Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the Guarding of Edenics

A GARDEN is not where fruits and veggies grow.  It is where they are guarded by a grid -like gate or  גדר

The entries:

GARDEN   GeDeR   Gimel-Dalet-Resh

GED-air         גדר_         [GDR à GRD]

ROOTS: The invented Indo-European (IE) “root” of GARDEN is gher-1  (to grasp, enclose ). As usual, they have confused sound and sense with other words, words that have actual,  Edenic roots – see the  “COURT” and “GIRDLE” entries.

גדר  GeDeR is a fence,  a protective GRID or GRATE, and a GARDEN is a fenced off,   protected plot of land for horticulture – Numbers 22:24.

In the storied homeland of our homo sapiens sapiens ancestors,  Adam and Eve were not actually in an etymologically true garden, GUARDED by barriers in a GATED community.   גן עדן  Gahn Eden (the “garden” of Eden) had no גדר  GeDeR (gate) – while it was a protected area as a  גן GahN, garden – see the “JANUARY” entry (use 

In Talmudic law, one is a responsible  GUARDIAN or watchman if one has a proper fence or stockade around animals.

 See "GRID."


BRANCHES: There are 100 GARDEN words in a good dictionary.  A GARTH is a weir for catching fish (a GRID or GATE) or an enclosed garden.  It is from Old Norse gardhr, a yard, court or garden.  Again, GR+dental is not about growing plants or closing things – but about protecting behind a barrier.

The GARRET and GARRISON are also from sources that mean protection.

 The grad  in Slavic placenames like LENNINGRAD means city. This is because the earliest settlements in  Eastern Europe were not hilltop fortresses (see “BARRIO”), but settlements protected by a stockade (or גדר GeDeR) made from the abundant native timber.

French  and Spanish jardin (garden) is a cognate of GUARD, because defence against two or four-legged varmints is the common concern of both guarding and gardening. See other GRIDS, like a cooking GRILL, at “CRATE.”

The Merriam Webster Geographical Dictionary writes that the city of Cadiz, the “GATE” or port city on the south coast of Spain,  was once called "Gadir,"  later  becoming "Gades."  (James D. Long)  The name Gadir is from the Arabic form of  גדר GeDeR (gate), linking Cadiz to a city with a name like Stalingrad.

A protective stockade forms a GUARDING GRID or GATE.  GRID is given the ficticious IE “root” kert (to turn, entwine), as if GRID were a cognate of CRATE. No IE “root” was available for GATE. The Italian GHETTO fenced people out too.

A Japanese gate is a kado, see GeDeR as a verb or corraling at “GATHER.”  Like GeDeR (fence) is the word for the river’s edge or bank: GaDaH. Aramaic GooDaH means wall.  Reverse to diga for an Italian dike or dam.

The clincher is German Gatter  --  a GRATING, railing, lattice.

KINDERGARTEN  is a protected,  fenced in garden for raising kids – see “KINDERGARTEN.”



GRID       GeDeR   Gimel-Dalet-Resh

GED-air           גדר ___[GDR à GRD]

ROOTS:   GRID is given the fictitious IE “root” kert (to turn, entwine), as if GRID were a cognate of CRATE.  German Gatter  is a GRATING, railing, lattice -- a barrier or grid of vertical bars.

A גדר GeDeR, fence (Numbers 22:24)  is a grid or GRATE, GRATING which GUARDS.   GRATED means protected by a grate, by latticework bars.

 See “GATHER” and “ GARDEN.”  This M132 is the easiest metathesis to follow.


BRANCES:  GUARDING Slavic towns like Leningrad were stockades.  In forest lands, their natural defense was not the hilltop redoubt, but the wooden palisade of perpendicular barriers, the  גדר GeDeR, fence .  Again Edenic GDR morphs to GRD.  This is why Russian gorat is a town.

 In Spanish there is guarda, guard; guarder, to put away or GUARD; guardia, watch, police and both guardilla (attic) and guarida (den)  that also hint at a root meaning: a fenced off, guarded area.

A French guardeur or guardian would also keep animals or criminals behind a protective stockade.  Unlike the English, Spanish or French, no M132 metathesis is needed to link German Gitter (grid) with גדר GeDeR.

A GRID can be used as a sieve.  Guttural-R-dental words like CRITIC are linked to the IE “root” krei (sieve, discriminate) found at “EXCREMENT.”

Why are we not surprised that EXCREMENT and CRITIC
link up?

I just visited my nephew's gated community. Not  for  prestige,

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson