Wednesday, April 14, 2010

it's Edenic, any way you CUT it

20th Century linguistics still  CUT off Semitic from other language groups.
Let's see if a look at CUT suggests that it may be the experts who are CUT off from truth:

CUT                 KahT               Kaph-Tahf


ROOTS: Icelandic kuta (to cut with a knife) represents one of the oldest KT cut words. There's Latin caedere (to cut), but somehow no Indo-European alleged root.  Edenic (Pre-Hebrew) has many guttural-dental (thhroat-tongue) CUTTERS.

גדד GaDaD  is to cut off (Daniel 4:11). 

 גזהGaZaH is to cut (there’s a ד-ז     Daled/D-Zayin/Z link  via Aramaic).


Both Gimel-Dalet-Ayin and Koof-Tet-Ayin,   גדע GaD[A]h  (Isaiah 9:9) and  קטע QaDT[A] mean (to cut off,  

 חטבK[H]oDTa[V] (to cut, hew - Deuteronomy 29:10),  חתך

K[H]aTahKH (to cut), 


 Aramaic  כת KahT is a sect, a special group cut away from others,  קצבQaTSa[V] and קצף  QaTSaF mean “to cut off, קצה  QeeTSaH (to cut off),  קצעQeeTSay[A]h (to trim), קצר     QaTSeR (cut down, harvest – Leviticus 23:10),  and  חצה K[H]aT(S)aH ( to halve - Exodus 21: 35).קץ


  QaiTS is the cut off or end – see “COAST.”  Harkavy comparesקוץ   QOOTS  (to cut or pluck off),  קצץ QaTSaTS and  קוט QOODT (Job 8:4) as “cut off” verbs.  קטף QaDTaF (to pluck or crop – Deuteronomy 28:26) is another cutter.  Arabic qadda is “he cut lengthwise.” Syriac has similar QD cutters.


Het-Tsadi cutters include   חצב[K]HaTSaBH (to hew out),חצד  [K]HaTSaD (to harvest),   חצה [K]HaTSaH (to divide in two, separate, partition),   חצי [K]HaTSeeY (half – Exodus 24:6) and the arrow,   חץ [K]HaiTS (see “HASTATE”).  


 More cutters with a Koof include  קדד QaDaD and   קדח QaDa[K]H, to cut, drill;  קטם QaDTaM, to cut off, lop off (in Syriac-Aramaic);  and  קצץ QaTSaTS (cut off – Deuteronomy 25:12).


This group is all related, according to  E.D. Klein, to Aramaic and Syriac קצץ QaTaTS (he cut off, decided), Arabic qasa (he cut, clipped) and Akkadian qasasu (to hew or cut off).

 The guttural- Ayin and Tet,  עט GHaiDT (stylus, pen – Psalms 45:2) also has the sound and sense of cutting, though the cutting is finer. 


 The built-in antonym, that which is whole and uncut is  אחד  EK[H]aD (one), also  a guttural-dental – see  the “EACH” and “ACUTE” entries in the Edenics E-Word CD Dict. ( 



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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson