Linguistics, even etymology, like any science is limited to mere WHATS, not the WHYS.
Edenics is the new science of HEBREW WHYS, of EMeTology (true, pre-Babel-babble, meanings).
Everything is intuitive; no academic gobbledegook. Our website is
All is explained in our video
Briefly:[The Menorah/color code of 7 interchangeable Edenics letter-groups : throat-made (brown), tooth-made
whistling letters
(orange), nose-made (green),
tongue-made (pink), lip-made (red); vowels
stay black] Metathesis is a scramble of the root consonants of the Biblical Hebrew/Aramaic or EDENIC. Nasalization is an added M or N to the Edenic root.[Bracketed word in Upper Case] is the entry name in our 2000-page E-Word Digital Edenics Dictionary, where you will find designed Hebrew similar and opposite words, non-borrowed global cognates, Biblical citations, and more. Hebrew transliterated, color-coded.
The hidden Hebrew meanings of English animal names are in E-Word and a chapter of The Origin of Speeches (Amazon/Lightcatcher) .
איל AYiL (stag,
hart, ram), איל AYahL (might, power; root of the
Aleph-Lamd deity name)
(she-donkey), איתן AYTaN (steady endurance, strength) [TONE]
אריהARYeH (lion),
רוע ROO’[A]h (Resh-Vav-Ayin, to shout, blast war cry…
Lion = roaring creature) [ARYAN]
ברדלס BaRDiLah$ (panther) ,
ברד BaRoaD, spotted
גדיGiDi (goat), גדוד GiDOOD (troop…group…herd creature) [GATHER]
(camel, premier work animal of
the Middle East) עמלGHaMaL
or [A]MahL עמל (Ayin-Mem-Lamed)
דבורה D'BHOARaH (bee) DaBHaR means communication. Not the superficial nonsense
about buzzing bees sounding like speech, but
the bee is the only animal able to
the exact location of a food source by its complex geometric dance. It is
another proof
that the Creator of Hebrew is the Creator: like naming the ear "the
balancer") ( אזן millennia before we'd discover the ear to be an organ of
דגDaG (fish)
: 1) דגה DaGaH is to multiply (like fish… Gen. 48:16) ; דגר DaGaR (to hatch) . 2) A freshwater trout can flutter
in place in a stream, like a דגל DeGeL
(flag, banner) in a breeze. 3) At sea
they will live in a large school, “troop” or
GiDOOD ( like the
גדי GiDeeY
goat in a herd). 4)
Their unique design is דק DahQ (thin… even חד K[H]ahD, sharp as
a DAGGER…. More on this aerodynamically
streamlined creature at the E-Word entry entry: [HADDOCK]
(This entry begins
attempted translation to Hebrew. Need help from bilingual Israeli.)
דגים, 1) שם הדג
כנראה מקשר לדגה, לפריון נוראת של
כמו שכתוב "וידגו
לרב" ב בראשית 48:16
דגר היא הפועל של דגים שנולדים.
2) דגי
נהר יכולים לפרפר במקום בזרםמים
כמו דגל שרפרף ברוח.
3) בים הם ביחיו בקבוצה גדולה, בגדוד (כמו הגדיים בעדר).
4) היצור אווירודינמית של דגים
היא רזה ... דק ... אפילו חד ... חד כפגיון
זאבZ’EBH (wolf), זבהZaBHaH, seeper, “the salivator” (the overactive
salivation of all
canines is not
the “hungry wolf” but is really sweat) [SEEP]
זבוב Z’BHOOBH (fly): סבוב $iBHOOBH (circle), שב SHahBH (return).
the fly away, and it circles
and returns. [SWIVEL]
חזיר [K]HaZeeYR (pig) will חזר [K]HoaZeR
(return) to food it
had already eaten and
[The pig’s rodent-like coprophagy is normal and healthy for
animals, but NOT for
those who eat them.] This plump animal is all חזה [K]HaZeH (chest). [HYOSCYAMINE]
חמור[K]HaMOAR (donkey) ; חמור [K]HAMOOR (heavy,
strict, serious) [MARE]
(owl) is the ינה YaNaH
(destroyer) or יונה YOANaH (pigeon-sized
bird) of the נשף NeSHeF
(twilight) -- when the owl prowls. [PIG]
יעל Yah’[A]iL (antelope, wild goat, ibex) is nature’s expert
climber -- יעל Yah’[A]hL .
יתוש Y’TOOSH (mosquito)
is nature’s small dart or טש DTahSH ( to fly, dart). [DASH]
כבש KeBHeS (lamb, young sheep) is famously gentle and
passive, as if כבש KaBHahSH,
subdued, vanquished, imprisoned. [QUENCH]
נחש Na[K]HaSH, snake, is all about נחוש Ni[K]HooSH, divination, because this creature
with limited sight and smell has to
hunt by heat-seeking, using GUESS, by חוש
[K]HOOSH instinct. [HUNCH]. With uncanny ease the letters spelling this animal can
slither to זנק
ZeeNaiQ (to spring upon),נשך NaSHahKH (to bite) or שנק SHeeNaiQ
(to strangle). [SNAKE]
נמלNaMaL (ant) , נמל NaMaL (porter…carrying creature, like a row of stevedores
unloading a ship).
נמר NaMeR (leopard … all the great cats) are נמר NaMeR (spotted, striped, variegated --
in Tanach but attested in Syriac and Arabic).
נשר NeSHeR (eagle) :
1) נשר NaSHahR is to fall off, drop (Biblical
Aramaic). A liquid
shift away is נשל NaSHaL (drop). The eagle is nature’s prolific plummeter from great
and at great speed. 2) נצר NaTSaR is to watch or guard. The eagle-eyed
with storied vision is only a fricative
shift from the נשר NeSHeR (eagle).
סוס $OOS (horse), סס $ah$, joy + זוז ZOOZ, movement.
No other animal runs for the sheer
joy of movement [HORSE]
עטלף GHaDTaLePH The bat is “wrapped in a mantle” or prayer shawl ( טלית DTaLeeYT)
22 hours a day. In עטלף GHaDTaLePH (Leviticus
11:19), the bat’s first, ע-ט
element, is עטה GHaDTaH, clothed or cloaked (Psalms 104:2) --
covered at
the “COAT” entry.
The 2nd, ל-ף Lamed-Phey element of the עטלף GHaDTaLePH, bat,
from לפף LaPHaPH, to wrap,
swaddle. [WRAP].
The vulture, עיט GHaYiDT, is not
tightly “wrapped” like the bat, but, when
walking, his “coat,” cloak or mantle (of
wings) appears to be wrapped
around its shoulders.
עזניה [A]ZNeeYaH
(hawks, ospreys, long-spanned raptors), איזון EYZOON
(balancing) . These
birds don’t flap wings as much as ride,
and balance in the air
currents [AUDIENCE]
עכביש [A]KaBHeeYSH (spider). Drop the "weak" letters to
see that he is the
כובש KoaBHaiSH, the Subduer. It is the only predator who traps, then ties up his
prey, to eat them later at its
convenience. [KIBOSH]
עכבר AKHBaR (mouse). 2
elements:עכל [A]KHaL or אכל OKHeL (consume)
+ בר BaR (grain)
= mouse (grain destroyer or eater) [BARLEY]
עקרב[A]QRaBH (scorpion, crustacean), קרב QRaBH (engagement,
cantankerous creatures like the armored
helmet crab) . Under the crustacean’s armor
is its
exposed קרב QeReBH (innards). CRABs will approach, קרב QaReBH, their foe
with a distinctive, sideways encroachment. [CRAB]
פרדPeReD (mule), פרד
and פרטPaReT means
separated, apart
branched off, as in the sterile
offspring of a horse and
donkey) [PART]
צאןTSoaN (sheep,
small cattle): 1. צא TSAi
(go out… creatures who go out
to pasture); 2.
צןTSauN (to wander, migrate…migratory creatures) [EXIT] ;
3. קטן QaDTahN, small
צב TSahBH (turtle), צב TSahBH (covered
wagon, Numbers 7:3… the living mobile home
creature) [TOP]
צביTSiBHeeY (deer,
gazelle), צבי TSiBHeeY (beauty,
glory of these gracefully elegant
beasts) . [Affect an M213 metathesis to see BEAUTY and BEAST]
TS’LaTSahL, cricket. Scholars dismiss the name of this musical
insect of Deut. 28:42
as echoic or imitative, or as a
variant of Semitic words like צרצורא TSaRTSOORAh
which refer to winged and whirring insects
like locusts. Modern Hebrew misnames the
cricket צרצור TSaRTSOOR. The Arabic sharshara is more of a shriek, than the
softer, more rhythmic, salsa sound of the
tingling צלל SaLaL and the clanging
צליל TSiLeeYL. The צלצל TS’LaTSahLeeYM of II Samuel 6:5 are castanets.
קוףQOAPH (monkey), קוף QooPH (eye of needle… animal with humanlike head
and neck or
גוף GooPH, body)
[APE]. Also, קפץ QaPHaiTS is to leap, and nature has
no better
Tarzan-like acrobat swinging through vines. [APE]
רחל RaK[H]eL
(ewe) is חיל K[H]eeYaiL, giving strength to her רך RahKH
tender ) ones. [HEALTH]
is the lowly worm, the bottom of the food chain, best defined as the opposite
of רם RahM, high, exalted.
שבלול SHiBLOOL, the snail
leaves a שביל SHBHeeYL trail
of slime. A שבל SHoaBHeL
is a subtle “flow,”
as the train of a robe. [SPILL]
שחל SHa[K]HaL (lion; an SL
reverse of ליש LaYiSH,
lion) slinks low, crawls or
is זחל ZoaK[H]aiL in the tall grass to sneak up on prey. [SLINK]
שחף SHaK[H]ahF
(seagull - Leviticus 11:16)
is a שקף
SHaQahF, looking-out SCAVENGER
whose supermarket is likely to be a
garbage dump. [SCAUP,
תיש TaYiSH
(he-goat) is טש
DTahSH ( to fly, dart
), is a frenetically active leaper,
jumper and
runner. [DASH]
תולעה TOAL[A]yaH caterpillar or silkworm that is תלה TaLaH,
suspended by a
thread. For Isaiah 41:14, sloppy and/or Jew-hating scholars rendered the phrase
“fear not,
thou worm (תולעה) Jacob” without depicting
Israel as a tiny insect surviving since the
Late Bronze Age in a small cocoon that
is miraculously hanging by a thread.