Tuesday, March 30, 2010

SKIP the kosher Passover stuff, I'll just wish you a Happy Hog

 פסח  Pa$aK[H], to pass over or SKIP over.  Passover or Pe$aK[HH was named for dealy plagues passing over or skipping, sparing the Israelite slaves in Egypt


An M231 metathesis here has the Samech/$, Het/K[H] and Pey/P

add up to S K I P .


The P-S-K sound has many relevant inuendos for this key holiday.  פתח PaTa[K]H is to open or begin  Free, non-slave human history begins with the Passover breakthrough, which opens or begins spring.


  פתח PeTa[K]H is an opening.  Mankind gets a PASSAGE to life without tyranny.   

The dramatic passages in the Bilical account merely begin at the Reed Sea, and culminate 40 years later, when the Egypt can be taken out of the Israelite.


 The proper Passover saluataion is   חג שמיח   K[H]ahG  SaMeYaK[H] (happy holiday).    In the entries below (if they come out) you can see how H-G things like the annual Bible festivals are cyclical, round.   The rotund creature is the HOG.

HUGS from Israel where I have come full circle.

HOG     [K]HOOG      Het-Vav-Gimel

HOOG                  חוג                    [HG]

ROOTS: Middle English hogge and Anglo-Saxon hogg are thought to “probably” come from Old Norse hoggua, to cut, since hogs like many other animals were castrated.  Either of two possible Edenic etymons are better than this hogwash.

1)   חוג  [K]HOOG means circle (Job 26:10). The HOG has a round girth. חג [K]HahG is a holiday (three forms in Exodus 12:14)  because Biblical time is circular, not linear (but see below).  Girth leads one to the Het-Gimel root ofחגר   [K]HahG(aR), to gird, bind, clasp - see "GIRDLE.”  Israeli archaeologists in early 2009 proved that making actual circuits around shrines was the primary reason why “holiday” and “circle” share a   ח-ג Het-Gimel. Religious encirclements continue on a smaller scale in synagogues on Sukkot, and in a larger scale on the Moslem Haj in Mecca when encircling the kaba, which is as black and square as a bayit of tefilin (phylacteries).

 2)  The HOG is nature’s premier grunter.      הגה HaGaH is to murmer, groan or growl, and is used for the rumbling of thunder and animal sounds like the lion’s growl. In Isaiah 59:11 bears are growling and doves are “moaning” (JPS).   Robert Govett published this link in 1869, and first heard a grunting HOG in      הגה  HaGaH.   Back to the weak given etymology, the Arabic form of   ה-ג-ה Hey-Gimel-Hey does mean “castrated.”

Related  to  חוג  [K]HOOG  (circle)  is    עוגGHOG  (“to form round” – Harkavy – Ezekiel 4:12)  See  “CAKE.”


BRANCHES:. In Bulgarian belchug is a metal ring put in the swine’s snout. The bel element means “snout,” so the chug should be a ringer for our חוג  [K]HOOG.  The Farsi pig or HOG is a chook.  Japanese chikyu means the globe of the earth, similar to the HOG, an unusually rotund creature  The GROUNDHOG or PORPOISE (related to porky pig) are merely reminiscent of the HOG’s wide girth. The Japanese pig, buta, is named for its thickness and fatness. See many  bilabial-dental words of fatness at “FAT.”   For words from the Biblical pig, [K]HaZeeYR, see “HYOSYAMINE.”

It takes a large and  rather strange person to HUG a HOG, but the similar sounding words may share a clasping of Het-Gimel girth.  HUG (to clasp, embrace) "probably" is from Old Norse hugga (to console, comfort).  We have the body-hugging girdle or [K]HahGOARaH (II Samuel 20:8) for housing a sword  or an apron. חבק  [K] Ha[V]aQ means to embrace (Genesis 29:13)  Hey-Bhet-Koof also males a fine source of HUG, as the middle Bhet often drops away after Babel. See “HATCH.”



HAGIO(GRAPHA)   [K]HahG   Het-Gimel


ROOTS: HAGIOGRAPHA is the third tier of books in the Hebrew Bible, containing non-legal, non-prophetic books like Psalms. The dozen HAGIO- words are form Greek hagios (holy) and "perhaps" from the IE “root” yag (to worship, reverence).

חג [K]HahG is a holy day, holiday or (pilgrimage) festival; the noun and verb are found at Exodus 23:14-15.    חגיגי [K] HaGeeYGeeY is solemn, exalted or festive;   חגגות  [K] HaGeeGOOT is solemnity.


BRANCHES:   חגא  [K]HaGAh is "terror," but Ebhen Shoshan's dictionary adds that it implies a pagan holiday.  Sadly, before 1950 pagan and Christian holidays too often meant murder and rapine   in Jewish atreas.      Arabic haji is one who has made a holy pilgrimage;   חגיגה [K]HaGeeYGaH is a pilgrimage.

 חג [K]aiG is "to make a circle" (see “GIRDLE.”)  The pilgrim is roundly hugged by circles and cycles, sacred places and holy days.  The Moslem pilgrimage is the HADJ. Arabic hajji (no D, but a jimel or G) is from חג

[K]HahG, pilgrimage festival.  The Moslem HEGIRA or hejira means flight, referring to Mohammad’s flight from the once Jewish city Medina to Mecca.  Perhaps the word entered the Arabic mind from the flight of HAGAR (Genesis 16:6 and later 21:14).   See “MIGRATE.”

PATIO          PaTaH        Pey-Tahf- Hey


ROOTS:  PATIO is an open space, now traced to Latin patere  to open;the alleged IE “root” is pet to (spread).

  הפיץHayPHeeYTS is to spread, but PATIO deserves Edenic PT words meaning “open” – and there is a large family of these. First Pey-Tahf words:

פתה  PaTaH is to open wide (Proverbs 20:1);   פתחPaTa[K]H is to open or begin (Deuteronomy 15:8);   ;   פתח PeTa[K]H is an opening (Genesis 18:1 – see “PASSAGE”).   פתוחPaTOOa[K]H means open (Genesis 7:11). 

 פסח  Pa$a[K]H, to pass over or SKIP over, also means an open gap.  See “SKIP.”

When a problem is knotty or twisted, P’TeeYL (see FUSE at “PUZZLE”), one must solve or “open” it,    פתר PaTaR (Genesis 40:16).  The overly naïve, tactless and open fool or “simpleton” is aפתי   PeTeeY     -- see “FATUITY.”

A Pey-Dalet word of opening, release and redemption is PaDaH (Leviticus 27:27).  Switching to Pey-Tet:  פטר PaDTeR is to let open, release, free  (1 Kings 6:35).            פטרPeDTER is the womb opener or firstborn (Exodus 13:2).  Switching to Pey-Tsadi:  פצה    PaTSaH is to open a mouth or to set free (Genesis 4:11); פצח   PaTSa[K]H is to burst or open.  For the “wound,” where skin is opened,   פצע PeTS[A]h  - (Exodus 21:25) - see “PUTSCH.”

The built-in opposite of all these bilabial-dental openers are similar sounding closed things.  Nature’s perfect enclosure is the egg,   בצהBaYTSaH. The opposite of the open PATIO is the closed house, בית   BaYiT (see “BOOTH”).   ביתBaYiT also means “within” (Genesis 6:14).


BRANCHES:   פצל  PeTSaL (to divide, split, branch off) is especially suited to PETAL and the pet IE “root”.   See “PEEL.”   Cognates of PETAL at the IE “root” above include FATHOM, EXPAND, PACE, PAS, PASS, PAN, PATEN, PATENT, PATINA and PATULOUS. Our entry, PATIO, is linked to Latin patere (to lie open). PATELLA is also traced to patere, and a word like PATH ought to get an opening here beside PACE and PASS.   PATH is currently traced to an alleged E root called pent (to tread, go), cognate with PUNT (see “BUTT”) and “sputnik.”.

פתח  PeTa[K]H is a doorway, entrance or opening) in dialects of Malay include bata, pi(n)to and yebuteh. A mountain PASS, linked to Latin passus (stretched out), might be linked to   פסה Pa$aH (to spread, be extended) and  PaSHaH (to spread out) as well – see “OPEN” and “PASSAGE.”  For a mountain gap which is a PASS or PASSAGE, also see “PASSAGE.”  PT and BT words for door are terms that offer PASSAGE .

  Related to the PT words here are PS terms from Latin fissus (split) like FISSION, FISSURE and FISTULA.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson