Friday, November 19, 2010

Chinese-from-Edenic, draft part three

CHINESE  (Mandarin) – EDENIC  
[George Shen  and Kinneret Pau assisted with the Chinese, Fernando Aedo and Regina Werling with global cognates. (Key to dialect abbreviations to follow.)

Comments to project leader Isaac:]   

Chinese pictographs and definitions are from the Xinhua dictionary (X + page number).

Page numbers will vary slightly depending on the edition.
Letter Shift Codes:  Human words have only 7 anatomic sounds, as all music is from 7 notes.  All vowels are interchangeable, no letter shifts need be indicated.
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W]
S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS, X]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C, G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letter: M, N]
M = metathesis (root letters switch places. For example, an M213 metathesis is French blanc (white) coming from the second, first and third letters of Edenic LaBHaN (white).

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic word   
N  Nasalize the word with an added N or M 

See “XYZ” is the Edenics dictionary entry to find all Biblical citations, sub-roots, engineered synonyms and antonyms, and more Semitic and world cognates.

Key to romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.

Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL, Bet ב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V), Gimel   ג= G,

Dalet = ד  D, Hey   ה= H, Vav  ו = V, OO or OA, Zayin ז  = Z,
Het   ח= [K]H or K[H], Tetט   = DT, Yod   י = Y, Kahf כ,ך  K, Khaf = KH, Lamed   ל= L, Mem מ,ם  = M, Noon נ  = N, Samekh    ס = $, Ayin   ע = bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH, Pey פ,ף   = P,  Phey = PH or F,
Zaddi   צ,ץ = TS (always read ST in European), Koof    ק = Q,
Raish  ר = R or WR, Shin   ש = SH, Sin = S, Tahf    ת = T, TH, or (S)

ORDER OF ENTRY:  Meaning      Chinese  pronunciation  traditional pictograph word  (simplified form when available)    page in Xinhua dictionary   guide to shifts, etc.    Edenic ultimate source in Hebrew, then transliteration    meaning of the Edenic   entry in e-word CD dictionary  and searchable wordbase.

 If no entry exists, a Biblical citation is added.
G.C. = sample of closer global cognates. 

Deer lu 鹿  X422  ß  איל  AhYiL is a stag, hart or gazelle. -- see “ELK”

        The  deer-like ELAND is an official cognate.

Defend    gan 
X193   הגן  HaGeN, to defend -- see “JANUARY”

and Guard and Shield below

G.C. :  a_nga, to intercept, prevention, defence (Dravidian: Kui)

Differentiate , clarify right from wrong  1. bian
X40,  בינה .2 bian X 37, the editing, deciding between texts and  3. bian   X40 becoming different

1.    בין  BaiYN,  understanding, between  See Side by side below and

2.    בינה   BeeYNaH,  discrimination  -- see “BONE UP” 

G.C.: bayina , between (Bantu: Emakhua)


Direction -- see POINT


Discuss, talk over  shang   X573  NS-G  S-F שיח  SeeYaK[H], converse. See  “SAY.”

G.C.:  Old Norse segja looks like an M132 of שיחה   SeeYK[H]aH. The Dutch (zeggen) and German (sagen) forms of SAY also render the ח Het as a G.

Disease     gan 
X 195, also guan   X223   ß   נגע  NaG[A]h, infect, plague 

 -- see “INNOCENT”  G.C.: qam, sick, gravely ill (Mayan: Ch’ol)

Do, use     shi 
使 X 592    ß     עשה   [A]SeH, to do  -- see “USE”

         עשה   [A]SeH also means to create, so see Make below

         G.C.: Italian usare is to use or make use of..  From עשה   GHaSeH, to do:

          khoza, to do, to do well, accomplish, be able to do (Bantu: Chewa)

Down tun   X659 (98) is to swallow down, and tan X627 (98) is to collapse, fall down or to lose face.  This last meaning of the typically reversed and shifted Edenic מטה  MaDTaH (down) helps explain in Deuteronomy 28:43 how the

        Israelite citizen is sinking low metaphorically. ß  מטה  MaDTaH, down,

        low.  See “NETHER” G.C.: Related words meaning “down” include Danish

        and Norwegian ned, and Swedish nedat.


Drive (cattle)   gan  (赶)X 195  ß  נהע  NaHaG, to drive -- see “NAG”

          G.C.: nika_sn.o, to drive out (Dravidian: Ku.) Archaic Dutch negghe is to

           urge on.


Dry  gan  () X195  ß   נגב NeGe(V), dry (adj. and the verb to dry). Syriac too.    

Appears in the Bible as the name for the arid southern region of Israel, the Negev, Genesis 13:1.  See “SACK (dry)” Kanso is to dry up in Japanese.

                               Using the second part of the Edenic is Swahili kavu, dry.      


 Duality,  couple, pair  dui ()   X148    Aramaic דו DOO or DooW means two,  from an Edenic word for twin beginning Tahf-Aleph-Vav/T-O-V.  See “DUO”

          G.C.: Duo  is two in Latin; di is two in Greek;  In Avestan of ancient Persia

          two was  dva. 



Each – see One below


Eel  shan X573 and earthworm  נחש  Na[K]HaSH, snake  -- see “SNAKE”

        G.C.: SNIG is an eel in English dialect. It echoes “snake.”  After an M123

        metahesis it is NGS, minor shifts away from  נחש  Na[K]HaSH, snake. 


Ethnic group, a people    min

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson