Saturday, October 9, 2010

Have Mercy, Baby

No, this aint just Mick Jagger lyrics.  Mercy and babies are profoundly related
in the only vocabulary designed by the same maker of baby-makers, or wombs.

The entry:

MERCY         RaK[H]eM          Resh-Het-Mem

Rah-KHEM             רחם      _    [RKM à MRK]

ROOTS:  At the”MARKET” entry you’ll see the ludicrous attempt to put a word of pity (MERCY) with pitiless mercenary, mercantile words.  Sure they are spelled similarly, but music AND meaning are necessary.

Unlike language, spelling IS human.  Rest assured that MERCIFUL is not from מכר  MoaKHeR (to sell) like the words at the “MARKET” entry.

רחם  RaK[H]eM, to have mercy, compassion (I Kings 8:50).  רחמנות   RaK[H]aMaNOOT means mercy, pity or compassion.  The Resh-Het-Mem root underwent an M312 metathesis. 

רחם  RaK[H]eM means “please have mercy” (Genesis 43:14, Exodus 34:6).  Two synonyms in Edenic require metathesis of our liquid, guttural, nasal elements.   חמלK[H]aMAL means to spare, have pity (Deuteronomy 13:9);   חמלה K[H]eMLaH means pity, compassion. The metathesis here would be a simple M132.  מחל MaK[H]aL (to pardon, forgive, grant CLEMENCY is post-biblical but not borrowed).

Metathesis of the ר-ח-ם Resh-Het-Mem also provides a built-in antonym. חרם     K[H]aReM is to fully destroy, exterminate  (Isaiah 34:5). 


BRANCHES:  The nurturing womb brought the maternal instinct and compassion into the world.   A womb is thus a רחם ReK[H]eM (Genesis 49:25).

The Merciful One who designed wombs and words is   הרחמן  HaRaK[H]aMaN.

The Finnish "mercy, armo, either ignores or replaces the Het/[K]H .

 Merced , Spanish mercy,   is the M312 metathesis of  רחם  RaK[H]eM  .

Resh-Het-Mem makes a good “please” word, like Hungarian kerem. Here the metathesis is M213.   It also makes an appropriate word to thank one for being compassionate, like French merci (thanks). 

The ח-ם  Het-Mem warmth of womb-engendered MERCY is taken up at “AMITY.”  More at  “CLEMENCY.”


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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson