Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Mother Of All "Mother" Words

MAMA      EeMAh     Aleph-Mem-Aleph
EE-ma ________אמה_______[AMà MA]
ROOTS: Whether or not she is blamed for raising Cain, Eve was the mother of all life - אם EM (Genesis 3:20).  אמה  EeMAh is the informal MOM or MOMMA, MOMMY.  It is from a nearly-extinct, Late Bronze Age language called Aramaic, and is now the most commonly yelled word in the modern State of Israel.
  מ Mem is about origins or mothers, as the Edenic prefix Mee- or Mai-   מי means "from" or "of."
The IE “root” for MA, MAMA, MAMMAL(IA), and MOM is ma- (mother).
 MA reverses  א-מ Aleph-Mem (mother), just as PA reverses   א-בAleph-Bet (father – with an added bilabial shift – see “ABBOT”). Genesis I:2 declares, long before science, that מים MaYiM, waters, are the world’s matrix or mother, before “the dryness,” our once-single continent, would be formed.
The American Heritage Dictionary declares, when presenting the Indo-European root, that MA is "an imitative root derived from the child's cry for the breast.” This inaccuracy is forced because a mother term as a variant of Nasal-Vowel is nearly a linguistic universal.   This imitative theory would not allow ama to mean “father.”  But it does in Tagalog and in 18 Malay dialects (including one mama and two mams).  Since Edenic מ   Mem words of origin could well signify a father in some cultures,  the facts again favor Edenics rather  than all manner of naturally evolved theories for words.  In Proto- Japanese the word for "mother" was papa.  
 אמה OoMaH, tribe, race, people (Genesis 25:16)  is like עם  [A]hM, people, nation (Exodus 15:13) ,  as   א Aleph and   ע  Ayin can sound and mean alike.  An    א-מ Aleph-Mem tribe shares a common MA or matriarch. A people with the same motherland share a togetherness that recalls the Edenic vowel-nasal word  עם  [E]eM, with (Genesis 18:25).
There is no bond like that of mother and child; it is no accident that “mother” is Aleph-Mem, while “with” is Ayin-Mem.
Other notable  Vowel-Mem words in Hebrew , from the Edenic mother of all mothers include:   אם  AiM, womb or origin. אמה  OoMaH  a people’s nation or "mother country."      אמן AhMahN, to rear, foster; אמנה AhMNaH, education or nursing;  אמנת OwMeNeT, nurse, midwife or foster-mother;  אמץ  EeMaiTS,  to adopt.  Aleph-Mem-Hey אמה   is a forearm and a maidservant.  The forearm is our primary server. Nobody serves like the  Aleph-Mem אם , mother.

BRANCHES: Pre-verbal children cry "ma" far less than they cry “ga.”  No "mother" terms are named for the "wa" or "ba" of a baby crying to press lips (with a B or W pout) to a breast. More importantly, all the usual non-"imitative" changes occur to the "ma" root, becoming "am," "an" and "na." Mere facts will not prevent ultra-orthodox Darwinist professors from spoon-feeding Evolutionist pap to the unquestioning human dictaphones sitting behind college desks.
To emphasize the differences of pronunciation, even within the U.K., British babies say “mum” while the MOM of Irish children is ‘mam.” 
Arabic, Korean or Basque infants are calling out for their אמה EeMAh with an oum, oma or ama. The Estonian mother is ema. The Sinhala (Sri Lanka) “mother” is ahm-maah.  In  Nepal the cry goes out to aamaa.
 Even Chinese has an equivalent of MA and MAMA : māma,  but the only European M-Vowel as the formal mother term is Portuguese mae and Rumanian mama.  The Navajo mother is .  Punjabi mama is  mã.  The Zulu child doubles MA to emama, much like an English, Quechua or Swahili MAMA. Like the German grandmother, oma, O-ma is the Latvian grandmother.  In  Latvian ama is mother and ume means an older woman.
Portuguese mae seems to be a reversal of Edenic EM. Others do too, reversing EeMAh,  while the nasal has shifted from M to N. Consider Blackfoot (Algonquian) na'a,  Turkish anne  and Hungarian anya.
A cry should end in a vowel. No one cries with an N sound, but vowel-N or N-vowel "mother" terms constitute about 40% of the total. North Caucasian protoforms favor  vowel-N . A scientific linguist should conclude that Eskimo (ananak), Hungarian (anya) and Turkish (ana) are "mama" terms reflecting a non-echoic or non-imitative original "mother" word (in this case אם  EM) which underwent many permutations.     
