Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Where are you going? "O U T "


And just where do you think you're going young lady,  dressed like that ?!

 " O U T "

What a wonderful or frightening place.


The entry:


EXIT                K[H]OOTS              Het-Vav-Tsadi

KHOOTS_____חוץ______[KH-OO-T(S) à  K-ST]

ROOTS: EXIT is from ex plus ire (Latin: to go). Greek exo is "outside out." The alleged IE “root” is eghs or eks (out).  Latin and Greek ex mean out.  The many EX- words came OUT of one primeval source.


חוץ  K[H]OOTS  means the outside (Genesis 24:31) or exterior. This KS or HT root hinges on the צ  Tsadi/ TS.   צא TSAy means "go out!" (Genesis 8:16).   הוצי HOATSeeY is to bring out, to EXCLUDE, or to OUST.  חץ  K[H]aiTS is that outgoing projectile called an arrow (Genesis 49:23 – see “HASTATE” ),    חצב K[H]aTSahBH is to cut, hew or dig out (Deuteronomy 6:11)


Edenic  קצה  QaTSaH (extremity, border, limit – Genesis 47:21) is at the outer limits.  See “COAST.”  Whether a  ק  Koof or ח    Het precededs the  צ Tsadi, this engineered sound-alike, mean-alike term is edgy.  קץ QaiTS (end) is a related extremity -- more at “COAST” and “ACUTE.”  For money going OUT, see “COST.”  While חוץ  K[H]OOTS is about EXTERIORITY,חצר   K[H]aTSeR (enclosure – see “COURT”) can be said to be the opposite.


BRANCHES:    חוץ (מין) [K]HOOTS  (MIN) means to the EXCLUSION of, or EXCEPT for. The X of Xerxes, etc. is pronounced like KS, demonstrating the X/S affinity. There are hundreds of words with OUT in it or with prefixes like ECTO-, EX-, and EXO-.


Bakate is "out" in Korean;   בחוץ BaK[H]OOTS is the outside. Chut is out in Cantonese. The Italian exit is uscita. Odchodzic is to leave or go away in Polish. The exit in Turkey is chikis  To leave Hungary is kiutazas.

Outgoing food material is צאה   TSAy'aH (EXCREMENT).


Birth is an EXILE, and we have all been EXPELLED.


A crucial human extract is a double Tsadi-Aleph,צאצא   TSEhTSAh, children or offspring.  It is the source of SON, whose IE “root” is seue (to give birth – see “SON.”)  Uzazi is birth in Swahili; zi means children (and bullets) in Chinese.   In Cantonese zou is to come out or discharge; in Vietnamese Xuat is to export or send out. In Japanese, kanata (yonder( is a nasalized  חוץ K[H]OOTS, while tsukiobasu (thrust away) and tsuko (passing by) are reversals ח-ץ of Het-Tsadi.


  יצאYayTSAy is to go out, depart or expire. In Genesis 15:4 at issue is Abraham’s ISSUE who’ll “come forth out” of  his loins. ISSUE means a child as well as something put out, as in  "military ISSUE."  The most sensible etymon is the Old French eissue, a going out, from eisser, to go out. The י  Yod/Y  may shift to any vowel; the suggested link of    יצא  YayTsAy and ISSUE is from Robert Lovett (printed in 1869).


  Preferring a Latin source, the AHD makes ISSUE a cognate of EXIT. This is fine,  as Het-Vav-Tsadi and Yod-Tsadi-Aleph are related terms of going out.


 In the Y-ST of YESTERYEAR, the י Yod remains Y and the Edenic TS switches to ST, as usual. YESTERDAY, the departed day, is currently thought to come from a fabricated IE “root” ghjes (yesterday). Yod-Tsadi-Aleph/Y-TS-A might also be seen in the "yesterday" words of Dutch (gister), Serbo-Croatian (juce) and Japanese sakujitsu.

חוצה  [K]HOOTSaH (out - Genesis 24:29) ought to link up with Germanic and Old English ut (out). If so, we should consider official cognates of OUT, including ABOUT, AUSLANDER, BUT (see "BAT"), CAROUSE, ERSATZ, HUBRIS, ORT, OUTLAW, UTMOST and UTTER.  A score of German EX- words begin with the soft  חוץ  K[H]OOTS  of aus-.  


Note these words for “abroad” or OUT of the country:” exoterikon (Modern Greek), utlandet (Swedish), udland (Danish) and Yiddish oisland.  ח-ץ Het-Tsadi can generate 1. any vowel, 2. any  guttural, 3. any dental, 4. any fricative – and in any order. Such is Edenics, but the word must mean “out.”


The חוץ  [K]HOOTS or  outside of a body is the skin, so many HIDE words are from our Het-Tsadi root

– see “HIDE.”


  מיץMeeYTZ, EXTRACT, juice (of fruit),  is a ץ Tsadi “outside” term  of  squeezing out in Proverbs 30:33.                  מצהMaTSaH  is to drink or wring out.  Squeezing, מ-צ  Mem-Tsadi, a fruit could bring a MOIST MIST.

The מ-י  Mem-Yod element  brings the  מים  MaYiM, water, to the word  מיץ MeeYTS (extract, later juice – Proverbs 30:33).  And so we have another Double Root (XY + YZ = XYZ).  See "MIAMI" and "MOIST"  for more on  the water element."    


EXHAUST is 1) about finishing or ending (EXHAUSTING the possibilities), or 2)  the letting out of gas or steam (exhaust pipe).  The H-ST should be from our  חוץ [K]HOOTS (out) and from it’s close relative  קץ QaiTS (end – Genesis  6:13). The given etymon is Latin haurire, to draw up, which neither matches the sound nor sense.


 The alleged IE “root” is similarly aus- 2  (to draw water).  Japanese tsukiru (to be EXHAUSTED, used up, end) is a reverse of קץ  QaiTS (the end – see “COAST”). Other Japanese words like tsukiataru (come to the end of) and tsukitobasu (thrust away) echo the sense of “out” and “end” of  חוץ  K[H]OOTS and קץ QaiTS.


 Other Japanese words with a residual  ח-ץ Het-Tsadi include yushutsu (export) and seen Het-Tsadi ח-ץ  reversals like taijo (exiting), tsuiho (expel) and takai (expensive). Tsuiho, to exile, or turn out is a reversal of the Tsadi-Aleph verb, הוציא  HOATSeeYE (to take out – Isaiah 42:7).


We'll  go out of  this entry with EXODUS words like French exode, German Auszug and  Spanish exodo.


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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson