Monday, August 16, 2010

Attentiion Shoppers !

Only Edenic (Pre-Hebrew, pre multinational history, pre-Babel) knows the human ability to COUNT like the back of one's hand.

The new entry:

QUANT (ITY)       QaMahTS        Koof--Mem-Tsadi

Kah-MUTTS__       ___קמץ_         _[QM-TS à QNT]

ROOTS:  The Semitically-challenged references want "who," "what" "how,"  "whither" and QUANTITY to come from the same Indo-European "root."  So, despite Latin quantus (how great? ) they invent  the so-called "root" kwo, also kwi ("stem of relative and interrogative pronouns").   By what sorcery can a guttural-nasal-dental word (throat-nose-tooth) come from a gutrtural-bilabial-vowel?  And do some bozos with doctorates think that cavemen just down from the trees planned a verbal signal to be a stem of interrogative pronouns?  Is it not more likely that the source of a QUANTITY word would be related to the most basic human COUNTING, by ones hands?

קמץ QaMahTS is a handful or fistful in Leviticus 2:2.  The universal signal for counting is the flexing of the five or ten fingers of one or both hands. The Mem/M has shifted to the other nasal, the N. 



BRANCHES:     Attention Shoppers.

 "How much?"  has this guttural-nasal-dental form in languages like:

Catalan   Qua  N   TiTa l

Galicia n  Ca    N   To

Italian     Qua  N   To

Po rtuq.    Qua  N   To

Spanish   Cua  N   To


Close misses include Romania n cat (how much?), when the nasal; is dropped, and Hindi kitana (how much?) where there was an M132 metathesis to guttural-dental-nasal.

Of course, other languages will use other Ede n ic counting terms. Hungarian mennyi (how much) favors the M-N in "AMOUNT," while the Korea n is eolmana.

Few languages use the usual Ede n ic כמה  KaMa H (how much?) besides obvious Semitic words like Arabic km, and the less obviousl Maltese kem.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson