Monday, April 12, 2010

Shreds from the Holocaust


There were so may

postings, papers, processions

that we may have trudged on

with the uniform death’s-head –

not wanting to cog up the machinery.

But there were enough

curses, kicks, inefficient cruelties

just enough spontaneous slips of humanity

to remind us to survive.

Console Design  1972


Shrieks bitten back in clenched fingers

Pressing lips could yet sing

Beyond a grave of nature

And her seasonal swallows.


I am one such a bird

Of darting high consequence

And sweeping generalizations

Who would view a patchwork universe

Basted upon eventualities.


There is a tree.

It dangled buffered chestnuts

Before Ann Frank’s window.

She no longer sees what lies

In twisted branch design

To balance away an insanity.


Who will vindicate the rain

Will justify the flood.




In my first Holocaust Day as an Israeli I was impresed to see loud, impatient drivers get out of their cars and hang their heads in silence when the sirens wailed. 


On the radio the Prime Minister quoted the Haggadah ("in every generation there rises against us...")  and the Yad V'Shem passage in Isaiah.


 שם SHeM is a name, a reputation. 

  אשם   ASHahM is guilt.


A- SHaMe, without a (good) name, ASHAMED.

But Western "civilization" has no shame.



Also on the radio were survivors' recorded sagas.

It was suprising to hear Hebrew, not Yinglish. 


But this is Israel.

Where else does a survivor belong?





There were so may

postings, papers, processions

that we may have trudged on

with the uniform death’s-head –

not wanting to cog up the machinery.


But there were enough

curses, kicks, inefficient cruelties

just enough spontaneous slips of humanity

to remind us to survive.



Console Design 


Shrieks bitten back in clenched fingers

Pressing lips could yet sing

Beyond a grave of nature

And her seasonal swallows.


I am one such a bird

Of darting high consequence

And sweeping generalizations

Who would view a patchwork universe

Basted upon eventualities.


There is a tree.

It dangled buffered chestnuts

Before Ann Frank’s window.

She no longer sees what lies

In twisted branch design

To balance away an insanity.


Who will vindicate the rain

Will justify the flood.



Posted from   Sfat (lookout, source of  TSadi-Pey words like SPY and TOP.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson