(Edenic is Pre-Hebrew, Pre-Semitic, Proto-Earth,
the Divinely Designed Human Language Program of Eden)
Most of the Greek-from-Edenic matches appear in the E-Word Digital Dictionary.
A leading contributor here was Regina Werling [RW]
Note: Greek TH may come from Shin/SH or Tet/DT, not simply a ת Thaf. T-from- ש Shin is a standard shift in the post Babel-babble spin-off of Aramaic.
See the “TAURUS” entry in E-Word. Besides the contradictions, misquotes, and Jew-hatred, a devotee of the Greek Bible must consider if he/she trusts the
theology written in this corrupt language to be about Hebrew monotheism or Hellenic, Greek idolatry.
1. < indicates origin in Edenic, the ultimate source of other given roots
2. Upper Case letters are root letters; lower case letters aid pronunciation; bolding for focus.
3. a [bracketed] English word at the end points to an appropriate entry in the E-WORD: Edenics Digital dictionary.
At entries are full etymologies, other global cognates, and a Biblical citation (unless the Edenic word is Semitic, but not in the Bible.]
Letter Shift Codes A color-coded menorah of only 7 sounds, as all music is from 7 notes שנוי בצליל האותיות
S = letter shifts: [all vowels are interchangeable, no shifts needed]
S-B = bilabial shift [interchangeable lip letters: B, F, V, W],
S-F = fricative shift [interchangeable whistling letters: Soft C, S, TS]
S-G = guttural shift [interchangeable throat letters: Hard C,G, K, Q]
S-D = dental shift [interchangeable tooth letters: D, T, TS]
S-L = liquid shift [interchangeable tongue letters: L, R]
S-N = nasal shift [interchangeable nose letters: M, N]
N = nasalization (extra M or N inserted in the root).
M = metathesis (root letters switch places). Example: M132 means that the Greek word takes the 1st, 3rd, then 2nd root then 2nd
consonant letter of the Edenic root.
ß = reverse the (root letters of) the Edenic source word
B = a borrowing from another modern language
Key to Romanized Hebrew Aleph-Bet:
Vowels are in lower case. Root letters in Upper Case with [brackets] around unpronounced letters or non-historic ones in the derivative language. 5 Hebrew letters have end-forms.
Aleph א = A or any Upper Case VOWEL; Betב = B, Bhet = BH or (V); Gimel ג= G; Dalet = ד D; Hey ה= H;
Vav ו= V, OO or OA ; Zayinז = Z; Het ח= [K]H or K[H]; Tetט = DT; Yod י= Y; Kahf כ,ך = K, Khaf = KH;
Lamed ל= L; Memמ,ם = M; Noon נ,ן = N; Samekh ס= $; Ayin ע= bracketed UPPER CASE [VOWEL] or GH;
Peyפ,ף = P, Phey = PH or F; Zaddi צ,ץ= TS (always read ST in European), T or S; Koof ק= Q;
Raish ר= R or WR; Shin ש= SH, Sin = S; Tahf ת= T, TH, or (S)
abak, άβακας, ávakas or counting board; abakos, dust (as used in a drawing board of sand or dust for
mathematical figuring and erasing) < S-B אבק AhBHahQ, dust; S-G א-ב-ג Aleph-Bet-Gimel, the Hebrew “A,B,C" is also 1,2,3 [ABACUS]
abbâ ἀββᾶ , father < Aramaic אבא ABAh, father, minister < אב ABH, father, mentor [ABBOT]
agein, to lead < ß נהג NaHaG means to lead ; הגה HeGeH, rudder, helm, steering wheel.
Syriac אוגי OaGeeY means “he drove away” [SYNAGOGUE]
aer, air ß רוח ROOa[K]H (wind) , רוח ReVa[K]H, space, interval; empty “air” in print design [AIR[
aerktos, not fenced < M312 S-G S-D גדר GeDeR [GRID] negative prefix from א Eey- [A-] RW
aetós αετός , kite, gliding bird of prey < עיט [A]hYiDT or GHaYiDT, bird of prey [KITE]
agállomai αγάλλομαι, to jubilate, be joyful; gélio γέλιο, laugh < גל GahL, to rejoice [GALA] RW
agape αγάπη , love < S-G S-B חבה [K]HeeBaH, love, esteem [AVARICE]; אחוה A[K]HaVaH (fraternity) JW
ageláda αγελάδα, cow < עגלה [E]GLaH, young cow (Gen. 15:9) [BUCKAROO]
agnós αγνός , innocent, pure < ß S-G נקי NaQeeY [INNOCENT]
agrios, non-domestic, “of the field” (as in onager) < seen in guttural-liquid “farmer” words like אכר EeKahR
and Aramaic (later Hebrew) חקלאי K[H]aQ’LAeY [AGRICULTURALIST]
agora αγορά, a coin, and verb of purchasing < כרהKaRaH, to hire; מכר MeKHeR, price; שכר SoaKHeR ,
“he who hires” [HIRE]
aifnídia αιφνίδια, suddenly < M132 S-B S-N S-D פתאם PiTOaM, suddenly (Proverbs 6:15)
aix αίξ or aigós αιγός he-goat , he-goat < עז [A]iZ or GHaiZ, she-goat [GAUZE]
akantha αγκάθι and ankáthi, thorn < N. קוץ QOATS (thorn) [ACUTE]
alfa, beta, gamma, delta < B. א , ב , ג ,ד … Alef, Bet, Gimel, Dalet [ALPHABET]
afstirós αυστηρός (strict, stringent, austere) < צר TSahR, narrow, restrictive [STRAIT[
alké strength; alkimos, brave > ß חיל K[H]aYiL, strength, ability [ILL]
almyrós αλμυρός, salty < מר MahR, bitter, briny as sea water [MARINE]
aloi αλοή, aloe < אהל AHahL (Numbers 24:6) ]ALOE]
alopex αλώπηξ , fox < M231 כלב KeLeBH, canine, dog [LUPUS]
analkimos weak < Greek prefix an, not, lacking < אין AiN (without) [INSOMNIA]
for the alk element, see alké above
anakaleo, to call out; anaklaíō ἀνακλάω , to weep loudly < קול QOAL, a voice or cry;
S-L קרא QaRaH, to cry out [CRY]
analfabeto, illiterate < Alphabet is a known borrowing by the illiterate Greeks of the Semitic writing system.
The Greeks went on to prize their Alpha-Beta and literacy, and to look down on those who had no Alef-Bet or
אין אליף בית AiN Alef-Bet [ALPHABET]
anarchía, ἀναρχία < אין AYN (no) + עורך [O]WReKH, order, arranging [ARCHITECT]
andros , man, masculine < ß S-D S-N 1. מתי MiTaY , men [MASCULINE]
2. ß S-D S-N אדם ADaM (man), [ETHNIC]
ánemos άνεμος wind < M132 S-F נשימה N’SHeeYMaH, breath; נשמה NiS(H)aMaH means breath and soul
angelos, messenger < S-N S-G M132 מלאך MaLAhKH, angel, messenger. The messenger is told to לך LaiKH,
go, rather than the go-maker, the מלך MeLeKH, king. [ANGEL]
ankáthi αγκάθι, thorn < N. S-G S-D 1. קוץ QOATS, thorn; 2. N. S-G S-D חד K[H]ahD, sharp [DART]
ankhonē, a strangling < M231 חנק K[H]eNeQ, strangulation [HANG, NECK]
ankulos, crooked; ánkyraI ἄγκυρα, anchor < 1.אנך ANaKH, plummet, plumbline (Amos 7:7);
2. N S-L עקל [O]oQahL, crooked [ANCHOR]
anōnumos, nameless; an, without + onuma, name < אין AyN, without + ß מנה MeeNah, to appoint…
to name (for a position) [NAME]
anthos άνθος , flower < S-D נץ NaiTS, flower, blossom [ANTHOLOGY]
anthropos, ánthro̱poi άνθρωποι , human being, mankind < 1 . Shin/S-to-TH shift אנוש ENOASH, people,
mankind; 2. ß S-D S-N מתי MiTaY , men; 3. ß S-D S-N אדם ADaM (man), [ETHNIC]
antika αντίκα , antique < by folk etymology to Attica, Greece. It’s a nasalized (extra N ) עתיק ATeeYQ, ancient [ANTIQUE]
aráchni αράχνη, (web-building) spider; arche, rule; Archos, ruler; arkhein, to rule < ערך [A]iReKH, order,
arrangement ; thus עורך [O]WRaiKH became the word for an arranger… like an editor [ARCHITECT]
argos, white; arguros, silver < ß S-G חור K[H]OOR, the white linen in (Isaiah 19:9), and the silvery hair
of elders in I Samuel 21:8 [HOARY] -- see nkrizo
arktikos, "of the bear” whence ARCTIC. The bear is the animal world’s 2-legged “dancer.”
< רקד RaQaD, to dance [ORCHESTRA]
árōma ἄρωμα , aromatic herb < ß מר MoaR, spice in the Temple incense [AROMA]
aroma aroma < B [Lat. arōma] < Greek ἄρωμα árōma spice word of "unknown origin," < ß מר
MoaR, MYRRH (a spice in the Biblical incense) [MYRTLE]
asilla (yoke) , re-borrowed in PBH as אסל Ay$eL (yoke) < S-L אסר A$ahR, to tie, harness, and the binding
fricative-liquid family [ARREST, SARI].
Asmodeus , demon of destruction < S-F השמיד HeeSHMeeYD, to destroy, exterminate [SMITE]
āthelein, to contend < Sin/S to TH shift, S-L שרה SaRaH, to struggle, persevere
[source of “athlete,” “athletic/s,” etc. at ARITHMETIC]
átomo Άτομο, ATOM, person, individual < אדם ADaM, man; Adam, the sole, first man [DEMOCRAT]
Janusz Worowski
afstirós αυστηρός (strict, stringent, austere) < עצר ] A[TSoaR is to restrain or hold oneself back [STRAIT]
axine, axe B < Aramaicחצינא [K]HaTSeeYNAh, Akkadian hasinnu or חצין [K]HaTSeeYN, axe [CUT]
bálsamon βάλσαμον, balsamic, fragrant oils < liquidized בשם BoaSeM, perfumed, spiced oils, a balsam tree
bárbaros βάρβαρος, barbaric < a) < בער Ba’[A]hR, brutish, stupid men (Ezekiel 21:36); b) Aramaic בר BahR
outside the city, thus “uncultivated” and “wild.” c) only lastly, there's the far-fetched but famous
folk etymology of foreign, non-Greeks, bárbaros, speaking gibberish that might sound like “bar-bar”
(This is better as babble from Babel). [ BARBARIAN, BARRIO, BOOR]
bathos, depth; and the nasalized benthos, depths < ß S-D טבע DTaBH[A]h , to immerse, sink [DIP]
(thus the emotional deep bath of PATHOS, Greek suffering, passion in tragic Greek religion– see pathos)
bema, stage, platform < במה BaMaH, elevated area for rituals (in Tanach, inferring sacrifices in
improper places…Middle Hebrew (re-)borrowed the Greek word for the platform in mid
synagogue… New Hebrew uses מה BaMaH for a theatrical stage, or the theatre) [BEMA]
biblos, papyrus reed for a writing surface… later a book < Egyptian < אבוב ABOOBH, pipe, tube, knotgrass
blastēma βλαστ(άρι) (offspring, sprout) and blastos, bud< S-B S-L פרץ PaRaST to spread out and grow
forth [BLAST]
botanē, a plant or herb; vótano βότανο, herb < M231 נבט NahBHaDT (sprout), noun and a verb of
germinating and sprouting. Arabic Nabat is a plant. [BOTANY]
boukol βουκόλος, herdsman (source of BUCOLIC) < S-L בקר BoaQeR, cattleman [BUCKAROO]
brátso μπράτσο, arm < פרץ PaRaTS (dental or fricative), to spread out, to extend or to branch out from,
as the arm does from the torso (Genesis 28:14) [BRACE, BRASSIERE, BRA[N]CH]
bursa, purse; byrsa (hide, leather) < M132 בשר BaSahR, flesh, skin (a purse to reimburse at the bourse was
always made of leather) [BURSAR]
chamógelo χαμόγελο, smile < S-F S-G שמח SaMeyaK[H], happy [SMUG, SMIRK]
chir or chéri χέρι, hand < ß האריך [H’E]ReeYKH, to extend [REACH]
chitónas χιτώνας, tunic < כתנת KiToNeT, long shirt, coat, garment [COTTON]
chó̱ma Χώμα, soil, earth < חמר K[H]oaMeR, clay [CERAMIC]
chóra Χώρα, country
< ß reverse Aramaic ארעא AhR’GHA’h,
land [AREA, EARTH]
cyt , a cell or cyst (biological sac) < S-D כד KahD, container, water pitcher [CADDY]
daktylos δακτυλος, finger < דקל DeQeL (palm tree) is palm or hand-like, of palmate design both from
the large branches or "fingers" of the palm tree, and the palm or hand of its many fronds or "fingers."
The extra T in daktylos may be an attempt to link it to Latin digitus (finger, toe). [DULCET]
délta δέλτα, DELTA is the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet < דלת DeLeT , letter Dalet, is the fourth
letter of the Hebrew alphabet, borrowed from Semites. דלת DeLeT (whence letter Dalet) means "door"
- Proverbs 26:14) [DELTA]
demos people < אדם ADaM, earthling; human, person; בני אדם B’NaY ADaM, children of Adam,
people [DEMOCRAT]
dendron δέντρο, tree < S-D S-N the superlative tree of antiquity, source of columns, masts, etc., the תמר
TaMaR, date palm [TAMARISK, TIMBER]
di- as in diploō (to double); dis (twice); a repetition, the 2nd time; and as DEUteronomy, δεύτερος |
< Aramaic דו DOO, two [DUO]
diáfragma διάφραγμα, diaphragm < S-B S-G a family of פרק PeReQ words meaning a break, division
or section, including פרכת PaRoaKHeT, curtain, the space-breaker [BREAK, PARK]
diaspora διασπορά, dispersion < dia + speirein (σπέρ) , to sow, scatter < spóros σπόρος , seed < M213
פזר PaZeR, to disperse, scatter, as in SPORES [DIASPORA, SPRAY] see sporā
diatribe διατριβή , debate, philosophical conversation < credited to tribein, to rub
< M132 S-D דבר DaBHaR, a legal complaint (Numbers 27:7), a prophetic
teaching, oration; the Ten “Commandments” are דברים DiBHaRim. [DIATRIBE]
didymo δίδυμο, twin < S-D תאום T’OWM, twin [TEAM]
díkaios δίκαιος (fair, right, just) ; dikaiōsis, justification; diké , justice, right, court case < Dropped צ Tsade
or M231 of צדק TSeDeQ, righteousness, justice; צדק TSeeDaiQ, to justify [SYNDICATE] .
Western “justice” has dropped the Tsadik (righteous sage) from the courtroom. The “jury of peers” concept that replaced Torah’s panel
of legal scholars was less insane when the landowners who assumed jury duty were among the most literate of society. Today’s level
of justice can be summed up in 2 letters: O.J.
dínoun δίνουν, to give < תן TaiN (give!); אתנן ET’NaN, מתנה MahTahNaH, and (reversing D-N) נדב
NaDa(V) means a gift or donation [DONATE]
dónti δόντι, tooth < שן SHeN (tooth), צן TSeN (thorn) [TINE]
drosiá, δροσιά is from Greek drosos, dew < S-L S-D טל DTahL, dew [DROSERA]
drus or drys, δρυς, tree, oak < S-D תרזה TiRZaH, a firm (durable) tree, oak in Isaiah 44:14 [TREE]
dynasteía δυναστεία , governmental power < דין DeeYN, law… which is why a מדינהM’DeeYNaH
is a province, city state, a governmental body with a jurisdiction of particular law [DYNASTY]
dýo δύο , number two < Aramaic דו DOO two [DUO]
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