Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First draft of Chinese-Edenic list, A and B

CHINESE  (Mandarin) – EDENIC  
[George Shen  and Kinneret Pau assisted with the Chinese, Fernando Aedo and Regina Werling with global cognates. (Key to dialect abbreviations to follow.)

Comments to project leader Isaac: mozeson@yahoo.com]   

Introduction: The skeptic will dismiss sound and sense similarities between “unrelated languages” as coincidence. Twenty of these are allowed to exist, they say, just by mathematical chance. Therefore, much more than 20 links from Chinese to Edenic (Proto-Semitic, as documented in the Hebrew Bible) are presented below. Consider the following “coincidence,” and figure the mathematical odds: Chinese yan = eye, and yuan = water source. In Ancient Hebrew, these are both Ayin-Yod-Noon,  עין   [A]YiN.

Chinese pictographs and definitions are from the Xinhua dictionary (X + page number).

Page numbers will vary slightly depending on the edition.
Letter Shift Codes:  Human words have only 7 anatomic sounds, as all music is from 7 notes.  All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W]
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS, X]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN (white).

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word   
N  Nasalize the word with an added N or M 

See “XYZ” is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations, sub-roots, engineered synonyms and antonyms, and more Semitic and world cognates.

Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel   ג= G,

Dalet = ד  D, Hey   ה= H, Vav  ו = V, OO or OA, Zayin ז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט   = DT, Yod   י = Y, Kahf כ,ך  K, Khaf = KH, Lamed   ל= L, Mem מ,ם  = M, Noon נ  = N, Samekh    ס = $, Ayin   ע = bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Pey פ,ף   = P,  Phey = PH or F,
Zaddi   צ,ץ = TS (always read ST in European), Koof    ק = Q,
Raish  ר = R or WR, Shin   ש = SH, Sin = S, Tahf    ת = T, TH, or (S)

ORDER OF ENTRY:  Meaning      Chinese  pronunciation  traditional pictograph word  (simplified form when available)    page in Xinhua dictionary   guide to shifts, etc.    Edenic ultimate source in Hebrew, then transliteration    meaning of the Edenic   entry in e-word CD dictionary  and edenics.net searchable wordbase.

 If no entry exists, a Biblical citation is added.
G.C. = sample of closer global cognates. 

Across    lan  欄(栏) X377   ß S-N מול  MOOL, opposite, facing --  see   “MOLE.” 

        G.C. : Latin moles is a dam, mole, or wall-like structure;

        Lamba is to wade across (Bantu:Mambwe).


Agree, consent    ken X358  כן  KaiN, yes, agree, affirm --  see  “ACUMEN.” 

        G.C: Korean  chin =  pro ; Can-o, yes (Mayan: Ixil). ß A_ngo, yes (Dravidian:Kui); Kon, agree (Bantu: Nkim).

Alive    chi  X79 live on; S-G חי  [K]HaiY 气), life [this is also the word for breath: pronounced hei in Cantonese and qi in Mandarin] – see “HEYDAY.”

G.C.: Ices, life (Mayan: Kanjobal); iq. Breath (Mayan: Chicomuceltec)


Announce   sheng 聲 (声) X586  S-N  שמע  SHeeMaGH,  聲 (声) ‘sound hear’ announce.  See Reputation below.  --  see “SOUND”

       G.C.: Shum = noise (Russian) ; sanna_ na, to resound (Dravidian: H)


Angry  1. [the emotion]  chen   S-N  חמה   K[H]aiMaH, wrath  -- see “AMITY”  G.C.:  ß mich’, angry (Mayan: Ch’ol);-kemena, to get  furious (Bantu: Lozi)

  2. fu X181 (looking angry, glowering) ßאף   AhF. flaring nostrils in anger – Genesis 27:45). See “OPEN”


Anticipation   nia  X478  added to the end of a sentence, just like נא  NAh, in phrases like קום נא   QOOM NAh, get up, I pray  (or now) in  Genesis 27:19

Arrow  Shi 
X591 ß חץ [K]HaiTS , arrow – see “HASTATE”


Baby    ying X774  S-G  ינק  YoNaiQ, suckling infant –  see “YOUNG”

G.C.: Un.n.uka, to suck (Dravidian: Ma.), ionga, suck (Bantu: Kiseri.unn)

Bake    1. bei 
X27  ß S-B אפה  APHaH (bake – Genesis 40:5), 2.  pao X495,  a BAKING, roasting and cooking term ß אפה  APHaH (bake) -- see “OVEN”

        G.C.: ‘oop’, to toast (Mayan: Lacandon)

Balanced, honest, middle, upright, straight  -  ting
[straight] X649 
ß   אמת   EMeT, אמתי AMeeTeeY, true;  אמצע EMTSaGH, middle.

See True below, and  see “ETYMOLOGY.”

G.C. tinna, straight, direct (Dravidian:Te.)

Bath    mu
X466   מיא  MaYA, water (Aram.),  מים MaYiM, waters

       - see “MIAMI”  G.C.: ‘uya’-min,wave of water (Mayan: Lacandon); Egyptian mw, water; oma, spring of Water (Bantu: Sonjo)


Beard      mang X440   מנא   MeeNAh, hair (Syriac)  -- see “MANE”

       G.C.:  man.o_ma.ni, Man without beard or moustache (Dravidian: Ku.)

Beautiful   wan 
X667   ß    נאוה  Na’AVaH or Na’WaH, comely (Songs 1:5)

    --See “BONNY” 

      G.C.: Japanese bijin  is pretty; ban, pretty (Mayan”Aguacatec);

      bwina, beautiful (Bantu: Manda).

Beautiful, handsome  
piao X506  ß  יפה  YaPHeH , beautiful 

    -- see “BEAUTY”    G.C.: In Korean yeppun is pretty.


Belly   fu   X188  ,  also: woman  קבה Qai[V]aH is a stomach, womb – see “CAVITY”

  G.C.: Proto-Polynesian koopuu, belly; Igbo (Nigeria)  afo,  abdomen, stomach;  Japanese fugin is a woman.


Blow,  shan  扇 (搧)  X571ß נשם  NeSHeM is soul, breath or inhalation

 -- see “ANIMUS.”   

G.C.: .  Afrikaans “breath”is asem; “Lung” is somwa  in Uto- Aztecan; sm in Ancient Egyptian..

               Boil, pour boiling water on   1. chong 
(冲) X82  and  2. guan X225

1. S-N   2. S-N   S-G    חם.   K[H]ahM, heat– see “AMITY”

See Warm entry below.

G.C.: Ghamma, heat (Dravidian: Pali); "Humid" in Thai is cheun; hom is boil (Maidu Indians of California ).


Bone,    zhong    X849 (backbone, middle finger, noontime ). These Chinese definitions  show us that the bone is the middle and strength of the thing, and they help us get past the mistranslation of   עצם היום הזה  , [E]TSeM HaYoaM HaZeH “that selfsame day” (KJV JPS)  עצם [E]TSeM means “bone,” and the translators could not understand “the bone of the day.”  This is when Noah entered the ark (Genesis 7:13). The same phrase is used and mistranslated when the Israelites leave Egypt (Exodus 12:41). Noah defied the skeptics, and the slaves defied their imperial masters in the “bone of the day” – that is, at high noon, with maximum visibility, in the middle or backbone of the day. עצם   [O]aTSeM means might.  The bone of the thing is its ESSENCE.

See “OSTEOMA.”  Greek osteon is a bone.  The  אמצע EMTS[A] (mid

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson