaim; נביא NahBHeeYE is a prophet
biis-u, think about (Teco); bashbol, intelligent (Tzotzil) < rev. חשב K[H]aSHahBH, to think,
figure, reason [GUESS]
bis, sad (Uspantec); bisoj, to be sad, to mourn or lament (Quiche) < rev. עצב [E]TSeBH, grief,
sorrow; עצוב, [A]TSOOBH, sad [SOB]
bish, reed, cane (Tzotzil) < S-B S-F rev. סוף $OOPH, reed, rushes, bulrushes
bitz, eye, ( Mam); c^-púut, eye (Chontal) < S-B הביט HeeBeeYDT, to look [VIDEO];
rev. צפה TSaPHaH, to look out at, anticipate [SPY]
boor, bee (Lacandon) < דבורה D’BHOARaH, bee [GOSPEL]
boron, food for the gods, ambrosia (Quiche) < ברה BaRaH, to feed, to eat ;
בריה BiRiYahH, food; בריא BaReeYE, fed, fattened [DEVOUR]
bot’, to split (Ch’ol) < בדל BaDaL, to divide, separate ; בדד BaDaD, isolate [BIT]
botz’, to pull out (Ch’ol) < rev. חטף K[H]aDTaPH, to catch, snatch; rev. קטף QaDTaPH
pluck [HUNT]
boy, fatigue (Ch’ol) < rev. S-B עיף [A]YePH, tired [IOWA]
buchul, work (Ixil) < M213 סבל $eyBHeL, burden (as in slavery, forced labor -- Exodus 1 :11
buj, divide in two (Yuca) < בקע BaQ[A]h, is to split open [PICK]
buk’, to strike (in a fit) (Quiche); puk’ij, to strike something < בעט Ba’GHahDT, to strike out
at something [BOOT]; rev. כף KahF, to compel, to cuff by hand [CUFF]; שפק SaPHaQ,
to strike, slap, clap [SPANK]
bul, beans (Mayan:Yucatecan) ; bu'ul, bean (Chol) < S-B פול POAL, bean [FALAFEL[]
buliq, pretty (Chic) < S-L פאר P’ER, beauty [FAIR]
bus, fold (Uspantec) < rev. סבך $aBaKH, to interweave, to fold together [BUSH]
bush, bowl (Chontal, Tzotzil) < rev. סף $aPH, goblet, bowl, basin; ספל $eFeL, bowl,
mug [SUPPER] -- see p’is
butz, good (Chorti) < rev. טב DToaBH, good -- see atob [DIVINE]
butz’ , kiss (Tzotzil) < rev. S-F S-B שפה SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]
Spanish beso, a kiss -- see tzub
bu'ul, bean (Chol) -- see bul
buunin, son (Chuj) < בן BeN a son [BONE]
buur, beans (Chorti) < S-B S-L פול POAL, beans ; בר BaR,
corn, grain, storable food [BARLEY, FALAFEL]]
c’aa’inchal, to desire (Huastec) < N rev. שקק SHaQahQ, to thirst greedily; חשק
[K]HeSHeQ, to desire, desire, the desired object [SEEK]
caar, neck (Lacandon) < S-G S-L על GHoaL, yoke [COLLAR]; S-G גרון GaROAN,
throat [GROAN]
c’ab, hand (Yucatecan); q’ab, hand (Tzel); c'^b, c'ob is a hand, handful or numerical classifier
in all Mayan dialects < S-B כף KahF, palm of hand [CUFF]; S-B חפן [K]HoaFahN, closed hand, handful [FIN]
cabech, silver (Moto) < M132 S-B S-F כסף K’$ePH, silver [ASPIRIN]
c’ach , net for carrying things < כיס KiY$, purse, bag [ENCASE] ; rev. שק
SahQ, bag-like container [SACK]
cach -- see cos
c’al, close, shut (Yucatecan); c’al, lid (Mopan); c’^l^, to close, shut (Itza) < S-G S-L
סגר $’GaR, to shut; S-L סכר $aKaR, to shut up, stop up [SECURE]
cal, house (Aguacatec) < היכל HaYKHahL, palace or temple [HALL]
cal, throat (Yucatecan); ca<al, neck < S-G S-L גרון GaROAN, throat
[GROAN]; S-G עול GHOAL, yoke [COLLAR]]
cal, cul locust (Maya: Jaca) < S-L כרע KaR[A]h, to crouch… thus the creature with stooped,
bowed legs, (as the Tarahumara grasshopper) [CROUCH]
caláb, many, much (Ixil); baleb, many, much (Kekchi) < S-L רב RaBH, abundant [RIFE]
calul -- see ac’al
cam, take, accept (Teco); c’ambe, to accept (Yucatecan); c’am-ic, to catch, receive
(Yucatecan) < קמץ QaMaTS, to grasp by hand, take a handful [HAND]
camsaa, cans, kill (Pokomchi) < rev. מכה MaKaY, a striking , a “slaughter” in I Sam 4:10;
נכה NaKaH, to smite, beat, slay, kill [KNOCK] -- see kans
c'^aná, marsh, swamp (Kanj) < M213 S-G S-N אגם AGahM, pond [OCEAN]
can-, look around (Ch’ol) < עין GHaYeN, look! ; S-G הנה HiNeH, behold
can, to sell (Lacandon); conic, to sell it (Itza) < קנא QeNAh to buy, purchase [COIN]
can, snake (Itza, Mam) < 1. Aramaic עכן [E]KHeN, snake; 2. rev. נחש
NaK[H]aSH, snake -- see can, chon, kumatz
can, to remain, stay (Tojolabal); c’an(ic), remain, stay (Uspantec) < חנה K[H]aNeH,
to encamp, settle down; מחנה MaK[H]aNeH, a camp, settlement [HAUNT]
c’an, want, desire (Tzotzil); can-a’, want, desire (Jacaltec); com-cú, I desire (Ch’ol); < S-N
חם K[H]aM warmth, passion; חמד K[H]aMahD, to desire [AMITY]
c’an, ripe (Yucatecan); c^n, ripe, (Ch’ol); q’an, ripe (Teco)
< S-G S-N גמל GaMaL, to wean, ripen ; גמר GaMaR, to complete [MEGALOMANIAC]
c'^aná, marsh, swamp (Kanjobal) < S-G S-N אגם AGahM, pond, lake, bulrushes; אגן
AGaN, basin [OCEAN]
c’anche’, stool (Yucatecan) < N S-F כסא Kee$Ay, a chair [CHAISE ][
can-o, yes (Ixil) < כן KaiN, yes, agree, firm and confirmed [CANE]
c’ap, hand (Chorti) < כף KahPH, palm of hand [CUFF]; חפן [K]HoaPHahN, closed hand, handful [FIN]
cap’el, two (Itza) < כפל KePHeL, to doublé, to fold over [COUPLE]
c'as , trash, dirty (Mopan); cush dirty (Tojolabal); qas ugly (Itza) < שקץ SHeQeTS ,
a disgusting thing [DISGUST]
cat, large earthenware pot (Yucatecan) < S-D כד KahD, vessel, “pitcher” [CADDY]
c’at -- see k’atik
catz’(el) -- see chuc
catzij, cut (Achi) -- see q’at
ceem, two (Pokomam) < S-G גם GahM, also, both [GAM1]
ceel, cold (Yucatecan) < S-L קר QahR, cool, cold [COOL] -- see below
ce’er, cold (Lacandon); joron, cold (Quiche) < S-L קר QahR, cool,
cold [CRYOGENICS]; חרף K[H]oaReF, winter [HIBERNATE] -- see above
celém, young (Chuj, Tojolabal) < S-G עלם GHeLeM, young man; עלמה GHaLMaH or
[A]LMaH, young girl [ALUMNUS] -- see cerem
cerem, young male (Motozintlec) < S-L עלם GHeLeM, young man [ALUMNUS]
-- see al, celém
c’esh, exchange, trade (Ch’ol) < S-G S-F rev. סחר $aKHaR, to circulate in commerce,
to trade or traffic [SCURRILOUS]
c’euel, animal skin (Yucatecan); cul, skin < S-G S-L עור GHoWR, skin [CORIUM]
chaac, rain (Yucatecan) ; chac’, wet (Maya: Jacaltec); chacán, wet (Kanj); chace, wet
(Kuche); chacán, wet (Kanj); chucán, drink (Jaca);
tz’aj(el), to soak (Tzot); tz’aj, soak, dip (Chol); tz’aqic, wet (Pchi); tza’c’in,
immerse (Chol) < יצק YaTSoaQ, to pour liquid; סך $aKH is to drench (Ruth 3:3);
שקה S(H)aQaH is to water or irrigate (Genesis 21:19) [SOAK]
chaac2 (thunder) -- see chaak, sik’ij
cha’-ac’, give back, return (Ch’ol) < S-G S-F סוג $OOG, to go back, to draw back,
retreat [SAG]
ch’a<’ab -- see chap<o>
ch’a<’ab, to be gotten (Yucatecan); S-B chap<o>, to take hold of, to grasp, to grab (Quiche) ;
chapon, capture (Uspantec < תפש (S)aPHaS or TaPHaS, to catch, handle, lay hold,
take hold of, seize, wield [CAPTURE]; CH as guttural: כף KaPH, palm of hand; חפן
K[H]aPHaN (handful) ; קפץ QaPHaTS (to shut the hand, to draw together). [COP]
chaak, to roar, thunder (Ch’ol); chaac, thunder (Mopan); chauc, thunder (Tzotzil) ;
ch’e’j, noisy (Lacandon); tzokokem, noise (Quiche) < S-G שאג SHA’ahG, to roar
chabej, to speak (Uspantec) < S-F S-B שפה SaPHaH, speech; ספר $aPHaR, to recount,
relate [SPEECH] -- see sup
ch’ac, to cut by striking (Yucatecan); sec’, cut down (trees) (Ch’ol) < סעף $aGHaPH, to
lop off; rev. כסח Ka$aKH, to cut ; rev. קצץ QaTSaTS , to chop down [SCIZZORS]
chail, cold (Chico); chal, ice (Jacaltec) < שלג SHeLeG
snow [SLEIGH]; if ch formerly a guttural: S-L קר QahR, cold;קרח QeRaK[H],
ice [COOL]
chakuyik, to support (Quiche) < S-F S-G Aramaic סעד $aGHaD, to support, make firm, assist [SCADS]; rev. עזר [A]ZahR, to aid [SUCCOR]
chal, small (Aguacatec) < S-F S-L זעיר Z’[A]YR and צעיר TSa’[E]ehR, little, small
chal2, ice (Jaca) < שלג SHeLeG , snow [SLEIGH]
chalam -- see tzalam
ch’am, arrow (Pokoman) < rev. מסע Ma$’[A]h, dart, arrow, missile (Job 41:18); shooting
straighter with an MS arrow is the Aguacatec: Mayan arrow: mes. [MISS]] -- see mes
cham, die < rev. מות MOO(S), to die; מוש MOOSH, to depart
cham2, molar tooth (Yucatecan); chental, molar tooth (Maya: Chic) < S-N שן SHaiN, tooth
cham3, nose (Chuj) < dental drop S-G חטם [K]HoaDTaM, snout ]HUNT[
chamac -- see ch.’ian
chamta, as good as dead (Tojolabal) < תמותה (S)’MOOTaH, marked for death
(Psalms 79:11) [CHECKMATE, MEAT]
chan, spring, fountain (Chontal) < rev. נזה NaZaH, spurt, spatter, sprinkle; rev. נזל NaZahL,
to flow, gush out [NOZZLE]; CH as guttural: עין GHaYiN, GHaiN, a fountain, spring,
water source [ORIGIN]
chap, bad (Jaca) < rev. באש BAh’aSH loathsome, stinking, evil [BISON]
chap<o>, chapon -- see ch’a<’ab
tuq , leg (Maya: Pchi) < שוק SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK]
chaqi -- see tzaqa
chauc -- see chaak
che' , thus, so, yes (Chol) < זה ZeH, this [SO]; rev. ישYeSH, there is [YES]
che' , tree, wood (K’iche’, Q’eqchi, Yuca) < rev. S-F עץ [E]TS, tree, wood
[ASH TREE, STICK] -- see tZe'
cheej, laugh (Lacandon, Yucatecan); tzeej, laugh (Tojolabal ) < צחק TSa[K]HahQ, to laugh;
צחוק TS’[K]HOAQ, a laugh, a joke [CHUCKLE]
ch’e’j -- see chaak
ch’ek to guess (Quiche) < rev. S-F חוש K[H]OOSH, to act on impulse or emotion
ch’ek, to earn wages, to attain gain (Quiche) < שכר SaKHahR, to hire; השתכר
HiSTaKHeR, to earn wages, a reward [HIRE]
chel1 , fast -- see aathil (Huas)
chel2, cold (Tojo); chiri cold, frozen, frigid < if CH from a guttural : קר QahR, cold [COOL] - see ce’er ; like chiriqlla adj. cold in Quechua
chen, water jug (Ixil); shun, pot (Pmam); tanaashah, pitcher (Pmam) < צנצנת
TSiNTSeNeT or TSiNTSeNeT, jar, vessel [STEIN]
chep, cut (Ch’ol) ; ספר $aPahR to cut; Aramaic, to cut hair, (Middle Hebrew) [GOSPEL]
ch.’ian, chian, dog (Mam); chamac, female fox (Yucatecan), ch’omac, fox, coyote (Yuca)
<תן (S)ahN or TahN, jackal , any wild canine [DINGO] -- see chamac
ch’ic, sit (Pokoman) < rev. כסא Ki$E, seat, throne, stool [CHAISE]
chicat, pillow, bed (Uspantec) < M213 כסת Ke$eT, cushion, pillow Ezek. 13:18 [CUSHION]
chich’im, grease (Chorti) < שמן SHeMeN, fat, oil [MONSOON]
chiic, sweet (Chico); tzic, sweet (Huastec) < שכר SHeYKHaR, fermented drink
(natural sugar) [SUGAR]
chiin, sweet potato (Tzel) < rev. S-F S-N מתוק Ma(S)oaQ, sweet [MUSK]
chij, deer (Tzotzil); chej, deer (Chuj) < rev. עז GHaiZ or [A]iZ , goat, a ruminant (no goats
native to the Americas [GAZA]
chijl, net, bag (Chorti) < שק SahQ, bag-like container [SACK]
ch’il, fry (Ch’ol); t’a’iil, burn (Huastec) ; til(el) burn (Tzotzil); tiil-u, burn (Teco) < burning
words include צלהTSaLaH or TSaLaH , to grill, צלי TSaLeeY or TSaLeeY, roast and
S-F S-L שרף SaRaF, to burn [ROAST, SAFFRON]
chil, basket (Mam) < S-F סל $aL, basket (Genesis 40:16)
chil2 , a loose-fitting, shirt-like dress < שול SHOOL, skirt, train, garment that hangs
down < שול SHOOL, to hang down [SHAWL]
chil3, cricket (Ch’ol);, criCket (Kanjobal) ; shi’l, cricket (Quiche) ; tz’ili’ , grasshopper,
cricket (Huastec) < S-F סלעם $iL’[A]M, a locust (Lev. 11:22); חסיל [K]Ha$eeYL,
grasshopper, locust; צלצל TSiLaTSaiL, cricket, grasshopper, Deut. 28:42 ; צלצל
TSiLaTSaiL in Isaiah 18:1 refers to whirring wings; The loud cicada insect was formerly
chilab, n. commission, charge, task (Quiche) < S-F M132 סבל $ayBHeL, burden, load [SUFFER]
chim or chin, two (Tzotzil) ; ch^n, constantly, repeatedly, again (Chol) <
S-F S-N שני SHeYNeeY, second; שנה SHaNaH, to repeat [CHANGE]
chinan, alligator (Yuca) < S-F תנין (S)ahNeeYN, crocodile [TUNA]
ch’ip, bird (Moto) < S-F צפר TSiPOR bird [SPARROW] liquid drop
ch’ip, grow (Jacaltec) < S-F ספיח $aPiYaKH, spontaneous, wild growth; יסף YiaSaPH, to
add, increase; rev. פסה Pa$aH and פשה PaSHaH, to spead out, to extend ]PATIO]
ch'ip', open slightly Ch’ol) < S-F rev. פת Poa(S), opening; פתה Pa(S)aH, to open;
פתח Pa(S)a[K]H, to open, פתח Pa(S)ah[K]H, an opening, passageway
chiri -- see chel
chirja, rain (Chorti) < M132 סערה $ah’GHahRaH, rainstorm (Isaiah 40 :24) ;
סגריד $aG’RiD, heavy rain (Prov. 27:15) [SQUALL]; S-L שלג SHeLeG, snow [SLEIGH]
chiuel, fear (Tojolabal) < CH as guttural S-L חרד K[H]aRaiD, to fear, to tremble ;
חיל K[H]eeYL, trembling [ILL]
ch^n, constantly, repeatedly, again (Ch’ol) < שנה SHaNaH, to repeat [CHANGE]
ch’obonic, to divine, to understand (Quiche) < שבר SaBHahR, to think, understand; בינה BeeYNaH, understanding, insight [BONE UP]
choc, water jar (Jacaltec); shoq, jug, pitcher (Mam); chojón, long-necked jug without handle
(Aguatec) < אסוך A$OOKH, flask, small jug II Kings 4:2 ; שקת SHoaQeT,
watering trough for animals to drink; S-F rev. כוס KOA$, cup [SOAK]
ch’o’j -- see saac
ch’ok, hook (to hang clothes, meat); fish hook (K’ich’e) < חכה [K]HaKaH, hook for fishing,
hook. So common a global word that it’s likely the CH was a guttural here, not a fricative.
ch’ol -- see tsol
cholich, thorn (Huastec) < סלון $aLON, thorn, prickle ; S-L סרב $aRaB, thorn,
thistle -- both in Ezekiel 2:6
ch’omac -- see ch.ian
chómo -- see ani
ch’one, to be sick (Ixil); ch’on, ill (Aguatec) < rev. נסס Na$a$, to be consumed, sick ill
(Isaiah 10:18)
chong-o, to trade (Jacaltec); chonjel, sell (Tojolabal) < S-F S-G N סחר $aK[H]aR,
to circulate in trading, trafficking, marketing ; שער SHaGHaR, market place,
the frenetic selling place beside the city gates (II Kings 7:1( [SCURRY]
chop, family (Tzotzil) < S-F S-B rev. בית BaYi(S) or BaYiT, family, household,
house [BOOTH]
choqí, storm (Chico) < S-F S-G סער $aGHahR, a storm, tempest, hurricane [SQUALL]
ch’osh, species of worm (Lacandon, Ch’ol); sunsúy, caterpillar, worm (Quiche)
< סס $a$, moth, worm larva, grub (Isaiah 51:8)
chuaan, give (Jacaltec) < תן (S)aiN, give! (imper.); תנה (S)aNaH, to bestow; the formal
3-letter root is נתן NOA(S)aiN or NoTaiN, to give [TENDER]
chuc, capture, grab (Ch’ol) < rev. אחז A[K]HaZ, to grasp, hold [HAS]
chuc, move, shake (Tojolabal) < S-F S-G זוע ZOOaGH, to tremble, shake [SHAKE];
סוג $OOG, to backslide, and שוג SOOG, to move, turn back or away; to recede [SAG]
chucán, drink (Jacaltec) < S-F S-G צקTSoaQ , to pour (imper.) ; שכרSHaKHahR,
to be drunk; שכר SHayKHahR, intoxicating drink; שקת SHoaQeT, watering-
trough ; שקה S(H)aQaH is to water or irrigate (Genesis 21:19). [SAKI, SOAK]
chucel, jail (Tzotzil) < S-F S-G S-L סהר $oHaR, prison, lock-down; סוגר $OOGaR,
prison, cage; סגר $aGahR, locked, closed shut [SECURE]
chuclaji , to get down on all fours (Mopan); shactal, to go on all fours, like an animal
(Yuca) < זחל ZaKHaL to crawl, creep [SLUG]
chup -- see tzahab
chumbali, to think, consider (Ixil) N < S-F S-L שבר SaBHahR, to think, be sapient,
to anticipate [ASPIRE]
chumuc, middle (Lacandon) < rev. Aramaic-Syriac מצע MaTS[A]h, middle; Post Biblical:
אמצע EM’TS[A], middle ; עצם [E]TSeM, essence [MEZZANINE]
chun, snow (Uspantec) < S-F צנה TSeeNaH, the cold of snow [SNOW]
chupul -- see sipoj
ch’uq<u>, to cover (Quiche) < סכך $aKHahKH, to cover; סך $oaKH, hut, tent, protective
cover; סכה $ooKaH, booth, shelter; שכך SaKHa, to hedge, fence about, cover
by screening, to shut in; rev. כסה Ka$aH, to cover, conceal [ENCASE, SHACK]
ch’ek, to guess (Quiche) < rev. חוש K[H]OOSH, by feeling, by a sense [GUESS]
c’iin, sun, day (Lacandon); c’in, sun, day, heat, light, sunshine (Ch’ol); q’in, day
(Yucatecan) < S-G S-N 1. חם [K]HaM, heat [CALM] ; 2. rev. נגה NoaGaH, shine
c’il, pot (Mam) < כלי K’LeeY, vessel; S-L כיור KeeYOAR, basin, laver,
cilba, heartbeat (Itza) < Arabic qalb, heart; לב LeBH, the heart. [LOVE]
cilwey, food (Cakchikel) < אכל OaKHeL, food [EAGLE]
c'in, sun, day, to heat up, to celebrate (Ch’ol); cincin, hot (Ch’ol) < S-G S-N חם [K]HaM,
warmth (emotional too) [CHIMNEY]
cinong, rich (Mam); q’inóm, rich (Quiche) < S-G הון HOAN, wealth, riches, capital ,
to earn [HONORARIUM]; קונה QOANeH, to own, purchase [COIN]
cis, sweep (Ixil) < rev. סחה $eeK[H]aH, to sweep away (Ezekiel 26:4); rev. סחף $aK[H]aPH,
to sweep away (Jeremiah 46:15) [SHOVE] -- see shoc
c’is, finish (Uspantec); k’is<o>, to finish something, to end something (Quiche)
< קץ QaiTS, the end, limit, finish [COAST]
c’ish, thorn (Itza); cishíl, thorn (Pocomchi) < S-F קץ QoaTS, thorn [ACACIA]
(See c’ith below, remembering that ץ Tsadi can be a fricative or dental.)
citam, peccary, wild pig (Mopan) < חטם K[H]oaDTeM, snout [COATI, HUNT]
cith, thorn (Huastec) < S-D קץ QoaTS, thorn; חד K[H]ahD, sharp [ACUTE]
(See c’ish above, remembering that ץ Tsadi can be a fricative or dental.)
c^n^n, to guard (Lacandon); c’^n, guard (Ch’ol) < S-G הגן HaGaiN, to defend, protect
cob, coba, to bow (Ixil) < S-B כפף KaPHaPH to bend, to bow down; כפל KaPHahL, to fold,
double over [FLEX]; כפן KaPHahN, to bend [COUPLE]
c’obe’en, oven (Itza) < S-B כוה KaVaH, to burn, scorch ; a burn (wound) in Exodus 21:25;
« roasting » in Akkadian ; rev. אפה APHaH, to bake or cook [OVEN]
c’ol -- see jul
c’ol, dig out (Ch’ol) < S-L כרה KaRaH, to dig [HOLLOW] -- see jul
col, to recover , cure (Tzotzil) < חיל K[H]aYiL, vigor [HEALTH], rev. ארוכה AROOKHaH,
cure [CURE]
colob, rope (Quiche) < M132 חבל K[H]eBHeL, rope, cord ; M132 כבל KeBHeL, a strong
rope, fetter [CABLE] Reuven Wopschall
c'om, hand (Tzotzil); q’a’m, hand (Pokoman); q’om, hand (Tzotzil) < קמץ QaMaTS,
a handful, a grasp [MITT]
com-cú -- see c’an
c’op to knock (Yucatecan); c’^p hit (with fist) (Mopan); juub-i hit, beat (Teco)
< כף KauPH, hand [CUFF] ; חפן K[H]aPHahN, hollow of hand, fist [PUGNACIOUS] ;
חבט K]H[aBahDT to beat [BEAT]; נגף NaGahF, נקף NaQahF, to strike or hit
copaat, anatomical back (Chontal) < S-G S-B גב GaBH, anatomical back [GIBBON]
copic -- see qohp
cople'n, dig (Aguacatec) < S-L חפר K[H]aPHahR, to dig [GOPHER]
copo’ fig tree (Mopan); c'opój, young girl (Kanjobal); q’apoj, a female virgin (Quiche) <
rev. S-G פג PHahG, green fig, immature fig, used for immature children and premature
babies; post Biblical פגה PaGaH went from meaning immature figs and grapes to mean
« young girl » ; a PUG nose appears to be unformed [FIG]
c’os, to cut with scissors (Yucatecan); c’oos, to trim (Mopan); cach, break apart
(Yucatecan); c’^s, break (Ch’ol) < כסח Ka$a[K]H, to cut off ; קסס Qa$a$,
to strip off, cut off; S-G גז GaiZ , to shear, clip; גזז GaZahZ, to cut or shear off ;
גזר GaZaR, to cut, divide, cut down, cut off [SCISSORS]
cot, fence (Itza, Mopan) < S-G S-D גדר GeDeR, a fence [GRID]
cot, beautiful (Chol) < S-G S-D עדי GHaDeeY, ornament ; עדה GHaDaH, to adorn
cotoyal, harvest (Huastec) < S-L קצר QaTSeeR, (cutting short, harvesting) [CURT]
crem, young person (Tzotzil) < S-G S-L עלם GHaLMaH or [A]LMaH, youth, young man;
עלמה GHaLMaH or [A]LMaH, young woman [ALUMNUS]
cshey, shirt (Aguatec) < כתנת Ki(S)oaNeT, shirt [COTTON]; כסה Ka$eH, to cover
[ENCASE]; כסות K’$OOT, covering, clothing [SUIT]
cualal, knee (Huastec) < S-L כרע KeR[A]h, knee [CROUCH]
c’uch, cotton thread (Yucatecan); c’uch, thread (Mopan) < כתנה Koo(S)NaH or KooTNaH ,
cotton (from Biblical and Semitic words for flax and linen); חוט K[H]OODT, thread
cuch, roof (Mam) < S-F כסה Ka$eH, to cover [ENCASE]; rev. סכך $iKHaK[H], to thatch
or cover over the roof of a sukah a (tabernacle, ritual booth) [SHACK]
cul, skin -- see c’euel
cul, belly (Jacaltec) < S-L כרש K’RaiS, belly, paunch [CRASS, PANCREAS]
culán, speak (Tojolabal) < קול KOAL, voice [CALL]; S-L קרא QaRAh, to read aloud, cry
or call out [CRY]
culuul -- see gororoj
cumatz, snake (Uspantec) < S-N S-F M213 נחש NaK[H]aSH, serpent [SNAKE]
cunía -- see q’uq’um
c’upil, a craving (Chol) < חפץ K[H]aPHaiTS, to desire, covet [CAPITALISM]
c’u’sh, chest (Cakc, Pmam) < חזה K[H]aZeH chest, breast (of animals) [CHEST]]
cush, leg (Mam); cush, thigh (Agua) < שוק SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK] -- see casi
cushcush, owl (Tzotzil) < S-F כוס KOA$, owl (kāsu is the Akkadian owl, while the
unclean bird of Leviticus 11:17 is uncertain)
cuta’án, seat (Lacandon) < first dental drops or rev. תחת TaK[H]ahT, beneath, as Greek and
Hittite kata, downwards… underside anatomical seat [CADENCE, SOUTH]
cutz -- see ahtzoc
cuum -- see john
c’úushi, angry (Yucatecan) < כעס Ka’[A]$ andכעש Ka’[A]S, anger, vexation [HAIL]
c’u’utz, cloth (Tojolabal); suit, cloth (Aguatec) < כתנה KooTNaH, cotton; כתנת
KiToaNeT, shirt [COTTON]
ebaal, over, above (Huastec) < S-Lעבר [A]iBHeR, over, beyond, across [FERRY, OVER]
echbu, drink or eat (Ixil) < S-F סבא $aBHAh, to drink, to quaff, to tipple, to be drunk; סבא
$aBHAh, is a drunkard. [SIPHON] ; rev. אבוס EBOO$, to fatten with feeding [OBESE]
ehc’en, wife (Pocomchi) < rev. נקבה NiQay[V]aH (female), NiQeeYQ (crevice) [NOOK]
-- see ijnab
ejar, tomorrow (Chorti) < S-G מחר MaK[H]aR, tomorrow, later; אחר AKHaR, after;
אחרית AK[H]aReeYT, an adj. For future time [MORROW]]
en -- see aíne
eqiniq -- see q’uq’um
et, you (Chol, Chor) <אתה ATaH, you [THOU] -- see aata, at, tata
etal, sign, symbol (Uspantec) < אות OWT, sign (as the rainbow in Genesis 9:13), mark
…letter [OATH]
etam learn (Uspantec); etam(anel), a knowledgeable person; knower; sage (Maya: Quic);
et’an know (Cakchiquel) ; nya'tan know, understand, realize, think (Maya: Chol)
< rev. מדד MaDaD, to mete out, measure; מדה MeeDaH, a measure; מדוע MaDOO[A]h,
(the reason) why?, wherefore? (Josh. 17:14) ; מדע MaD[A]H, knowledge, understanding,
thought intelligence (II Chron. 1:10); mind (Koren Bible, (Eccles. 10:20); New Hebrew
מדע MaD[A]h, science … to know [MATH, MENTAL, MODE]
ete’, with (Itza) ; itoc, with, and (Ch’ol) < את ET, with (Gen. 14:24) ; עוד [O[AD,
furthermore, in addition [ADD]
etz’ey, always (Huastec) < עתי [E]eTeeY, on the ready ; עת [E]T, period of time, season
etzel, bad, corrupt (Uspantec) < S-F S-L rev. רשע RaSH[A]h, wicked, injust [WRONG]
etzelaj, to damage something (Quiche) < liquidization S-G נזק HeeZeeYQ, “damage »
(Esther 7:4 in the Jerusalem Bible/Koren) ; S-F L -from- נ Noon זנק ZaNahQ, to leap
out in attack (Deut.33:22) [SNEAK]
gororoj, round S-L (Chorti) ; culuul, round S-G (Mopan) < עגל [A]GoaL, round; עגלה
[A]GaLaH, was a wagon before Latin had a carrus (wagon) round. The region of rolling
hills is the גליל Galil or Galilee. [GEAR]
hat -- see aati
ho’ob -- see joop
hot, leather (Huastec) < חוץ [K]HOOTS, hide, animal skin, our natural COAT and
OUTside layer of protection [HIDE]
hul, cave (Chico) -- see jul
hul, brook (Aguacatec); jol, brook (Mam) < נחל Na[K]HahL, stream [INERT]
hulul, flute (Ch’ol) < חליל [K]HaLeeYL, flute, recorder (a reed with HOLES) [HOLLOW]
hunak, big (9 dialects) < ענק [A]NahQ, giant [OGRE]
hunin child (Jaca); maam grandchild (Teco); mam grandson, granddaughter (Yuca) S-N;
unen son (Chor); unín child (Kanj); unin, father’s son (Tojo); unin, son or daughter
(Tojolabal) < ניןNeeYN grandchild, descendant [EL NIÑO] -- see unen
ibach -- see batau
icham, old (Jacaltec); shnihep, old (Chol); shniosh, old (Chol); tzióm, old (Huastec)
rev. < ישן YaSHaN, old [SENILE] -- see nosh
ichik’, a dream (Quic) < rev. חזה K[H]aZeH to dream; חזון [K]HaZOAN, a visión [HAZE]
ich’an, man (Mam) rev. and shinuc, man (Tojo)
< rev. אנוש ENoaSH, Man [MAN]
‘icta or ‘icta, to leave (Tzotzil) < 1. צאת TSaiT, departure; formal root יצא YaTSAh, to go out; 2. חוץ K[H]OOTS, the outside [EXIT]
ijnab, wife (Ch’ol) M213 < rev. נקבה NiQay[V]aH (female), NiQeeYQ (crevice) [NOOK]
-- see ehc’en
ilah, see (Itza) < S-L ראה Ra’AH, to see [LO]
ilbal, the clear vision of lenses, mirrors, etc. (Quiche) < S-L ברור BaROOR, clear;
Assyrian BaRu, to see [PURE, VERIFY]
ili, demonstrative: this (Ch’ol); ala’, this (Itza) < אלה ELeH, אלו EeLOO, these [LO]
in, I (Chorti); on, I (Ch’ol) < אני ANeeY, I [ME] -- see aine
‘inen-- see aíne
‘ino’on, we (Mopan) < אנו ANOO, we [NOSTRATIC]
inté, one (Chorti) < אחת A[K]HaT, no. 1 (f.) [EACH]
isaq', sweet potato (Jacaltec) < מתוק Ma(S)OAQ, sweet [MUSK]; שכר SHeYKHaR, fermented drink (natural sugar) [SUGAR]
'ishoq, shoq,woman (Moto) < S-G אשה EeSHaH, woman [EACH]
‘ish t’up’, little finger (Mopan) M213 S-B ; tu>uch’ub, index finger (Yucatecan); tuch’ub,
to point with index finger (Yucatecan) < אצבע ETSB[A]h, finger ; New Hebrew הצביע
HeeTSBeeY[A]h, to point [STAB[
itoc, with, and (Ch’ol); ete’, with (Itza) < את ET, with (Genesis 14:24) ; S-D עוד
]O[AD, furthermore, in addition [ADD] -- see ete’
itzbej, hit (Uspantec) < ספק $aPaQ, to strike, slap, clap the hands in anger [SPANK]
itzel, bad (Tzutujil) < rev. רשע RaSH[A]h, wicked, criminal [WRONG]
jaatz -- see tZe
ja’eni, they )Mtozintlec) < S-G הן HaiN, they (f.); הם HaiM, they (m.) [THEM]
jal^l, flute (Ch’ol); j^l^l, reed, cane (Itza) < S-G חליל [K]HaLeeYL, flute ; חלל
[K]HaLahL, perforated (as a hollow reed is pierced to make a flute) [HOLLOW]
jala, time (Chol) < גיל GeeYL, age, number of years (Daniel 1:10); S-L קרה QaRaH, to
occur (a time as an occurance) [OCCUR]; see hour at the [HURRY] entry
jalom, bald Pokomam) < גלה GaLaH,uncovered; גלח GaLa[K]H, shaven one (said of priests); S-L קרח QaRa[K]H, bald [GALYAK]
janí, how many, how much? (Cakc) < S-G S-N כמה KaMaH, how much? [COMMON]
jaatZ, tree (Chol) < עץ GHayTS or [A]iTS, tree, wood [ASH TREE, STICK]
jel, relatives, significant kin (Ch’ol) < גואל GOA’AiL, kinsman, blood relative; S-L
קרוב QaROA(V), near relative (Leviticus 10:3)
jelanlan, thunder (Pokomam) < קלת QoaL(oaT), thunderclaps (Exodus 19:16); the -an
suffix may echo the Aramaic plural suffix, a S-N of the Hebrew plural suffix ים - eeYM [CALL]
jelem, whole (Itza) < כל KoL, all, whole [ALL] -- see jilel
jibia’r, lightning (Chorti) < M312 ברק BaRaQ, a bolt, flash of lightning [FLICKER]
jichún , thin (Mam) < צנום TSaNooM, thin ]THIN[[ -- see tzem
jilel, to totally finish off, destroy all (Chol) > כלה KaLaH, to fully destroy an enemy
[All, KILL][
jilil, very ill (Tzotzil) < חלה K[H]oaLaH, to be sick [ILL]
jil-jil, long (Tzotzil) < rev. ארך ARoaKH, long; אורך OReKH, length [REACH]
jin(i), this, that, so (Ch’ol) < הנה HaiNaH, these, those; here and there ; כן KeN, thus,
so [THAT]
j^l^l -- see jal^l, jol
joc'an, to hang (Tzotzil) < M132 חנק K[H]eNeQ, to strangle [HANG]
john, jar (Pokomam); cuum, pot (Lacandon) S-G S-N < אגן AGaN, bowl, basin [OCEAN]
joilá, far (Aguacatec) < הלאה HaL’AH, onward, farther, beyond -- Genesis 19:9
jol, hole, cave (Huastec); jol, hole (Yucatecan); jore, cave (Uspantec); jul, hole, cave
(Cakchiquel); jul cave (Pocomchi); jul, cave, hole, perforation, grave (Quiche)
< חור [K]HOAR or חר [K]HoaR, hole, opening; חלל K[H]aLahL, hollow [HOLLOW]
-- see c’ol
jo’mol, finish (Itza) < גמל GaMahL, to bring a process to its end, as in obtaining ripe
fruit or weaning a child; S-L גמור GaMOOR, complete [MEGALOMANIAC]
joóp, five (Chon); S-B job, five (Quiche); jop, gather by hand (Ch’ol); jop, handful
(Ch’ol); jopel, gather, pick up (Tzotzil) ; q’ab <aj> n. hand, group of five, handle (Quiche);
ho’ob, five (Pocomchi) < S-G חפן K[H]oaPHaN, (hand measurement) ; כף KahPH,
palm of the hand; קוה QahVahH, to gather together; קבץ QahBahTS, to collect
jore -- see jol
joroch’, cooked balls of dough (Itza) < עריסה GHaReeY$aH, dough of one’s
kneading trough (Numbers 15:20)
joron - see ceel
jos, peel with a knife (Teco) < חסף K[H]a$aF, to peel or flake off (Ex. 16:14); חשף K[H]aSaF,
to strip, lay bare (Psalms 29:9)
joyp’in, to turn (Tzotzil) < הפך HaPHaKH, to turn, overturn [HAVOC]
ju, this (Mam) < S-G הוא HOO, he, she, it] HE[
jub, destroy, knock over (Yucatecan) ; juub-i hit, beat (Teco) < חבל K[H]aBHahL, damage,
spoil, destroy [GOBLIN] -- see c’op
jul -- see jol
jumuj, noise (Quiche); jomomik, the sound of rushing water or wind (Quiche) < הום HOOM,
a distracting noise, tumult, roar; הם HaiM is the bustling hum of a noisy crowd
juub-i -- see c’op
jyib, hill (Sipacapaca); jyub, hill (Sacapultec) < S-G, S-B גבה GoaBH , a height; גבעה
GiBH[A]H, a hill, a height [GIBBON]
k’al<o>, to gather (firewood); k’ale’n, a bundle of firewood (Quiche) < קהל QaHahL,
a gathering of people; אגר AGaR, to gather [AUGUR, CULL, ELECT]
kan, snake (Yucatec) < 1. Aramaic עכן [E]KHeN, snake; 2. rev. נחש
NaK[H]aSH, snake [SNAKE] -- see can, chon, kumatz
kans, to mortally strike (Pokoman) < rev. S-G נגח NaGa[K]H, to gore; נגע NaG[A]h,
to strike; נגף NaGaF, to smite, defeat militarily [KNOCK]
k’anti, snake’ (K’ekchi) < 1. Aramaic עכן [E]KHeN, snake ; 2. M312 נחש
NaK[H]aSH, snake [SNAKE] -- see kumatz
kapii, thatch (Chiriguano: Tupian) < כפר KoPHahR, to waterproof with a sealant
(Gen. 6:14); כפרת KAPORET, a covering [COVER]
k’atik, fire, and the act of burning; c’at, to burn (Quiche) < S-D קדח QaDaK[H] or
QaDa[K]H, to slow-burn; קטר QeeDTaiR, to burn incense [CAUTERIZE]
k’el, green colored (Quiche) < rev. S-L ירק YaRahQ, to be green [GREEN]
ket<o>, to cut something thin; ketom, to cut off (Quiche) < קטע QaDT[A], to cut off;
קטב QaDT[A]hBH, to cut off ; S-D קדד QaDahD, to split [CUT][
k'iin, sun (most dialects) < S-N חמה K[H]AMaH, sun [CHIMNEY]
k’ol<o>, to roll up, as sleeves (Quiche) < S-G גלל GaLaL, to roll, roll away, roll down,
or roll together [GYRE]
kolob is a rope, cord (Quiche) < M132 חבל K[H]eBHeL , rope, district, region [CABLE]
komon, large group of people (Quiche) < S-G המון HaMOAN, a multitude (Genesis 17:4) ;
עם GHahM, a nation, a large unit of kindred people [MANY]
kot, eagle (Mayan: Quiche) rev. < עיט GHaYiDT or [A]hYiDT, a vulture, bird of prey [KITE]
-- see oot , tihu
k'ulbat , a border, a boundary marker ; q'olbat, a boundary stone (Quiche) < S-G M132
גבול G’BHOOL, a border (Deut. 19:14) ; חבל K[H]eBHeL, rope, district, region [CABLE]
kumatz , snake (K’che’) < M312 rev. נחש NaK[H]aSH, snake [SNAKE] -- see chon, kan
kuruk, to cut (Kekc) < S-G קרע QaRaGH, to rend, tear;חרך K[H]aRaKH (notch, incision,
crevice) [CRACK] -- see raqij
la, not, no (Mam) < לא LO, not, no (Genesis 2:18); rev. אל AhL, nothing, not; Arabic laa, no
lab, used up, past its prime (Yucatecan) < rev. בלה BaLaH, to wear out, to become old
laboshli, to cook, to boil < בשל BaSHahL, to cook, boil or roast [BOLSHEVIK]
lac’, spouse; raac’, wife (Lacandon) < S-L rev. כלה KaLaH, bride, spouse [COLLEEN]
lah, all; laj, all (Ch’ol); l^j, all (Lacandon); la<j, all (Yucatecan) < rev. כל KoL, all
latz, heap, pile (Tzotzil) rev. < תל TeL, mound, heap [TALL]
latz’, crowded, narrow (Quiche); lus, narrow, small (Motozintlec); t’u’r-a’n, narrow
(Lacandon) < S-L רזה RaZeH, thin, lean, scant; rev. צר TSahR, narrow [STRAIT] —
see silic , t’ililiil,
leba, fruit (Aguacatec) < rev. S-L S-B פרי PReeY, fruit [FRUIT]
lec’, to lap (Ch’ol); lec’(el), lick (Tzotzil); leeq’-u, lick (Teco); lec’oyal, lick (Huastec)
< לחך LaKHaK, to lick, lick up; לקק LaQaQ, to lap, lick [LANGUAGE, LICK]
lec(el), to separate (Tzotzil) < חלק [K]HaLahQ, to divide, allot, apportion [LUCK]
lembal, to swallow (Ch’ol) < nasalized בלע BaL[A]h, to swallow [BALEEN]
letzel, letz-el, climb, ascend, raise (Ch’ol) < S-F M312 סלל $aLaL, to lift or raise up,
(especially the surface level of a roadway or rampart) [SLALOM]
l^m^l, quiet (Ch’ol); lilonik, to be placid, silent (Quiche) S-N < אלם EeLaiM, mute, silent,
not speaking (Exodus 4:11)
loch, burn (Kekchi) < rev. דלק DaLahQ, to burn, to set or light on fire [LIGHT]
loob, lo<ob, n. harm (Yucatecan) < rev. בלע BaL[A]h, destroyed, ruined, devoured
lot, to store (Ch’ol) < rev. אצר ATSaR, to store up, save [STORE]
lo'uson, music (Jacaltec) < S-L S-N M312 זמרה ZiMRaH, music, song; שאון SHAoWN,
noise, sound (Isaiah 24:8) [SOUND]
l^p, dress, wear (Ch’ol) < S-B לפף LaFahF, to wrap [WRAP]; לבש LaBHaSH, to clothe;
לבוש L’BHOOSH, clothes [ABASH]
l^^t, to weigh (Ch’ol) < rev. תלה TaLaH, to suspend, thus to weigh as in a toll [DOLLAR, TOLL]
l^tz, vertical stack, a botanical stalk (Ch’ol) < rev. תל TeL, a raised mound or heap ;
תלל TaLaL, heaped up, high [TALL]
luc’, to swallow (Yucatecan) < rev. אכל AKaL, to eat, devour, swallow up, burn up [EAGLE]
luk to bend, twist (Quiche) < rev. עקל [A]QahL, to twist (a key bending, twisting joint is the
ANKLE); עקלקל [A]QahLQahL, crooked, winding; S-L קער Qa’[A]hR, convex; קרסל
Q[A]hR$oaL, knuckle; קרן QeReN, corner, the angular horn [ACHILLES, ENGLISH,
lum, earth, land, country (Ch’ol); balumil, earth, world (Tzotzil) < עולם [O]ALahM,
world, worliness (Ecclesiastes 3:11) [REALM]
lus — see latz
lut, close, shut (Tojolabal) < לוט LOODT, to cover or conceal; לוט LOADT, a covering or
veil; לטים LaDTeeYM, secret arts or sorcery (Exodus 7:22) . [LID]
lutz, lazy animal (Itza); lutzul, sitting, squatting (Ch’ol) < rev. אצל [A]TSeL, sluggard
ma, not, no (Mam); ma'an, there isn't, none, nothing, no (Itza, Chol); ma', not, no (Yucatecan)
< S-N rev. אין AiN, no
maa, who (Ch’ol) < מי MeeY, who? (Genesis 24:65)
maac, hit (Tojolabal) mac’a, hit (Chuj); maj, hit (Tzotzil) < מכה MaKaH, a beating, blow,
stroke, plague… from נכה NaKHaH; מחץ MaKHaTS to smite, severely wound
(Isaiah 30:26) [KNOCK]
maaq, snake (Pmam) < S-N נחש Na[K]HaSH snake [SNAKE]
maam, mam -- see hunin
mac’a -- see maac
maj -- see maac
maq'an, warm, hot (Sacapultec) < rev. or S-Nחם K[H]ahM, heat [AMITY]
mas, man (Pokomam) < מתי MiSay, people, men MASCULINE]
matanal, gift (Tzotzil); moton, gift (Tzotzil) < מתן MaTahN, מתנה MaTahNaH, gift; נתן
NaTaN, to give, to grant [DONATE]]
maus, bad (Kekchi) < מאוס Ma’OO(S), repugnant [MISANTROPE]; חמס [K]HaMa$,
wrong, violence, cruel and lawless oppression [HAMSTER]
me, mother (Tzotzil); mim, mother (Huastec) < rev. אם AiM, mother [MAMA] -- see na
mem, dumb, mute (Ixil, Kanj, K’ich’e); memarik, unable to speak, mute < דמם DaMaM,
to be silent, be MUM, to be dumb (mute) [DUMB]
mes, arrow (Agua) < מסע Ma$a[A], missile, dart (Job 41:18); נצא NaTSAh and נצה
NaTSaH is to fly away; נס Nai$, to flee. [MISS] -- see ch’am
metz’, forehead (Quiche) < מצח MeyTSa[K]H, forehead [ANTECEDENT]
mich', angry, heated (Ch’ol) < rev. חמה K[H]aiMaH, hot wrath; חם K[H]ahM, hot [AMITY]
mim -- see me
moj, friend, a charming chum (Tojolabal) < rev. חם [K]HaM , warm (emotional warmth too); חמוד [K]HaMOOD, dear [AMITY]
moton -- see matanal
mul, mountain, hill (Yucatecan) < S-L ß רמה RahMaH, a height, an eminent place;
רום , ROAM and ROOM, high, exalted [RAM]
mus ic’, to breathe (Yucatecan) < S-F נשם NaSHahM, to breathe ; נשף NaSHahF, to blow,
breathe [ANIMUS]
mutz’, close the eyes (Ch’ol) < rev. עצם [E]eTSaiM, to shut the eyes (Isaiah 29:10) ; אטם
ADTaM, to shut, dam up, close [DAM]
na, mother (Yucatecan); nai (CH’ol) breasts, milk, and grandmother < S-N Aramaic אמא
EeMAh, mommy; rev. אם AiM, mother [MAMA] -- see me
nac', to hide (Tzotzil) < נס Nah$, to flee, escape a calamity; rev. גנזGaNaZ, to hide
and secure [NOSTALGIA]
nai -- see na
nen -- see aíne
ne’t, (sing.) you (Chorti) < Biblical Aramaic אנתה ANTaH, you; אתה ATaH, you
niim-a, believe (Teco) < rev. האמין h’eMeeYN, to believe; נאמן N’EMahN, faithful ; [AMENABLE]
ni'ma or nim'a, river (Mam); nima (Uspantec) < Most early people got their
drinking water, מים MaYiM , from a nearby river [MIAMI]
nit, count (Tzotzil) < S-N S-D מד MahD, a measure; מדה MeeDaH, size, measure
nojá, river (Ch’ol) < נהר NaHaR, river, stream [INERT]
no’n, we (Chorti) < אנו ANOO, we [NOSTRATIC]
nosh, old, old man (Ch’ol); nyosh’an, grow old (Ch’ol); nushi’, great, old (Yucatecan) < rev.
ישן YaSHahN, old, aged, senior; נושן NOASHahN, old, ancient [SENILE] -- see ichun
noshi-vinic, chief (Chontal) [vinic is man] < S-F 1) נשיא NaSeeYE, prince, president,
leader ; 2) the tribal elder as chief, see nosh (Exodus 22:27)
nuc, answer (Yucatecan) < S-G rev. ענה GHaNaH or [A]NaH, to respond, answer, reply
nuc, neck, throat (Huastec); jnuc, neck, throat (Tojolabal) < ענק [A]NaQ or GHaNaQ
necklace, choker; חנק [K]HeNeQ or K[H]eNeQ, to strangle by the neck [NECK]
nutí, small net (Tojolabal) < נטה NaDTaH, to extend or stretch out [NET]
nutz, light, fire, ignite (Ch’ol) < נצת NaTSahT, kindled, burned (Nehem. 1:3);
נצוץ NeeYTSOATS, a spark, the fire-starter (Ezek.1:7); הנץ HaNeTS,
shining, as the crimson “shining of the sun” of dawn [DAWN]
nyet, to tie (Ch’ol) < dental drop and S-N or rev. צמד TSaMaD, to attach , bind,
fasten [SEAM]
ocoob -- see qap
ogel, cry (Tojolabal) < S-G S-L קרא QaRAh, to loudly voice, as a town crier; קול
QOAL, a voice [CALL, CRY]
oHtaj, know (Jacaltec); ootaj , know (Jacaltec) < rev. ידע YaDaGH or YaD[A]h, to know
olo, stab, pierce (Chuj) < 1) S-L, the GORE of a wound, חר [K]HoaR, a hole [HOLLOW];
or 2) S-L, being GORED by a חרב K[H]eREBH, sword, blade [HARPOON]
olol, child (Tzotzil) < עולל [O]ALaiL, child [GIRL] -- see al
olom -- see aluu’
on -- see aíne
'oop', to toast (Lacandon); op, to toast (Yucatecan) < אפה APHaH, to bake [BAKE]
oot, eagle < עיט [A]hYeeDT, a vulture, large bird of prey [KITE] -- see kot
ootaj, know (Acatec, Jacatec); otzaj, know (Ixil) < S-D ידע YaDaGH or YaD[A]h,
to know, understand, perceive [EDUCATE] -- also [IDEA, ORTHODOX]
oqíl, coyote (Tzotzil) < כלב bilabial drop KeLe(V), canine [LOBO]]
oshib, three (Pocomchi) < S-F S-B סיון $iYVaN, month THREE of the Hebrew year, as
several Asian and Amerind “three” words [TERZA RIMA]
ot’lab, peel (Huastec) < M231 פצל PaTSeL, to peel off, strip off (tree bark)
otzaj -- see ootaj
otz-an, put, place (Ch’ol) < S-F S-N שים SeeYM, to put, place, lay, set [SUMMIT]
pa, in, for (Uspantec) < S-B - ב B’ (prefix), in, by, at, with [WITH]
paal son (Itza); pal, child (Yucatecan) < aplu : heir, son (Akkadian); S-B S-L buru,
descendant (Assyrian); S-B S-L Aramaic בר BaR, a son < S-B S-L פרי PRiY,
fruit, offspring [FRUIT]
pa'al, descend (Huastec); pul, fall (Jacaltec) < נפלNaPHahL, to fall, spill, fail,
decline [FALL]
paat, thread, string (Huastec) < end-liquid drops פתיל P’TeeYL, string , cord [FUSE]
pach'aya’, grass (Q'eqchi' ) < S-B S-F rev. עשב [A]ySeBH, grass [ASSASSIN]
-- see siib
p’ajt, jump (Tojolabal); p’it, jump (Tzotzil) guttural drops < M213 קפץ QaPHaiTS, jump,
hop [KIBITZ] -- see pahtza , qopopo
pacat, to see (Yucatecan) < rev. T-from שShin shift שקף SHaQahPH, to look over [SCOPE]
pahar, fox (Pokoman) < all shift M312 כלב KeLeBH, canine [LOBO]
pahtza, frog; pajtza, toad (Jacaltec); poqtzá, toad (Ch’ol)< M213 קפץ QaPHaiTS,
jump, hop [KIBITZ] -- see p’ajt, patz’a, qopopo
paj(o), measure (Uspantec) < dental drop טפח DTaPHa[K]H, (hand breath) [PENTAGON]
palau, sea, ocean (Kekchi); paló, sea, ocean (Quiche) < פלג PeLeG, oceanic currents
or channels, once crucial navigational information for all waterways and streams
(before mechanized boats); S-B יבל YaBHahL, stream; S-B מבול MaBOOL , flood, and many flow words in IE, like French fleuve, river, stream [ARCHIPELAGO]
pap, father (Huastec) < S-B אב ABH, father; Aramaic אבא ABBaH, daddy, papa [ABBOT]
paqaj, split, cleave (Uspantec) < S-B בקע BaQ[A]h, to split open; liquid drop פלח PaL[K[H],
to cleave [PICK]
pares, dove (Lacandon) < M231 צפור TSiPOAR, (generic) bird [SPARROW]
-- see tZ-bu’l
pasel, grow, come up (Ch’ol); pashc’ul, boil (Huastec) < S-B בשל BaSHahL, to
grow, ripe, to boil or cook [BOLSHEVIK]
pasha, belt, girdle (Tojo) < חבש [K]HaBHaSH, to bind [HASP]
pat, house (Chuj, Kanjobal); pati, house (Pokomam); < בית BaYiT, house
p’at, leave -- see bat
patz’a, toad (Jacaltec); petzpetz, frog (Huastec) < guttural drop קפץ QaPHahTS, jump, hop,
spring [KIBITZ] -- see pahtza , qopopo
pauilté, leaf (Tojolabal) > rev. S-L טרף DTeReF, nutrition, prey, leaf (Genesis 8:11 orEzek. 17:9) [TROPHY]
pe, come (Cakchiquel) < S-B בא BO, come, arrive. Imperative in Exodus10:1. [VIA]
p’el, to cut, split (Ch’ol); piilmeel, separate (Huastec); pilan, separated (Tojolabal) < פלג
PeeLaiG, to divide [PLOUGH]; S-L פרס P’Re$, to break in two, split, slice; other P-R
words of división include פרוד PeyROOD, to Split; פרם PaRahM, to rend, tear [FORK]
péniel, son (Ch’ol) < S-B banu, child (Assyrian) < בן BeN, son, child [VAN DYKE]
peq, dog (all Mayan) < rev. S-B liquid drop כלב KeLeBH, canine. [LOBO] How can
we be sure?
-qaas, is Mayan for coyote, (dog of the grasslands). By itself, it is S-B M312
pes, snake (Ch’ol) < rev. צפע TSePH[A]h, poisonous snake [ASP]
pet, to come, to come back (Tzutujil); to complete a circle (Yucatecan) < S-B
ש Shin-to-T shift rev. שוב SHOOBH, to return, turn back[ESCHEW, SABBATICAL]
petic, return (Uspantec: Mayan) rev. < T from ש Shin shift , S-B השיב HeySHeeY(V), to return, recover, restore [ESCHEW]
pichíl, clothes (Kanjobal) < M231 S-B לבוש L’BOOSH, clothes [ABASH]
piilmeel -- see p’el
pi’^l, friend, companion, countryman, relative, spouse, fellow (Ch’ol) < S-B S-L חבר
[K]HaBHeR, friend; pal, companion, fellow [ALGEBRA, BROTHER]
pilan -- see p’el
pir<o>, to break by hand, as food (Quiche) < פרד PaRahD, to separate; פרס PaRa$,
to divide, break bread; פרר PaRahR, to crumble < [PART]
p’is, cup (Ch’ol) < rev. סף $aPH, cup, goblet, bowl, basin; ספל $eFeL, bowl, cup, mug
[SUPPER] -- see bush
pis, to wrap up, to bandage (Quiche); pish, to cover with a blanket (Yucatecan); pish, to tie
up (Ixil); p’ish, to wrap (Ch’ol); pis(o), to wrap (Uspantec) < rev. צפה TSeePaH, to
cover; צפוי TSeePOOY, a cover [TOP]; rev. ספן $aPHaN, to hide, cover, to roof
(Deut. 33:21); < rev. ספח $aPHa[K]H, to attach, to associate [SUFFIX]
p’it -- see p’ajt
pi’usun, daughter (Pokomam) < S-B בת Ba(S), daughter [PEDIATRIC]
pojo -- see bic’
p’ol, make (Ch’ol) < פעל Pa’[A]hL or Fa’GHahL, to do, make [FACULTY]
pooq -- see bic’
poj, hill (Quiche); puuc, hill (Yucatecan) < rev. S-G, S-B גבעה GiBH[A]h, a hill, a height
pojo, pooq, pucuc, puuj, dust, -- see bic’
pol, unripe maize (Ch’ol) < S-B S-L בר BaR corn, grain [BARLEY]
poloc, adj. fat thing (Yucatecan) < rev. חלב K[H]eLeBH, n. fat [LIVER]
poq, dust (Quiche, Uspantec); pooq, dust < S-B אבק ABaQ, powder; rev. עפר
GHaPHahR, dust, [FRIABLE] -- see bic’
poqtzá -- see pajtza
poroj, to burn something (Quiche) < M132 S-B S-G בער Ba’[A]hR, burn [BURN] -- see pul
poshi, shaman (Tzel) < guttural drop rev. כשף KaSHahPH, enchanter, sorcerer [PISHOGUE]
pot^, leaf thatching (Ch’ol) < rev. צפה TSeePaH, covering [TOP]
potz’<o>, to strike, as swinging a club (Chol) < rev. ספק $aPHahQ, to strike, forcefully slap by hand [SPANK]
potzó, beam, rafter (Mam) < guttural drop S-F כפיס KaPHeeY$, rafter (Hab. 2:11)
poyté, boat, canoe (Kekchi) < rev. S-B תיבה TeYBHaH, the floating ark or boat of Noah
p’^t stop, leave off (Mopan) < S-B בטל BaDTeL, to stop, suspend, cancel; also Biblical Aramaic and Akkadian [VETO]; שבת SHaBHahT, to cease, rest, have a work stoppage
pucuc -- see bic’
pul -- see pa'al
pul-ib, measles, pimples, any skin condition with swellings or growths (Ch’ol) < S-B
עפל [O]PHeL, a topopgraphical mound or hill; עפלים [O]PHaLeeYM are hemorrhoids
(Deut. 28:27) … any bodily tumors or swellings [PILES]
pulil, dig (Jacaltec) < S-L חפר [K]HoaPHeR, to dig [GOPHER]; S-B S-L בור BOAR, to bore or dig; בור BOAR, a pit, grave, dungeon [BORE]]
pul, burn (Ch’ol); pulu’, burn (Chontal); pur, burn (Chorti) < S-B S-L בער Ba’[A]hR,
to burn [BURN] -- see poroj
pur, to fly (Jacaltec, Pokomam) < פרח PeRa]K[H, to go airborn as a disease; אפרח
EPHROAKH, chick [FLIGHT]; אבר AyBHeR, a wing, אבר to wing (Job 39:26)
[SPARROW] - see pares
p’u’s, stinking (Lacandon) < S-B S-F באש B’AhSH, to stink [BISON]
putzpuj, smooth (Aguacatec) < rev. שוף SHOOPH, to smooth, rub off, scrape; (later Pilpel
form) שפשף SHiPHSHaiPH, to rub, polish [CHAFE]
puuc -- see poj
puuj -- see bic’
q’aayis, grass (Cakchiquel) < bilabial drop עשב GHaiSe(V), grass [ASSASSIN] -- see siib
q’ab -- see qap
qalul -- see ac’al
q’am, branch (Pokoman) < S-N קנה QaNeH, branch [CANE]
qap, hand (Mam, and most Mayan dialects); S-B q’ab, hand, arm (Yucatecan); ocoob , wing
(Huastec) < S-B כף KahPH, palm of hand; hand in Akkadian, Assyrian [CUFF] -- see joóp
q’at, cut, harvest (Quiche, Uspantec) ; q’atoj, harvest (wheat) (Quiche); other guttural-dental“cutters” include catzij, cut (Achi) < קצר QaTSeeR, cutting short, harvesting ;
חתך K[H]aTahKH. To cut, decree [CUT]
q’amuhil, warm, hot (Chico) ; q’in, sun (Mopan) < חם K[H]ahM, warm, hot ; חמה
K[H]aMaH sun, heat of the sun, any heat [CHIMNEY]
qe, only (Uspantec) < rev. אך AhKH, but, only ]EACH[
qawik, to burn to ashes (Quiche); qohp, burn (Pokoman); copic, burn (Pocomchi) < כוה
KahVahH, to burn, scorch [KIBOSH]
qopopo, toad (Kekchi) < dental drop קפץ QeePaiTS, jump, hop, leap [KIBITZ]
-- see pahtza, patz’a,
qotón, shirt (Mopan) < כתנת KaToaNeT, (cotton) tuniuc, shirt [COTTON, TUNIC]
qul, forest, woods (Tojolabal) < S-G S-L יער Y[A]’aR or YaGH’aR a wood, forest [JUNGLE]
qul, neck, throat (Quiche) < על GHoaL, yoke [COLLAR]; גרון GaROAN, throat [ CRANE, EGRET, GROAN]
qul<aj> voice, singing voice (Quiche) < קול QOAL, voice, sound, noise; S-L קרא QaRA, call [CALL]
q’umar, wood that is worm infested; moth-eaten (Quiche) < S-G rev. רמה ReeMaH (worm)
q’unac, sea, ocean (Aguacatec) < S-G S-N אגם AGahM, body of water, lake ; S-G אגן
AGahN, basin [OCEAN]
q’uq’um, dark (Uspantec); eqiniq, black (Chico); cunía, night (Mam) S-N <
חום K[H]OOM, blackened, burnt, swarthy, dark brown; חם K[H]ahM, Ham son of Noah
is the Genesis 10 ancestor of dark Africans [CHEMISTRY]]
raac’ -- see lac’
rapaj, to whip, to afflict (Quic) < S-L Aramaic (in Tanach) צלף TSaLaPH, to beat with
the hand, whip [SLAP]
raqij, to break, split, burst open or crack (Quic) < M213 קרע QaRaGH, to tear, rend
-- see kuruk
recha’, n. pasture (Quiche) < מגרש M’GRaSH, a pasture, open land [GRASS]. If ch were a
guttural, there’s מרעה MiR’GHeH, pasture (Isaiah 32:14)
reuj, moon, month (Chorti) < ירח YaReyaK[H], moon; YeRaK[H], month [YEAR] HI
roob-ir, waste (Lacandon) < חרבה [K]HaRBaH, a place laid waste, desolation [GOBLIN]
roq yuuq’, road, path (Pocomchi) < דרך DeReKH, road, way, journey [DIRECTION]
rupur, to fly (Pokomam) < 1. רחף Ra[K]HePH, to hover [HOVER]; 2. פרח PaRah[K]H,
to fly, flutter [FLIGHT]; 3. פרפר PiRPaiR, to twitch, flutter, whence New Hebrew פרפר
PaRPahR, butterfly [PYRALID]
ruushee’, root (Tzutujil) < fricative drop שרש SHoReSH, root [SOURCE]
saac -- see t’ok
saac2, surly (Itza); ch’oj, very angry (Quiche) < rev. כעס Ka’[A]$ andכעש Ka’[A]S,
anger, vexationn To CUSS is also at [HAIL]
saam-o, mix (Teco) < rev. מסך Ma$aKH, to mix, mingle, (as in making wine) [MIX]
sac , white (Yucatec ); s^c- , clean, white (Ch’ol); < צח TSahK[H], pure, clean, bright;
זך ZahKH and זכך ZaKHahKH, clear, pure… bright, transparent [DRY SACK]
sacti, wall (Ch’ol) < שך SoahKH, an enclosure to fence off or section off an area (Lament. 2 :6)
säj, scrubby weeds and undergrowth, only good for animal feed (Quiche) < שיח
SeeY’ahK[H], shrubs (Genesis 2:5) [SAGEBRUSH]
sak’, grasshopper (Quiche) < rev. חםיל K[H]a$eeYL, locust [LOCUST]
salk’äm, an itching disease; to scrape, scratch (Quiche) < S-L rev. חרסה K[H]aR’$aH,
a scabies or mange-like skin itchy condition (Deut. 28 :27(, with skin as hard as חרס
K[H]eRe$, clay [RAZE]
sapup, rope (Chico, Yucatecan) < rev. פתיל P’TeeYL or P’(S)eeYL, string, cord;
and its metathesis תפל TaPHahL or (S)aPHahL (II Samuel 22 :27), twisting (of fibers)
that make cords and ropes .פתלתל P(S)aLToaL, twisted, perverse (DT. 32 :5).
sarum, wall (Chorti) < rev. S-L סללה $oL’LaH, mound, rampart, defensive wall [SLALOM] ;
כתל Koa(S)eL, wall. [DIKE
satz, stretch (Yucatecan) < שטח SHaDTa[K]H, to spread, spread out [DESK]
s^c see sac
sec’ -- see ch’ac
secíj -- see tzaqa
seeb, fast (Lacandon); seb, fast (Yucatecan) < rev. S-B פזז PaZahZ, quick ; חפזון
[K]HeePaZoaN, haste; חפז [K]HaPahZ, hasty [HASTE]
selel -- see sirisic
seq, arrow (Chol) < rev. חץ K[H]aiTS, arrow [HASTATE]
se’ra’, root (Quiche) < 1fricative shifted, 1 dropped שרש SHoReSH, a root [SOURCE]
ses-ic, to cut off ( Lacandon) < ß קסס Qa$a$, to cut off, as fruit [SCISSORS]
shactal, see chuclaji
shac, basket (Yucatec) < S-F שק SaQ, sack [ENCASE, SACK]
shac, ravine, valley (Mam) < שקע SHeQ[A]h, a depression, sunken place;
שקע SHaQ[A]h, to sink, decline; שח SahK[H], to sink [SINK]
sham, sandals (Kekchi) S-N ; shana', shanab, sandals (Itza); shanab, shoe (Mopan) < S-F
סאן $’ON, sandal, boot; senu, shoe (Assyrian) [SANDAL] -- see sh^no
shaq, black (Cakchiquel); tyeq, black (Mam) -- Shin/ש-to-T shift < liquid drop
שחר SHaKHoaR, black [SWARTHY]
shar, pot (Kekchi) < S-F סיר $eeYR, pot, kettle (Exodus 16:3) [MISSOURI]
she -- see shel
shecba sit (Yucatecan) típa; tz’bula, tz’ubuli, situated (Tzutujil) tzube, sit (Tzutujil)
< ישב YaSHaBH to sit, dwell or settle [CIVILIZATION]
shec’aal -- see toq’
shel, to go (Mam) < S-F Biblical Aramaic אזל AZaL, to leave, to go away [SALLY]
shet’, broken pieces (Lacandon); shet, to break in pieces (Ch’ol); shet’, break off
(Yucatecan); shet’, piece (Itza); shetel, a fragment (Mopan) < S-F S-D guttural drop
סדק $aDahQ , to crack, split [SHATTER] ; שריד SaReeYD, a remnant [SHRED]
matches shetel with a metathethis and S-D.
shi>iw, grass (Yucatec) < S-F S-B עשב [A]ySeBH, grass [ASSASSIN] -- see siib
shibilcej, deer (Yucatecan) < S-F צבי TSiBHeeY, deer [BEAST]
shihl, hair (Kanj); shi-íl, hair (Huastec) < S-F S-L שער S’[A]yahR or S’GHayahR, hair
shijin, bad odor (Chol) < S-F S-G צחן TSaK[H]aN, stink [SKUNK]
shinuc, male (Tojolabal) < 1. M321 אנוש ENoaSH, Man [MAN]; 2. rev.
מת MahS, men, warriors (Deut. 2:34) [MASCULINE];
sh.jaal, people (Tzutujil) < S-F S-G סך SahKH, throng, multitude, a thick mass,
as in a “shock” of hair (Psalms 42:5) [SHOCK2]]
shnan, woman (Aguacatec) < S-F זון ZooN, nourisher, nurse, feeder [NOURISH]]
(Ipai: Hokan siny is a woman. All Slavic “woman” words resemble Slovac zena.)
shnihep, old (Chol); shniosh, old (Chol) -- see icham
sh^no, sandals (Ch’ol); sh^n^b, shoe (Laca) < S-F סאן $’ON,
sandal, boot; senu, shoe (Assyrian) [SANDAL] -- see sham
shobtí’, breathe (Kanj) < S-Bנשף NaSHaF, breathe; נשיפה NiSHeeYFaH, exhalation
shoc, mud, dirt (Mam); suj, mud, dirt (Ixil) < סוחה $OOK[H]aH, dung, filth (Isaiah
5:25); סחי $’KHeeY, filth, dirt (Lament. 3:45) …both what is swept away [SHOVEL]
-- see cis
shoj, coyote (Mam); shojb, coyote (Pokomam) < 1. שועל SHOO’]A[L or SHOO’GHahL,
fox, jackal, any wild canine. The coyote’s yelp (as for help) is its most unique
feature. שוע SHOO’[A]h or SHOO’GHah is a cry for help [JACKAL]
--The Choctaw fox is a chula.
shpeq, toad (Quiche); shpeq, frog (Tzutujil) < rev. קפץ QaPHaiTS, jump, hop [KIBITZ]
shpulet, flaming (Tzeltal) < S-F S-B S-L M132 שרף $oaRaiPH, burning [SAFFRON]
shq’ab, branch (Motozintlec) < S-F S-B סעיף $aGHiYPH, bough, branch (Isaiah 17:6);
סעפה $’GHaPHaH, bough, branch [SCEPTER]
shseluch, lizard (Yuca) and tzalich, lizard (Huas); < S-F or rev. S-L שרץ SHeReTS, reptile,
various scampering varmints [RACE] -- see tzalich
shuch, stealing, steal (Ch’ol); shujch’ thief, steal (Ch’ol) < S-F שסה SHa$aH, to rob,
plunder, take spoil; שסים SHoa$eeYM, spoilers (Judges 2:14); משסה MiSHee$aH, loot,
booty (II Kings 21:14) [SEIZE]
shuclaji, to get down on all fours (Mopan) ; soc, worm (Chol); tzajan, caterpillar, worm
(Moto) chaqänik, to crawl on hands and knees (Quiche) < S-F S-G זחל ZaK[H]ahL,
to creep, crawl; a crawler [SLUG]
shul, remain, stay (Lacandon) < שאר SHa’AR, to remain [SURPLUS]
shul2, to whistle (Pocomchi); shul, to blow (Ixil) < S-L שרק SHaRaQ, to hiss, whistle
shum, flower (Ixil) < S-F סם $ahM, perfume, aromatics, spices; סמדר $’MaDaR = blossom:
as סם $ahM, fragrance + דרור D’ROAR, release [SMELL]
shum2, twins (Ixil) < S-F צמד TSeMeD, a yoke or team of identical animals coupled as a
team; תאום T’OAM or (S)’OAM, twin [TEAM, TWIN]
shupul, finish (Itza) < S-F S-B סוף $OOPH, to end, to cease; סוף $OAPH, an end,
a close [PHASE OUT]
si, fire (Chico) < rev. S-F אש AiSH, fire [ASIA]
si2 wood (Chico) < rev. S-F עץ [E]TS, tree, wood, timber [ASH tree]
siál, rain (Chico) < S-L שערה S’[A]aRaH or S’GHaRaH. storm ; סערה
$ah’[A]hRaH or $ah’GHahRaH, storm [SQUALL]
sib -- see sib
sicij -- see sik’ij
si<ip -- see sipoj
sipoj, to swell (Quiche); si<ip, ripe or swollen (Yucatecan); chupul, to swell (Itza)
< S-F S-B צבה TSahBHaH, to swell [PROTUBERANCE]
siba and tziba, write (Ch’ol) < כתב K’a(S)ahBH or K’aTahBH, to write; כתב K’(S)ahBH,
writing, script [CUT]; S-B סופר $OAPHaiR, writer, scribe; ספר $ayPHeR, letter, book
sibak, reeds to weave mats (Quiche) < S-B סוף $OOPH, reeds, bulrushes [SWAMP]
sibil-keh, deer,(generic Maya) < צבי TSIBHeeY, deer [BEAST]
siib, grass, straw (Lacandon); sib, forage, fodder (Lacandon) < עשב [E]SeBH, grass, any
herbage or generic green plants -- see pach'aya’, q’aayis and shi>iw
sik’ij, to call out, to shout (Quiche); sicij, cry out (Uspantec); sic’in-e, cry out
(Ixil); sik’inik, to groan (Quiche); thajnal , cry out (Huastec); ticin, to cry (Chol)
< צעק TS[A]ahQ, shout; (Genesis 27:34), a cry of wrong or pain;
שוע SHOOGHah, a cry for help [SHREIK] -- see chaak
sik’inik -- see sik’ij
silíc or silís, thin (Mam) < S-F S-L צר TSahR, narrow; or reverse S-L רזה
RaZeH, thin, lean [STRAIT] -- see latz’, t’ililiil, t’u’r-a’n .
sina -- see smach
siplaj, many, much (Tzutujil); sibalaj, many, much, a lot (Quiche); sibil^j, many, much
(Cakchiquel) S-B; tz’ebej, sufficient input (Quiche) < S-B שבעSaBHay[A]h, satisfied;
שבע SaBH’[A]h, plenty; S-F S-G liquidization שפע SHePH’GHah, abundance;
שפעה SHiPH’GHah, multitude; שפק SHaPHaQ and ספק $ePHeQ, sufffciency
sipa’an, swollen (Mopan); sipc’, to swell (Ixil) -- see asampa
sirisic -- see sursu
slug, slú’uc, bird (Agua) < שלך SHaLaKC, a diving bird (Leviticus 11:17)
smach, lizard (Mam); sina sina, lizard (Aguacatec) < S-N שממית SiMaMeeYT,
a kind of venomous lizard; שמם SaMeM, poisonous; Arabic samm, poison [BALSAM]
soc, to injure oneself (Uspantec); sok<o>, to wound, to injure (Quiche) < S-F S-G פצע
PeTSaGH, to wound; נזק NeZeQ, injury, damage (Ezra 4:13) [PUTSCH]
soc -- see
soq’<o>, to spread or smear, to anoint (Quiche) < סוך $OOKH, to anoint, pour on [SOAK]
soc, fool (Kanjobal); soc confused, crazy (Ch’ol); tzooc, insane (Ch’ol) < סכל $aKaL,
to be foolish, be a fool; סכל $eaKHaL folly [SILLY, SKILL[
sqeej -- see tzaqa
sub, sub-en -- see sup
suc, a stopper, plug, cork (Tzotzil); suc, cover (Tzotzil) < סכר $aKaR, to shut up, stop up;
סגר $’GaR, to shut [SECURE]; rev. כסח Ka$aH, to cover [ENCASE]
sucilna, hut (Yucatecan) < סכה $ooKaH, thicket, covert, booth [SHACK]; rev. כסח Ka$aH,
to cover [ENCASE]; rev. חסוי K[H]ee$ooY, a shelter [HOUSE]
sucun, older brother (Yucatecan) < S-F זקן ZaQeN, elder [SAGAMORE]
sujtel, return (Ch’ol); tzajni, return from (Ch’ol) < S-F סוג $OOG, to go back, to draw back,
to displace [SAG]
sunsúy, caterpillar or moth larvae (Quiche) < N סס $ah$, moth (Isaiah 51:8)
sup, pot (Motozintlec); pach, pot (Huastec) < rev. סף $aPH a bowl, basin (Exodus 12:22);
ספה $aPHaH, basin, bowl (II Samuel 17:28); ספל $ePHeL, bowl, cup
(Judges 6:38) [SUPPER]
sup2, talk (Ch’ol); sub, speak, give information (Ch’ol); sub-en, tell, say (Ch’ol); chabej,
speak (Uspantec); chawic, speak (Uspantec) S-B; che’ob, they say (Ch’ol) < S-F S-B
שפה SaPHaH, speech; ספר $aPeR, to tell, give an accounting [GOSPELL]
sirisic, round (Cakchiquel); sursu, round (Kekchi); surusic, round (Quiche); selel, round (Ch’ol)
S-L < סהר $aHaR, round, roundness (Songs 7:3); סהר $oaHaR, (round) full moon, (round)
dungeon; סחר $aK[HaR, to circulate in business; סע $aGHaR, the circular winds of a cyclone
or whirlwind; תור (S)ooR or TOOR, touring around, the circling turtle-dove (pigeon) CYCLE]
sutij, to turn (Quiche) < סוט $OODT, turn aside, swerve, fall away (Ps. 101:3); שוט
SOADT and שטה SoaDTaH, to turn aside, go astray; שט SahDT, he turned aside
(Ps. 40:5); שטה SoaDTaH the straying wife (Numbers 5:12); S-F צדד TSaDahD,
to turn aside; צד TSahD, side [SIDE]
suuc, straw (Yucatecan) < rev. קש QahSH, straw; עשב GHaiSe(V), grass [ASSASSIN]
s^yaab, a stream that never dries (Laca) < M312 יבש YaBHeySH, dry [BEACH]
taab, burn (Mopan) < S-B תפת ToPHeTH, place of fire [TEPID]
ta’al cheu, dew (Aguacatec) `< טל DTahL dew [DISTILL]
taan, witan, sleep (Teco) wtan, wután, sleep (Mam) < T-from- ש Shin shift שנה SHayNaH,
sleep [INSOMNIA]
tab, grass, straw (Lacandon) < תבן TeBHeN straw (Exodus 5:7)
tabá, snake (Jaca) < S-B צפע TSePH[A]h, poisonous snake [ASP]
tabatatik, to tell on, gossip, tattle (K’iche) < S-D דבה DeeBaH, defamatory report
(Genesis 37:2); דבר DaBeR, speech [TAB]
tac, to bow (Uspantec) < rev. S-D קדד QaDaD, to bow down [DUCK, THANK]
tahumá, dumb, mute (Chic, Huastec) < S-D דומיה DOOMaM, silent, in silence [DUMB]
t’a’iil, til(el); tiil-u -- see ch’il
taj, nothing (Pocomam) < S-G תהו ToaHOO, formlessness, nothingness, emptiness [HASTE]
taj 2 -- see tzaqa
tapi, to steal (Huas) < תפש TaPHah$, to seize [THIEF]
t(ah), hear (Quiche) < rev. הט HahDT, to bend an ear to hear [HEED]
tanat, spark, ember (Itza) < M213 ניצוץ NeeYTSOOTS spark;
נצץ NeeTSaTS, to sparkle [TINDER]
ta’nik, to listen (Quiche) < 1.T-from- ש Shin shift; S-N S-G שמע SHaM[A]h, to hear, listen to,
obey [SOUND]; 2. rev. N. of הטה HeeDTaH, to bend the ear, to listen (Jer. 7:24), a hiphil of נטה NaDTaH, to bend ( an M213 S-G of ta’nik [HEED]
ta(tá), you (Huastec) < אתה ATaH, you (masc.); את AhT, you (fem.) [THOU]
-- see aata, at, tech
tat, father (Yucatecan); tata father (Huas, Yuca); tata, uncle (Moto); tet, father (Lacandon);
tz’etz’jun, father’s brother (Yucatecan); tz’uutz’, uncle (Huastec) < S-D דוד DOAD
uncle, lover, doting male relative; ידיד YiDeeYD, friend, lover [DAD]
tc’ayl, market (Aguatec) < T-from- ש Shin shift S-G S-L שער SHa[A]aR or
SHaGHaR, market [MARKET]
te, tree, wood, pole (Maya: Huas) < rev. עץ [A]iTS, tree, wood [ASH TREE]
tech, you (Itza) < S-G אתה AhTaH, you (masc.) [THOU] -- see ta(tá)
telam, mountain; t’i’aal, to heap or pile up; t’i'eel, a heap or pile (Huastec); toyol, high (Tzotzil) < תל TeL, mound, heap; תלל TaLahL, to heap up. [TALL]
t’ele’, baby (Huastec); tzula, baby (Jacaltec) < rev. S-D לדהLeyDaH, birth;
ילד YeLED, boy, young man [LAD]
t’eleleel, tremble (Huastec) < rev. S-D רעד Ra’[A]D, trembling [TERROR]
telhuy, small (Aguacatec) < M132 צער TSahGHaR, means “was small” in Aramaic and Hebrew, Arabic similar. [SURPASS]
tem, bed (Tzot) < rev. מטה MeeDTaH, bed [MAT]
t’i’aal -- see telam
tom, lowlands, a spill-way plain (Chic) < rev. מטה MaDTaH, below [MAT, NETHER]]
tep’ to wrap (Yuca); t’ep, wrapping (Chol) < עטף [A]DTaPH to envelop or wrap oneself;
צפה TSeePaH, covering [TOP]
t'e’pith, he is sad (Huastec) < all shift rev. עצוב [A]TSOOBH, sad [SOB] - see bis
tet -- see tat
thajnal -- see sik’ij
thopel, to swell (Huastec) -- see asampa
thuubal, to whistle (Huastec); shub, to whistle (Pocomchi); xubal, n. whistle (Quiche)
S-D S-B S-L < Aramaic, etc. צפר TSaPHaR, to whistle, chirp, twitter like a bird, who’s
communication seems to be whispering a ספור $eePoaR, spiel or story [SPARROW]
tiaeb, sky, heaven (Huastec) < S-B צפה TSaPHaH, top; צפוי TSeePOOY, cover [TOP]
tibil -- see atob
tic, trouble, oppression (Ch’ol) < צוקה TSOOQaH, distress, illness [SICK]
tich, extend, stretch along an edge (Ch’ol) < rev. ישט YaSHeDT, to extend; שטח
SHaDTa[K]H, to spread, spread abroad, stretch out; שטח SHeDTa[K]H, an extent,
suface area [DESK]
ticin2, dry (Mopan) -- see tzaqa
tihu, hawk (Mayan: Huas) < rev. עיט GHaYiDT or [A]hYiDT, a vulture, bird of prey [KITE]
-- see kot
tino’y, small (Tzutujil) < guttural-drop קטן QaDTahN, small; צאן TSOaN small cattle
t’int’ín, arrow (Kanjobal); tzimáj, arrow (Kekchi) S-N < צן TSaiN, barb, thorn, briar
*tïsa ,‘order, command’ (Proto-Mayan) < צו TSahV, an order, command (Isaiah 28:10);
צוה TSeeVaH , to command (Genesis 6:22) ; PBH צוא TSaVAh, one’s command, army
*to’ay, ‘emerge, come up/out (Proto-Mayan) < צא TSAy, to emerge, come out [EXIT]
t’ok, a blow with elbow or fist; punch (K’ich’e); ting, hit (Jaca); tzaq’<o>,
to hit someone (K’ich’e); tz’oj, hit (Chorti); saac’, hit (Kekchi); sac’, hit (Uspa)
< תקע TaQ[A]h[A] or (S)aQ[A]h to strike; תקף TaQahF or (S)aQahF, to overpower …
later to assail or attack [ATTACK]
tom, field (Chico) < S-D אדמה ADaMaH, ground, land
toon, man (Lacandon) < S-D S-N אדם ADAM man, mankind, person(s) [DEMOCRAT]
toq’, stab, pierce (Mam); shec’aal, stick, prick, stab (Huastec); tz’uc, penetratingly, sharply
(Ch’ol); teq’un, stab, pierce (Cakchiquel); chuq’, stab, pierce (Pchi) < תקע ToQ’[A]h or
(S)oQ’[A]h, to drive a sword, nail or pin [TACK]; דקר DaQaR, to pierce, thrust
through, pierce through [DAGGER]
t'ort’o, round (Keck) < תור TOOR, touring around, the circling turtle-dove (pigeon)
-- see sirisic
toyol, high (Tzotzil) -- see telam
tshek, to laugh < צחק TSaK[H]ahQ, to laugh, sport [CHUCKLE]
ts'om, buzzard (Mayan) < rev. S-N נץ NayTS, falcon (Jer. 48:9); fricative-nasal
birds of prey from Amerind and Chinese at [BUZZARD]
tuc, dry (Ch’ol) -- see tzaqa
tuc2 , only, to separate (Tzotzil) < rev. S-D יחיד YaK[H]eeYD, unique, only, alone
(Gen. 22:2); אחד EK[H]aD, one, each, every, only [EACH]
tuq, leg (Pchi) < T-from-ש Shin shift שוק SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK] -- see cush
tukuj, to crush clots (as in milk) < טחן DTaKHaN, to grind, crush; S-D דקק DaQahQ,
to crush, be crushed; הדק HaDaiQ, to pound into powder [TALCUM]
tunic, suck (Uspantec) < the later תינוק TeeYNoaQ, baby, is from the Biblical יונק YoaNaiQ,
a suckling, child; ינק YaNahQ, to suck, to suckle, is widespread in Semitic. [YOUNG]
tup’, thunderous sound of a percussion instrument; tup’al, thunder (Yucatecan) < תף ToaPH,
drum , timbrel (Exodus 15:20); תפף TaPHaPH, to beat a drum [TAP]
t’u’r-a’n, narrow (Lacandon); t’ililiil, thin, narrow (Huastec) S-L < צר TSahR, narrow [STRAIT] – see latz’
*tus learn, know < S-D דעת D[A]’aS, knowing [DATA]
tu>uch’ub -- see ‘ish t’up’
t’uul, drip, drop (Ch’ol) < S-L דליפה DiLeeYPHaH, drip; טל DTahL, dew,
a condensation of gas to liquid [DRIP]
tyeq, black (Mam) < T-from- שחור ש SHaK[H]OAR (black) ; חשך [K]HoaSHeKH,
darkness .. after another T-from- ש shift (a standard in Aramaic) [OBSCURE]
tz’aale, king (Huastec); tz’ul, sir, gentleman (Lacandon); tz'u<ul sir, nobleman (Yucatecan)
< S-F S-L שר SahR, official, high officer, prince, czar, sir (Genesis 40:2); סרן $eReN is
a Philisine lord, ruler or tyrant (Judges 3:3); rev. ראש RoaSH, head, chief [SIRE]
tzabal, lizard (Huastec); shp’ach lizard (Cakc); tza>apsib, lizard (Uspantec) < צב TSahB,
a lizard, Leviticus 11:29, becoming the Arabic dabb (lizard) [TOP] -- see batau
tz’acatc’e, calm, quiet, tranquil (Huastec) < S-F שקט SHeQeDT, at peace, undisturbed;
סכת $eKeT, to be silent [QUIET]
tzahab, large water jar (Jacaltec) S-B ; chup, jug, pitcher (Tojolabal)
< S-F סף $aPH, basin, bowl [SUPPER]
tz’aj, wash (Pocomchi) < S-D S-G דוח DOOaKH, to rinse, cleanse, wash off [DOUCHE]
tzabaal, earth, land; chabál, earth, land (Huastec) < תבל TeBHeL or (S)eBHeL,
the (habitable) world [WORLD]
tz’aj(el), to soak (Tzot); tz’aj, soak, dip (Chol); tz’aqic, wet (Pchi); tza’c’in, immerse (Chol)
< יצק YaTSoaQ, to pour liquid [SOAK] -- see chaac
tzajni -- see sujtel
tzal, in a row (Ch’ol); tzol, line up, follow (Ch’ol) < S-D S-L טור DTOOR, a set row [TIER]
tzalam, shade, shadow (Huastec); chalam, shade, shadow (Chico) S-F < צל [T]SaiL a
shadow; צלם TSeLeM, likeness (shadows shadow the original form) [SILHOUETTE]
tzal(el), stop (Tzotzil) < S-L עצור [A]TSOOR, restrained [ARREST]
tzalich -- see shseluch
tza’m<aj>, nose, (a dog’s) muzzle or (a bird’s) beak (Quiche) < M231 חטם [K]HoaDTeM,
snout, animal nose or muzzle (noun); also the verb of muzzling). The most important nose
for the hunter-gatherer is the snout of their hound or hund (Germanic dog) [HUNT]
tz’aq, wall (Kekchi) < S-D דיק DaYeQ bulwark, siege-wall; rev. כתל KoaTeL, wall [DIKE]
tzaqa, dry (Ixil); chaqi, dry (Kekchi), secíj dry (Mam); sqeej, dry (Aguacatec), taj dry
(Jacaltec); tic, heat, dry (Ch’ol); ticin dry (Yucatecan); ticin2, dry (Mopan); tuc, dry
(Ch’ol); tzaj dry (Ixil); tzaqa, dry (Ixil) < צחה TSeeK[H]eH or TSeeK[H]eH , dry,
thirsty, parched (Isaiah 5:13) [SACK (dry)] -- see chaac
tzat, bed (Tojolabal); ch’at, bed (Jacaltec) < תחת Ta[K]HahT or (S)a[K]HahT, below,
beneath. [SOUTH] Similar sense development has the MAT and MATRESS from that
which is placed beneath, מטה MaDTaH, the sleeper.
tZ-bu’l, blackbird (Chol) < S-B S-L צפור TSiPOAR, (generic) smaller bird [SPARROW]
-- see pares
tZe’ , stick (Maya: Ixil) < rev. עץ [A]iTS a stick of wood [STICK]
tZe', tree (Agua, Mam); tzee’, wood (Teco) < rev. עץ [A]iTS, tree, wood [ASH TREE]
-- see Che’
tzeb, to injure (Ch’ol) < עצב [E]eTSaiBH, to inflict pain or hurt [STAB]
tz’ebej -- see sipla
tzeec, a little (Mopan) < rev. קצת Q’TSahT, a little [CURT]; דק DahQ, thin, small, fine
[ACUTE]; צעיר TSaGHeeYR, little, small [ZERO]
tze>el side (Yucatecan); tzel, lie on one’s side (Mopan); tz’el, side
(Tzotzil); tzooyiil, rib (Huastec); t’ejl side (Ch’ol); < צלע TSeL[A] or TSeL[A], side,
“rib,” [LIST (lean to one side)] Even at noon, the צל TSeL (shadow) slants to a side.
tz’ejet, leg from hip to knee, thigh (Huas); tzelec, front part of leg (Yucatecan)< S-F שוק
SHOAQ leg, thigh [SHANK] -- see cush
tzem, thin (Chontal) < צנום TSaNOOM , lean, THIN or meager (Genesis 41:23) [THIN]
-- see jichún
tzen, mountain, hill (Huastec); chen mountain, hill (Chico) < rev. נשא NeeSAh, elevated,
to lift up [ASCENSION]. Also rev. , and S-N, is Massa, the “great” or “sacred” first
element in Massachusett. A prominent hill or mountain, from עצום [A]TSooM, mighty,
(similar to tzen) is often deified, as were the pagan “high places” of the Bible.
tzen2, bed (Chontal) < S-D S-N rev. מטה MeeDTaH, bed, couch ; מצע MaTS[A]h, couch,
bed (Isaiah 28:20), also a planting bed; מטה MaDTaH, beneath [MAT]
tzep, cutting (Ch’ol) < S-B קצב QaTSahPH, is to cut off (also in Arabic), and קצב
QaTSaBH is a fragment or splinter of wood that has been CHIPPED off (Hosea 10:7).
קצב QaTSahBH, the verb to cut off; as a noun became a butcher (a professional
tziáp, ashes )Mam) < כסף Ke$ePH, silver colored [FISCAL]
tz’ib, to write (Yucatecan); tz’ib, n. letter, hand-writing (Quiche) < כתב KoaTaiBH, to write;
כתב K’TahBH, manuscript, a hand-written script [CUT]
tziba -- see siba
tzibibith, quiet (Huastec); ch’abal, quiet, calm (Tzotzil); chap’an, quiet (Tojolabal)
> שבתSHaBaT, work stoppage, day of rest, Sabbath [SABBATICAL]
tzic -- see chiic chiic, sweet (Chico); tzic,
tzic, sweet (Huastec) < מתוק MaTOAQ, (sweet) [MUSK]
tz’ic’aal, stab, pierce (Huastec) S-L ; toc’(aj) or tocy’aj stab, pierce (Yucatecan); tz’uc,
penetratingly, sharply (Tzotzil); toq, stab, pierce (Jacaltec); teq’un, stab, pierce
(Cakchiquel) < S-D דקר DaQaR to pierce, thrust through, pierce through [DAGGER]
tzer<o>, to tear, as paper or cloth (Quiche) < טרף DTaRaPH, to tear, rip [TROPHY]
tz’ili’ -- see chil
tz’im, si’m, n. smoke (Pokomam) < תמר TaMahR or (S)aMahR (as in all Slavic “smoke”) ,
a straight, rising column of smoke (Joel 3:3) [THYME] The straight, rising botanical
column of the Middle East is the תמר TaMahR, date palm. Such a root seems planted
in the brain before walking from Sumer to the future Western Hemisphere.
tzim, n. plant (Ch’ol) < צמח TSeMa[K]H, any sprouting vegetation or plant (Genesis 19:5)
[SUMAC] -- TOMATO is from Nahautl tomatl.
tzimáj -- see t’int’ín
tzincaal, to hide (Huastec) S-G tzinat, clandestine (Huastec) < צנה TSaN[A]h, to hide;
צנעה TSiN[A]h or TSiN’GHah, secrecy, modesty [NUTS]
tz’ininik or tz’ininik, to be peaceful, to be silent (Quiche) ; tz’inonik or tz’inonik, to be
calm, placid (Quiche) < S-F שאנן SHa’aNahN or Ta’aNahN after ש Shin-T shift;
S-N S-D דממה D’MaMaH, stillness, whisper, calm; דמי D’MeeY, quiet, rest, silence
tz’inn, dog (Uspa) < תן TaN, jackal, any wild canine [DINGO] -- see antúch, ch.ian
tzióm -- see icham
tz^n, n. cold (Ch’ol); tz^n’an, to cool (Ch’ol); tzuan cold (Ch’ol); cham ice (Huastec);
chun snow, hail (Uspantec) < צנה TSiNaH, the cold (of snow) [SNOW]
tzobel or tzobel, congregate (Tzotzil); tzob or tzob, join together (Tzotzil) < S-Lצבור
TSeeBOOR or TSeeBOOR, congregation (post Biblical) < צב TSaBahR or TSaBahR,
to heap up (II Kings 10 :8) [PROTUBERANCE, SWELL];
S-B אסף O$ePH , to gather, collect people or things
tzoci, finish (Itza); tzuc, finished, old, passed (Ch’ol) < rev. קץ QaiTS, the end
(Genesis 6:13), the finishing off of something, the edge [COAST]
tz’oj -- see t’ok
tzol , to line up, follow (Ch’ol); chol, to line up, to put in order (Quiche)
< S-L אשר ASHeR, to go straight, to advance ethically; ישר YaSHahR, straight ;
שורה SHOORah, straight line [SHEER] -- see tzal
tzooc -- see suc
tz’oo>s -- see ch’osh
tzoqou tzij, lie, fib (Uspantec); tz’aj tzi, lie, fib (Ixil) < S-G שקר SHeQeR, lie, deception,
falsehood [CATHARTIC]
tzotz, tzatz, and satz, strong (Tojolabal) < עזוז [A]ZOOZ, strength, fierceness [GAUZE]
tz’^p, to drive in the ground, to fasten (Ch’ol) < הציב HeeTSeeYBH, to erect, to fix;
NeeTSahBH, to set up, to stand up [STABLE]
tzub, saliva (Chuj) < זב ZahBH, a flow, discharge (in Lev. 15:25 a seminal discharge); זאב
Z’EBH, wolf, source of many global “dog” words, as canines seep saliva to sweat [SEEP]
tz’ub, suck (Quiche); tz’ubu, suck (Chuj); tz’ububej, to drink thirstly (animal), to absorb
liquid (Quiche) < S-F שאב SHa’ABH, absorb; סבא $aBaA, to imbibe, to drink to
intoxication [SIPHON]
tz ub, kiss (Tzotzil); tz’uub-I, kiss (Teco) < S-F S-B שפה SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]
Spanish beso, a kiss -- see butz’
tzube sit (Tzutujil); shecba sit (Yucatecan) < S-F S-B ישב YaSHaBH, to dwell,
remain, sit, abide [CIVILIZATION]
tzuc-úl, to make right, correct (Ch’ol) < תקן TaQeN, to repair, correct [TINKER]
tz’u’pac’, frog (Lacandon) < rev. קפץ QaPHaiTS, jump, hop [KIBITZ]
tz’u<ul -- see tz’aale
tzuan -- see tz^n
tzutzua, mud, dirt (Huastec); tz’otzeo, mud, dirt (Jacaltec) < S-D טיט DTeeYDT, clay, mire
(Isaiah 41:25)
tzuhl, tzul, or tzuul, hill, mountain, (Kekchi) < תלל TaLaL, heaped up, high; תל TeL,
mound [TALL] -- see telam
tzun, abdomen (Mam) ; tzo’n, belly (Uspantec); itz’uum, navel (Pokomam) S-N
< בטן BeDTeN , belly, tummy, womb [ABDOMEN]
tzuyul, fastened (Ch’ol) < S-L צרר TSaRahR, to bind or wrap up; אסר A$ahR, to tie, bind;
אזר AZahR, to gird [SARI]
uala’eión, ascend (Tojolabal) < עלה [A]hLaH, to go up [ALLEY]
uaytan, shaman (Yucatecan); nya’tan to know, understand (Ch’ol); et’an know (Cakchiquel)
< ידעוני YeD[O]ANeeY, a wizard, soothsayer, one who channels familiar spirits
(Leviticus 20:27) [IDEA]
ubenic, to blow (Uspantec) < M213 S-B נפח NaPHaK]H], to blow; S-G נפה NaFaH,
to fan (F-N reversed) [FAN, PNEUMATIC]
ub-i, wanted (Ch’ol) < אבה ABHaH, to want, desire, consent; אוה AVaH, to desire,
long for [TABOO]
ucú, ucucú, older brother (Chic) < אח AK[H], brother [EACH] -- see acaú, younger brother
‘u-cum, dried river (Lacandon); ucum, brook ( Tzeltal) < אגן AGaN, bowl; אגם AGaM,
pool, pond, body of water [OCEAN]
uk'iabal, n. cup, glass (Quiche) < S-G גביע GaBiY[A], cup, bowl [GOBLET]
unen, adj. little, a baby (Tzot); unín, child (Chuj); unin, father’s son or daughter
(Tojolabal) < ניןNeeYN grandchild, descendant [EL NIÑO] - see hunin
utz’j, to blow a horn (Chuj) < S-G תקע TaQah[A], to sound a trumpet or ram’s horn,
a strike or hit [TOKE]
watan, wife (Yucatecan) < S-B בטן [V]eDTeN, womb (the English « woman » is a
womb-person) [VENTRICLE]]
witz or witz, eye (Mam) < S-B הביט HeeBeeYDT, to look [VIDEO]; rev. צפה TSaFaH
or TSaFaH, to look out at [SPY]
woael, eat (Tojolabal) < S-B בלע BaL[A]h, to devour, swallow, eat away, wear away ;
S-B S-L ברה BHaRaH, to eat. [DEVOUR]
woro, pierce, penetrate (Achi) < S-B בור BaRaH, to bore, to dig or research; S-B חפר
[K]HoaPHaiR, to dig [BORE]]
xuminik, to bud (as potato) (Quiche) < N צמח TSaMah[K]H, to grow, sprout forth [SUMAC]
yaj, pain, painful (Yucatecan) < rev. S-G כאב KAh’ay(V), to feel pain, suffering [ACHE]
yajin, ill (Uspantec) < rev. נגעNaG[A]h, stricken ill, as with a plague [NOXIOUS]
yalel ti, saliva (Tojolabal) < M213 or M231 S-L ריר ReeYR, spittle, slime (I Samuel 21:14)
yalush, small (Chuj) < M231 S-L צעיר TSah’[E]eYR, small [ZERO]
yaqúsh, dark ( Chico) < חשך [K]HoaSHeKH, darkness; rev. שחר SHaK[H]OAR, black,
dark [OBSCURE]
yeb, fog (Yucatecan); yeeb, ground fog (Mopan) < עב [A]hBH, condensation of cloud
yenél, shadow (Kanjobal) < M132 אילן EeYLahN, shade tree [ELM]
yopor, leaf (Chorti) < rev. טרף DTeRePH, leaf, any sought-after nutrician [TROPHY]
-yorajlel, time, season (Ch’ol) < ירח YeRa[K]H, month, season [YEAR]
yuc, kid, young goat (Mopan) < עגל [A]yGeL, calf ; אכו AQOA, wild goat [YAK]
yumbil, master (Itza) < בעל B’[A]hL, master [BULLY]
yuntzil, lord, master (Yucatecan) < M312 נשיא NaSeeYE, prince, lit. the exalted one
(Exodus 22:27)