Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hebrew's Got Your Goat

from "Animal Charts" and E-Word: The Edenics Digital Dictionary

GoaT/KiD words

Arabic has all three Hebrew "goat" words.   عَنْزَة anza  is the nasalized עז [A]iZ .  A he-goat is تَيْس  tays  (see "DASH").   The Arabic kid-goat is a gidye, like the Germanic GD/T below.   
Aramaic גדי  GiDeeY (as in the Hebrew of Genesis 38:23)  and   גדיא
   GaD’Yah (little goats, the kids of goats or people).  Armenian ayts is a goat. The Basque goat,  ahuntz, nasalizes עז  GHaiZgoat, she-goat . Chichewa (Hamitic or African goat: mbuzi.   The Estonian goat is a kitse.  German Ziege seems unrelated to koza (goat in Slavic - similar to “goat” words in Turkish (teke , he-goat, a reverse גדי GiDeeY), Hungarian and Modern Greek).  ZG is more easily  the reverse of עז GHaiZ  (goat - Genesis 38:17). Estonian also has a reversed sokk  For the  ע-ז  Ayin-Zayin “strength” or “impudence” of עזים GHeeZeeYM, goats (Exodus 12:5), see "GAUZE" and GESUNDHEIT  at “HEALTH.”

The Greek generic goat is gida γίδα < גדי  GiDeeY, kid of goat.
Hottentot Kudu is an antelope.  This is a גדי  GiDeeY   (goat/kid) word, as the Hottentots and some other cultures do not differentiate  a goat from a gazelle. Hungarian goat: kecske.
Latvian: nanny goat: kaza; billy-goat azis.
The ע  Ayin is a guttural or vowel. Lithuanian goat: ožka; he-goat:   ožiai.   Malagassy (Austronesian) she-goat: osivavy; he-goat: osilahy.  Turkish goat or stubborn person עז: keçi. Vietnamese “goat” is spelled
 con-dê, but it sounds like a nasalized koaz.  Yiddish goat: ציג tsig, like German, reverses  עז GHaiZ.  Zulu (Bantu like Chichewa above)  goat: imbuzi.

SLAVIC goats < עז  GHaiZ  goat, she-goat
KaZa (goat) -- Belarusian
KaZiol (he-goat) -- Belarusian
KoZa  (goat, she-goat) – Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Macedonian, 
   Polish, Russian коза (she-goat), Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Ukranian
KoZel (he-goat) -- Bulgarian, Russian  козел, Ukrainian
KoZioł (he-goat, scapegoat) – Polish
KoZiołek (she-goat) – Polish
KoZlička (billy-goat) -- Slovene
KoZu (she-goat) -- Croatian, Slovak

Goats following guttural-dental (throat-tooth) from גדי  GiDeeY include :  Greek γίδα  gída, while the Greek she-goat, κατσίκα  katsíka or katsíka, may follow GD or KZ.  D and Z interchange via Aramaic.
See “AUDIENCE.”  Maori (New Zeland) koati.
 Germanic goats <   גדי  GiDeeY  Gimel-Dalet-Yod (kid, young goat)
Danish: ged
Estonian: kits
Frisian, Icelandic: geit
Indo-European “root” for goat: ghaido
Norwegian: geit
Old English: gat
Swedish: get         (The German and Yiddish are above).

Reversing to T-K is: Kyrgyz and Turkish (he-goat):  teke.
Sanskrit toka (child; young goat) <  <-- span=""> גדי  GiDeeY, kid of goat (used in English for human children or TYKES). Georgian goat: tkha.

Hmong goat: tshis,  may, like the Arabic above, use  the literally dashing, leaping תיש TaYiSH, he-goat.

For Gujarati, Nepali and Panjabi bakarī, (Hindi bakar)  and other cultures who call goats CATTLE, see “BUCKAROO.”
See “CAPRICORN” for forms of עופר  GHoaPHeR (fawn) or M213 of  בקר BaQahR (cattle) -- like  Irish gabhar  or Welsh goat: gafr. There are many languages with a "goat" words from Latin caper and capra.

For the link between GOAT, GATHER and GOOD, see the “GOOD” entry.