Wednesday, November 20, 2019



Adam was the father of Mankind.  Noah, 10 generations later, was the father of our national groups. 10  generations later came Abraham, the father of one tiny, ever-dying clan, but who was called to be the father -of-many-nations whose descendant  will soon unite diverse believers in a unified ethical walk, with knowledge of our One Creator  and our one root Language of Eden.

After disobedience, Adam feared the מתהלך  walking sound of the Lord heard in the  Garden wind  (Gen 3:8).
 Noah’s התהלך , walking with HaShem,  is praiseworthy, but is  passive when contrasted with Abraham’s walking before the Lord in 7:1 and  7:124:40. לפניו  הלבתי indicates Abraham’s  walking before HaShem, with an ethical spirit so independent and robust, that Abraham can argue with Hashem to spare Sodom. 

 Noah obediently works decades in building a huge ark, and in feeding and housing the word’s land animals. (Exemplary execution of Adam’s task of working and guarding the world עבדה ולשמרה of Genesis 2:15). Noah was his generation’s spiritual giant. But he was privately pious, not sharing Araham’s zeal for spreading godliness. Where Noah  accepts the Deluge as divine judgement, Abraham challenges divine justice and bargains to save any possible innocents from perishing in Sodom.

Noah was born in 1558  since Adam, ten generations after the Creator’s first chosen human partner to perfect the world.  Noah merited to become a second Adam, but HaShem had to wait ten more generations until finding the spiritual extrovert who could found a covenantal people.

To extend this Noah-Abraham contrast to future history. The religious gentile often responds to the appeal for personal salvation… as witnessed by Christianity. The Torah, instead, focuses on striving to create the model society and nation. The extremes of these trends has given Christianity the monk and nun, and has given lapsed Jews from Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders the failed utopia of Socialism.

Both Judaism and Christianity have produced some marvelously pious individuals, and, when their constituents abandoned these paths, some remarkably immoral states.

Creation took 6 ions to get  right; it may take Mankind 6 millennia to become the right Creation.
It’s only 5780 since Adam. Does that mean 220 more years
until our Sabbatical era?!
Don’t worry. According to הלכה  (the way to go or walk)
one can accept Sabbath a bit early.