Sunday, May 5, 2013


AV(IATE)         [O]aF        Ayin-Phey
UFF_______עף_______[UPH à UV]
ROOTS:   The reconstructed IE "root" for  words like AVIATION is awi (bird).  To AVIATE is to fly, from Latin avis (bird).
עף [A]hPH or is to fly, to get UP and OFF the ground (see "UP"). Also a noun,   עוף GHOAF  Ayin-Vav-Phey or [O]aWF is a bird or fowl. "Let fowl fly above the earth" – Genesis 1:20.
עפר  AyFeR (dust) give us  a  fine example of double roots (Genesis 2:7). The  פר Pey-Resh sub-root means the crumbled, tiny specks of the "FRIABLE" entry. The  עפ Ayin-Phey  sub-root of being airborne is established here.  Add the two sub-roots with the formula XY + YZ = WYZ  and one sees how  עפר  AyFeR (dust) is flying particles.
פ Pey and  א Aleph, ה Hey or ח Het is about blowing, air.  See "OPEN" and "OVEN."
BRANCHES: There's no AVIATION without wings.  אבר Ay(V)eR is a wing; האביר  H'EVeeYR is to wing, to fly, to soar.   AVIATE is a better rendition than "soar" in Job 39:26 – "Doth the hawk soar by thy wisdom?"
The Bhet-Resh of the Edenic wing may have shifted bilabials and liquids to become VL words after Babel.  This would have allowed for Latin volare (to fly) and thus VOLANT, VOLATILE, VOLCANO, VOLLEY, etc. A VOLARY is an AVIARY.  In the Hebrew aviary is the אוז AVaZ (goose), an early international AVIATOR.
In Amharic (Semitic/Ethiopia) f  is a bird. This is an M 213 of עוף     OWF (bird, fowl).  The Vav is a W, not a vowel, as it may be in the reversal that gave us FOWL.   Igbo (Nigeria) ufe is to fly. [Sampson Hannika]
APIAN and APICAL are from nature's smaller, domestic fliers - apis in Latin is a bee. The KIWI can't fly, but if this Maori word is not echoic of the bird's cry, then it may derive from  עוף GHoaWF (fowl).
 The guttural ע  Ayin offers more edible birds like the CAPON (male chicken, thought to be named for castration), CAPERCAILLE and the  Dutch kip (chicken).  The Armenian  takes a softer approach, as հավ hav means chicken, hen or fowl).
 The Italian owl is a gufo, available from Ayin-Phey.  
OFF is dismissed as a variant of "of," but this adverb of removal and distance deserves better than to be lumped together with "after," "ebb" and "post" - under the IE "root" apo.
An extension of vowel Ayin-Phey/U-P is  תועפה   TOO[A]hPHaH (eminence, heights). The UPPERMOST typographical feature is a mountain, and avi means "mountain" in the name MOHAVE (tribe of Yuman Indians).  עפל  [O]PHeL is a hill - see "METROPOLIS."
If UP is related to the Hebrew aviators of this entry, then IE "root"  upo (under, over) did well to include ABOVE and EAVES as cognates. "EAVES" and "TOPMOST" are two meanings of Chinese wu, a typical reversal of עף   [A]hF.
 Reversing Hebrew's AUP is the PEACOCK, from Latin pauo. But Latin pāvō and Old English pawa (the dominat element in PEACOCK and PEAFOWL) are likely from עוף  vowel-V or W-P/F (larger, domesticated bird).
Chinese gets a W from Vav (a V or W anyway), just as the Amharic (Semitic, Ethiopia) bird is wof.
FUGUE, FUGITIVE, REFUGE(E), CENTRIFUGAL and SUBTERFUGE, all via Latin fuga (flight), may be GH-F or ע-ף   Ayin-Phey reversed.  FOWL itself may be a M312 metathesis of   עוף   Ayin-Vav-Phey (fowl) if the L of FOWL is from wrongly believing FOWL to be a cognate of FLIGHT (see "FLIGHT") at the alleged IE "root" pleu (to flow).
PHOBIA is also from a BH-G IE "root" of fleeing.
The "bird" words in Germanic are all F-G or V-G terms. "Flying" through dialects of Malay will sound like Upena and gupu. The later "Sephardic" Ayin is a guttural GH. (Global cognates prove that the guttural Ayin predated Spain.)  Thus Khi-pe is "to fly off" in Kiowa (Indian).  Favoring the Ashkenazic, vowel Ayin, fei is to fly in Chinese, while piao X505, another reverse of vowel-Phey, means "to float in the air." Phi or bay is the Vietnamese. Proto-Austronesian for butterfly is kupu, while in related Javanese and Balinese the Ayin-Phey reverses to peksi in the word for bird.
The Indo-European root awi- (bird) contains such alleged cognates of AVIATE as AVIAN, AVICULTURE, AVIFAUNA, BUS­TARD, COCKNEY, EGG (see "EGG"), OCARINA, OSPREY, OSTRICH, OVAL, OVARY, OVULE, OVUM and some twenty OO-words known to students of OOLOGY (the science of birds' eggs). 
Ayin-Vav-Phey, is the Edenic (fowl) source of French oeuf, Italian uovo, the Irish ubh and the Spanish huevo – see "EGG" and "OVA." 
A hard-boiled Ayin is seen in the "egg" of Modern Greek, as a guttural Ayin with an M312 turns  עוף GHOAF into avgho.   Hard or soft Ayin plus P  from  עוף  GHoaWPH (fowl) could be the source of  Muskegean (Cree/Amerind) kawai, quail.
Two words for "airplane" from Ayin-Phey are French avion and Portuguese aviao.
Another possible flying word from Ayin-Phey is HOVER. This is if  the "er" is a suffix. There is no IE "root" for HOVER, and Webster's given etymon, Anglo-Saxon hos (house), lacks sound and sense.
 Another Edenic etymon for HOVER, from the second verse of Genesis, is רחף  Ra[K]HeF  -- see "HOVER."  It requires putting the R after the HF, but the sense is strongly akin to the hovering of a mother bird. The ר Resh flying to the end, after the Het-Phey element, is an (M312 metathesis).  There is no reason for an "–er" suffix on HOVER. To his credit, Robert Alter does translate רחף   Ra[K]HeF as "hover" in his 2004 translation of the Five Books of Moses.
See  ע Ayin-turned-H at entries like "HERD" and "HONEY."      
The Spanish generic bird, ave, whether or not immediately from a clipped version of the Latin, is ultimately from Biblical fowl,עוף     [O]WF (bilabial shift).
 See more birds at  "FLIGHT" and "SPARROW," more flying at "PEGASUS."
Butterflies fly too. The most common root in global butterfly names in the Pey-Resh of "twitch."  See "PYRALIDID."   But our ע-ף    Ayin-Phey root of "flight" is well represented, including:  Malay or Indonesian: kupukupu (see below); Mekeo: fefe, fefe-fefe  (an Austronesian language of South East Papua), variants  in West Papua, pepeo, and Motu: Papua): kau-bebe; and the kapila (Quechua) butterfly netted by Fernando Aedo below.  Note how the Ayin varies between vowel and guttural even in close dialects.
Fernando Aedo collects many global "fliers" from   ע-ף Ayin-Phey:
New Word/ Amerindian:
cuabetsa, to fly (Araona)
bejii?í, small toucan (Resigaro) ß
kaap, kaapen, little fly (Huambisa)
kaáp(e), n. fly (Aguaruna)
káap, small fly (Achuar Shiwiar)
púhi, wing, leaf, wing's feather (Amahuaca) ß
pehi, leaf, wing, feather (Amahuaca) ß
ibangui, feather, wing (Nomatsiguenga) ß N
ivanki,  wing,  feather (Machiguenga) ß N.
jíívanu, to fly around, to fly over  (Yagua)
jíívay, to fly (Yagua)
ekbod', to fly from danger (Amarakaeri)
wahpe, to fly (Bora)
beka ak-, to rapidly beat wings (Cashinahua) ß
peke peke ik-, to flutter without flying (Cashinahua) ß
k'upi, mosquito (Oregon: Siuslaw)
kepa, bee (Puinave)
kob, n. fly (Nadobo)
kap, wasp (Tupi: Amniapa, Mekens)
kap, n. fly (Botocudo)
kob, n. fly (Ge: Krenje)
kube, n. fly (Chavante)
chap, n. fly (Gulf: Yukian)
kap, wing (Gulf: Yukian: Yuki)  -- see "CANOPY"
kupe, feather (Wappo)
ccap        to fly  --  S-G S-B Seri/Hokan /PNT
kap          to jump, fly             --   S-G S-B  Proto-Hokan/
qap, feather (Chumash: Santa Ynez)
xip, wing (Karok) -- see "CANOPY"
kap, wing (Seri) -- see "CANOPY"
k-kap, to fly (Tequistlatec)
pija, toucan (Tacanan) ß
-quipatsinari- bird (Asheninca)
pahuari, a small toucan (Chayahuita) ß
qapi, a bird species
kapila, butterfly
kiben, moth (Mongolian: Buriat)
xiv, moth (Mongolian: Khalkha)
kòfòrógí, cricket (Middle Japanese)
k(w)op(w)or(w)og(j)i, cricket (Old Japanese)
kepenek, butterfly (Turkish)
göbelek, butterfly (Turkish: Karakalpak)
kaphan, drone, bee (Old Greek)
Ancient Egyptian:
api, fly
aff, n. insect
pA, fly, fly up ß
afy, honey, bee
Apd, duck, generic bird
bungo, tsetse fly (Doe)  ß N. 
kibogo, tseste-fly (Chuka) ß
ku-buka, fly (Gwere) ß
libugu, tsestse fly (Jita) ß
bugo, tsetse fly (Nguungulu) ß
ebukho, tsetse fly (Samialugwe) ß
mbugho, tseste-fly (Wanji) ß
-kavhuwa, to rise up, fly up (Venda)
cipasi, a small bee (Mambwe)
kifi, wasp (Kibosho)
kivi, wasp (Kiseri.unn)
kyipfi, wasp (Lema.unn)
khupe, a wing (Chewa) -- see "CANOPY"
gebagele, wing (Denya)
cipapucilo, a bird's wing  (Mambwe) -- see "CANOPY"
u phiko, wing (Ndebele) ß
kapakapa, last carpal bone of bird's wing (Yao)
kapakapa, to flutter as a bird (Chewa)
bakha, a duck or drake (Chewa) ß
kambotwe, white backed duck (Lozi)  N.
gimbu, mosquito (Mkwaya) N.
okumpe, mosquito (Pimbwe)  N.
li- kubukubu, butterfly (Jita)
 other African:
*copa, wing (Proto-Central Chadic) -- see "CANOPY"
*kyap- wing, feather (Proto-Western Chadic) -- see "CANOPY"
*kap- wing, bird (Proto Omotic)  -- see "CANOPY"
kopax, wing (Central Chadic: Tera)  -- see "CANOPY"
kefo, bird (Omotic: Wolamo: Wolaitta)
kafi, bird (Omotic: Male)
kafõ, bird (Omotic: Kafa: Kaficho)
kâfá, bird (Omotic: Bworo: Shinasha)
kafa, bird (Omotic: Chara)
kaafi, wing, bird (Omotic: Galila) -- see "CANOPY"
gáptâ, shoulder, wing (Western Chadic: Ngizim) or M132 S-G  כתף KaTeF, shoulder
gáptó-n, shoulder, wing (Western Chadic: Bade) -- see "CUSP"
kappu, arm, hand; quill, plumage, frond (Akkadian)
kuppû,  bird species (Akkadian)
kappu, wing (Akkadian) -- see "CANOPY"
gappu, a wing (Akkadian)  -- see "CANOPY"
baqqu, a fly, a gnat, a mosquito (Akkadian)  ß
S. India: Dravidian
kapt., butterfly, moth (Ko.)
kapat.e, cricket (or a kind of bird) (Nk.)
khabbh, khambh, shoulder-blade, wing, feather (L.)
eguvu, flight, flight of bird (Te.)
egupu, flight, increase (Te.)
negap, to make to fly or rise (Nk.)
viha, fly, winged insect (Kui)   ß
viha, fly, insect (Kuwi) ß
poka, insect, worm, maggot, moth (Or.) ß
phuki_, bee (Go.) ß
binga, big black bee, wasp (Si.)  ß  N.
binaka, bee (Dm.) (Ir.) ß  N.
pa_kh, wing,  bird or butterfly (H.) ß
pa_k, wing, feather (Konkani) ß
kakupo,  butterfly (Kalimantan)
kupu or kupukupu, butterfly (Balinese, Javanese, Jawa)
kapakau, wing (Polynesian: Nukumanu)
kapakapa, flap wings (Polynesian: Penrhyn)
kapakapa, movement of bird on alighting (Polynesian: East Futuna)
kapa, flap wings (Polynesian: Tuamotu)
gapa, flat, stretch wings (Polynesian: Rennellese)
gaba, flap (as wings do) (Polynesian: Nukuoro)
bakau, wing, shoulder (Polynesian: Nukuoro) ß
pakhau, wing (Polynesian: Nukuoro) ß
peka, flying-fox bat (Polynesian: Rennellese) ß
peka, flying-fox  bat (Polynesian: Takuu) ß
hipihipi, various kinds of butterfly fish (Polynesian: Vaeakau-Taumako)
vuka, to fly (Polynesian: Fijian) ß
pehau, pekau, wing of a bird or other flying creature (Polynesian: Niue) ß
bege, butterfly, moth (Polynesian: Kapingamarangi) ß
kivi, a bird (Polynesian: Sikiana)
kavaʔe, bird (Polynesian: Luangiua)
veka, bird (Polynesian: East Futuna) ß
kupa, a bird (Polynesian: Tuamotu)
Note: several "wing" words were moved to "CANOPY,"  where  כנף K'NaF is a wing.
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