Tuesday, November 28, 2017


LIST (tilt)        TSeL[A]h      Tsadi-Lamed-Ayin
TSEL-ah                  צלע                [TS-L à LST]   
ROOTS: LIST and LISTEN are given the IE “root” of kleu-1 (to hear). They are together because LISTENING involves LISTING, tilting or leaning over to a side to hear something. LIST3 (tilt) has no known source.  Neither does LIST2 (a narrow strip of wood), LIST4 (to listen) and   LIST5 (an inclination or desire, leaning favorably toward an option). You will find all these below. The AHD only offer that the shopping LIST is from an Old Italian and uncertain Germanic source for enlisting in the army.
The sounds and senses of this etymology are so poor, that one might consider an etymon of leaning over to one side with an L and ST, even if it has been reversed from TS-L.
Before a boat sinks, it will LIST, tilt or lean over to one side.
TILT can  only traced to Middle English. TILt is a reversed LIST if a צ Tsadi is involved.
צלע TSeL[A]h is a side, poorly rendered “rib” in Adam’s anesthetized operation in Genesis 2:21 which separated the human’s male and female sides (yin/yang aspects).  More like LISTING is the verb form of    צלע  Tsadi-Lamed-Ayin, which has Jacob limping, favoring one side, after his long bout of Greco-Roman wrestling in Genesis 32:32.  This is the LISTING, the perilously tipping over to one side, of a ship that could sink.
צל TSeL, a shadow, favors one side, like a limp. It depends on the angle of the light source, as only one dimension or side of something is illuminated.  A few other צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed words that make up a family of SIDE words include the following :
  אציל ATSeeYL is an extremity (on the side – Isaiah 41:9), אציל AhTSeeYL is the wing of a building (Ezekiel 41:8), אצל ATSahL is to put aside (Numbers 11:17),  אצל AyTSeL means side or beside (I Samuel 20:41), הציל  HeeTSeeYL, formal root נצל , is “he rescued,” but this can now be better understood as “he put aside…out of harm’s way – see “STEAL.”   Putting something aside surreptitiously,  putting it out of sight (see “STEAL”) are all about what צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed means: side (this entry),  image (see “BASIL”) , and shadow  ( see “SILHOUETTE.”)

צלא TSiLAh, to incline, in what Harkavy calls Chaldean (equivalent to Aramaic).
צלה TSaLaH, to roast, more familiar as צלי  TSaLeeY, roasted by fire (Exodus 12:8), the cooking is done one side at a time.  More commonly food is cooked, boiled or baked on all sides by heated water or air.
צלל TSaLaL is the sound or tingle we incline the ear to hear or LISTEN to, whether the whirring of crickets  (Deuteronomy 28:42) or tinkling of cymbals (II  Samuel 6:5).

                 (Remember that  צ  Tsadi can be a fricative or a dental).
צלע , TSaL[A]h, limping or favoring one side,  and the side as “rib” is above. Here are several more “side” meanings of  צלע  TSaL[A]h,  in Tanach: Exodus 26:20 my “side,” my welfare or well-being;  צלע  TSeyL[A]h is the side of a hill in II Samuel 16:13; צלע  TSeyL[A]h is the side of a structure in Exodus 37:27, with  the sense of a flat panel, leaf  or board in I Kings 6:15 which speaks to many derivative words below;  and there are a few uses of  צלע  TSeyL[A]h as a side-chamber, like I Kings 6:5.

צלע   Tsadi-Lamed-Ayin, TSaL[A]h,  limping, is the reverse,
            and the liquid-fricative opposite of
  רצא   Resh-Tsadi-Aleph,  RaTSAh,  running  [RACE]

BRANCHES:   As seen at “SILHOUETTE,” a person is    עצל[A]hTSeL,  LAZY, because he’d rather rest in the shade,  צל  TSeL, than make hay while the hot sun is shining.  The צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed is being read backwards at the “LAZY” entry. 
Listed cognates of the entry’s IE “root” include LEER, LOUD and UMLAUT, so the “root” should sink like a badly LISTING ship. To sink is  צלל TSaLaL, see “TEAL.”
For the written LIST, see the liquid-fricative root at “RESUME.”  There is no IE “root” for LISTLESS, but one possibility is  לשד LeSHeD, vigor, vitality.
Back to  צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed/TS-L  as “side:”  Arabic  In Chipaya (Bolivia) atara, side < S-D S-L  צלע TSayL[A]h, side, geometric leg.   German reverses צ-ל   Tsadi-Lamed  to Leist, a “side” word with the following meanings: ledge, border, head or tail-piece.
The צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed sub-root informs such words. The flat plate or dish, the Modern Hebrew צלחת TSaLa]K[HaT is from צלחה TSaL[K]HaH (II Chronicles 35:13), like the flat board above.  Aramaic צלחתא  TSiL[K]HaTAh means a pain on one side of the head.  צלת  TSaLaT is to cross to the other side of a river.

Many L-ST and ST- words refer to a flat side, a sheet.  See “SHEET.”

Bulgarian    list             (sheet, leaf, page, plate).
Croatian     list             (sheet, leaf, blade, flatfish)
Czech        list             (sheet, leaf, blade, paper)
Finnish       lista          (moulding, sheet )
Hungarian asztal        (table, an expanse… see “DESK”)
Hungarian szél ß        (edge, margin, border, hem)
Polish        listek          (leaf, sheet, leaflet)
Russian     list             (sheet)  лист
Serbian     list             (sheet)
Slovak      list              (sheet, letter, leaf, blade, paper)
Tamil        tāḷ   தாள்  (sheet)
Ukrainian  lyst            (sheet)

 German Stelzbein is a stilt, wooden leg; stolzieren is to stalk. Both kinds of walking stiffly resemble  צלע TSaL[A]h,  to limp;  צלע TSeyL[A]h is a geometric leg. 
The side of a man or beast, the flank in Irish is slios, Old  Irish sliss, and Welsh ystlis.  These are related to  Latin stlâtus and Iâtus, wide, source of LATITUDE  (the distance side-to-side). [FA]
Hungarian has the D-from-Tsadi shift as Aramaic, and l means to lean, tilt.
The AHD does have an IE "root" for LATITUDE and DILATE with an ST and L.  Stelə (to extend) is backwards and incorrect, but it is still impressive how close they came to צלע T(S)eLaGH (side).
LATERAL (on the side) should be at that "root."  Instead they add as cognates LAMELLA and OMELET, but admit  "but more likely of obscure origin."  Italian lato is side.
Polish “side” is strona (S-L). [Schreyer Waclaw]  Since   צלע    TSeL[A]h  is a side-part, a part or side,thus the “rib” of Eve in Genesis 2:21.  It now means a geometric “leg.”   DZiaL is a division or part in Polish. Dzial appears in one-sided Polish words like podział (partition), dzielenie a division),  dzielic’  (to separate), dział (a section),  wydział and rozdział . 
A shadow slants to one-side, or lists on one side like a sinking ship; this is why צליעה TSiLeeYaH means limping (favoring one side). Many the global words for “side” seem to have a Tsadi-Lamed/TS-L have an added letter on the side. Such words include Bengali mazole, Maltese pistula, and Quechua (Inca) pistula.

Dale is a rib, and Polish dzial  (part) also seems to be from   צלע   TSeL[A]h  (part, rib, side) – requiring only a dental shift. Since   צלע  TSeL[A]h  is a side-part, a part or side, translated narrowly as the “rib” of Eve in Genesis 2:21.  Instead of a human aspect of character and biology. (The rib is the only bone that can regenerate.)  The literal translation ruins a rich metaphor.  In Modern Hebrew  צלע   TSeL[A]h  can mean a geometric “leg.”   DZiaL is a division or part in Polish. Dzial is a one-sided element in Polish words like dzielenie (a division),  dzielić  (to separate), dział (a section), podział (partition), rozdział (division, separation, chapter) and wydział (department, section) .  A shadow is a one-sided slant, and to list on one side like a sinking ship; this is why צליעה TSiLeeYaH means limping (favoring one side). [LIST, SILHOUETTE]
If you are looking for words from  צד TSahD, the usual word for side , see “SIDE.” Other global ‘side” words are at entries like  “COAST” and  “EXIT.”

Forms of  צלע   TSeL[A]h or TSeLaGH (part, side; to list) in Bantu (southern Africa)
by Fernando Aedo: (Remember that  צ  Tsadi can be a fricative or a dental).

Chewa : Mtenje                   seli,             the other side
      “             "                      tseli,             the side of, the steep side of a hill
Kalanga: Mathangwane      seli,               across, the other side of a river
Venda: Murphy                   seli,                on the other side
Emakhua: Kisseberth          therenyaa,     to slope  S-L N
        "              "                    tteremuuko,   n. slope  S-L N
Lozi: Jala                             -shelukela,      to slope gently      S-F  S-G
Mambwe: Halemba                 -solosya,       to make a slope (in a roof)
Mambwe: Halmba                   -soloka,         to slope steeply,
Langi ku                                  -serera,          lean, bent down, slope  S-L
Yao: Ngunga                            -teluka,         to descend a slope
Yao: Ngunga                            - tuluka,         n. a downward slope

Shadows, except for high noon, present sides. More צל  TSeL shade at “CEILING.”
As side, LATERAL bones (Latin latus, side), some languages should support the Biblical צלע   TSeL[A]h  as “rib” (Genesis 2:22). The best ribs are served up by the Siouian Plains Indians of North America. “Rib” in Proto-Siouan and Proto Mississipi Valley  is *i-ru’-te . As usual in Amerind and Asian the Edenic is reversed or read backwards.  (Not reversed, but with a D-from- צ Tsadi shift
in the “rib” word of Crow (same family): duula.

Psalms 121:5    ה צלך על יד ימינך   --  The Lord shadows you (TSeeLKHaH)  at your right-hand side. This verse reflects a comforting intimacy. On the darker side, it may imply that we sow what we reap… Isaac’s Third Law of Spiritual Thermodynamics: Measure for Measure.

In our “LIST” entry we meet the LIST, favoring one SIDE, of a mortally wounded ship. The entry heavily favors the “side” meaning of  צלע   TSeL[A]h, rather than the “rib” interpretation loved by daughters of Eve.   צל   TSeL, shadow,  points to this side interpretation with every silhouette from a light source.

TILT has more than a physical sense of slating or sloping. It also means “an advantage to one side,” and “a tendancy to favor one side.” TILT 2 takes us back to the essential  צ-ל  Tsadi-Lamed root meaning of shade: “a canopy or awning for a boat, wagon or cart.”