Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Italian-from-Edenic  (select samples; many cognates in Spanish and French)

Symbol Key:

<  is “ultimately from the Edenic word ___.”    "See XYZ" at end of an entry indicates the entry to look up for more info in the 1000+-page E-Word Digital Dictionary. [Download at www.edenics.org]
 Entries provide Biblical citations and/or Semitic cognates as further source words, relevant roots, and cognates from other languages near and far.

S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F,P,PH, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,SH,TS,Z]  
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]

N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that merk (to mark) takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root consonant (no vowels) of נכר, to recognize (shift from Noon/N to M) and מכיר  MaKeeYR (acquaintance)
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B  = a borrowing from another modern language
An unbolded part of the Italian word is treated as nonhistoric, or unrelated to the Edenic source word

Key to romanized Hebrew: Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Betב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel  ג= G, Dalet = ד D, Hey  ה= H, Vav  ו= V, OO or OA, Zayinז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט  = DT, Yod  י= Y, Kahf כ,ך K, Khaf = KH, Lamed  ל= L, Memמ,ם  = M, Noonנ  = N, Samekh  ס= $, Ayin  ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Peyפ,ף  = P, Phey = PH or F, Zaddi  צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European), Koof  ק= Q,
Raish  ר= R or WR, Shin  ש= SH, Sin = S, Tahf   ת= T, TH, or (S)

Key to entries; Italian word, (definition), <  ultimately from the Edenic,   Biblical citation and entry for more data in the e-word CD Dictionary.


Of course Italian is from Latin.  Latin is from theoretical ancestors like Italic, and Proto- Indo-European before that.  If you back far enough, say the language professors, you get to the grunting of cavemen and of the apes that evolved before them.
Maybe other people will put up with that.  But Italians prefer to have their words resulting from the gift of the Creator of Adam and Eve in Eden.  These once-universal earliest words, before the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) are best called Edenic. “Hebrew” historically comes much later, with the Hebrews.   Edenic is Pre-Hebrew, pre everything. But to certify the antiquity and authenticity of Edenic with Biblical Hebrew, the closest thing to Edenic, Biblical chapter and verses  are provided at the entries listed below ( -- see “XYZ”).  Distant global cognates are often at these entries in the 1000+ page  E-Word Digital Dictionary.  [www.edenics.org]

This small list is large enough to present the Edenics thesis to anyone with ears,
and something in between them.

Ad (to, at)  <  עד AhD, up to this point –see “AT”
abate   (priest, holy father); abbazi’a (abbey)  Bאבא  ABAh father – Aramaic.
    Hebrew אב   ABH,  father, originator is the source of Latin prefix ab, from  --see “ABBOT”
Abbadonare (to abandon)  <  עבד [A]BHaD, lost  --see “OBITUARY”
Abbassare (to lower); abasso (down, below) < Aramaic and Hebrew בסס  Bah$a$,
      trample underfoot   –see “ABASE”
Aberto  (open) < S-B  פער   Pa[E]R , to open wide -- see “PRY”
Abisso (gulf, chasm)   <  S-B    אפס EPHeS, nothingness -- see  “ABYSS”
Abituro  (hut, shanty) בית  BaYiT  -- see “BOOTH”
Accaldato (hot)  קדח  QaDaha[K]H, burn  --  see “HOT”
accelerare  (to speed up) < Latin celer, swift <  קל QaL, swift  -- see  “AcCeLERATE”
acerbo (sour, merciless, sharp) < S-G   S-B    Aramaic and Syriac  חריף  K[H]aReeYPH, sharp,
      pungent, severe   – see “PICRIC ACID”
a’cido    acid  < S-F S-D  זית ZaYiT , olive, the major acidic food of antiquity,
          likely a non-acknowledged borrowing from Arabic – see “ACID”
accidente  (accident)  <  קדה  QaDaH, to bow down;  תחתTaK[H]aT, under,  
    below (what befell or went down)  [CADENCE]
accollato (high-necked, as a gown) <  עול GHOAL, neck – see “COLLAR”
albino (albino, whitish)  < לבן LaBHaN, white  -- see “ALBINO”
Alunno  (pupil) <     S-N  עלם   [E]LeM, young man  -- see “ALUMNI”
Alcova (alcove) < Arabic al- +    קבה  QooBaH (compartment, hut, tent, brothel)
                              –Numbers 25:8 -- see “ALCOVE”
amenita (pleasantness, amenity) <   ß   נעים Na’[E]eYM, pleasant  -- see “AMENABLE”
amore (love, fondness)  < חם [K]HaM, warmth;  חמד [K]HaMaD, to desire, take delight in
    – see “AMITY”
andare (going); andata (departure); andazzzo (trend) <  נדד NaDaD, to wander, shake, move
     – see “NOD”
an’gelo   (angel) <  M132 S-NS-G מלאך  MaLAKH, angel --  see  “ANGEL”
an’golo (corner, angle)  <  N. S-G  עקלקל [A]QaLQaL, crooked, angular  -- see “ANGLE”
anticipo (advance) , and all ant- words meaning “earlier”   <   S-N  מצח  
    MaTSa[K]H, forehead  -- see “ANTECEDENT”
Anziano (old, aged)  < S-F   נושן  NoaSHaN, old, inveterate  -- see “SENIOR”
Appetire (to crave); appetite (appetite)  <  חפץ[K]HaPheT[s], desire   [APPETITE]
Arcata (arch); arco (bow); arcuare (to bend, curve); arcuato (bent, curved) <  ß קער Q[E]’eR,
        to curve -- see “CURVE”
Architettare  (to devise, to plan); archivista (archivist) < ערך [A]iReKH,(to set in order,
     to arrange)    – see  “ARCHITECHT” and “ARRANGE”
Aroma (flavor, spices); aromatizzare (to flavor , spice) <   ß מר MoaR, myrrh, used in incense

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson