Sunday, April 11, 2010

Holy Cost Memorial Day

HOLOCAUST does not actually mean Holy Cost, although, arguably, it might have been.

It is from the Greek, meaning holo,  wholly  + caust, burnt. 

כלו  KooLOA means "wholly, and its Kahf-Lamed Edenic root is  the source
 of  "whole" and  "all."

  QaDa[K]H      קדח      means  "burnt" ,  as in the "CAUTERIZE" entry.    

 The  most sacred   עולה [O]aLaH sacrifice, was wholly burnt,  all burntt, and not consumed by those who brought the animal to the Temple, those who performed the rites,
 or other landless people who normally shared these meat meals.

So, we're back to a sacrifice, a Holy Cost.

The Big Lie spinners,  those of tbe 1930s, and works like Mein Kampf ,
made the European Jews out to be dangerous strangers.

But in fact they were brothers, of the same Mother

The Holocaust was not genocide for a theocide  (an oxymoron),
as much  as mass fratricide.

Cain vs. Able. 

A scuffle over sacrifices.

And how can I prove that Jews and Europeans didn't evolve from different families of apes,
 as taught until recently?

I had already posted German-from-Edenic data lome months ago.  The post was, "Every Word That Hitler Spoke Was A Form of Hebrew."

This time we'll look at the language of the well-chosen host of most of the death camps:



POLISH  FROM  EDENIC      (also see the Russian, Ukrainian and Slavic lists – suggestions and corrections to

               Edenic = proto-Semitic, as best documented in the early Hebrew Bible.  1000s of Polish words are borrowings from other languages. They could be easily linked to Edenic, but the point is to concentrate on words that were historically Polish. Even a word like sobota (Saturday) is not included because it may be a borrowing from the Jewish Shabbat (7th day).



< = ultimately from the Edenic (Proto-Semitic, Biblical citations at the E-Word CD Dictionary entry [in brackets] will verify Hebrew spelling and meaning,  and should provide exotic cognates sharing the same sound and sense. The given Indo-European root is provided at each entry.)


-- Hebrew Capital Letters are root letters to be Emphasized. Normally, foreign words are not printed in upper and lower case, but Slavic presents many prefixes and suffixes to be de-emphasized.


Letter Shift Codes  A menorah of only 7 sounds, as all music is from 7 notes

שנוי בצליל האותיות

S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]

S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],

S-F = fricative shift,[interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C,S,TS]  

S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G,K,Q]

S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]

S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L,R]

S-N = nasal shift  [interchangeable nose letters: M,N]


N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).

M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that the Slavic word takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root then 2nd consonant letter of the Edenic root.

ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word

B  = a borrowing from another modern language



Key to Romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:

Vowels are in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language.  5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.


Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL; Betב  = B, Bhet = BH or (V); Gimel  ג= G; Dalet = ד D; Hey  ה= H;

 Vav  ו= V, OO or OA ; Zayinז  = Z;  Het   ח= [K]H or K[H]; Tetט  = DT; Yod  י= Y; Kahf כ,ך = K, Khaf = KH; Lamed  ל= L; Memמ,ם  = M;  Noon  נ,ן  = N; Samekh  ס= $; Ayin  ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH;

Peyפ,ף  = P, Phey = PH or F;  Zaddi  צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European); Koof  ק= Q; Raish  ר= R or WR; Shin  ש= SH, Sin = S; Tahf   ת= T,

 TH, or (S)

(Polish often adds a Z for vowel sounds.)


ALe  (but)     <     אלה    ELaH, but

ANI (not even, neither, nor, not a bit)  <  M132  אין  AiN, there is not [UN-]

AZ   (then, at that time)  < אז   AhZ, then [AS]

BA  (indeed, even, nay) <  ß, S-B אף  AhF, even, though, also   [IF]

BaCHoR  (child, sprout, kid) <  בכר BeyKHeR, young male camel; בחור BaK[H]OOR, young man; בחורים

        BiK[H]OOReeYM, youth  (plural) [BACHELOR]

BaDaC   (examine)       <   בדק BoDeQ, examine

Bystry (quick – see the prz words below) < M132 , S-B    פרץ   PaRaTS

     (to break through)      [presto at PRONTO]

BuZia  (mouth, lips, kiss) ß  S-F , S-B  שפה  SaPHaH, lip [BUSS]

CaLy   (all)       <    כל  KoL       [aLL, wHoLe]

CeBuLa  (onion)  <   M213, S-F   בצל   BaTSaL, onion      [BASIL]                      

 CHoWa (hide, conceal) <  S-B  חבא  , hide  [HAVEN]

 CHoRy (sick) > S-L    חולה, K[H]oaLeH, sick    [ILL]

CISza (silence) <  ß   SHeQeT, silence  [QUIET]

CO  (what, he that, who) <   כי  KeeY, “that” or who/whom  [QUA]

 CWieRc (one fourth) < ß reversal or M321  metathesis of  רבע  

   Re[V]GH[A]h,  one fourth   [QUART]

 CZARno  (black) < M213  S-F, S-G       שחור  SHa[K]HOAR,

           black  [CHAR]

Czas (time, term) < S-G  עת GHai(S), time  [ETERNAL]

CzYJ  (whose, someone’s)  <  כי KeeY, he who or whom (Genesis 27:36)

DaNing (tribute), Dany  (given)  < S-D   תן Tain (give) ,  מתנה

   MaTaNaH,(gift    [DATA]

DaTek   (gift)  <    S-D      תת   TaiT,  to give    [DaTa, thesis]

Deska  (plank, board)  <  M213    שטח  SHeDTaK[H], flat surface


Do   (to, so far, until)      <   ß     עד       [A]hD       [prep.  “To”

    is Latin ad]   [TO]

DoBosz (drummer)  < S-D  תף ToaP(H) is a hand-drum; תפף ToaP(H)aiP(H)

     is to TAP  a drum [TAP]

DoBry  (good);  DoBra, fortune, riches  <  S-D, S-B  טב    ToaBH (good),

        טוב TOOBH (the good things)          [DiVine, BeTTer]

DoPaSc (to reach, catch or overtake)  <  S-D, S-B  תפס TaPHa$, to seize


Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson