Araona (Brazil)
Note: Araona
is Proto-Tacanan, belonging to the
Macro-Panoan branch of the southern third
of the J. Greenberg and M. Ruhlen classification of the Amering language
The Edenics-deniers, who claim that our few legitimate
non-coincidences must be borrowings from Semitic speakers, will now have to
place historical Semites in the Amazon jungle. Araona is prized because this
isolate was only discovered in the 1960s. The opposite of a highly urbanized,
mixed and corrupted language of fast-talking young courtiers like Chinese,
Araona's isolated jungle homeland allowed its language to change little over
the millennia. It may be the closest we find to a language shortly after the
neuro-linguistic phenomenon at Sumer/Shinar (Genesis 11).
Edenics will have books on all major language
families, but the New World has many long-extinct or long isolated languages
like Araona to study the words of prehistoric speakers of the documented
(not theorized) Pre-Hebrew Proto-Earth Human Language Program from the
dawn of time. when humanity was one
family before Pangea (our one continent) and Edenic (our one language) was
broken up.
Letter Shift Codes A menorah of only 7
sounds, as all music is from 7 notes
All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, H, K, Q]
All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, H, K, Q]
C and J in Araona always correspond to Edenic gutturals
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN לבן (white).
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN לבן (white).
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word
N Nasalize the word with an added N or M
N Nasalize the word with an added N or M
Upper Case word in [brackets] is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations and Semitic and world cognates.
Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language. 5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.
Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel ג= G, Dalet = ד D, Hey ה= H, Vav ו= V, OO or OA, Zayinז = Z,
Het ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט = DT, Yod י= Y, Kahf כ, ך K, Khaf = KH, Lamed ל= L, Memמ,ם = M, Noonנ = N, Samekh ס= $, Ayin ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH,
Pey פ,ף
= P, Phey = PH or F, Zaddi צ,ץ= TS
(always read ST in European), Koof ק= Q,
Raish ר= R or
WR, Shin ש= SH,
Sin = S, Tahf ת= T, TH, or (S).
ARAONA lacks an R.
The J corresponds to an Edenic guttural.
APENO, restless < ß NOOPH נוף , to move to and fro,
wave [FAN] see PENOPENO
faults -- see PESO
APOZE , to be sour, acidic < S-B S-F BoSeRבסר , sour grapes,
AQUEOLI , afraid
< S-G K[H]eeYL חיל trembling (in fear or pain) [ILL]
APOSE , rounded < ß S-B $aBHahBH סבב , going around
be short < S-F TSiMTSaiM צמצם , reduced,
ATSETSE , to play animatedly < TSahTSoo[A]h צעצוע , plaything,
toy; שעשוע SH[A]’SHooW’aH, fondle, to
play or toy with [JOKE]
top <
ß S-G GoaBHaH גבה , height [GIBBON]
twist < S-B S-D PaTeeYL פתיל , twisted [FUSE]
BASO , to
toast < S-F
BaSHahL בשל , to cook, boil, ripen
BATA , shoulder
< ß S-B KaTaiPH
כתף , shoulder [CUSP]
BETA , one, a particular person < S-D BahD בד , by itself,
[DIVIDE], BaDahLבדל
, separate, isolate [BUT]
BAMEHUE , to know
< M231 S-B S-N HaBHeeYN הבין , to understand
(prefix) in, on < B- ב- , (prefix) in, with [WITH]
BISA , to
slip, fall < ß S-B S-F
SHaPHahL שפל , to become
low [SPILL]
BISO , to be embarassed, ashamed < BOOSHaH בושה , shame,
CAETELA , lantern
< M312 DaLahQ דלק , to kindle [LIGHT]
CALAE, to walk
carefully < ß HaLahKH הלך , to walk
CALAPA , house, dwelling < QLeePaH קלפה, shell, rind, skin
COTSI, pig
< S-G [K]HaaZeeYR חזיר, hog, boar, swine
CUALOLO , round,
circular < S-G [A]GOALעגול , round [CYCLE]
CUASI , to look at, spy
< S-F
K[H]aZaH חזה , to see, perceive, gaze ,
sight [SEE]
CUATI , firewood,
kindling < קדח QaDa[K]H (slow) burn, kindle
CUESA , beard
< ß S-F
ZaQahN זקן
, beard [SAGAMORE]
DANA , porcupine quill < S-D TSayN צן , thorn [TINE]
DELA , to scatter
< D-from-Zayin/Z shift
ZaRaH זרה , to
scatter [SOW]
DILO , to cover, shut in, surround < DTeeLaiL טלל , to cover, to
DODO , any older sister < DOADaH דודה , aunt, beloved female relative
DOCUIDOCUI, to crumble < דך DahKH,
to crush; דכאDaKHAh, דכה
DaKHaH, crushed;
דק DahQ, pounded fine; DTaK[H]aN טחן,
to grind
into powder [GNATHIC, CHIN]
DOMI, excrement, dirt, feces < DoaMeN דמן manure, dung
DYA , now < ß S-D [A]TaH עתה , now ; [A]iT עת , time [ETERNAL]
EAPA , dense < S-B [A]hBH עב thick, dark (cloud), a thicket [COVER]
prairie < ß TSeeYaH
ציה , dry land, desert [DRY
EBAI , palm branch, arm, leg (animal) < S-B [A]hPHeeYעפי
, branch, foliage (Psalms 104:12); bough (Daniel 4:9)
EBO, face
< S-B AhPH אף , face (Genesis 3:9) [OPEN]
EJA , egg
< S-G [E]eGooLעגול ,
round [EGG]
ESHA , a
tree branch < S-F [E]TS עץ , tree, wood, stick
EIZACANA, animals,
bugs that bite < M231 S-F NaSHaKH נשך , to bite
EMA , I, my
< S-N
ANeeY אני
, I (1st person
pronoun) [ME]
EMECUASA , a trap (for fish) < S-F
MOAQaiSH מוקש
, snare, trap
ETSA , flower
< TSeeYTS ציץ , blossom,
flower [TASSEL]
ETSOA, bone
< [E]TSeM עצם ,
bone [OSTEOMA]
HUALO, to mix < S-G S-L
GHaRah(V) ערב , to
HUENA, weak or thin < S-G GHaNaH
ענה, afflicted [GUANT]
be jealous < ß QaNAh קנא
, jealous
ISA, a remote time < [A]i(S) עת, period of time [ETERNAL]
to roast, or cook in the sun < QaLaH קלה , t o roast, dry, parch
JANAHUA, to have a rest < S-G [K]HaNaH חנה, to rest, make camp
see ANI
powder from leaves < S-B GHaPHaR עפר, dust, fine particles
to finish off, consume (food) < S-G KaLaH כלה, to complete, finish
off, consume food (Genesis 21:15) [WHOLE]
JEBAJEBA, to curdle < S-B QaPHAh
קפא froze (Exodus
15:8); congealed,
curdle (Job 10:10)
JEMEME, correct, affirmative < KaiNכן , affirmative, supported;
אמונה EMOONaH, truth
JEMEMEI, stomach
< M213 MiGHeeY מעי ,
belly [MAW]
pumpkin < QeeyQaYOAN כיכיון, gourd [CUCUMBER]
JODE, village < GHaiDaH עדה,
community [HERD]
JODO, smoke, vapor <
QaDTahR קטר, to smoke, burn incense,
Exodus 30:7 [CAUTERIZE]
JOLELO, larynx
< ß LoaGH לע
, gullet, throat [LAGOON]
JONO, reed < S-G QaNeH קנה , reed, stalk [CANE]
LABA, flat cake, tortilla < S-B LiBHeeYBHaH לביבה
is the identical, flat
appearing only in plural in II Samuel 13:6
LACA, to
swallow, drink < LOOaGH לוע , swallow, gulp down
LADA, to pile, heap or stack up < ß S-D TeL תל, a mound [TALL]
thin, skinny < S-F S-L RaZeH רזה,
lean, thin;
RaZeeY, רזי wasted
-- see TSALA
LAPOJO. to break with the teeth < M213 PaLaK[H] פלח , to cut to pieces,
through, till [PLOUGH]
LIATI, to shake, shiver < S-L RaTahTרתת , RaDTaDTרטט and
S-L S-D Ra'[A]hDרעד all mean trembling and TERror
closeness to friends < S-B LaVaH לוה , join,
emotionally cleave,
accompany [LOVE]
-LIPI, diminutive
suffix of loving endearment < see
above and LeBH לב,
waters, streams converging < ß BiLOOLaH בלולה mixed (liquids)
LOPO, swelling, knot bump on
the head <
ß S-B
עפל ,
swelling, tumor, pile [PILES]
LOTOA, to spill, pour (as
corn, nuts) <
ß S-D DaLaPH דלף, to drip, drop [DRIP]
MAEDAD, forehead
< S-D MeTSa[K]H מצח
, forehead
to heap up on something < M'GHeeY מעי , a heap
(Isaiah 17:1)
MAMA, woman, fem. address
< ß EMאם ,
MASISI , small ant < S-F 1. ß MaSHaSH משש, to grope,
by feeling, 2. ß TSiMTSOOM צמצום ,
shrink [SMALL]
MASHA, clothes < ß S-F SiMLaHשמלה , garment
MATO, clay water bottle or jug < [K]HeMeT חמת ,
skin water bottle (Genesis 21:15)
correct, instruct, teach < 1.
Moa$ahR מסר ,
correction, instruction (Job 33:16) ; 2. S-D LaMahD , to teach
MEATSA, finger
< QaMaTS קמץ , hand-measurement of
3 fingers [MITT]
METOTI, to raise blisters (in hands) < S-N S-D NaiD נד , mound,
heap [DUNE]
wing < 1. NaPHaH, נפה a fan (wings fan the air); ß S-B
PeeNaH פנה, corner, wing (of a building) [PINNACLE]
NAI, rain < S-N MaYAh מיא , water (Aramaic) [MIAMI]
NOEJAJA, a young woman < S-G
נערה NaGHaRaH
, a young woman
NOMA, without reason, in vain < [K]HiNaM חנם
, in vain,
without cause (Ezekiel
OSHOE, there it is! < YeSH יש , there is,
being, existence
[IS]OTSO, to burn,
catch fire ; SO, to burn < AiSH אש , fire [ASH] PA, to cry < Pa'[A]Hפעה , to groan or moan (Isaiah
S-B S-G BaKHaH בכה , to cry [VOCALIZE]
PACALA, fork in a tree, river or path < M132 S-L S-G PeReQ פרק , joint;
M132 P'LaGaHפלגה , divsion, stream [FORK]
PACATA, a few,
some < S-G PaK[H]OOT פחות , less [PAUCITY]
PADO, to bathe someone < ß S-B DToBH[A]h טבע , to sink in water;
DTeBHeL טבל is to dip or immerse
sieve < S-B S-L KeBHaRaH כברה , a sieve (Amos 9:9)
PAJA, to pull out
a louse, tick or fingernail < S-G
HayPeeYQ הפיק ,
extract. The infinitive is פוק POOQ.
PALIPIJA, a person
without energy, ineffective -- a combined
1. bilabial-liquid element and 2. a
one < 1. ß S-L
RaPHaHרפה , weak [LIMP], 2. S-G
POOG פוג, to be faint, slack [FAG]
PASHA, flat,
level, even, monotonous < ß S-B SHaPHeL , low; ß S-B
the flat, coastal plain or SPILLway of
Israel [SPILL]
PATACA, troop < S-B S-D S-G
TSaBHAH צבא , to assemble for
military service
PaTAJALA, white < S-B
BOOTS בוץ , fine white linen
also, another, different < APH ,
also, too, even if, the more… [IF]
PEATI, to be
different < S-B
S-D BahD בד , by itself, isolate
[DIVIDE], BaDahLבדל , separate, isolate [BUT]
; PEDEPEDE, sparse
S-D פחות Pa[K]HoaT
, few [PAUCITY]
PEJE, by
the side < S-G PeYaHפאה ,
corner section, side
(Leviticus 19:9) [CAPITAL]
PELEI -1, a raft < If the Amazon raft is like a two-hulled
then see PELEI - 2. If this raft is basically a ferry to cross
the river,
then < S-B S-L [A]BHaRaH עברה
(ferry boat…ford
over [FORD].
PELEI-2 twins,
any two similar people < 1) כפל KaPHahL, to couple,
double [COUPLE];
2) S-B sub-rootב-ל B-L mixed together
PELEI-3, two men of opposing clans <
If "two" is key, see PELEI -2.
If opposition
is key, see the Ayin-Bhet-Resh root in PELEI-1
of the other side" at [ABERATION]
PELEI-4,a bird < S-L 1. P'Ra[K]HaT,
פרחת flying creature [PULLET];
צפור, bird
PENE, a hiding place in a back wall, < TSaPHahN צפן,
to conceal, hide or
noun of
hidden treasure [SPY]; also the verb of building < בנה BaNaH, to
build [BONE]
PENOPENO, to rock back and forth < ß NOOPH נוף , to move to
and fro,
wave [FAN] see APENO
PESO, to make something flawed < S-F PeSH[A]h פשע,
sin, transgression.
French peche (sin) hardens in Spanish pecar (sin) or English
(flawless) [PICADILLO]
PETSE, knot, protuberance < ß S-B
צבה, swollen [SWELL]
PEZO, to break into pieces < S-F PeeTSaya[K]H פצח,
to break
pieces [PETARD] -- see POSATI
gully, ravine, river valley <. M132 S-L
S-G PaGHahR פער is
a space
or gap [PORE]
abundance < ß S-B S-F SHePH[A]h
שפע , abundance
PITSIBADI, the dry season < ß S-B YaBHeSH יבש , dry [WIZEN]
+ [E]yDT עט , a time, season [ETERNAL]
POSATI, to burst,
crack < PeTSaH פצה , to open wide; PaTSa[K]H פצח ,
to burst open,
crack a nut [PATEO]
< GHaiT
עת , a time [ETERNAL]
SACUA, to prick < ß S-F עקץ [A]QeTS,
to stick, sting; שך SayKH, thorn
(Numbers 33:55) [STICK]
SADA, stream <
S-F ESHeD אשד running water from brooks …
a waterfall [SHED]
thunder < S-F TSiLeeYL צליל , clang, sound [TOLL]
See Tili
to cut with machete knife < GaZaZגזז , to cut off, shear
SEHUA, to be black < S-F 1. שחר SHaKHoaR,
2. חשך
[K]HaSHahKH, to grow dark [SWARTHY]
SEPE, basin, dish
< S-B $ahP סף, bowl,
basin [SOP]
SHALALA, small
branches < S-F ZaLZahLזלזל
, twigs, tendrils
(Isaiah 18:5)
SHAMA 1, to see with fixed eyes < SHaMaR שמר, to observe,
guard ; SHOAMeR שומר , a guard [SAMURAI]
SHAMA 2 , soul shadow < NeSHaMaH
נשמה , soul, spirit [ANIMUS]
SHEHUI, to hold back, stop < ß S-F [K]HOO$חוס , to spare, refrain
(harming) [CHASTE]
SHEPEJA, to crouch
down < M132 S-G S-B SHaKHahBH שכב ,
to lie down
SHIBASHIBA, to jump < ß S-B S-F PaZaZ פזז , to leap, dance,
be springy [PIZAZZ]
frightened, surprised < M312
S-F K[H]aTa(S) חתת ,
confounded, amazed; terror [HATE]
SIPA, to hide, disguise,
conceal < 1.
S-F TSaPaH צפה
, to cover, overlay
2. S-F TSaPHahN צפן , to conceal,
to hide [SPY]
SIPIJI. Cap, top of a bottle
< S-F TSaPaH צפה
, to cover [TOP]
to open < S-F SHahL של ; to loosen; <
S-L SHa[A]aR שער , to split open [LOOSE]
SOLOLO, to drip
< S-F ZaLa[K]Hזלח , to drip, sprinkle
SOTO, to sow seeds for crops < S-F SHaTahL שתל, to plant,
to put together < S-D 1. TSaBHAh צבא, to come together;
S-D 2. TSaBHahDT צבט , to pinch; 3. S-D S-B TSaVahT צות,
to join [SWELL]; 4 . BeT ב
, number two [BOTH]
father, papa < S-D DOAD דוד , uncle; ידיד
YiDeeYD , friend
have a heron’s leg -- see LASLASA and
TAME, signal, footprint, trail < S-D S-N TSeeYOAN , sign
TAMO, to keep closed < S-D ADTahM אטם , to close,
stop up [DAM]
TATSO, to catch in the teeth < ß S-D TSOOD צוד , to hunt or catch
TEJE, to
find out, discover < S-D DayGHaH דעה , knowing
TEMI, to eat
one food with another < S-D DTa'[A]hM טעם , flavor, taste
(I Samuel
TIBI, to split in two
< ß BaTahR בתר,
to cut in two, dissect; BeT ב ,
number two
TICA, sting (of bee, scorpion…) < ß [O]wQeTS עקץ
, sting [STICK]
TILI, the boom of thunder < TSiLeeYL צליל ,
clang, sound [TOLL]
See Salala
TIMA, bird's
tail-feather < ß NoaTSaH נצה, plumage, feather [NEST]
belt < M213 S-D S-N MiZeeYaK[H], belt, girdle (Job 12:21)
TIPAIJI, a group or pile
(animals or people) < S-D S-B TSiBOOR צבור,
a pile or community [SPARROW]
TOABA, to look after, keep an
eye on < S-D
S-B TSaPHaH צפה ,
to keep watch, observe [SPY]
TOAME, in the middle,
between shores < ß
S-D EM'TS[A]hאמצע ,
middle [MID]
TOANA, tears < S-D S-N DiM[A]H דמעה,
tears [MEAD]
TOBO, dull (IZATOBO= deaf) < S-D S-B DTaPahSH טפש, dull, stupid.
DTeePaiSH טפש ,
a stupid person [DIVE, with
"dope" and "doppess"]
TOBOI, a yellow fruit < S-D S-B TSaHoaBH , yellow (Leviticus 13:30)
TOLO 1, to burn
(firewood) < S-D DaLahQ דלק , to burn set on fire
2, young man, boy
<ß S-D YeLED ילד , boy, young man [LAD]
TOMA, to
long for, covet < ß S-D [K]HaMahD
. desire, covet,
delight in [AMITY]
TOMI, TOMIYE, palm-tree
< TaMaRתמר , date palm-tree
TOMO, to cover, close, shut < see TAMO
TOPO, to measure
< S-B DTePHa[K]H טפח , measure of a
(I Kings 7:26)
TOTI, a burn on skin < S-D TSOOT צות , to burn
(Isaiah 27:4)
TSABAJA, to hear listen < M231 S-F S-B S-G QaSHaiBH
קשב , to listen
(Exodus 32:3)
TSABI, to break, crack < S-F SHaBeR שבר , to break [SEVER]
TSAENE, to bind together
S-N [A]TSahM עצם
, to bind fast, to shut
TSAHUA, margin,
shore < ß 1. [K]HOOTS חוץ , outside, [OUT];
2. ß S-G QaiTS
קץ ,
extremity [COAST]
shout < S-G TS’[A]hQ
צעק , shout (Genesis 27:34)
TSEQUELE, grasshopper < M 213 K[H]a$eeYL חסיל , locust
TSALA, narrowed (said of a river) < S-L TSahR צר , narrow [STRAIT]
n see LASALASA above]
TSAMA, to be potbelied < TSeMa[K]H צמח, grown,
sprouted forth
< S-D S-N TahN תן, jackal (wild canine) [JACKAL]
TSANE, to scold, reprimand, criticize < ß Na’AhTS נאץ, to revile,
deride, insult ) Psalms 74:10)
TSECUI, point < ß QoaTS קוץ , thorn; K[H]ahD, sharp חד [ACUTE]
TSEDAPO, a people < M132 S-F S-B SHeyBHeDT שבט , a tribe
TSEDO, breast
< S-D 1. DahD דד, teat, breast,
nipple [UDDER];
2. SHahDשד , breast, teat (Lamentations 4:3).
TSEMA, the two of us
< 1. TSeMeD צמד , a couple; 2. S-D תאום
T’OWM , twin, matched team [TEAM]; 3. M 213 SHTaYiMשתים ,
two; 4. S-F S-N SHeYNeeYשיני , second
TSICA, to crush, grind < 1. S-G DaQaQ דקק , to crush;
2. S-G DTaK[H]ahN טחן , to grind, to crush [TALCUM
whisper < S-D DiMaMaH דממה , silence, whisper;
DaMaM דמם , silent, muted
TSIPO, to make patiently,
thinking out details < 1. MiTSaPeH פהמצ ,
to anticípate [SPY] ; 2 M231 S-F S-B [K]HaSHaBH
to think,
calcúlate; 3. S-F S-B SayBHeR שברsnd $iBaR סבר,
to think, hope for [ASPIRE]
TSOJO, fruit worm
< S-F ZaK[H]ahL זחל , to creep,
crawl; caterpillar, larva
TSOTA, basket for domestic use < S-D DOOD דוד , pot, "basket" in
II Kings
10:7 [TOTE]
ZACA a rattle, to make
noise < ß S-G S-F Ra'GHahSH רעש,
to make
noise [RUCKUS] (Araona has no R)
ZACUA, to wash
< 1. ZeeKaH זכה, to cleanse
(Psalms 73:13),
2. S-F M312 כבס Ka(V)ah$, to
wash [WASH]
ZALE, ascertain, examine < S-F SH'aiLשאל , to interrogate, ask
carry a child in a girdle < S-F SahQ שק, bag-like container
ZELE, a lazy woman
< [A]TSeL עצל sluggard [LAZY]
ZILI, to burn, singe, scorch < burning words include TSaLaH צלה , to grill,
TSaLeeY צלי, roast and S-F S-L SaRaF שרף
, to burn
ZIBI, to safely moor a canoe < ß S-F BoaTS בץ , mud…thus
to secure
a canoe in a muddy river bank [PITCH]
ZILO, to separate < TSaiL[A]h צלע
, a separate side, separate aspect
In Genesis 2:21 woman
is a division of mankind, not a "rib." [LIST2]
ZIQUI, a big basket < S-F SahQ שק , a sack [SACK]