IE “root” nana is similarly dismissed as a "child's word for a nurse or female adult other than its mother." Don't tell an Aztec child that his dear nan (mom) is other than his mother. Nanna is also the Algonquian mother; nana, in Fijian.  A paid NANNY is a Niania (children’s nurse)  in Belarusian and Polish and a    
NyaNya (nanny) in Russian няня and Ukrainian.  Only a S-N separates the NANNY from a MOMMY.
The AHD has NANA (grandmother) and NANNY “of baby-talk origin.”
   אמה AMaH is a domestic woman servant (Exodus 2:5). Biblical Hebrew does not require a reduplication of nasals for the NANNY, as אמנת  OwMeNeT is a foster-mother or nurse.  This is the feminine of  אמן  OwMaiN, as foster-father Mordechai reared Esther in Esther 2:7.
 A wet nurse in German is amme, while NANNA, NANNY and NUN are listed at IE nana. Polish niana is a children’s nurse.   A NANNY GOAT is a goat’s mother, not an au pair.
Uma is a breast in Maori (New Zealand, Austronesian), in Turkish it is meme.
AUNT is also listed at IE amma, along with AMAH (amma meant mother in Medieval Latin) and AMOUR. See  "AMITY."
Bantu MAMAs reverse the Mem-vowel of  אם  EM. In FA’s data, parentheses are dialect names:
Mai (Kilegi, Lema.unn), mao (Dawida, Keni.unn, Rufiji), mau (Pongoro) and umai (Bungu). Coptic “mother” is maau.
Anglo-Indian AMAH (maidservant) is from Spanish and Portuguese ama. In the Orient, including China, a woman servant, nurse, nursemaid or MAMMY is an AMAH.   This again matches the  אמה AMaH  maidservant (Genesis 30:3).  Chinese reverses אם  EM, mother to  mu  X466 and ma  X433 . Chinese  nai means breasts, milk,  suckling and grandmother X471.
Egyptian mwt is mother, first revealing the dental in many “mother” words.  
Mayan MAMAS reflect most of the variables. In FA’s data, parentheses are dialect names:
im, breast (Yucatecan) me’, mother (Tzotzil),  mim (Huastec), mi, mother (Jacaltec),
mim grandmother (Yucatecan), naana, mother (Huastec), na, mother (Yucatecan) and
yamé grandmother (Tzotzil).
Continuing to document the interchangeability of Nasals here, nin is a Babylonian woman, while eme is a Basque female. Among the 59 dialects of Malay for the word “mother,” five are like MA, while twenty-four have an N + vowel.
MAY, MATER(IAL), METRO-, MOTHER, MATERNAL, MATRIX, MATTER, etc. are all attributed to the IE “root” ma- 2 (mother). All immediate family members have the a variation of a -T-vowel-R suffix: mother, father, sister, brother.  This T-R suffix is unclear to historical linguists, but it is related to German teuer (formerly: beloved, cherished, now “dear” as “expensive”). This lost dental-R suffix (Yiddish טייַער tyer) is from Edenic words like אדיר   ADeeYR (noble – see “ADOLPH”) and  הדור HaDOOR (splendid). Dear Ma is אדירה  אמא  EeMAh ADeeyRaH .
So MOTHER (Mo + TheR), German Mutter, Latin mater, etc. are inversions of אם vowel-Mem.
The Mem dominates the words for “from” and “water” (where life is from).  Mai also means “from” in Hawaiian. Besides the Edenic prefix Mee- or Mai- (from, of), a more biological M word of origins is MahYAh (water - Aramaic). In Sumerian, ma means both water and origin. Meh is a womb in Hungarian.  Just as Mem-  - מ , as the prefix May, means “from” in Edenic, mai means “from” in Fijian and Hawaiian.
Im(m) means “with” in Old Irish. In Hawaiian “with” is me; in Tahitian and Samoan it is ma.
Preferring the guttural Ayin/GH, there is cooma (together) in Australian Aborigine. Turkish covers the motherland with a form of amme, the public,  < עם   [A]hM, nation,  and ana, mother.  אם OaM is also a nation or people.  ע = אor  Ayin = Aleph. More of a genetic “motherland”  than a confederacy of  עם  EeM (with). Both vowel-Mem words may be a better source for NATION. –TION is a suffix, and Latin words of nativity are a past perfect of nāscī  (to be born).
The Tamil Amman is a deity name inferring “the mother of all.”
For AUNT, see EL  NIÑO” and “DAD.”