Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Meaning of names CAIN and ABEL

CAIN, Genesis 4:1 קין QahYiN (not directly a word, but the verse itself says that Eve gave birth to and raised Cain as if she, like the Creator, could  קנה QaNaH (possess, acquire, create)
a person.   Parents and mothers have a profound link to their  children,  but we must never forget that human souls have a higher parent. 

 Cain’s  COINAGE or name  rhymes with GAIN.         
קין QahYiN / Cain was a man of possession and acquisition.  קנאה QiN’AH (means possessiveness, envy – Numbers 5:4). קנין QiNYaN is an acquisition (Leviticus 22:11).
Loss evokes  קינה QeeYNaH (lamenting – see “KEENING.”) 

Unlike his pastoral brother, קין QahYiN / Cain was a man of the earth. Sufficiency was not the issue. His family farmland to split with his brother was THE WHOLE PLANET.
It was not enough.

Pushing Cain over the edge to murderous rage was the notion that his brother was divinely Chosen, instead of him. “Oh yeah?”, screams the hateful Replacement Theologist from Paul to Mohammad to Hitler, “let’s see how Chosen you are after I turn you into dust.”  
Again, the eternal soul and the Eternal is out of sight …  out of mind.  קין QahYiN / Cain  the man of earth lives to feather his estate, his קן QaiN (nest).  He is made homeless.

ABeL, Genesis 4:2  הבל  He(V)eL /Abel  means a breath, Psalms 144:4; and vanity, Ecclesiastes 1:2.   

There’s the breathy sigh of “the good die young,” and the realization that for every person willing to give to and to thank the Creator, there is a jealous, Cain-like Replacement Theology nutjob anxious to murder him. 
A breathe on a winter’s window pane has a glorious moment, and fades fast.

The E-Word entry with הבל  He(V)eL is “EXHALE,” to emit vapor, as Latin hālāre means “to breathe.”  (A mid-word ב  Bhet/V often becomes a vowel like U or drops out… like LAUNDRY from  לבן LA(V)aN, white. In Spanish clothes are whitened or washed in a lavandaria.)

Parsing the name הבל  He(V)eL or HeBHeL/ Abel, we have 1) הב HahBH means “give,” the core-root or “heart” of  אהבה AHa(V)aH, love + the Aleph א - Lamed ל  of the deity name, translatable as “Power.” So, the name  הבל  He(V)eL/Abel   evokes both “Give-to-the Lord” and “exhalation” 
as if we should say הלל  HaLeL (praise) for every breath.