Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chinese Edenic part two

CHINESE  (Mandarin) – EDENIC  
[George Shen  and Kinneret Pau assisted with the Chinese, Fernando Aedo and Regina Werling with global cognates. (Key to dialect abbreviations to follow.)
Comments to project leader Isaac:]  

Chinese pictographs and definitions are from the Xinhua dictionary (X + page number).
Page numbers will vary slightly depending on the edition.

Letter Shift Codes:  Human words have only 7 anatomic sounds, as all music is from 7 notes.  All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W]
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS, X] 
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN (white).
 = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word    
N  Nasalize the word with an added N or M

See “XYZ” is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations, sub-roots, engineered synonyms and antonyms, and more Semitic and world cognates.

Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet: 
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel   ג= G,
Dalet = ד  D, Hey   ה= H, Vav  ו = V, OO or OA, Zayin ז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט   = DT, Yod   י = Y, Kahf כ,ך  K, Khaf = KH, Lamed   ל= L, Mem מ,ם  = M, Noon נ  = N, Samekh    ס = $, Ayin   ע = bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Pey פ,ף   = P,  Phey = PH or F, 
Zaddi   צ,ץ = TS (always read ST in European), Koof    ק = Q, 
Raish  ר = R or WR, Shin   ש = SH, Sin = S, Tahf    ת = T, TH, or (S)

ORDER OF ENTRY:  Meaning      Chinese  pronunciation  traditional pictograph word  (simplified form when available)    page in Xinhua dictionary   guide to shifts, etc.    Edenic ultimate source in Hebrew, then transliteration    meaning of the Edenic   entry in e-word CD dictionary  and searchable wordbase.
 If no entry exists, a Biblical citation is added.
G.C. = sample of closer global cognates. 

Brain       nao  腦(脑) X474 S-N  מוח  MoaWa[K]H, brains, marrow
      --  see “MARROW”  G.C.:  Mwongo, marrow (Bantu: Venda); ongo, brain     (Bantu: Sukuma) ; amm, brain (Egyptian)

Brightness, light, glory    guang  光 X 226   M213   S-G    נגה NoaGaH means to     glow, shine, be bright, noun of brightness and splendor.     -- see "IGNITION" |
    G.C.: c’in, sun, day, celebrating of light (Maya: Ch’ol), ngiãngiã, bright,     brilliant (Bantu: Bobangi).

Brother    ge 哥 X201  older brother  S-G  אח AKH See “EACH.”
    G.C.: ucú, older brother ; uqtaq, brother and ucau, younger brother (Mayan:     Chicomuceltec); akaka, older brother (Bantu: Ngindo);  HYPERLINK "" \o "Mongolian language" Mongolian akh  is a     brother. אח  AK[H], brother, becomes kak (brother) in Kurdish. Ocs  is a     (younger) brother in Hungarian.   In Zuni, an Amerind isolate of New Mexico,     kaka is a mother’s brother.

Bubble     pao 泡 X495  S-B  בעבוע    B[A]BOO[A], bubble – the Vowel-Bilabial is     reduplicated  --– see “BUBBLE”     
    G.C.: -fufula ~, to boil over, to froth, to bubble up     (Bantu: Lozi );  Japan. awa,     bubble

Build   bian 編 (编)  X38 (complete a material, fabricate) בנה  BoNeH, build.    
    -- see “BONE” 
    G.C.:  baanu, make, do (Mayan: Kekchi);  bana_na, to make (Dravidian: H.) A     BiNYaN (building) is made with ABHaNiM  (stones) or LiBHaiNiM (bricks) 
        or BEAMS.

Burn,   shao  焼(烧)X576      אש AiSH  -- see “ASIA”
    G.C.:. Su is fire in Basque; In Japan, another "land of the rising sun," asa is     morning. The oldest root for EAST is based on Sanskrit ushas, dawn. The T in     EAST simply means towards the firey dawn (in the east).

Bury     bian  窆  X38  1. to conceal underground and 2. a storage BIN to     keep produce. The Edenic bilabial-nasal sub-root is strongly     established by three  פ-ן Pey-Noon words of similar meaning, with     three fricatives leading them.  1. ספן   $aFaN (covered, secured, hidden     - Deuteronomy 33:21),  2.  צפון TSaPHOON (hidden, closeted away –     Exodus 2:2), and 3.שפן   SHaPHaN is to hide as buried treasure     (Deuteronomy 33:19). This word also means the shy, hidden hyrax or     rock badger of this name (Leviticus 11:5). Chinese bian蝙  X37 also     means a hidden animal, the bat which only appears at dusk. A fourth     covering, bian  弁X39, means a cap worn by men.
    The e-word entry with all this is “STEPHANE,” which covers the     turban. FA’s cognates incl. cappan, cover (Dravidian: P.) and afn, to     cover (Egyptian).

Buttocks , (bottom)  臀  tun X660     מטה  MaDTaH, down, below – see “MAT”
    G.C.: not.ti, buttocks (Dravidian: Ka.); an.d.u, buttocks or the bottom of a     vessel     (Dravidian: Ka.); mataà-ula, buttocks (Bantu: Denya)

Cake   gao 糕  X200 ⇓ עוגה [O]oGaH  small cake – see “CAKE”
    G.C.:  The Malay kuih is another rare cookie without the harsh Ayin that     provides the double-guttural sound.

Canopy, awning  peng 棚 X498   ⇓ כנף  KaNahPH, wingspread, protective wing
    -- see     “CANOPY”.   
    G.C.: Also reverse pannakam, leaf-cover of a palanquin, awning,  boat     cover (Dravidian: Ma.) and bangou, wing (Bantu: Grassfields     Ortuno 1995),     but not Khambh, wing, feather (Dravidian: P.) or  kamapura, wing (Bambara     -- Mali). If the G in peng 棚 proves to be unhistoric, this     “covering” word     belongs with the bilabial-nasals at the Bury entry above.

Change, transform   shan 嬗 X573,4   שנה  SHaNaH, to change . To shift  is  zhuan       轉 (转)X862  S-F  שנה SHaNaH .   Edenic has the strange, inhuman trait of     sometimes having a word mean the opposite of a previous definition.  Just as     שנה SHaNaH means to repeat the same thing (NOT to change),  shan     鱔    X573,4  means “copy.”  Similarly, Chinese san 三 X565 means repeatedly,     again     and again.  Again and yet again infers thrice, not just twice. This is why     san means number three.  – see “CHANGE”   Sahm is "to repeat" in Thai.

Child    nan  男 X471,2 and囡 nan kid X472   נין    NeeYN, descendant, great-    grandchild       -- see “El NINO”
    G.C.:  Malay niana is a son, and Spanish nino/nina is a  male/female child .     Unin is a son or daughter (Mayan: Tojolabal).  Nanua is a child          (Dravidian: Mth.)   Nunu is offspring (Bantu: Mabia).

Choke    qiang  嗆 (呛)X528  S-G  חנק  K[H]eNeQ, to strangle. -- see “HANG”
    G.C.: Greek anchien and Latin ango mean to     choke;  Joc’an is to hang
    (Mayan: Tzotzil) ; two more chokers are  -niga (Bantu: Nyamwezi) and
        khama (Bantu: Ndebele).

Clamping or biting down 1. qian 鉗 X526 ,  2. ken 啃  X357 is to gnaw or nibble
     1. טחן   DTaK(H)aN (to mill, grind). 2.  כנה   KeeNaH, the louse or biting bug
      -- see "GNAW"         
G.C.:  FA has 30 forms of טחן  DTaK(H)aN, but they all keep the     dental. Even if it moves as it does in Sanskrit kan.d, to pound. More than favoring   the biting gnat, the Chinese is again tuned into Edenic sub-roots.  The theoretical Indo-European root of GNAW (to bite down) , GNAT(a biting insect) and GNASH (to grind the teeth) does resemble the Chinese:  ghen (to gnaw).

Class, category, family, branch    men  們 (们)X446  מין  MeeYN, species, kind,     sect  -- see “MINISTER”  G.C.:  In-am is a class, group, kind, species, race,     tribe or herd  (Dravidian: Ta.). Similar reversal of M-N in another Dravidian     language of Southern India.  Namna is a kind in Swahili.  A category stands     alone. Like Greek monos (alone), and is a smaller part of the larger whole. Thus     Russian men’she is less, from  מן  MeeN, from. MINI and  NAME are also good     entries when investigating why men  們 means what it does.

Clear, evident, conspicuous  zhang 彰 X822   < N. זך, זכך  ZahKH and ZaKHahKH,     clear, pure… bright, transparent.  S^c-  is clean, white (Mayan: Ch’ol).     Another nasalized (extra N)  זך ZahKH is -senguluka, to become or be clear     (Bantu: Mambwe). A reversed form is Japanese kaise, clear weather.

Clothes  fu 袱  X162   <  S-B S-G  חבא  [K]HaBAy, to conceal  -- see ‘COVER”
    G.C.:  Hbs is garment, clothes, clothing, cloth and covering (Egyptian) . Kapra     is cloth in Hindi.  Hawaiian reverses their guttural-bilabial “curtain” word to     paku.

Club, cudgel, scepter    ting 梃 X649   N.  חטר  K[H]oDTeR, branch, stick, rod     (of the kingly tribe of Judah)  -- see “ROD”
    G.C.:  There are scores of guttural-dental-(and sometimes) liquid “club” words.     Only a few are nasalized and reversed like the Chinese. They include: t.inkara,     stick (Sanskrit) and  tonga, heavy stick, cudgel (Bantu: Sangu).

Coin,   qian  錢 X525  is money or coin    קנה  QoNeH, to purchase    -- see “COIN” 
    G.C.:  To buy in Japanese is konyo (suru). Japanese words for gold are kin and     ogen.  Taino gold is caona.

Cold, cool   liang , cold  涼 X387  <   N.  S-G S-L קר QahR
         --  see    “CRYOGENESIS”    
     G.C.:   Ing’aala is cold (Bantu: Bena); uriuku is cold (Bantu: Nyaturuwil).

Collapse, see Down below

Couple – see Two below

Cover – see Bury and Canopy above

Covered wagon    zi  輜(辎) X870  צב  TSahBH, covered wagon (Numbers 7:3)
-- see     “TOP.”  An end-Bhet is most likely to go silent or be dropped.

Crack, crevice, fissure    feng 縫 X179  <  1. N.  בקיע BiQeeY[A]h, crack or fissure,
    2.   N. S-B   גב  GaiBH, trench   -- see “GAP” 
    G.C.:  Dravidian has pakku, fracture, break, crack, (Ta.) and pokkai, little hole,     crack (Ta.).  Old Norse gapa  is to yawn, gape.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson