Sunday, December 27, 2015


In the "SEEP" entry of 1600-page  E-Word: Edenics Digital Dictionary you'll see that SEEP and

Old English sypian (to drip, seep) is thought to come from a fabricated Indo-European “root” seib (to pour out, sieve, drip, trickle). Besides the Zayin-Bhet root below, there is solid Sound  and Sense correspondence with  צפה  TSaPHaH (to overflow, inundate – Ezekiel 32:6). 

Despite the Zayin-Bhet "land flowing milk and honey,"  זבת in Exodus 13:5, Zayin-Bhet  gets a bad rep from the  זב ZaBH and זבה ZaBHaH  with  problematic sexual discharges, unclean SEEPAGE, "issue" or flow in Leviticus 15:33. Now you know the real source of SYPHILIS.

The animal with the constant saliva-seeping is the hungry (looking)   זאב Z’EBH (wolf). SEEPage (secretions) also named sapo the Spanish toad, and żaba the Polish frog.

Suupee means (running) nasal mucus in Proto-Eastern Polynesian.  The difference between a runny nose and a mighty running river is one of mere volume, so the S-P river word in Algonquian found in MISSISSIPPI (the river and state) is related.

Similarly, a river in Cree is sepe (S-F, S-B).  In Proto-Hokan of Amerind cuw  is to flow; a  creek or river
(S-F S-B).  More Amerind below.    After the Tigris and Euphrates, the greatest rivers in Iraq are the Greater Zab and the Lesser Zab. Spanish Zubia is a drain, channel or stream.

Janusz Worovsky (with Wikipedia) adds to our fricative-bilabial river names from זוב ZOOBH  (to flow), with this information about the VISTULA River, called the Wisła in Polish :
“…First recorded by Pliny in A.D. 77,  the name Vistula is Indo-European *eis- ( ‘to OOZE, flow slowly’ (cf. Sanskrit avean ‘they flowed’, Old Norse veisa ‘slime’) and is found in many European rivernames (e.g. Weser, Viesinta). The diminutive endings -ila, were used in many Indo-European languages, including Latin.”

Reversing our Edenic whistling-lip root,  Altaic pusu (squirt out) may remind you of PUS or a faster but inappropriate P-word for this family study.   Buz, urine, and to urinate, is from Bilau, a language “isolate” of Papua, New Guinea. 

Fernando Aedo adds the following “flowing” fricative-bilabial words from  the  ז-ב  Zayin-Bhet, צ-פ  Tsadi-Phey and other Edenic etymons in the “SEEP” entry:
Wet Asian words:
Ship  =  watery (Chinese),
Söp  =  watery (Korean);
shêp, ship, t'êp =  damp, moist   (Annan/ Vietnam);
tsíp =   moist   (Fuzhou or Foochow/ Min Chinese), 
t'ap =  rushing waters (Amoy/Fujan province of China).

Flowing Dravidian words:
savanti_            river (Pali)  
savati               flow (Pali)
savai                flow (Pkt.)
ossavana          outflow, running water (Pali)

 Amerind “river” words (related to the Missippi and Missouri rivers):
chibyk              (Algonquian/Lenape: Souriquois)
seebi                (Chippewa)
seepoah           (Nanticoke: Saukie)
seepus             (Algonquian/Lenape: Long Island Montaug)
seip                  (Algonquian/Lenape: Narraganset)
sepee               (Algonquian/Lenape)
sepe                (Algonquian/Lenape: Passamaquoddy)
sepi                  (Shawnee)
sepoo               (Mohican)
sipi                   (Chippewa)
sipin                 (Algonquian/ Lenape),
sipiweh             (Nanticoke: Miami)
sipu                  (Algonquian/Lenape: Delaware)
sipung              (Nanticoke: Illinois)
sipy      (Algonquian/Lenape: Abenake)