Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Simian Honest Abe, Anti-Semitic ignoring of the Jimmy Durante monkey, and the aping of humans by knuckle-walkers

Thanks to Regina W.  for adding important global cognates  to our "APE" entry below.  Thanks to translation sites, any of you can ape Regina's contribution, and also add global cognates that often lead to insights beyond the chosen Edenic source word.

APE           QOAPH           Koof-Vav-Phey

KOAWF            קוף        [Q-OA-PH à AP]

 ROOTS:  Linguists believe that human words evolved from ape grunts, but they don’t know where the word APE came from.   APE  is conceded to be from an unknown, non-IE loan word, coming to English from  Sanskrit kap .

  For a K-P ape, there isקוף   QOAPH (ape - I Kings 10:22).  Sanskrit kapi (monkey) can surely come from the Edenic homeland where scientists place the first literate homo sapiens.

Genesis has no problem with thousands of years of pre-literate knuckle-walkers.  They may be anatomically classified as hominids, but Biblically speaking, such hominids before Adam had a soul and large braincase "breathed into his nostrils" -- that is, a hominid without language, is merely a great  ape.


BRANCHES:   The Middle Egyptian ape is the GWP or GOOPH; a Koof/Q-to-G guttural shift is mild and common.  In Amazonian languages (and they didn’t borrow an ape word)  a monkey is a hipi, huapo, huaphuap or faagu.  The HP words show a Koof/Q –to-H sift (see “HEAD”), while the FG has reversed the same GP that Egyptian got from  the diversification of Koof-Phey at Babel.  (Amazonian data is from Fernando Aedo.)

Shifting both the guttural (throat letter) and the bilabial (lip letter) offers an alternative way to the GB of GIBBON (see “GIBBON”). Thanks to the Sanskrit we don’t have to contemplate the Koof/Q  of QOAPH shifting to a vowel.  But gutturals can do so,  just as "amorous" is related to Sanskrit kama (desire, love), from the Edenic  Het-Mem terms  seen at the “'AMITY" entry.  Other English A from Edenic Koof/ Q words include AESTAS from  QaYiTS (summer).

Ape is  abe in Danish, aap in Dutch, ahv in  Estonian,  apina in Finnish,   Affe in German,  api in Icelandic, and ape  in languages like Norwegian.   The dropped or shifted and hushed Koof/Q of QOAPH seems to appear reversed in Czech opice.  [RW].  

The French got CHIMPANZEE from an unknown native source. The CHIMP part is an APE from  קוףQOAPH, but the guttural softened and an M was added-- common for words ending in MB or MP (see “CLAMP” or “OLYMPICS.”)

The Catalan ape is mico,  possibly a reversed  כמו K'MOA (like, similar to).  See "COMMON."  The Italian ape, scimmia, recalls SIMIAN (ape, apelike).  SIMIAN,  and  Latin  simi (ape) is thought by the Semitically-challenged ones to come from Greek simos (flat-nosed) plus  "-an."   But the ape is far more significant as being  similar to humans than for having some species with flat noses. Thus see Edenic etymons like סמל $eMeL (likeness) at "SIMULATION."

CODA (tail, what some animals still cling to,  from  קץ  QaiTS, extremity):

It is no sin to think that humans ARE "evolved" apes, as long as one knows that it is the  Creator that took existing material, the ape genome, or, more poetically (" formed from dust of the ground" Genesis 2:7) and gave Adam a blown-out, an expanded braincase, or, more poetically,  "breathed into his nostrils" (same verse) a brain, language program (Edenic), and divine soul.

So, we are part animal (as the apes remind us),  but part divine.... The Torah or Hebrew Bible is the owner's manual to maintain and upgrade the "image of the Lord" part of us.

The "I love Lucy" and "Out of Africa" anthropologists may well be right about eons (from  יום YoaM, day or period) of knuckle-walkers who preceded homo sapiens.  But they weren't human, not speakers and thinkers with real language.  Not children of Adam.

The bone-pickers haven't found one prehistoric human skeleton with the floating throat bone, the hyoid. This delicate bone allows for human speech. Do you really think it evolved by accident?

Even worse, the oldest hyoid bone ever found was in the Carmel Caves near Haifa, Israel.

At the Haifa zoo last week, I enjoyed watching the death-defying antics of the baboons. But I went away with some sobering ethical admonition as well.   It is time to get off our tails, and to work on our divine part.

Archived posts, Edenics searches + web games:  
Edenics DVDs and most recent book: THE ORIGIN OF SPEECHES. Edenic (Biblical Hebrew) as the original, pre-Babel human language program see our many resources at incl. videos in English, Spn., Fr. or Ger.

Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson