Tuesday, June 9, 2015

YESTERDAY, etymology was such an easy game to play... . (New Entry Alert)

YESTE(RDAY)        YaTSAh       Yod-Tsade-Aleph
Yah-STAH__________יצא________[Y-TS à Y-ST]
ROOTS:  Back in the 19-20th Centuries, the Jester-years of Europeanists, the “yester” element of YESTERDAY was credited to Old English geostran, from the theoretical Germanic “root” *ges-ter, from the mythic IE “root” dhgh(y)es.

Scholarly gobbledygook for academic tenure aside, YESTERDAY is the departed day, and YESTERYEAR is the departed year.  

Noah (Nu-wa in ancient Chinese lore) and family depart or “come out” of the ark,    יצאוYaTSOO (plural of יצא YaTSAh, he/it went out) in Genesis 8:19.  The two-letter root*, as usual, is seen in the imperative:   צא TSAy means "go out!" (Genesis 8:16).   הוצי HOATSeeY is to bring out, to EXCLUDE, or to OUST.  יצא  YayTSAy was first linked to English, specifically ISSUE (to come forth) by Robert Lovett in 1869.  For this extended “outgoing” family, see “EXIT” and “OUT.” 

In the Y-ST of YESTERYEAR, the י Yod remains Y and the Edenic צ  TS switches to ST, as usual.

BRANCHES:  יצא   Yod-Tsadi-Aleph / Y/J/G-TS-A might also be seen in the "yesterday" words of Basque atso, Bosnian juče , Chinese z, Croatian jučer,  Dutch gister, Georgian gushin, German gestern,  Greek  εχθές echthés, Serbian uče and Serbo-Croatian juce.

Forms of היה HaYaH (was) may be more popular among global “yesterday” words; a few of these are Hausa    jiya, Igbo ụnyaahụ (N+ metathesis), Korean eoje  어제, Nepali hijō and Sinhala (Sri Lanka) īyae or ee-yeh

  Yesterday occurred, so there are “yesterday” words, especially Dravidian (S. India) and Scandinavian, at the “OCCUR” entry. The better-known French (hier) and Spanish  (ayer) “yesterday”s are likely from    קרה  QaRaH (happen, befell),with a softened ק  Koof.  

  A few more “yesterday” words are at the “OVER” entry of E-Word: The Edenics Digital Dictionary of the Human Language (1500 pages in spring 2015).

The dedicated leader of our team of Polish Edenicists, Janusz Worofsky, isolated a jść stem of “going out” words from יצא YaTSAH, to go out , to come forth. These include: miejsce (an exit, way out), odejść  (depart),  przejść (to cross), wyjść  (to exit),  and, possibly, zejść  (descend) .

*The traditional 3-letter Hebrew root based on 3rd person past, is good for grammar. The grammarians prize the utility of words; EMeTologists value their meaning.
