Thursday, February 23, 2012


A Facebook post by Judd led to this new entry:

CASTLE     TSaReeYaK[H]     Tsadi-Resh-Yod-Het 
Tsahr-REEAKH_____צריח___ [TS-R-K  K-ST-R]
ROOTS: There is no L in the bracketed change-guide above because all agree that the immediate source,  Latin castellum, is from Latin castrum (a fort). 

 The published guess is that this came from Latin castra (encampment),  related to Latin castrāre, cut off – as seen in CASTRATE.  Yes, we can suppose an encampment is “cut off,” but so is an out-house or a slice of cheese. 

 See “CASTRATE” if you want to go there.

  At least for the ultimate source, with etymology not cut off from Semitic,  dictionary readers no longer need feel that they are being intellectually castrated.

The צ-ר   Tsadi-Resh root  of  צור TSOOR (rocky redoubt, natural fortress – Deuteronomy 32:4)  is also in בצרון  BeeTSAROAN (fortress, stronghold – Zechariah 9:12) and  מבצר MiBHTSahR, fort (Numbers 13:19).  צריח TSaReeaK[H] provides the guttural in CASTLE, and 100s of other examples say that an M312 metathesis is not stretching the Genesis 11 thesis of a “confounded” Mother Tongue. 

The ancient "castle" word is still in use today ... on chessboards. 

A related fricative-R fortification is טירה DTeeYRaH,  a turret, a fortified town, enclosure or wall – see “TOWER.”

BRANCHES:  This entry was built from a Facebook post by Judd Magilnick who writes that  "castra, CASTRO, every town that ends with CHESTER" is a fort word related to CASTLE.  Greek castle is κάστρο  kástro.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson