Chibchan (extinct, Amerind language of Colombia) -- Fernando Aedo
ata, one < אחת A[K]HaT,
one (f.) [EACH]
át-uba, finger < אצבע ETSB[A]h, finger
boza, two < ב Bai(S), two [BOTH]
dakane, chin < טחן DTaK[H]aN, to
grind (what the molars in the moving chin are doing) [CHIN]
ébi, ùba, corn, maize, fruit < אבב ABHahBH, to bloom; אביב ABHeeYBH, blossomed ears (of
grain, etc.); אב AiBH,
fruit. The opposite of the father or progenitor; the offspring or produce [VIVA]
guanuána, neck
< ענק GHahNahQ, necklace; חנק K[H]aNahQ, to choke, strangle [NECK]
‘hItosane, chief < קצין QaTSeeYN,
ruler, chief, military commander [CUT]
húkka, roof
< S-G גג
GaG, roof, top
covering ]GAG[
inkáni , cane < קנהQaNeH 1.
stalk, 2. reed, cane [CANE]
isamine, two < שנים SH’NaYiM, two; שני SHeyNeeY, second [CHANGE]
kékka, kákkua, mouth < חך K[H]aiKH, palate,
mouth (Songs 7:10)
kárara, leg < כרע KeR[A]h,
leg [CROUCH]
kelké, leaf < עלה
GHahLeH, leaf;
lit. what grows up [KALE]
kíkkara, bone < גרם GaReM, bone or de-bone [GRIST]
misa, iguana < ß שממית
SiMaMeeYT, a kind of lizard (Prov. 30:28)
muysca, man < מת Mah(S) , man, person [MASCULINE]
naj, I (1st
< אני ANeeY, I [ME]
sijára, moon < שהרון SaHaRoN , moon, crescent [MOON]
síggi, deer < שעירה SiGHeeYRaH, she-goat;שעיר SiGHeeYR,
hairy, he-goat, buck [CIRRUS]
sina, spear < עצן [E]TSeN sharp, strong, spear; צן TSaiN,
spikey thorn [TINE]
song, caiman or alligator < תנין
(S)aNeeYN, crocodile
sòkwa, bed < משכב MiSHKah(V), bed, couch; שכב SHaKHah(V), to lie down [SUCCUBUS]
tsáʔgo, toucan < S-D S-G תוקי TOOKeY, peacock, exotic bird [TOUCAN]
‘tsibere, hill < צבר TSeBeR, a
pile or heap [PROTUBERANCE]
sumi, fish hook < צנה
TSeeNaH, fishing hook (Amos 4:2), thorn [TINE]
túdu, breast < דד DahD,
nipple [TEAT]
túmbri, drum < תף ToaPH,
hand-drum (Genesis 31: 27) [TAP]
úbasa, house < בית BaYi(S) or
BaYiT, house, home base [BOOTH]
ukásia, ten < עשר [E]SeR or GHeSeR, ten ]MITT[[
zúla seed < S-L זרע ZaRa[A], seed, offspring [SOW]