Monday, January 25, 2010

A WeDDing is a BeT on FaiTH

WD, BT and F-TH... We students of Edenics are picking up a pattern. Bilabial-dental or lip-made letters then tooth-made letters (tongue at the tooth ridge).

The same music of meaning is heard in aFFIDavit, deVOTE, deVOUT, FIDelity and VoTe.

The common theme is trust, good faith and surety. The Edenic sources include such bilabial-dentals as בטח BeDTaKH (certainty... with related words meaning assurance, insurance, promise, guarantee) and עבט [A]VoaDT (a pledge, with extensions meaning aFFIDavits to assure conFIDence).

Are VETO and VOID sound-alike opposites by sheer coincidence? Perhaps, were they not from the typically designed opposite term בטל BaDTahL, being null and void. Another bilabial-dental opposite of our theme of trust and surety is בדא BaDAh (deceit, posing falsely as truth, fraud).

May your wedding vows from "that time of confidence"
always ring of fidelity.

This missive fired from Sderot.

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Posted via email from Isaac Mozeson